The Bad Boy


Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2019
Alabama City (Alabama, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Do you remember the bad boy growing up?

I’m not talking about the freak, y’all remember the freak back in the day? Early to mid 80’s that guy that shows up at school with the Mohawk? One leather fingerless glove with black fingernail polish? Black lipstick and eyeliner? He’s got a sickly pale complexion like that lead singer from the Cars.
And everyone stays the fuck away from him fearing that he’s toting that funk that’s called the AIDS virus?

I ain’t talking about that guy. Or that guy that’s extremely smart but doesn’t fit in as a nerd. He’s that guy that looks like a guy and wants to fit in as a guy, but when he talks he sounds like a woman. Or he might be perceived as the sissy. Most likely it’s probably just cause his nut sack just didn’t drop right for some reason, and he’s called out daily for being a queer or a faggot and he’s getting his ass kicked every day despite there’s no evidence indicating that he’s gay. And in today’s times you better kiss his ass cause he’s probably signing your paycheck.

I’m not talking about that guy either. I’m talking about the one that shows up halfway through the quarter as a transfer student from a nearby school. He’s got zero personality and stays off to himself. Sits in the back of the class. Eats lunch by himself. He walks back and forth to school Instead of riding the bus. He lives in the trailer park with his mom and whatever piece of shit his moms shacked up with at the time for a boyfriend. Though he didn’t fit in with the trailer park crowd either. Which might be referred to as red necks or poor white trash, probably be called out as right winged or racist today but again there’s no evidence proving that he is.

Rumor is he has a bike but never rides it cause it’s all ways broke down. It sort of reminds me of this guy that lived down the street from me, that was all ways working on this beat up piece of shit. He’d drive it around with the hood off meaning that it was sort of a project in process. It would usually break down and he’d tow it back one with a chain behind his dad’s truck.

The funny thing about is I just seen that same SOB a couple of week’s ago on that Speed channel on Tv. He got 300k for a 67 Chevelle. At some fancy car auction.
I guess the point is he succeeds in the end besides the fact that it takes 40 years to do it lol.

But this guys name was Chad and when he showed up the rumor mill went off the chart. Supposedly he’d pulled a knife on the principal and kicked the coaches ass. And he’d done about 2 stints in juvie but nobody knew what for.
Then supposedly again he’d knocked up 3 of of the teachers at his previous school.

Now if that happened today you’d see those women's mugshots on the National news and all over the internet and they’d be crucified as a predator in the press. But back in the day that sort of shit sort of got swept under the rug, as it should be.

The truth was that it was obvious that Chad was a stud.
I heard other rumors also. Sort of like when you grew up back when they had those troth type urinals. You know when you stand there looking down at your own prick and don’t let your eyes wander around and don’t dare shake it more than twice otherwise you might get called out for playing with yourself.
It’s sort of like some guy asking if you got hair on your palms? And if you look it means you jerk off. Yeah I know everyone jerks off but no way are you supposed to admit to it.

Chad though was the first one I remember people saying.

“ Dude! Did you see the size of cock? That guys got? “

That’s sort of the way it was put and a guys size is just something you didn’t go around talking about, otherwise you might be called out as being gay and you’d get your ass kicked.

That rumor spread like wildfire. And every girl in school noticed. I could see it in my own girlfriend’s eyes seeing them cut his way with drool running down her chin as she’d check him out.

“ What are you looking at? “
I’d ask her.

“ Nothing!…Are you jealous or something? “
She’d say with a laugh.

Days later things got worse when my girlfriend’s best friend Shirley blurted out as we walked across the parking lot together.

“ I got fucked last night by Chad! “
She announced with pride boasting about it.

Now it’s true Shirley is known as a slut and she’s a slut that exaggerates and lies a lot.
She’s also the kind of girl that’s hot but not. In other words everyone wants to fuck her but nobody wants to admit to it.
It’s not like fucking Becky the cheerleader, where you’re getting something special in bragging rights. When your fucking Shirley your getting a cunt that everyone has fucked, so there ain’t nothing special about it.

