The App (mm, Teacher/student)


Legendary Member
Apr 28, 2019
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Hi! I've never written anything on LPSG before but I thought I'd give it a shot. Writing is actually what I do professionally but sometimes it's nice to write something a little different every now and then. Hope you enjoy! I'll have more parts coming.

The App (1/?)
It was a dreary and rainy that Saturday morning. I woke to the sound of birds singing outside of my window and the smell of bacon frying in the kitchen. As I fluttered open my eyes and sat up in bed, I took in the two presents at my feet. I knew my father must have sneaked in during the night as he had since I was six. That, along with the delicious breakfast, there was no mistaking it was a special Saturday.

I jumped from bed, ignoring the intricately wrapped presents for the moment, and dashed to my calendar. Half of the days had passed, counted with large red X’s over them. One date – that day’s date – was circled with a small balloon filling it.

“Finally,” I beamed, crossing a large X through it. It was my birthday. No longer was I a child. I was eighteen. And unlike other eighteen year olds, there as only one thing I wanted for my birthday.

My phone sat on the dresser next to my bed. I grabbed it and pulled up my apps – the ones I kept hidden from the prying eye. Three in total: a locked photo album, a private browser filled with my favorite videos, and the app. The app.


I had been sixteen when I found out about the app – whispered about in the school hallways. For two years, it sat unused in my phone. That was until that day.

I opened the app and stared down at the sign-up form. It looked simple enough. A username here, a secret email account there. In minutes, my account was created. There was only one thing left to do: upload some photos.

That was where the locked photo album came in handy. Just after midnight, once I had made sure my parents were asleep, I hid away in the bathroom and went to work. All in all, I had settled on four pictures. None of them showed my face. I knew if someone recognized me on the app, they’d tell my parents. And instead of questioning why that person was on the app in first place, my parents would instead reprimand me. So I needed to be careful in my photos.

The four I settled on were pretty standard: a butt shot, a crotch shot with my hand covering, a shirtless selfie with my jeans pulled just far enough down to show off my pubes, and an “artsy” one of me in just a tee-shirt. I thought it was just the right amount of flavor.

With the photos uploaded, I didn’t know what to do. I thought about scanning through the available men but then I’d just get horny. And I knew my parents would be bursting in soon to sing Happy Birthday with a harmonica (my dad’s extra touch). Instead, I sat my phone back on the dresser and started to pick out my outfit for the day.

In my mind, I was absolutely sure I’d be hooking up with someone before the day was over. Of course, it would be my first time, and of course, I would be scared, but a part of me felt determined. The outfit I chose had to be perfect. Apparently, that was a faded Metallica shirt and paint-stained blue jeans.

Finally dressed, I turned to the mirror on my door and fussed with my hair. It was far too dark to my liking thanks to my mother’s genes. And the way it fell haphazardly against my eyebrows was just nature’s way of telling me I should have never used the kitchen scissors for a homemade haircut.

“Honey,” my mother called. Her voice sounded from just behind the door.

I yanked it open and smiled at her. Sure enough, she was with my dad who carried a golden harmonic in his right hand. “Yeah?”

They immediately broke into song. The notes were off-key and it sounded like a seal was being suffocated when my dad blew into his hands, but it was touching just the same. When they finally finished, they each dove at me, demanding birthday hugs.

“I can’t believe you’re finally an adult,” my mother whined into my ear.

“Okay, okay,” I fussed, pushing her away. “You’ll mess up my hair.”

“I wish you’d just get it cut,” she protested in return.

I turned. “Dad.

My dad rolled his eyes, which were bug-like behind his wide-rimmed eyeglasses. “Let the boy live, Mal. He’s not young forever, you know.”

“Fine, fine.” She turned but not before patting my cheek softly. “I’ve got to finish breakfast. The eggs are probably burning.”

My dad sighed and stepped into the room. “She’d lose her head were it not screwed onto her neck.”

“Definitely,” I laughed.

“So, look. You’re eighteen now. I know you probably don’t want to stay at home all night. You want to go out with your friends, right?” The aforementioned “stay-at-home” was my dad alluring to our annual movie night. On each of our birthdays, the other picked a film and we both watched it without complaint. From the time I was eight until I was twelve, it had been the same. Disney’s John Carter. My dad assumed I liked the battles. In reality, I liked the muscles.

