The Day I Became Buss Down Bobby (Gay Erotica)


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Jan 22, 2017
Houston, Texas, United States of America
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Journal Entry: October 23, 2019 "The Bus Ride Home"

Today will be a day that I will always remember, thanks to the events that happened on my way home while riding Metro route 86. I've been commuting to work by bus and back home for nearly 3 months now. All due to my lemon of a car finally taking it's last breath. I have never been much for public transportation but this time I had no choice but to swallow my pride and become a proud Houston Metro bus rider. I knew that I needed a new car and I needed one soon so I picked up a part-time job at Slick Willies Pool Hall several miles away from my apartment. In a couple of months I'd have enough money to purchase a good cash car. I had my hopes up on getting another Honda Accord like my previous car. I felt that my old car had long surpassed it's intended life expectancy and figured I'd take my chances with another car of the same make and model but this time around I'd be sure to get one that was a later model with less mileage.

I've been riding the bus too and from work and have now become familiar with some of the riders who often ride the same route. Today there was a tall and swarthy looking African American young man with bulging biceps and washboard abs getting on the bus. I'd never seen this dude before but my eyes were glued to him as we pulled up to his stop. He was standing there in his wife beater and gray sweatpants. Seeing this stud was sending my hormones into a frenzy as my eyes landed on the massive protrusion that stood out from his crotch. My mouth began to water and I had to literally catch the small amount of drool that had pooled in the corner of my mouth. He was wearing Nike Air Force Ones and he carried a beat up backpack on his shoulder. Just from watching this guy standing there and seeing how he was dressed, I automatically labeled him as "trade." Trade is what we in the gay community call straight presenting guys. In the the gay community there is a rule that trade is nice to look at but one should never get into an "entanglement" with one of them because it only leads to heartbreak. A fling here and there is okay but never allow yourself to catch emotions for trade because trade only cares about using you for the moment and then moving on. If you are looking for a friendship or something substantial, you can forget about it.

I always set near the rear of the bus because I was on one of the last stops and would usually be one of the last to depart the bus before it was headed back to the bus depot for a change of drivers. To keep myself entertained during the ride I'd listen to my airpods but today I took them out and kept my attention on the new rider. He stepped onto the bus and made his way down the aisle. I watched as his bulge swayed from side to side as he came nearer to where I was seated at the rear. I said to myself "Please let him come to the back so that I can continue to treat my eyes." My wish had come true because he walked all the way to the back of the bus and set across the aisle in the adjacent empty seat. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. We both simultaneously nodded to each other. He was the definition of cool as he said "Hey what's good brotha?"

Oh wonderful he spoke to me! My eyes were blessed with a visual treat and now my ears were blessed with an auditory one. He sounded like someone I'd want to fuck me. He had a deep raspy voice with an H-town twang. I'd fantasize about that voice whispering naughty commands in my ear as he would be pounding me from the back. Since he asked a question I had to reply with something. My mind immediately responded and my mouth formed a response "Oh I'm making it brotha." I had to match his energy so I knew that I had to say something cool so that he could relate to me. He turned opposite me to drop his backpack in the seat closest to the window and I had an opportunity to see his muscularly defined "cakes" aka ass, on display. This man had it all. He had an enormous cock and a fat ass to boot!

There were only a few other commuters on the bus and they were all seated close to the front so here I was sitting at the rear with a fine ass brotha that reminded me of the men I'd beat my meat to on Pornhub. I didn't want there to be dead silence between myself and this stranger so I had to say something to get a convo started. We'd already driven several blocks with nothing more being said. He would occasionally look at his phone and began to text something so I would have to wait patiently until he was done. But what should I say? He placed his phone facedown on his lap signaling he was done texting.

"Hey man those are some clean kicks. Where'd you get those?" It was the only thing I could think to compliment him on that wasn't suggestive. If I were being honest with myself and him, I would have complimented him on such an amazing bulge.