So we didn’t know if she for real fucked him or not but supposedly he’d made her come 5 times in less than half an hour, and that’s all it took to make my own girlfriend get sopping wet. I found that out for a fact as I slipped my fingers into her panties as we made out a short time later.

Chad was one of those types of guys that you hated. He was built but you never saw him work out.
He obviously didn’t fit in with the jock crowd either. During PE he’d dress out and just sit on the bleachers by himself.

And when he spoke he always acted annoyed at whoever was talking to him. From what I’d heard he kept a C average in all his grades. Never applied himself to do better, but never fell further lower either.

From a distance I felt he probably thought of school the way I did which was a place you hated to be but had to be there. A total waste of time is the way I put it or just something to suffer through to get to the next stage of life.
Chad seemed to share that type of attitude about it.
Besides being built Chad had that sort of bad boy look about him, with his long hair and all. Thinking back on it he kind of had that young Matt Dillon thing going on.
Don’t know if that’s hot or not? Being a guy he just looked like another guy as far as I was concerned. But he had the girls all creaming all over themselves, and he wasn’t even trying to get laid.

Don’t y’all just hate a son of a bitch like that?

The type of guy that just shows up on the scene and girls just flaunt themselves at him.
They all were doing it, even Becky and all the hot girls that date the jocks, preps and the elites.

I guess he just had that mysterious type of vibe going for him that just attracts girls regardless of looks or personality cause he damn sure didn’t have that. He could care less if the girls or anyone else talked to him at all.

Time moved forward and still nobody seemed to break through his obvious protective shell as far as making friends with him or anything that resembles that.

One day my girlfriend Misty spots him walking down the shoulder of the road. She knew he was going home to the trailer park. She knew the trailer park crowd pretty well, cause after all her mom owns the place. But she didn’t know Chad or his family after all they were new tenants and all.

Misty decided to pull over and be nice for a change and offer him a ride.

Being nice is a hard thing for Misty, she don’t have much of a personality herself. I’ve known her since the second grade and she’s got Bitch with a capital B all over her.

Usually for her to play being nice it means she’s getting something in return.
I know these things for a fact cause I’ve been married to her for 38 miserable years and I know exactly how she is.

For him a short ride home she’s thinking she’s gonna get a good pounding from him. Considering that Shirley was telling the truth about what an awesome fuck he was.

She pulls over.

“ Hey you want a ride? “

“ Whatever “
Was all he said as he got in and slammed the door.

He didn’t comment about her car, she thought that was strange. All guys like cool cars especially muscle cars in pristine condition like she keeps her 68 Nova in.

He reached for her pack of smokes and lit one up, didn’t even give her a chance to offer him one.

That sort of pissed her off but she held her tongue.

They soon enough arrived at his trailer.

“ How’d you know where I lived? You been spying on me? “

“ No my mom owns this place. “

“ Really??? “
He asks looking straight at Misty, looking her over more thoroughly.

“ Yeah really. “
Misty replies back with a strong sense of regret coming over her quickly for offering him a ride.

“ It’s funny that your mom is pretty hot! You’d be kind of hot to if you lost about 40 pounds!…How’d she have such a fat ass for a daughter? “

Of course this instantly pissed Misty off.
You got to be careful about throwing around the fat word around her.
One swift kick from the pointed toe of her high heeled shoe right to a guys nuts teaches him a serious lesson in how not to talk to a woman.

But she holds her tongue and lets that one go to.
Misty immediately forgets Chads insults as she follows him from the car and up the steps onto the small deck that led to the front door of the trailer.

She admires how good his tight little ass fills out his Levi’s.

“ Mmmmm! I can’t wait to get my hands on him! “

She says to herself as he unlocks and opens the door.

But unfortunately then she’s appalled at the condition of the inside of the trailer.

It smelled like a pet store, there were multiple cages of exotic reptiles, rats and one large python all curled up in one cage.

She shivered as she takes in the look of the large snake.
And that wasn’t all that was wrong with the place. The garage can was overflowing in the kitchen there was stacks of dirty dishes. Chads moms bra lay on the coffee table, the rest of her discarded clothing scattered around the room.