I shrugged. “I don’t really have any plans.”

“Well, you should. You’re an adult. Tell you what…” He fished into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. “Take this and go shopping this morning. The mall shouldn’t be too crowded. Take my car.”

I accepted the bill – surprisingly a $100 bill. “Dad, I can’t-”

“You can and you will.” He stepped into the hall and pulled the door closed. At the last inch before it latched, he poked his head through. “Make sure you open your presents.”

I shoved the money into my back pocket and sat on my bed. The two boxes beside me were small. My parents had never really been about the size of the gift but what it meant. I opened the first one, from my mom. It was a gift certificate for Barnes & Noble. She knew how much I loved reading. The second box, from my dad, wasn’t anything like it. When I opened it, I screamed.

“What the fuck,” I whispered, pulling the small foiled box out of it. My dad had gifted me the last thing I had ever expected: condoms. At that moment, my shock wearing thin, my phone chimed. It wasn’t a sound I had heard before. I stood and grabbed the phone. On screen, a notification glowed. It was from the app. New message received.
The App (2/3)
Breakfast that morning was nothing special. After seeing the notification and being too scared to open it, I tucked my phone in my pocket and headed to the kitchen. I opened the condoms – apparently flavored – and kept a couple on my person. The rest I hid underneath my mattress.

In the kitchen, my mother stood over the stove. She wiped at her forehead and scowled at the frying pan in front of her. My father sat at the table, flipping through his iPad. No doubt he was reading the New York Times.

“Smells great, Mom,” I said, taking a seat across from my father. A plate of eggs, bacon, and hash browns was already displayed for my taking. I only nibbled at it, recalling the wiki article I had read the night before about keeping yourself clean. My stomach grumbled to down it all but I knew it would only ruin my plans. In the end, I ate half an egg white and drank a glass of orange juice.

“You’re not hungry?” my mom queried as I stood and grabbed my dad’s keys from the counter.

I shook my head. “Too excited, I guess.”

My dad looked up from his reading. “Don’t worry about gas. I’ll get that later. Have fun.”

I nodded and headed out the door. As I shut it, I could hear my mother calling out for me to be safe. She was always being overprotective. Somehow, I knew she wouldn’t let up even now that I had turned eighteen. Would she ever?

I unlocked my dad’s car and climbed inside. Somehow, it was cleaner than my mom’s. Where hers was filled with Ulta shopping bags and numerous loose lipsticks, my dad’s was clean. I figured he had had it detailed recently but I couldn’t imagine what for.

I turned the ignition and put the gear in reverse. At the same time, my phone chimed again. I returned the gear to park and pulled my phone from my pocket. Along with it came the cash and condoms. I tossed those in the passenger seat and looked at my phone. A second notification had come in.

“Okay, you can do this,” I told myself. What did I have to be scared of? Two years I had waited for this moment. It was finally happening and I was just going to back out? I didn’t think so.

I slid my thumb across the notification and typed in my passcode. The message screen popped up in its place.

Teachyou34,” I read the username aloud. The photo beside it was of an average body covered in wisps of hair. Looking at it tickled my front. Even more, the message did.

How are you handsome? Nice ass.

I gulped. Had I read what I thought I had? I suppose I must have because underneath the first was another message.

Would love to make you squirm.

In hindsight, the messenger seemed to come off a little strong. In all the chatrooms I had used as a kid, people often got to know someone before they became personal. Though I suppose he had seen my photos, our locations matched, and he had asked me how I was. Maybe that was enough for him? Really, I wasn’t thinking about it too hard. Instead, my mind was frantically trying to think of what to type as a reply.

I shook as I typed. Would love to let you.

I clicked send and waited, my head in my hand. I silently cursed myself for ever downloading the app. I had to have made the biggest mistake of my life.

Then, suddenly, he messaged back.

I’m free today. U?

“Holy shit.” I gaped at the screen. My pants strained and my tip stung as it cut against my zipper. “Am I really doing this?” I was.

I’m free anytime. I shot back.