"Oh thanks man, my girl got me these for my birthday. They go with everything I wear." Okay he's straight. He could have said anything and it would not have registered because my only concern was that he kept talking. I needed to hear words continue to flow from those big beautiful brown lips of his. He then introduced himself to me, "Oh my name is Trey by the way."

"I'm Bobby. I've never seen you on this route before. Is this a onetime trip or will you be riding regularly?" In my head I hoped he'd say this would be a regular thing. Unfortunately that wasn't to be because he replied, "Oh this is just a onetime trip for me brotha." He conveyed he was actually on his way to a street basketball tournament.

I knew nothing about basketball but if I had, I would have started talking about it. The conversation stalled for several more blocks because I knew of nothing else to talk about. With nothing else popping into my head I looked out the window or so it appeared that was what I was doing. I was actually looking at Trey's reflection in the glass. He was on his phone again but this time he was looking at a video. I wondered what he was watching but I had to wonder no more because I could hear the slurping sounds of a mouth working overtime on the cock of a moaning man. I wanted to look over so bad to confirm that he was watching porn. I focused my attention back to the front and strained my ears to hear more and hopefully see something in my periphery. I gathered he was watching a woman giving a man a blowjob because I could hear the man in the flick encourage the woman by saying "I want to feel my cock in the back of your throat, slut." I heard her gagging and now I was getting curious AND aroused. I quickly glanced in his direction and I could see him with his hand inside of his sweats and he was caressing himself.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I now felt like he wanted me to see this display. If he wanted to put on a show I was definitely game to be his audience so I slightly turned my head in his direction and his eyes met mine.

"I hope you don't mind me watching porn brotha. My girlfriend is pregnant and I ain't had no pussy in weeks. I was hoping nobody was back here. You seem like a cool cat so I figured I could get one off before I get to my tournament."

Little did Trey know but I was actually in heaven at his admission of horniness. "Damn man do your thing. I'm in the same boat as you and I wouldn't mind getting one off myself." I said this in hopes that Trey would invite me over to join him.

"Shit man you want to watch it with me? Come over here and we can get one off together." He removed his backpack from the seat and dropped it on the floor and slid closer to the window. With the seat open beside him, I got up and sat beside trey and watched the porn on his phone. I instantly got rock hard. I wasn't necessarily getting aroused by the video but more so by Trey's bulge being vigorously worked by his hand. I wished he'd uncage the beast so I could see it in all of it's glory. I knew it was massive and it was becoming more immense, now that it was getting harder.

Trey must've noticed my gaze lingering oh his crotch more than it was on the video because the next thing I saw was the head of his penis peeking out of the top of his sweats. I felt like Trey was teasing me with an opportunity and I felt I was wasting too much time thinking about it instead of saying something. Trey must've felt the same way because he said "I'm discreet brotha. I'll be at my destination soon and I saw you looking at my dick print when I was coming on the bus." I was shocked but happy he knew that I noticed. I didn't know what to say other than, "My bad, It's big as fuck so I couldn't help but to see it."

Trey wasn't teasing now. He was being forthright with his intentions and he revealed the rest of his dick so that he could see my eyes almost bulge completely out of my head. Seeing Trey's 9 inch brown shaft sticking straight up was more than I could handle. I was now fully erect and my boner was trying to burst through my zippered pants. Trey could see that I was excited and told me "Take it out man, we can both be free and get a good nut." I did as Trey said but my 7 inch erect penis paled in comparison to his 9 inch thick sausage. Trey and I sneakily flogged our flagpoles without anyone upfront having a clue.

Trey started to get restless with stroking his meat so he told me frankly, "I might need a hand with this monster." I'm thinking to myself okay he's asking me to take up the reins and stroke it for him so I took hold of his thick warm shaft and began to glide my right hand along his already wet shaft. Apparently my effort was not as enjoyable as I'd hoped it would be because I could feel Trey's erection start to wane. Oh fuck what was I to do? I wanted to make Trey shoot his load.