Some guy was curled up on the couch asleep. An open pizza box also lay on the coffee table with roaches feeding on what was left of the pizza. Beer cans also littered the room.

Then there also was an old Harley Davidson Sportster parked in the hallway that led to one of the bedrooms.

“ Oh mom would be pissed if she saw this! “
Misty says to herself.

You know? When we watch them
Political shows. And people say things like.

“ The rent is to damn high! “

Renters that keep house like this has a lot to do with that.

Misty pointed towards the motorcycle.

“ What is that doing in here? “

“ That was my dad’s. “
Chad said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Misty quickly picked up on the sadness in his voice.
She could easily tell he’d obviously lost his dad probably at a young age just as she did.

In a way she felt she could relate to him on that level but no way was she gonna take a conversation in that direction.

“ I guess now you’d like to check out what I’m packing? “

He said looking over his shoulder at her. Misty’s jaw dropped at how forward and conceded he was.

Yes she wanted to see it. But looking at the condition of this house there was no way she wanted to take her clothes off here.

“ I wonder if they make a hazmat suit people can fuck through? “
She says to herself as they face one another.

Her fingers reach out and unsnapped and unzipped him, he had a nice bulge coming from his white briefs.

Chad goes ahead and pulled off his tee shirt. His abs were ripped, his shoulders broad and his pecs just looked amazingly strong.

She glanced downward watching as he unbuttoned her hot pink blouse and gazed at her amazing cleavage, as she knelt before him, taking hold of his jeans and underwear.

Her mouth was agape as she took in the look of his hard member. It was thick, veiny and strong looking. Not as long as she’d imagined but what really stood out was the head of it.
Describing it as a mushroom tip couldn’t give it justice. The word knob came to her mind.

She felt Chads hands guiding her head towards it. She parts her lips and takes him into her mouth.

“ Oh wow! You’re good at that! “
Chad said with a moan as Misty worked his cock in and out of her mouth.

It wasn’t long before the man on the couch started waking up. From the corner of her eye she sees him pick up the piece of pizza that the roaches had just been eating on. He washed it down with what was left of a can of hot beer.

This guys name is Bill. Bill had been shacked up with Chads mom for a couple of months.

Bills one of those types of guys that just looks for women to take him in. And mooch off of them.
Of course he brags about making big money when he works. He’s also one of them Jack of all trades types but ain’t worth a shit at none of them.
And of course he refers to himself as a contractor making himself out to be a big boss type.

Whenever he does have money he just blows it on booze and dope.
He does all that while Chads mom is working the dollar store during the day and The Waffle House at lest 4 nights a week just to make ends meet.

But when he through his blanket off, it was easy to tell what he did have going for him. His big cock just hung half way down his thigh.
After finishing his pizza and beer he just sat back leisurely watching my girlfriend from behind as she sucks Chads cock, while he loosely stroked his big cock.

Besides his massive cock Bill wasn’t much to look at with his fat middle aged gut. I guess you could say he’s got that contractor bod. Strong looking arms, back and shoulders but fat gut hanging out over his belt. You always see that type standing around a construction site. Wearing a hard hat as he watches everyone else work.
“ Damn boy! That’s a real cow you bringing home now! “
Bill said with an obnoxious laugh.

“ Don’t be pissing her off!..Can’t you tell I’m getting my dick sucked? “

Bill gets up from the couch and comes over, standing next to Chad with his long dick hovering at Misty’s cheek level.

“ That’s a nice rack she’s got going for her! “

Bill said reaching down and straight into my girlfriend’s bra.

Misty reached up slapping his hand away.

“ What’s up Honey? You the one showing them off? “
Bill said questioning her.

Chad didn’t even attempt to defend Misty, especially when Bill grabbed her by the hair of the head.

“ Let me show you how to handle a woman! “
Bill said pulling Misty from Chads cock then shoving his dick down her throat.

“ Hey man she was sucking my dick? “
Chad said complaining.