Almost immediately, he replied. Meet me in the high school parking lot. We can go from there. I’ll be waiting.

Adrenaline was now pumping through my veins. My fear and anxiety became overpowered by my desire. I kicked the gear and backed into the street. Ignoring all the road signs, I sped to my high school. I would only spend two more months there before graduating. Who knew during it I would be hooking up in the parking lot?

The parking lot was empty when I arrived, save for one vehicle. I recognized it immediately as belonging to my English teacher, Mr. Miles. I silently hoped he wouldn’t see or hear me pull in.

With the car in park, I picked up my phone and looked at the messages. Surely, it wouldn’t take him that long to arrive, right? I brought up the keyboard on my phone, just about to shoot him a message asking where he was when a pounding on my window frightened me.

I jumped and looked at the intruder. It was Mr. Miles. “Shit,” I hissed and rolled down the window. “Hi, Mr. Miles. What are you doing here?”

Mr. Miles, a surprisingly attractive man, cocked an eyebrow. “I could ask the same about you, Kyle.”

“Oh, I was just waiting-”

“To see where things go from here?” he finished.

My. Stomach. Dropped.

“I don’t…No…It’s, uh…”

Mr. Miles chuckled. It was a devilish chuckle. “You really shouldn’t wear school shirts in your Grindr photos.”

My face grew hot. All I wanted to do was leave. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry. I’ll, uh, be going.”

“Going?” I turned and looked into his eyes. They stared daggers at mine, piercing green. “But, Kyle, didn’t you come to get fucked?”

What?” I couldn’t believe my ears. Had my English teacher really offered me sex? And was I actually thinking of accepting? Yes, I told myself.

“Come on, Kyle.” Mr. Miles opened my door. “You’ve had to have seen my stares. The way you wear those khaki pants. I can’t get enough your tight ass in them. And letting me see it completely exposed? You came me come twice, Kyle.”

“Mr. Miles, I…”

“Want to make it three?”

No words came. When I opened my mouth, my tongue dried. So, I nodded. Mr. Miles grabbed my hand and pulled me from the car.
The App (3/3)
Mr. Miles held my hand the entire way that led, surprisingly, to his classroom. As we walked the halls, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. With all the lights off and the only sound coming from the school’s air conditioning unit, the usually livened school was now eerie.

The classroom that I spent an hour each day was no different. The only light came from the window that had been frosted with temporary spray. The chalkboard was wiped clean and the floor was clear of any spitballs and wadded-up homework. Mr. Miles desk, I noticed, was clear of its usual knick-knacks.

“Sit,” Mr. Miles commanded, shutting the door behind us. I followed his finger to the desk. Obediently, I hopped up onto it. Mr. Miles stepped towards me. His fingers combed through my hair and down my neck, sending goosebumps down my arms.

He laughed at that. “Nervous, Kyle? There’s no need to be. You have no idea how many times I’ve seen you in that hallway and wanted to throw you over my desk. That tight ass.” His hands slapped my cheeks and I moaned.

“Mr. Miles, I don’t understand.”

“What don’t you understand, Kyle? I thought I explained it. I’m going to split your hole open.”

“I-I got that,” I shuddered, my front growing again. “I just didn’t know you were gay.”

“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me. For instance, I love a skinny little twink like yourself.” He lifted at the hem of my shirt and I threw my arms up, allowing him to pull it off. It fell to the floor without a second glance.

With my body exposed, I felt unsure of myself. If Mr. Miles photo was anything to show, he was much better looking than I was. I guess he didn’t mind though.

“Fuck. Look at this body,” he growled, running his hands along my smooth stomach and chest. His thumbs flicked at my nipples and I bit back a cry. “Have you ever done this before, Kyle.”

I shook my head. “It’s my first.”

Mr. Miles smiled. “I’m honored. So, that means you’ve never sucked a cock before?” Again, I shook my head. “Have you ever touched your hole?”

“Once,” I admitted. “I used a toothbrush. It hurt a little.”

“Don’t worry. Today, I’m going to make you feel good. Now, do you want to suck your first cock?”

I nodded. “I might mess up.”