We were getting closer and closer to Trey's stop so he finally just came out with it, "What that mouth do?" This was his way of asking me if I had skills with giving a blowjob. I wasn't going to say anything to Trey about my oral skills. I was just going to show him. I released my shaft and focused my attention on the task before me. I looked forward to make sure all eyes were still looking away from the back of the bus. Once the coast was clear, I dropped my head into Trey's lap and allowed as much of his dick to fill my mouth as I could possibly manage without vomiting my lunch all over his lap. Trey's cock felt amazing in my mouth. It was warm and I could taste the precum that was seeping from his peehole. Trey watched the porn on his phone and placed his left hand on the back of my head to control the momentum of my blowjob. He was going to use my head like a fuck toy and shoot his load into my mouth before he got off of that bus. I was honored to be his fuck toy.

I swallowed Trey's cock dutifully and savored the odorous scent of his curly black pubes each time my head came closer to his boney pelvis. He was already sweaty down there and had probably been practicing his moves before he got onto the bus. I was enjoying every second of it. Not only was I enjoying his natural aroma but I was enjoying the sight of his heat emitting balls as they bounced up and down between his wide spread thighs. Too bad I couldn't get down there and give his balls a nice ball bath. It would have been nice to taste the tang of his testis. Due to the immediacy of Trey's need to bust a nut and the limited amount of space between us and the seat, I had to be content with just giving the blowjob of my life.

I kept my slurping sounds to a minimum and only heard the porn playing and the soft moans Trey would occasionally make when it was feeling extra good. Trey's cock was oozing precum like crazy now. Trey continued to control the speed and rhythm in which my head bobbed against his cock. He sped the movement up. With my eyes open I watched his balls start lose their "bouncibility" as they drew themselves up closer to his pelvis. If there is one thing I knew about the male anatomy, it was that the balls become tight when they need to protect themselves from temperature change to keep the sperm warm or they become tight right when a man is about to ejaculate. I prepared myself to savor the warm salty semen that would engulf my mouth.

With a fast moving push of my head, Trey whispered "Get ready because I'm about to nut." Second's later Trey's hand stopped but held my head firmly in place so that I would not come up off of his cock. Trey had nothing to worry about because didn't plan to let any of that cum spill on the floor. I was anticipating swallowing his load. And swallow I did. There had to have been at least 8 thick ropes of cum rocketing into the back of my throat. I could feel each and every squirt smack my tonsils like it was a target.

Trey didn't release his grip on my head until he was sure he'd gotten it all out. I swallowed his load and slowly lifted my head to an upright position. Everybody was still facing forward or out of the window. Trey had gotten to bust his nut and I was more than happy to be of assistance to him. His cock, glistening from my saliva, deflated and I now saw it flaccid. It looked like an elephant's trunk resting on his thigh. He was freeballing which is why it gyrated so easily from side to side when he'd walked up the aisle. He tucked his dick back into his sweatpants and said to me, "Man you are a beast with it." That was his way of telling me I'd done an amazing job. "Bobby I might need to catch the bus more often brotha. I could use that treatment regularly until my girl is able to give me some pussy again."

That's all I needed to hear. Having a car would be ideal but if Trey was going to be riding the bus I'd make an exception to ride as often as possible. I knew he was just saying this to flatter me however. Men like him get what they need at the moment it is needed and then they move on. We were at his stop and he was grabbing his backpack. I wanted to ask him if he wanted to exchange numbers but I thought against it. It was good while it lasted and I'd always have the memory. If luck would have it, Trey would ride this route again before I got my new car which I wouldn't have for at least another month or two.

Trey stood up and held on to the harness above his head and waited for the bus to come to a complete stop before walking to the exit. He gave me a fist bump and said "Okay take it easy brotha. Don't tell nobody what we did." I bumped his fist in return and said "Mums the word." Before he started walking, he grinned at me and jokingly said "Buss Down Bobby." In normal circumstances calling someone a "buss down" would be an insult used against a female. To give you insight to that slang term, it is a person who is known to give oral sex quite often. It's not an actual word but it's a slang term that is defined by a site called "Urban Dictionary."

