The Game


Superior Member
Sep 29, 2023
Dublin, Leinster,Ireland
90% Gay, 10% Straight
All characters are 18+

It had been over a year since I’d seen him last. He’d grown quite a lot, which wasn’t surprising given the fact that he’d been hitting the gym, according to his incessant Instagram stories. He dropped his bag on the sofa and greeted me with a hug, and I could feel the strength in his arms.

“It’s been a minute!” He said, slapping my back, “how’s my best friend?”

Colton had always been a confident, charismatic young man. Ever since we were kids, he was the one to knock on the neighbour’s door when the ball went over the fence, or ask our parents for sleepovers whenever we visited each other’s houses. Even now, standing before each other as adults, he was still the cocky one.

“Oh, you know” I shrugged, sitting back down and picking up the PlayStation controller, “same shit, different day”.

I watched, from the corner of my eye, as Colton took a seat next to me. I had to admit, he looked incredibly well, and it was clear that his time in the gym had been paying off.

He stood over six feet tall, and now his arms were stretching the soft fabric of his white t-shirt. He wore a pair of shorts, too, which looked as though they’d rip at any second, but there was more to him than his impressive physique.

Colton was probably the most handsome person I knew. He had wavy blond hair, a little darker than it was the last time I’d seen him, and eyes so blue that they’d always reminded me of the sky. He had a sharp jawline, pearly-white teeth, and the attitude to match.

“You need a girlfriend, my man” he said, slapping my leg and grabbing the controller from me, “you still a virgin?”

My cheeks began to burn as I watched Colton play. Just like everything else, he’d beaten me in that race, too. I sighed and he glanced at me with a smirk.

“You’re not embarrassed, are you?” He asked, with that cheeky tone, “dude, we’re like brothers. You can tell me if you haven’t popped that cherry, yet!”

I squirmed away from him as he playfully reached for my junk. He was a joker, and I’d half expected it, anyway. Colton laughed, and I took a breath.

“I just haven’t found the right one yet, that’s all” I said, truthfully.

“The right one my ass” he scoffed, “do you know how many ‘right ones’ I’ve had this year? Nine, bro. Nine”.

“You’ve had sex with nine women?” I gasped, gawping at him, “it’s April, Colton!”

He scrunched up his face and scoffed again. “Fuck no” he said, returning to the game, “I’ve dated nine chicks this year. I’ve fucked like thirty”.

He wasn’t joking, either. He moved on from the subject as though he’d just been talking about the weather, and turned his attention back to me a few minutes later.

“So, have you told your folks that you’re gay, yet?” He asked, and my blood ran cold.


“Oh, come on” he laughed, pausing the game and turning toward me, “do you not think I know my own best friend after eighteen years?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I lied, grabbing the controller and desperately trying to move on from the touchy subject. Colton pulled it back and smiled at me.

“Dude, I’ve known you were gay ever since you ran away from Sarah Stockton in fourth grade, crying because she asked you to marry her”.

“I was nine” I spat, but he shrugged his broad shoulders again.

“Your folks would be cool with it, you know that, right? Didn’t one of your cousins come out a few years ago? Dustin or Damien, or whatever his name was”.

“Darren” I said, and decided that if anybody should know my greatest secret, it might as well be Colton. “It just sucks, man” I said, laying my head back on the sofa, “I don’t know a single gay guy that’s less that fifty years old around this town”.

“What’s wrong with fifty year olds?” He grinned, “this one time, I met this chick–”

“I don’t wanna’ know” I told him, and sighed again.

“Oh, lighten up, man” he said, playfully slapping my cheek until I brushed his hand away. “You’re eighteen, there’s plenty of time to get some dick”.

Hearing him speak about it so openly made me wonder why I hadn’t told him sooner. I had expected it to be a whole thing, but Colton was taking it surprisingly well.

“Plus” he added, “why do you need to find a gay guy? Every guy is gay for the right price”.

I snorted before turning to him, but Colton wasn’t laughing.

“I’m serious, bro” he said, matter-of-factly, “some of the straightest dudes I know are partial to an ol’ blowie from a guy every now and then”.

“You’re joking” I said, in disbelief, because I couldn’t imagine a straight guy doing anything of the sort. “Plus, I’m not paying somebody to have sex with me”.

“I’m not talking about money, dumb ass” he scoffed, “I’m talking about hitting them at the right time, in the right place, with the right offer”.

I stared at him for a moment. He really was serious.

“Think about it” he said, sitting up on the chair and setting the controller down, “you’re out with one of your guy friends, right?”


“He’s talking about his girlfriend back home, complainin’ that she ain’t putting out, or that she always has a headache when he wants a blowjob, you know, the usual shit”.