“I’ll help you. Here, drop to your knees.” He sat in his desk chair and spread his legs apart. As I climbed down from the desk, I noticed him unbutton his jeans. Just as my face drew nearer, he sprang himself free.

I gasped which only made him laugh more. “Surprising?”

“It’s so big,” I conceded. “How long?”

Mr. Miles shrugged. “I don’t bother with measurements. It’ll make you choke and that’s all I care about.”

“Where do I…”

“Kiss the tip a little. Slide your tongue along it. You really can’t mess up head. Just do what feels right to you.”

“Okay.” Shaking, I reached out and took Mr. Miles in my hand. My fingers barely wrapped around his thickness. Silently, I wondered how I’d be able to fit him in my mouth. Somehow, I managed.

I started as he told me, placing light kisses along his head and shaft. With each one, Mr. Miles inhaled deeply and moaned. I would glance up from time to time and see his head lolled back against the chair’s back. Whatever I was doing, it was working.

After a bit, I braved myself. I parted my lips and let him slip through. With that, I had tasted my first man, and I wanted more. I thought back to the numerous videos I had watched through the years and tried my best to mirror them. My head bobbed and my tongue swirled. Mr. Miles loved every second of it. His hands, at one point, slipped into my hair. They moved with me as I dared go deeper. I moved my hand away and opened my throat. Mr. Miles, filled with desire, shoved my head down.

The musky scent of his pubes filled my nostril. I began choking, feeling his tip past my throat. Mr. Miles brought his hand around my neck and rubbed his thumb. I nearly screamed realizing he was rubbing his head. He had really gone in my throat.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groaned, fighting against my squirms and gags. At last, he released me and I rose coughing. Spit and pre-come dripped from my lips. My eyes were watering.

“What was that?” I hissed.

Mr. Miles laughed. “That was my treat. Time for yours.”

Before I could protest, Mr. Miles was on his feet and had me in his arms. He lay on my back on the desk and fingered with my jeans. They slid off, the underwear coming with them, and I was naked. I couldn’t believe it – actually naked in front of my English teacher.

“You’re going to love this,” he promised and dropped to his knees. I wondered – only for a second – what he meant. Then, I felt it.

His tongue was wet and warm, and practically the best feeling I had had up to that point. I didn’t ever want it to stop. And it didn’t, not for a while. For the few minutes of heaven, I closed my eyes and stroked myself. Mr. Miles alternated between his tongue, his lips, and his finger. I remembered thinking masturbation was mind-changing. Clearly, I had never had my ass ate.

“Now comes the fun,” Mr. Miles said far too soon. I leaned up on my elbows and watched him strip. His body looked just like his photo. It wasn’t carved or filled with muscle. Instead, it was average. A line of hair ran from his pubes and up to his chest where it splayed out in a field. I longed to run my hands through it.

“Go easy,” I begged as he spit in his hand and lubed himself up.

He grinned and stepped forward. “Trust me. You’re going to love this.”

“Fuck,” I screamed, feeling him slide in. It wasn’t gradual or slow. Instead, he slid halfway in the first time. “I said slow!”

“Doesn’t it feel good though?”

I couldn’t deny it. My legs were jelly and my cock throbbed. The tip purpled and I realized I was close to release. I hoped not touching myself would let me last longer. As Mr. Miles began pumping into me, I realized my hopes were for nothing.

On his third thrust, I arched my hips and my come shot out onto my stomach. One spurt hit my cheek and I licked at it. This appeared to turn Mr. Miles on even more. He picked up the pace and grabbed at my thighs. The desk rattled and my moans sounded stuttered as he shook me.

“You like that cock?” he growled. “Huh? You like that fucking cock?”

I nodded vigorously. “Yes. Oh, fuck yes. Fuck me harder.” It was the things I had heard in porn and I was glad I remembered them.

In a matter of minutes, Mr. Miles was screaming. Had anyone else been in the school, they most definitely would have heard.

“Gonna make me come,” he hollered at the ceiling. “Fuck, here it comes.”

He pulled himself free of me and stepped around the desk. Instinctively, I knew exactly where things were going. I lay my head back against the desk and opened my mouth. I waited eagerly as Mr. Miles stroked himself. Just twice was all it took for his hot load to fire onto my face. My eye, my nostrils, my mouth, my chest. It covered me. It was a bigger load than I had ever seen online.