I wasn't offended at all. I smiled at Trey hoping he knew that I liked the new nickname he'd just given me. It was a compliment coming from his mouth.
Journal Entry: October 23, 2019 "The Bus Ride Home"

Today will be a day that I will always remember, thanks to the events that happened on my way home while riding Metro route 86. I've been commuting to work by bus and back home for nearly 3 months now. All due to my lemon of a car finally taking it's last breath. I have never been much for public transportation but this time I had no choice but to swallow my pride and become a proud Houston Metro bus rider. I knew that I needed a new car and I needed one soon so I picked up a part-time job at Slick Willies Pool Hall several miles away from my apartment. In a couple of months I'd have enough money to purchase a good cash car. I had my hopes up on getting another Honda Accord like my previous car. I felt that my old car had long surpassed it's intended life expectancy and figured I'd take my chances with another car of the same make and model but this time around I'd be sure to get one that was a later model with less mileage.

I've been riding the bus too and from work and have now become familiar with some of the riders who often ride the same route. Today there was a tall and swarthy looking African American young man with bulging biceps and washboard abs getting on the bus. I'd never seen this dude before but my eyes were glued to him as we pulled up to his stop. He was standing there in his wife beater and gray sweatpants. Seeing this stud was sending my hormones into a frenzy as my eyes landed on the massive protrusion that stood out from his crotch. My mouth began to water and I had to literally catch the small amount of drool that had pooled in the corner of my mouth. He was wearing Nike Air Force Ones and he carried a beat up backpack on his shoulder. Just from watching this guy standing there and seeing how he was dressed, I automatically labeled him as "trade." Trade is what we in the gay community call straight presenting guys. In the the gay community there is a rule that trade is nice to look at but one should never get into an "entanglement" with one of them because it only leads to heartbreak. A fling here and there is okay but never allow yourself to catch emotions for trade because trade only cares about using you for the moment and then moving on. If you are looking for a friendship or something substantial, you can forget about it.

I always set near the rear of the bus because I was on one of the last stops and would usually be one of the last to depart the bus before it was headed back to the bus depot for a change of drivers. To keep myself entertained during the ride I'd listen to my airpods but today I took them out and kept my attention on the new rider. He stepped onto the bus and made his way down the aisle. I watched as his bulge swayed from side to side as he came nearer to where I was seated at the rear. I said to myself "Please let him come to the back so that I can continue to treat my eyes." My wish had come true because he walked all the way to the back of the bus and set across the aisle in the adjacent empty seat. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. We both simultaneously nodded to each other. He was the definition of cool as he said "Hey what's good brotha?"

Oh wonderful he spoke to me! My eyes were blessed with a visual treat and now my ears were blessed with an auditory one. He sounded like someone I'd want to fuck me. He had a deep raspy voice with an H-town twang. I'd fantasize about that voice whispering naughty commands in my ear as he would be pounding me from the back. Since he asked a question I had to reply with something. My mind immediately responded and my mouth formed a response "Oh I'm making it brotha." I had to match his energy so I knew that I had to say something cool so that he could relate to me. He turned opposite me to drop his backpack in the seat closest to the window and I had an opportunity to see his muscularly defined "cakes" aka ass, on display. This man had it all. He had an enormous cock and a fat ass to boot!

There were only a few other commuters on the bus and they were all seated close to the front so here I was sitting at the rear with a fine ass brotha that reminded me of the men I'd beat my meat to on Pornhub. I didn't want there to be dead silence between myself and this stranger so I had to say something to get a convo started. We'd already driven several blocks with nothing more being said. He would occasionally look at his phone and began to text something so I would have to wait patiently until he was done. But what should I say? He placed his phone facedown on his lap signaling he was done texting.

"Hey man those are some clean kicks. Where'd you get those?" It was the only thing I could think to compliment him on that wasn't suggestive. If I were being honest with myself and him, I would have complimented him on such an amazing bulge.

"Oh thanks man, my girl got me these for my birthday. They go with everything I wear." Okay he's straight. He could have said anything and it would not have registered because my only concern was that he kept talking. I needed to hear words continue to flow from those big beautiful brown lips of his. He then introduced himself to me, "Oh my name is Trey by the way."

