The First Time


Experimental Member
May 20, 2023
Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, UK
No Response
Having grown up with strict parents, Jessica learnt to be a rebel. A week from now, was her best friend Jude's wedding. As a sort of bachelor's party, they decided, for old time's sake, to be a little reckless and sneaked into a nightclub. Throughout the night, they seduced men and got them to buy them drinks, till the only one's left were horny middle aged climps. And so they sneaked out of the club, just as stealthily as they got in. Jude expressed a wish to go to a ball that had been organised at a place two blocks away. Jessica noted,"Jude, we can't possibly go to a ball in latex trousers, that'd look ridiculous." "Since when did you begin conforming to rules?" "I know, I know, but that'd look too weird even for me, your girl's got standards", she said with a pout. And off they went to a ZARA store. While Jessica distracted the guard and the cashier, Jude smuggled two dresses out of the store, and just as the security system reported the tags, they made a run for it, giggling like little girls. In an alleyway they changed their clothes, throwing awfully uncomfortable latex suits in the dumpster, and walked to the ball, carrying themselves like 19th century noblewomen. Somehow, being tipsy hadn't dampened their spirits, if anything, it made them more daring. Picking up two beautiful masks off they went to the dance floor. Soon their hands were claimed by two great tall fellows, who could pass for walking pillars than actual humans. Just Jessica's luck, the man she was with, in addition to Jessica's own poor dancing skills, was a complete buffoon, a lost cause if you will. He stepped on her toes so many times that by the end of the waltz, she couldn't walk. "What a waste of time that was! Idiot!", she thought as she walked over to the refreshments bar. "Are these shots of white wine?", she thought. As she picked up a glass and put it to her lips, "Nope...not at all wine, lemonade...well i guess I'm already tipsy". Shortly afterwards, she was joined by Jude. "Best evening ever!", Jude exclaimed. "I'm not certain you can call it an evening Jude, pretty sure it's past eleven". Disregard her remark, Jude continued, "I've never been twirled like that! The alcohol seems to have evaporated from my system...oh how I wish Jack was here." "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Just then, a man in a white tuxedo approached them, "Might I ask the lady for a dance?", he said, in a voice that sounded decidedly fake, at least to Jessica. As she opened her mouth to say no, Jude stepped in, bubbling with excitement and said "Yes! Though, I'm already occupied, take my friend!" Upon being discreetly poked by Jude, to accept the proposal, Jessica resignedly put her hand in his. The act sent shivers down her spine, she could not fathom why. The quartet at the head of the hall started playing Shostakovich's Waltz no. 2 as they began dancing. He whispered, "You don't seem too pleased about having to join me". "I just got stepped on multiple times in my last dance." "I can assure you, you won't have to put up with that this time." "Can you drop this stupid, cheap remake of a Batman voice you're doing? It sounds so fake it's painful." "Ouch! Well, we are supposed to uphold anonymity, are we not?" Seeing that he wouldn't receive a reply, he put a hand around her waist and twirled her as they changed partners. Almost instantly, she felt herself yearning to be back with the same man, she did not even pay attention to her ner partner. To her relief, they changed partners again and she was once again in the presence of that queer man. "Well, that was rather rude, you did not seem to notice the poor guy" "You were watching me, while you were supposed to be paying attention to your partner, how does that make you any better than I?" "Well you can't blame me. Who could possibly take their eyes off such a piece of art?" The compliment made Jessica blush a most remarkable shade of pink. In retaliation, just as he stepped behind her, she grinded herself against him, making sure it had the desired reaction. "Well that was most certainly unladylike and was definitely not a proper dance step!" Within moments the dance ended and the man walked off towards the door, completely embarrassed by the situation he was put in. Piqued by this man and guided by a burning desire to be in his presence she followed him and found him in front of a rather poncy car. "I did not expect you to follow me", he said. "I just wanted to apologise" She couldn't be certain if it was some primal desire or if it was the alcohol from earlier that clouded her judgement, she pulled off her mask and crashed herself against his lips. The act was reciprocated with equal fervour. Soon they were in the car, driving off, just as Jude exited the ball. "Goodness! Did she just leave me here? Ughh... gotta call Jack", with that she went inside again. Soon the car came to a halt, in front of a rather large house. As soon as they were inside, they began ravaging each other's lips, soon clothes were flying off their bodies, each yearning for the other's touch. It felt like some ancient attraction, like some gluonic force. Before she knew it, Jessica was on a large four poster bed, with him looming over her. She squeezed her eyes shut, scared of what might happen next. He noticed this and said, "If you're not certain, we can simply stop", with an emotion in his voice that she could not read. She opened her eyes and said, "I want to, it's just that, it's my first time." It seemed to her as if a slight grin spread across his face. His finger started tracing her body, it creeped down her bosom, abdomen and then... The world seemed to come to a halt as a soft moan parted her lips. It was a sensation she had never felt before. He positioned himself in front of her and just as his tongue danced across her, she could not no longer maintain her composure and screamed in a most delightfully loud declaration of pleasure, something that only served to encourage the man. As he invaded her body, the shock sent her on overdrive as she clawed at his back, pain mixed with pleasure overwhelming her. As he withdrew, she yearned for more of him and arched herself towards him, an effort, soon rewarded. And thus they were entwined in an ancient symphony of desire and pleasure, sailing towards it's zenith. Some time later, Jessica found herself cradled in his embrace, safe from the rest of the world.