“Christ, you were so tight.” He bent over me and heaved. I took the opportunity to nibble at his flaccid tip. More come dribbled onto my tongue.

Mr. Miles stood up then. He walked around and redressed. I sat up and accepted my own clothes from him. “You liked it?” he asked as I slid my tee-shirt on.

“The best,” I admitted. “Wish we could do it again.”

Mr. Miles raised an eyebrow. “I’m free tomorrow afternoon. Come by my place around lunch?”

“I’ll be there.”

I left Mr. Miles then and walked back to my dad’s car. As I climbed in and started the ignition, I glanced over at the passenger seat. The cash was there but the condoms weren’t. I thought maybe Mr. Miles had grabbed them. As I drove out of the school’s parking lot, I remembered he hadn’t used one.

I hope you all enjoyed this story! It's just something I like to do from time to time. Besides writing professionally, I also write fanfiction for fun. If you want to see that, let me know. :)
The App (3/3)
Mr. Miles held my hand the entire way that led, surprisingly, to his classroom. As we walked the halls, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. With all the lights off and the only sound coming from the school’s air conditioning unit, the usually livened school was now eerie.

The classroom that I spent an hour each day was no different. The only light came from the window that had been frosted with temporary spray. The chalkboard was wiped clean and the floor was clear of any spitballs and wadded-up homework. Mr. Miles desk, I noticed, was clear of its usual knick-knacks.

“Sit,” Mr. Miles commanded, shutting the door behind us. I followed his finger to the desk. Obediently, I hopped up onto it. Mr. Miles stepped towards me. His fingers combed through my hair and down my neck, sending goosebumps down my arms.

He laughed at that. “Nervous, Kyle? There’s no need to be. You have no idea how many times I’ve seen you in that hallway and wanted to throw you over my desk. That tight ass.” His hands slapped my cheeks and I moaned.

“Mr. Miles, I don’t understand.”

“What don’t you understand, Kyle? I thought I explained it. I’m going to split your hole open.”

“I-I got that,” I shuddered, my front growing again. “I just didn’t know you were gay.”

“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me. For instance, I love a skinny little twink like yourself.” He lifted at the hem of my shirt and I threw my arms up, allowing him to pull it off. It fell to the floor without a second glance.

With my body exposed, I felt unsure of myself. If Mr. Miles photo was anything to show, he was much better looking than I was. I guess he didn’t mind though.

“Fuck. Look at this body,” he growled, running his hands along my smooth stomach and chest. His thumbs flicked at my nipples and I bit back a cry. “Have you ever done this before, Kyle.”

I shook my head. “It’s my first.”

Mr. Miles smiled. “I’m honored. So, that means you’ve never sucked a cock before?” Again, I shook my head. “Have you ever touched your hole?”

“Once,” I admitted. “I used a toothbrush. It hurt a little.”

“Don’t worry. Today, I’m going to make you feel good. Now, do you want to suck your first cock?”

I nodded. “I might mess up.”

“I’ll help you. Here, drop to your knees.” He sat in his desk chair and spread his legs apart. As I climbed down from the desk, I noticed him unbutton his jeans. Just as my face drew nearer, he sprang himself free.

I gasped which only made him laugh more. “Surprising?”

“It’s so big,” I conceded. “How long?”

Mr. Miles shrugged. “I don’t bother with measurements. It’ll make you choke and that’s all I care about.”

“Where do I…”

“Kiss the tip a little. Slide your tongue along it. You really can’t mess up head. Just do what feels right to you.”

“Okay.” Shaking, I reached out and took Mr. Miles in my hand. My fingers barely wrapped around his thickness. Silently, I wondered how I’d be able to fit him in my mouth. Somehow, I managed.

I started as he told me, placing light kisses along his head and shaft. With each one, Mr. Miles inhaled deeply and moaned. I would glance up from time to time and see his head lolled back against the chair’s back. Whatever I was doing, it was working.