"I'm Bobby. I've never seen you on this route before. Is this a onetime trip or will you be riding regularly?" In my head I hoped he'd say this would be a regular thing. Unfortunately that wasn't to be because he replied, "Oh this is just a onetime trip for me brotha." He conveyed he was actually on his way to a street basketball tournament.

I knew nothing about basketball but if I had, I would have started talking about it. The conversation stalled for several more blocks because I knew of nothing else to talk about. With nothing else popping into my head I looked out the window or so it appeared that was what I was doing. I was actually looking at Trey's reflection in the glass. He was on his phone again but this time he was looking at a video. I wondered what he was watching but I had to wonder no more because I could hear the slurping sounds of a mouth working overtime on the cock of a moaning man. I wanted to look over so bad to confirm that he was watching porn. I focused my attention back to the front and strained my ears to hear more and hopefully see something in my periphery. I gathered he was watching a woman giving a man a blowjob because I could hear the man in the flick encourage the woman by saying "I want to feel my cock in the back of your throat, slut." I heard her gagging and now I was getting curious AND aroused. I quickly glanced in his direction and I could see him with his hand inside of his sweats and he was caressing himself.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I now felt like he wanted me to see this display. If he wanted to put on a show I was definitely game to be his audience so I slightly turned my head in his direction and his eyes met mine.

"I hope you don't mind me watching porn brotha. My girlfriend is pregnant and I ain't had no pussy in weeks. I was hoping nobody was back here. You seem like a cool cat so I figured I could get one off before I get to my tournament."

Little did Trey know but I was actually in heaven at his admission of horniness. "Damn man do your thing. I'm in the same boat as you and I wouldn't mind getting one off myself." I said this in hopes that Trey would invite me over to join him.

"Shit man you want to watch it with me? Come over here and we can get one off together." He removed his backpack from the seat and dropped it on the floor and slid closer to the window. With the seat open beside him, I got up and sat beside trey and watched the porn on his phone. I instantly got rock hard. I wasn't necessarily getting aroused by the video but more so by Trey's bulge being vigorously worked by his hand. I wished he'd uncage the beast so I could see it in all of it's glory. I knew it was massive and it was becoming more immense, now that it was getting harder.

Trey must've noticed my gaze lingering oh his crotch more than it was on the video because the next thing I saw was the head of his penis peeking out of the top of his sweats. I felt like Trey was teasing me with an opportunity and I felt I was wasting too much time thinking about it instead of saying something. Trey must've felt the same way because he said "I'm discreet brotha. I'll be at my destination soon and I saw you looking at my dick print when I was coming on the bus." I was shocked but happy he knew that I noticed. I didn't know what to say other than, "My bad, It's big as fuck so I couldn't help but to see it."

Trey wasn't teasing now. He was being forthright with his intentions and he revealed the rest of his dick so that he could see my eyes almost bulge completely out of my head. Seeing Trey's 9 inch brown shaft sticking straight up was more than I could handle. I was now fully erect and my boner was trying to burst through my zippered pants. Trey could see that I was excited and told me "Take it out man, we can both be free and get a good nut." I did as Trey said but my 7 inch erect penis paled in comparison to his 9 inch thick sausage. Trey and I sneakily flogged our flagpoles without anyone upfront having a clue.

Trey started to get restless with stroking his meat so he told me frankly, "I might need a hand with this monster." I'm thinking to myself okay he's asking me to take up the reins and stroke it for him so I took hold of his thick warm shaft and began to glide my right hand along his already wet shaft. Apparently my effort was not as enjoyable as I'd hoped it would be because I could feel Trey's erection start to wane. Oh fuck what was I to do? I wanted to make Trey shoot his load.

