The adventures of Luca and Finn


Sexy Member
Aug 11, 2012
Hey all, this is a fan fiction story based on Finn’s. All credit to him and I hope you enjoy.

Shortly after Luca professed his love to Finn they got a flat together. Nothing fancy, 2 beds and a single bathroom, though it was clean and pretty spacious.

Luca had put down the deposit, and so he got the big bedroom. Not that it mattered much. Finn and Luca slept together most nights.

Despite a more profound expression of love, their relationship didn’t change much. They were still just good friends.
“Yah want to go clubbing tonight?” asked Luca. “For sure, let’s get drunk” said Finn.

Luca in true from found a revealing shirt and started the night with shots of tequila before they left the flat. The club was close by, the other side of a university. Kind of a long walk, or a short bus ride.

Finn and Luca walked into the club and up the bar “two shots of tequila” then seeing a couple fit girls nearby “make that four”. Finn and Luca walked towards the girls and offered the drinks. Which they gladly took.

“Where yall from”
“Just up the road” and so on. After a few minutes the conversation petered out and they wouldn’t be bribed to go onto the dance floor.

Finn grabbed a couple more drinks and motioned for Luca to come dance. Neither was drunk by any means, but Luca was dancing with Finn more intimately than he usually would in public. Finn didn’t mind the attention, but “hey, don’t make me seem so gay, might want to still find a girl tonight “. Luca laughed uproariously, but following his eyes there may be a target already.

Luca sauntered towards his target, and Finn walked back towards the bar, with his gaze hanging a little too long. When his head finally turned he was nearly running over a girl. “Oh Jeeze I’m sorry” “that is okay, I’m Amy” and stuck her hand out. Finn, usually a bit shy, appreciated Amy’s approach. “Can I get you a drink “ - “sure”. Back at the bar “can I get a beer and a … margarita?”

Amy and Finn went out on the dance floor while sipping drinks. Finn was just drunk enough to have some confidence… even if he kept thinking about Luca… was Luca thinking about him? But Amy was beautiful. Young face, fit stomach and round butt. and she was able to hold the conversation.

Amy turned out to love down the road, goes to university, is an art major, loves movies, favorite food is….. etc. she could definitely hold the conversation. Finn didn’t mind this was great, and Amy didn’t seem selfish or anything.

Finn saw Luca strike out with the girl he was hoping for and go back to the bar. Finn was kinda relieved. One of Amy’s friends came up and pulled he away with some excuse.

“Hey, can I get your number” asked Finn?
“Definitely “ and she put her number in is phone.
Luca walked up to Finn “no luck?” “Actually….. got her digits at least”.
“Nice, let’s blow this joint. I know another place up the road”
As they are walking down the road Finn finally speaks up “you know it’s okay if you want to fuck girls, I still have the desire”

“oh thank goodness! I was worried what you thought, it doesn’t change my feelings for you, but ass isn’t the same as pussy” said luca

“fair enough, but I’m committed to you, is first, girls second” said Finn

“Deal” replied luca

Luca grabbed Finn’s cock in one hand, ass in the other , and planted a big wet kiss on Finn’s lips.

The second bar did not produce anymore success with the ladies. Little bumping and grinding. But neither was disappointed. They still got to go home with each other.

Drunk, stumbling they left a trail of clothes from the front door the the shower. “Come help clean me up?” Asked Luca

Finn just walked into the shower. The bathroom had been refinished and was actually very nice and spacious.

Finn grabbed the soap and started rubbing Lucas body all over. Gently tasting his nipples, ass, cock and balls.

“Mmm, my turn”

Luca returned the favor, providing a short back massage as well, while his swelling member rubbed on Finn’s ass crack.

“Turn around, let’s jerk our cocks together” said luca

Placing both dicks in Lucas hand he worked masterfully. They kissed and finn massaged Lucas balls. It wasn’t long before they came all over each other.

“I’m beat, let’s get some sleep” said Finn and they cuddled in bed together.
The next day Finn went to work. Remembering Amy from the previous night he texted her.
“Hey, this is Finn from the club”
“Oh hey, glad you messaged”
“Really? I mean I enjoyed myself, but girls give fake numbers lol”
“We do, but I didn’t “
“Want to get a coffee”
“Yah, I get off at 5”

They met that afternoon for a drink. Amy had a way of getting information out of Finn. Seemed fast, but it was nearly dinner time. “Hey, want to continue this conversation over dinner?” “Sure! I know this great Thai place”

Well that was a conversation starter. But Finn held back all his sexual adventures… and his relationship with Luca. This was already getting weird. Sure Luca and Finn had each fucked girls, but none they moved on together. And even more… he kinda “liked” Amy. Yeah, she was hot, would look great laid out on his bed, but he actually enjoyed time with her.

He was conflicted at the end of dinner. When normally he would ask her back for some “dessert”. But Amy spoke first “look, this is fun, but I’m not going to jump too fast. Maybe another date or two”. Whew, good.

Finn walked Amy back to her dorm and kissed her goodnight. By now it was 10 o’clock and Luca was texting repeatedly.
“Hey man, I was on a date with Amy”
“No shit! She suck your dick as good as me?”
“Never, or at least, not yet. You cool with this”
“Yeah buddy, 100%. But come home and show me how much you appreciate me” concluded Luca.

As Finn was sucking Luca’s cock that evening he had a fleeting thought of Amy. That is interesting.