After a bit, I braved myself. I parted my lips and let him slip through. With that, I had tasted my first man, and I wanted more. I thought back to the numerous videos I had watched through the years and tried my best to mirror them. My head bobbed and my tongue swirled. Mr. Miles loved every second of it. His hands, at one point, slipped into my hair. They moved with me as I dared go deeper. I moved my hand away and opened my throat. Mr. Miles, filled with desire, shoved my head down.

The musky scent of his pubes filled my nostril. I began choking, feeling his tip past my throat. Mr. Miles brought his hand around my neck and rubbed his thumb. I nearly screamed realizing he was rubbing his head. He had really gone in my throat.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groaned, fighting against my squirms and gags. At last, he released me and I rose coughing. Spit and pre-come dripped from my lips. My eyes were watering.

“What was that?” I hissed.

Mr. Miles laughed. “That was my treat. Time for yours.”

Before I could protest, Mr. Miles was on his feet and had me in his arms. He lay on my back on the desk and fingered with my jeans. They slid off, the underwear coming with them, and I was naked. I couldn’t believe it – actually naked in front of my English teacher.

“You’re going to love this,” he promised and dropped to his knees. I wondered – only for a second – what he meant. Then, I felt it.

His tongue was wet and warm, and practically the best feeling I had had up to that point. I didn’t ever want it to stop. And it didn’t, not for a while. For the few minutes of heaven, I closed my eyes and stroked myself. Mr. Miles alternated between his tongue, his lips, and his finger. I remembered thinking masturbation was mind-changing. Clearly, I had never had my ass ate.

“Now comes the fun,” Mr. Miles said far too soon. I leaned up on my elbows and watched him strip. His body looked just like his photo. It wasn’t carved or filled with muscle. Instead, it was average. A line of hair ran from his pubes and up to his chest where it splayed out in a field. I longed to run my hands through it.

“Go easy,” I begged as he spit in his hand and lubed himself up.

He grinned and stepped forward. “Trust me. You’re going to love this.”

“Fuck,” I screamed, feeling him slide in. It wasn’t gradual or slow. Instead, he slid halfway in the first time. “I said slow!”

“Doesn’t it feel good though?”

I couldn’t deny it. My legs were jelly and my cock throbbed. The tip purpled and I realized I was close to release. I hoped not touching myself would let me last longer. As Mr. Miles began pumping into me, I realized my hopes were for nothing.

On his third thrust, I arched my hips and my come shot out onto my stomach. One spurt hit my cheek and I licked at it. This appeared to turn Mr. Miles on even more. He picked up the pace and grabbed at my thighs. The desk rattled and my moans sounded stuttered as he shook me.

“You like that cock?” he growled. “Huh? You like that fucking cock?”

I nodded vigorously. “Yes. Oh, fuck yes. Fuck me harder.” It was the things I had heard in porn and I was glad I remembered them.

In a matter of minutes, Mr. Miles was screaming. Had anyone else been in the school, they most definitely would have heard.

“Gonna make me come,” he hollered at the ceiling. “Fuck, here it comes.”

He pulled himself free of me and stepped around the desk. Instinctively, I knew exactly where things were going. I lay my head back against the desk and opened my mouth. I waited eagerly as Mr. Miles stroked himself. Just twice was all it took for his hot load to fire onto my face. My eye, my nostrils, my mouth, my chest. It covered me. It was a bigger load than I had ever seen online.

“Christ, you were so tight.” He bent over me and heaved. I took the opportunity to nibble at his flaccid tip. More come dribbled onto my tongue.

Mr. Miles stood up then. He walked around and redressed. I sat up and accepted my own clothes from him. “You liked it?” he asked as I slid my tee-shirt on.

“The best,” I admitted. “Wish we could do it again.”

Mr. Miles raised an eyebrow. “I’m free tomorrow afternoon. Come by my place around lunch?”

“I’ll be there.”

I left Mr. Miles then and walked back to my dad’s car. As I climbed in and started the ignition, I glanced over at the passenger seat. The cash was there but the condoms weren’t. I thought maybe Mr. Miles had grabbed them. As I drove out of the school’s parking lot, I remembered he hadn’t used one.

I hope you all enjoyed this story! It's just something I like to do from time to time. Besides writing professionally, I also write fanfiction for fun. If you want to see that, let me know. :)
That was amazing
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