
Mythical Member
Mar 19, 2018
Indianapolis (Indiana, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight

Dr. Vachel had only recently started his career as a doctor, but he was already proving himself to be one of the best in his field. At the ripe young age of 29, he had a sharp mind and a keen sense of observation that allowed him to diagnose even the most elusive of ailments.

It was a typical Tuesday morning when a burly, muscular man named Baxter waddled into Dr. Vachel's office for a check-up. Baxter's wife had been nagging him to get his prostate checked for weeks now, and he had finally relented, more out of a desire to please her than any real concern for his own health.

As Baxter sat in the waiting room, flipping through an outdated copy of People magazine, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. He had never been one for doctor's appointments, and the thought of a young, green doctor poking and prodding at his most private of parts made him shift uncomfortably in his seat.

After what felt like an eternity, a nurse came out and called Baxter's name. He heaved himself up out of the chair and followed her back to an exam room, his stomach churning with anticipation.

Baxter perched himself on the edge of the exam table, his massive frame threatening to tip the whole thing over. He gazed around the sterile room, taking in the various medical instruments and tools that lined the walls. Just as he was starting to feel truly anxious, the door swung open and in walked the doctor himself.

"Good morning, Mr. Baxter," Dr. Vachel said brightly, his blue eyes twinkling behind his glasses. "I'm Dr. Vachel, and I'll be performing your examination today."

Baxter's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the doctor's youthful appearance. He couldn't have been a day over 25, with his tousled blond hair and boyish features. For a moment, Baxter wondered if he had somehow ended up with a med student instead of a real doctor.

But Dr. Vachel seemed unfazed by Baxter's stunned expression. He hopped up onto a stool and began flipping through the man's chart, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Looks like you're here for a routine prostate exam," Dr. Vachel said, glancing up from the chart. "If you'll just hop up on the table and bend over, we can get started."

Baxter gulped, his mouth suddenly dry. He'd known this was coming, but that didn't make it any less embarrassing. Steeling himself, he swung his long legs up onto the table and leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees.

As he bent over, the thin paper gown slipped up, exposing his bare, muscular buttocks to the doctor's gaze. Baxter felt his face flush with heat as he heard Dr. Vachel moving around behind him.

"Try to relax," Dr. Vachel's smooth voice drifted over to him. "This will all be over before you know it."

Baxter took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to do as the doctor instructed. But it was hard to relax when he could feel that warm, gentle hand suddenly cupping his bare ass. Dr. Vachel's fingers kneaded the firm flesh, slowly coaxing Baxter to open up to him.

"You have a magnificent body," Dr. Vachel murmured almost to himself. "I bet lots of men would kill to be in my shoes right now."

Baxter's eyes flew open at those words, a jolt of surprise and something else - anticipation? - shooting through him. Was the doctor really coming onto him? Before he could puzzle it out, he felt a slick, gloved finger prodding at his tight hole.

"Just breathe," Dr. Vachel crooned, his other hand rubbing soothing circles over Baxter's lower back. "Let me in."

Baxter bit his lip hard, fighting the urge to clench up as that clever finger slowly breached him. It had been a while since anyone had touched him like this, and his body wasn't sure it wanted to remember. But Dr. Vachel had a way of coaxes him to open up, to let him deeper and deeper.

Soon, there were two fingers buried inside him, pumping in and out in a steady rhythm. Baxter's cock began to stir against his stomach, growing harder by the second as Dr. Vachel worked him open.

"I'm going to add a third finger now," Dr. Vachel warned, his hot breath ghosting over Baxter's ear. "You're doing so well, taking me so nicely. Such a good patient."

Baxter groaned, his head falling forward as that third finger joined the first two. He'd never been one for dirty talk, but the way Dr. Vachel crooned praise at him made him feel things he'd never felt before. Like he was special, desirable, sexy.

He gasped as Dr. Vachel's fingers found his prostate, sending sparks of pleasure shooting up his spine. The doctor rubbed at the sensitive bundle of nerves, his movements growing harder and faster until Baxter was writhing on the table.

"My fingers aren't enough," Dr. Vachel suddenly declared, pulling away entirely. "I need to taste you."