“ She’s got two more holes! “
Bill points out, as he again reaches into her bra and pulls out her tits.

About that time Chads older brother Chase walks in after a hard day at work. Chase was older than Chad probably around 28 he’d just finished getting his second divorce and was in need of getting some fresh pussy.

“ Oh wow! I wasn’t expecting to come home to all this! “
Chase said with a smile.

Misty looked past Bill straight at Chase. He was an older version of Chad but had a more friendly demeanor about him. Though he had a mature looking mustache he had the cutest little dimples when he smiled.

He immediately started stripping out of his work clothes that reeked of a working man’s sweat mixed with diesel fuel. Like Chad he was built and obviously worked at it standing at 6’3 and 220 pounds.

He comes over taking a hold of Misty’s hot pink blouse, she’s appalled at the grease still under his fingernails as the remaining buttons of her blouse pops off. The blouse is torn away and her bra quickly follows.

Chase obviously didn’t put up with Bills bull shit the way Chad did.

Chase gives him a shove.

“ Get the fuck off of her! “

Chase was somewhat pissed because Bill was supposed to be his mom’s boyfriend and here he was throat fucking some tramp that Chad brought home.

Chase though wasted no time shoving his own knob sized cock into Misty’s throat.

The knob thing was something Misty hadn’t yet experienced Both Chad and Chase had unique looking cocks, neither was as long as Bills but was definitely big enough to get the job done for any woman.

In just the brief moments that have led up to this point she feels she likes Chase the best. But it was obvious that she was powerless to give an opinion, being that her mouth was stuffed as she knelt topless submitting herself to him while Bill and Chad groped her repeatedly.

She feels her hot pink pumps as there snatched from her bare feet, she’s then wrestled out of her tight designer jeans and panties.

She then lay there on the filthy carpet of the living room floor as all three men took turns fucking all three of her holes making her feel as dirty and disgusting as a filthy slut could be.

They all three had her coming one orgasm after another. Chad and Chase together was an awesome tag team, bringing her to more climaxes than she’d ever had in one session.

Then of course was Bill that definitely stretched her cunt and ass more than either hole had ever been.

The four of them was quickly moving in on the two hour mark. And it appeared that the boys were down to the short strokes as Bill mounted Misty one last time, holding her by her ankles and giving her long deep strokes as he pounded her.

Then without warning the front door swings open.

“ What the Hell is going on here? “
An enraged woman’s voice yells.

Bill looks up from the floor with total fear in his eyes seeing his girlfriend charging his way he jumps back off Misty as she lands on top of her throwing punches.

It was all Chad and Chase could do to pull there mother off Misty giving her a chance to break free. She escapes the trailer leaving her clothes behind, speeding away in her Nova.

Again she finds herself driving home naked. And though mom and Crystal was home, Misty didn’t offer them any explanation for what she’d been through. But seeing her black eyes, busted lip and nose it was obvious that Misty had gotten her ass kicked and didn’t want to talk about it.
That was a rarely a thing usually it’s Misty being the one kicking some girls ass. And even though she was caught off guard and this wasn’t a fair fight. Misty knew she wanted no part of picking a fight with chads mom after this.

For Bill he disappeared. Chad and Chases mom probably beat him to a bloody pulp.

People speculate that whatever is left of his body is at the bottom of the sewage ponds behind the trailer park.

Some say they heard the distinctive sound of a chainsaw and wood chipper running during the night but no evidence of this was ever discovered.

He was just listed as a missing person and it was obvious that no one but his mother was even curious about whatever happened to him.

As for Chad and Misty at school the two just ignored one another, as if the gang bang she’d had had never happened. Even though she’d like another round from just Chad and Chase no way did she want the drama that would come with it.

Shirley was the only one that bragged about fucking Chad and he treated her just as he did anyone else, he just ignored her and went on with his life.

After graduation Chad and his family just disappeared themselves, owing Misty’s mom at least 3 months rent, leaving the trailer trashed and basically destroyed on the inside.

Mom had it hauled off and another brought in and jacked up the rent hoping to recover the losses from the previous tenants.