We were getting closer and closer to Trey's stop so he finally just came out with it, "What that mouth do?" This was his way of asking me if I had skills with giving a blowjob. I wasn't going to say anything to Trey about my oral skills. I was just going to show him. I released my shaft and focused my attention on the task before me. I looked forward to make sure all eyes were still looking away from the back of the bus. Once the coast was clear, I dropped my head into Trey's lap and allowed as much of his dick to fill my mouth as I could possibly manage without vomiting my lunch all over his lap. Trey's cock felt amazing in my mouth. It was warm and I could taste the precum that was seeping from his peehole. Trey watched the porn on his phone and placed his left hand on the back of my head to control the momentum of my blowjob. He was going to use my head like a fuck toy and shoot his load into my mouth before he got off of that bus. I was honored to be his fuck toy.

I swallowed Trey's cock dutifully and savored the odorous scent of his curly black pubes each time my head came closer to his boney pelvis. He was already sweaty down there and had probably been practicing his moves before he got onto the bus. I was enjoying every second of it. Not only was I enjoying his natural aroma but I was enjoying the sight of his heat emitting balls as they bounced up and down between his wide spread thighs. Too bad I couldn't get down there and give his balls a nice ball bath. It would have been nice to taste the tang of his testis. Due to the immediacy of Trey's need to bust a nut and the limited amount of space between us and the seat, I had to be content with just giving the blowjob of my life.

I kept my slurping sounds to a minimum and only heard the porn playing and the soft moans Trey would occasionally make when it was feeling extra good. Trey's cock was oozing precum like crazy now. Trey continued to control the speed and rhythm in which my head bobbed against his cock. He sped the movement up. With my eyes open I watched his balls start lose their "bouncibility" as they drew themselves up closer to his pelvis. If there is one thing I knew about the male anatomy, it was that the balls become tight when they need to protect themselves from temperature change to keep the sperm warm or they become tight right when a man is about to ejaculate. I prepared myself to savor the warm salty semen that would engulf my mouth.

With a fast moving push of my head, Trey whispered "Get ready because I'm about to nut." Second's later Trey's hand stopped but held my head firmly in place so that I would not come up off of his cock. Trey had nothing to worry about because didn't plan to let any of that cum spill on the floor. I was anticipating swallowing his load. And swallow I did. There had to have been at least 8 thick ropes of cum rocketing into the back of my throat. I could feel each and every squirt smack my tonsils like it was a target.

Trey didn't release his grip on my head until he was sure he'd gotten it all out. I swallowed his load and slowly lifted my head to an upright position. Everybody was still facing forward or out of the window. Trey had gotten to bust his nut and I was more than happy to be of assistance to him. His cock, glistening from my saliva, deflated and I now saw it flaccid. It looked like an elephant's trunk resting on his thigh. He was freeballing which is why it gyrated so easily from side to side when he'd walked up the aisle. He tucked his dick back into his sweatpants and said to me, "Man you are a beast with it." That was his way of telling me I'd done an amazing job. "Bobby I might need to catch the bus more often brotha. I could use that treatment regularly until my girl is able to give me some pussy again."

That's all I needed to hear. Having a car would be ideal but if Trey was going to be riding the bus I'd make an exception to ride as often as possible. I knew he was just saying this to flatter me however. Men like him get what they need at the moment it is needed and then they move on. We were at his stop and he was grabbing his backpack. I wanted to ask him if he wanted to exchange numbers but I thought against it. It was good while it lasted and I'd always have the memory. If luck would have it, Trey would ride this route again before I got my new car which I wouldn't have for at least another month or two.

Trey stood up and held on to the harness above his head and waited for the bus to come to a complete stop before walking to the exit. He gave me a fist bump and said "Okay take it easy brotha. Don't tell nobody what we did." I bumped his fist in return and said "Mums the word." Before he started walking, he grinned at me and jokingly said "Buss Down Bobby." In normal circumstances calling someone a "buss down" would be an insult used against a female. To give you insight to that slang term, it is a person who is known to give oral sex quite often. It's not an actual word but it's a slang term that is defined by a site called "Urban Dictionary."

I wasn't offended at all. I smiled at Trey hoping he knew that I liked the new nickname he'd just given me. It was a compliment coming from his mouth.
Hot story!!
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