“That’s not usually what I talk about with my friends” I grimaced, but Colton ignored me.

“Anyway, you’re getting a bit hot downstairs” he grinned, and I squirmed. “You’re wanting that big cock in your mouth, right?”

“I… I guess”.

“So, what do you do?” He asked, but it didn’t require an answer. “You don’t run away like a little bitch, you take your motherfuckin’ chance!”

“How?” I asked, realising that I was now very much hooked on the idea.

“Simple” he shrugged, “you play The Game”.

“The Game?”

Colton nodded and rubbed his hands together. “First you set the stage” he said, and then he put on a voice that sounded like he was trying to be gay. I wasn’t sure whether to be offended or impressed.

“Oh, Joe, that’s terrible” he said, as I suppressed a laugh, “you must be so horny, Joe”.

“Oh, come on” I laughed, but he continued.

“When’s the last time you emptied your balls, Joe?” He asked the fictional person, and then he put on a different, rougher voice, and answered himself. “It’s been like two weeks, Adam”.

“Fuck you, man” I growled, “I don’t sound like that!”

“Shut up a minute” he chuckled, and got back into character.

“Damn, Joe. That must really suck, but I have a plan that could help both of us out”.

I rolled my eyes. If Colton thought that something like this would work in the real world, he was deluded.

“And then you tell him that you’ll suck his dick, because you’re a good-ass-friend, as long as it stays between you two” he explained, and tapped his head as though he’d come up with a groundbreaking idea. “That way” he said, “he’ll think you’re doing him a favour, but really, you’re just satisfying that hunger for dick”.

Colton returned to the Playstation and I chuckled to myself. “That shit doesn’t work outside of whatever weird fuckin’ movies you watch” I said, and then Colton turned to me, completely seriously, and put down the controller for the last time.

“Try it” he said, and I cocked a brow, as my old best friend crossed his arms and grinned.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Damn, Adam” he sighed, and scratched his balls through his shorts, “I haven’t had a good blowjob in months”.

I couldn’t believe my ears. Was this another joke? I watched him for a moment, trying to work it out, until he nudged me.

“It’s your turn, dipshit” he said.

“Shut up, man” I scoffed, but Colton persisted.

“I was with this one chick, bro, but she just wasn’t fulfilling my needs, you know what I mean?”

“Give it up, Colton” I said, though part of me was becoming more and more eager to hear him talk about it.

“Talkin’ about how my dick’s too big, and shit” he chuckled, “so I’ve been lookin’ for a new chick to help me out”.

He nudged me again. Twice, this time, and I took a breath and decided to play along, if only for a laugh.

“That’s too bad” I said, exaggerating my voice, “I bet you could really do with a blowjob”.

“Fuck, man” he spat, “you can’t just come in all guns blazing like that! What do you think this is, Grindr? Damn, you gotta play The Game, bro”.

“Fuck, alright” I growled, “Jesus”.

“Let’s try that again” he said, turning to me, “I’ve just told you that I haven’t busted a nut in weeks. Now it’s your job to convince me to let you do it”.

Once again, Colton’s complete lack of care shocked me. It really was like we were talking about the weather!

“That’s too bad” I said, “I bet you’re busting”.

“Better” he nodded, and then resumed his role. “Man, I’m about fit to blow a hole through these shorts”.

At those words, I felt my own shorts begin to stir. I gulped, and continued.

“You know” I said, sitting back and looking at the television, “I know a way we can both benefit”.

I waited for Colton to end the skit, and laugh about it, but he carried on.

“Oh yeah?” He asked, “how’s that?”

I gulped again. The lump in my throat was getting bigger and bigger by the second, but so was the bulge in my pants.

“Well” I coughed, “uh… Well, we’d um… We’d have to keep it between us”.

“Go on” he pressed, and now my cheeks were blazing red, and I had to shift on the chair to prevent my growing erection from being seen.

“I uh… We could um… I could suck your dick”.

“Fuck, man!” He shouted, “you were so close there. God damn it, even I was starting to be convinced” he laughed, “you’ve got to work on your game, bro, but that wasn’t bad for your first try”.

I forced a fake laugh. For the briefest of moments, I almost thought I was convincing him, but once again, Colton proved himself to be the joker I always knew he was.

“Anyway” he said, getting to his feet, “you can’t offer a dude a blowjob, and then blubber all over his shit, right?”


“You’ve never sucked a dick before” he shrugged, “so if you’re gonna’ play The Game, you’ve gotta’ learn to play it right”.

I watched in astonishment as my best friend pulled down the front of his shorts and exposed the large bulge inside his tight, white boxer briefs.

“Ready to get some practice in?”

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