(P.S.: There are no descriptions of the characters to allow the reader to imagine the characters according to their own wish)
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Experimental Member
May 20, 2023
Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, UK
No Response
I a
Having grown up with strict parents, Jessica learnt to be a rebel. A week from now, was her best friend Jude's wedding. As a sort of bachelor's party, they decided, for old time's sake, to be a little reckless and sneaked into a nightclub. Throughout the night, they seduced men and got them to buy them drinks, till the only one's left were horny middle aged climps. And so they sneaked out of the club, just as stealthily as they got in. Jude expressed a wish to go to a ball that had been organised at a place two blocks away. Jessica noted,"Jude, we can't possibly go to a ball in latex trousers, that'd look ridiculous." "Since when did you begin conforming to rules?" "I know, I know, but that'd look too weird even for me, your girl's got standards", she said with a pout. And off they went to a ZARA store. While Jessica distracted the guard and the cashier, Jude smuggled two dresses out of the store, and just as the security system reported the tags, they made a run for it, giggling like little girls. In an alleyway they changed their clothes, throwing awfully uncomfortable latex suits in the dumpster, and walked to the ball, carrying themselves like 19th century noblewomen. Somehow, being tipsy hadn't dampened their spirits, if anything, it made them more daring. Picking up two beautiful masks off they went to the dance floor. Soon their hands were claimed by two great tall fellows, who could pass for walking pillars than actual humans. Just Jessica's luck, the man she was with, in addition to Jessica's own poor dancing skills, was a complete buffoon, a lost cause if you will. He stepped on her toes so many times that by the end of the waltz, she couldn't walk. "What a waste of time that was! Idiot!", she thought as she walked over to the refreshments bar. "Are these shots of white wine?", she thought. As she picked up a glass and put it to her lips, "Nope...not at all wine, lemonade...well i guess I'm already tipsy". Shortly afterwards, she was joined by Jude. "Best evening ever!", Jude exclaimed. "I'm not certain you can call it an evening Jude, pretty sure it's past eleven". Disregard her remark, Jude continued, "I've never been twirled like that! The alcohol seems to have evaporated from my system...oh how I wish Jack was here." "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Just then, a man in a white tuxedo approached them, "Might I ask the lady for a dance?", he said, in a voice that sounded decidedly fake, at least to Jessica. As she opened her mouth to say no, Jude stepped in, bubbling with excitement and said "Yes! Though, I'm already occupied, take my friend!" Upon being discreetly poked by Jude, to accept the proposal, Jessica resignedly put her hand in his. The act sent shivers down her spine, she could not fathom why. The quartet at the head of the hall started playing Shostakovich's Waltz no. 2 as they began dancing. He whispered, "You don't seem too pleased about having to join me". "I just got stepped on multiple times in my last dance." "I can assure you, you won't have to put up with that this time." "Can you drop this stupid, cheap remake of a Batman voice you're doing? It sounds so fake it's painful." "Ouch! Well, we are supposed to uphold anonymity, are we not?" Seeing that he wouldn't receive a reply, he put a hand around her waist and twirled her as they changed partners. Almost instantly, she felt herself yearning to be back with the same man, she did not even pay attention to her ner partner. To her relief, they changed partners again and she was once again in the presence of that queer man. "Well, that was rather rude, you did not seem to notice the poor guy" "You were watching me, while you were supposed to be paying attention to your partner, how does that make you any better than I?" "Well you can't blame me. Who could possibly take their eyes off such a piece of art?" The compliment made Jessica blush a most remarkable shade of pink. In retaliation, just as he stepped behind her, she grinded herself against him, making sure it had the desired reaction. "Well that was most certainly unladylike and was definitely not a proper dance step!" Within moments the dance ended and the man walked off towards the door, completely embarrassed by the situation he was put in. Piqued by this man and guided by a burning desire to be in his presence she followed him and found him in front of a rather poncy car. "I did not expect you to follow me", he said. "I just wanted to apologise" She couldn't be certain if it was some primal desire or if it was the alcohol from earlier that clouded her judgement, she pulled off her mask and crashed herself against his lips. The act was reciprocated with equal fervour. Soon they were in the car, driving off, just as Jude exited the ball. "Goodness! Did she just leave me here? Ughh... gotta call Jack", with that she went inside again. Soon the car came to a halt, in front of a rather large house. As soon as they were inside, they began ravaging each other's lips, soon clothes were flying off their bodies, each yearning for the other's touch. It felt like some ancient attraction, like some gluonic force. Before she knew it, Jessica was on a large four poster bed, with him looming over her. She squeezed her eyes shut, scared of what might happen next. He noticed this and said, "If you're not certain, we can simply stop", with an emotion in his voice that she could not read. She opened her eyes and said, "I want to, it's just that, it's my first time." It seemed to her as if a slight grin spread across his face. His finger started tracing her body, it creeped down her bosom, abdomen and then... The world seemed to come to a halt as a soft moan parted her lips. It was a sensation she had never felt before. He positioned himself in front of her and just as his tongue danced across her, she could not no longer maintain her composure and screamed in a most delightfully loud declaration of pleasure, something that only served to encourage the man. As he invaded her body, the shock sent her on overdrive as she clawed at his back, pain mixed with pleasure overwhelming her. As he withdrew, she yearned for more of him and arched herself towards him, an effort, soon rewarded. And thus they were entwined in an ancient symphony of desire and pleasure, sailing towards it's zenith. Some time later, Jessica found herself cradled in his embrace, safe from the rest of the world.

(P.S.: There are no descriptions of the characters to allow the reader to imagine the characters according to their own wish)
I apologise for the lack of paragraphs, technical difficulties on my end.