Before Baxter could process what was happening, he felt the doctor's face pressed between his muscular cheeks, his hot tongue lapping at his twitching hole. Baxter moans, his hands scrabbling for purchase on the table as Dr. Vachel ate him out like a starving man at a buffet.

The wet, filthy sounds of the doctor's licking and sucking filled the room, mingling with Baxter's moans of pleasure. He'd never been rimmed before, but now he couldn't imagine going back to a world without it. Not when it felt this fucking good.

Dr. Vachel worked him open with his tongue until Baxter was practically sobbing with need, his neglected cock weeping pre-cum onto the table. He needed more, needed to be filled in a way that fingers and tongues never could.

As if reading his mind, Dr. Vachel finally pulled away, his face slick with Baxter's spit. "I'm going to insert the instrument now," he said, his voice husky with desire. "It might sting a bit at first, but I promise it will feel amazing soon."

Baxter hardly had time to process this before he felt something hard and cool pressing at his entrance. The instrument, whatever it was, slowly breached him, stretching his tight hole wider than it had ever been stretched before.

He gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to buck Dr. Vachel off as the instrument sank deeper and deeper. It was uncomfortable at first, almost painful, but as it began to open him up, Baxter felt a pleasure he'd never known before.

"You're so tight," Dr. Vachel groaned, his own erection painfully hard in his scrubs. "I can't wait to feel this ass around my cock."

Baxter's eyes bulged at those words, his heart stuttering in his chest. Surely the doctor couldn't mean...but before he could get his hopes up, Dr. Vachel was fumbling with his pants, freeing his massive cock from its confines.

It was the biggest cock Baxter had ever seen, thick and veiny and flushed a deep, angry purple. For a moment, he wondered how it would ever fit inside him, but Dr. Vachel didn't give him long to ponder.

With one smooth thrust, the doctor buried himself balls-deep in Baxter's tight hole, the instrument still lodged inside. The dual penetration was almost too much for Baxter to take, his vision whiting out at the edges as he struggled to adjust.

Dr. Vachel gave him a moment, his hands roaming over Baxter's broad back in soothing circles. "You're doing so well," he panted, his hips already starting to move. "Taking me so deep, like you were made for it."

Baxter keened, his fingers clawing at the table as Dr. Vachel began to fuck him in earnest. The doctor's cock hit his prostate with every thrust, the instrument adding an extra layer of stimulation that had him seeing stars.

He'd never been fucked like this before, taken so thoroughly and completely. It was like Dr. Vachel knew every inch of his body, every secret place that made him writhe and moan.

Baxter lost himself in the rhythm of the doctor's thrusts, his own cock bobbing uselessly against his stomach. He was so close, his release coiling tight and hot at the base of his spine, but he held back, not wanting this moment to end.

But Dr. Vachel had other ideas. "I want you to cum for me," he growled, his thrusts growing erratic as his own climax approached. "I want to feel this tight ass milking my cock as you shoot all over the table."

Baxter bit back a sob, his hips jerking forward of their own accord. The doctor's words were his undoing, his orgasm crashing over him like a tidal wave. He came with a shout, his untouched cock spurting thick ropes of cum onto the table beneath him.

Dr. Vachel followed him over the edge a moment later, his cock pulsing inside Baxter's clenching hole as he filled him with his seed. They moved together in a sweaty, messy tangle of limbs, riding out the aftershocks of their shared pleasure.

Finally, Dr. Vachel pulled away with a soft groan, his softening cock slipping free of Baxter's abused hole. "That was...incredible," he panted, his face flushed and sweaty. "I've never felt anything like it."

Baxter could only nod, his body still trembling with the force of his release. He felt boneless, sated in a way he'd never been before. Like every tension, every worry, had been fucked right out of him.

Dr. Vachel helped him clean up, his hands gentle as he wiped away the cum and lube painting Baxter's thighs. "I know this was probably a little unorthodox," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to the small of Baxter's back. "But I can't tell you how much I enjoyed that. How much I enjoyed you."

Baxter's heart swelled at the tender words, a slow smile spreading across his face. Maybe he wouldn't mind coming back to the doctor after all. Especially if every visit ended like this.

As he hauled himself off the table on shaky legs, Baxter caught Dr. Vachel's eye, his own gaze full of promise. "Same time next week?"