The Graduation Party


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
Feb 14, 2019
New York (United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
I had been dreading this past weekend for so long.

My only nephew has graduated high school and I missed the ceremony because of work and I was determined to make the party. Beer would be flowing, thanks to my brother and food would be great, since my sister-in-law and her family did the cooking. I knew I just HAD to go, but I was still dreading it.
I haven't been home much since the pandemic and I also hadn't been home in a while because I hate the trashy area I am from and the "mouth-breathers" (as my best friend calls them) in that particular part of the country. Ugh. I hated the idea of it, but I made a promise to the kid and I had to keep it.

Getting there was not a problem. Driving there is all highway and boredom, so I spent most of it lost in thought and fantastic daydreams of sex. Since 2020 was a bust, I hadn't been with anyone, because I was just too nervous and only recently had some guy over to suck me off and that wasn't too great. Too teethy. Fuck. Work kept me super busy with early meetings and late night prepping for the next day's meetings. By the time I got home, I didn't even have the energy to beat off.

While I drove, I did have the time to edge my cock a little, but the goddamn tractor trailers just kept coming out of nowhere! One of them did catch me and he blew his horn, rolled down his window and yelled, "Nice cock!" before speeding off.
He wasn't wrong. I have a pretty nice cock. I am 6.5 and girthy with a nice mushroom head that likes the underside of it kissed.

I finally got to the picnic grove area and put my cock away. I took a breath and slapped a smile on, took a quick hit from my one-hitter and got out of the car. That was the easy part. Now: Relatives.

I made my way around the party in expert, serpentine movements. I didn't lag too long with any particular person and this way, they didn't know I was high or that I couldn't stand them.
My immediate family was awesome and we hugged and laughed and I had a genuinely good time with them. Even my bitch of a sister-in-law was fun. I scanned the tables for people I hadn't seen and someone came into my sights that I hadn't seen before. I asked my sister-in-law who he was and she said that his name is Brendan and he's Josh's dad. Josh was on the volleyball team with my nephew and I knew which one he was only because when he walked by, I almost spit out my beer. He was gorgeous and tall and tan and 16...nevermind on that one. Jail. Bait. I could see the resemblance between them. Brendan was about 6'5" and built like a linebacker, with the strongest jawline I have ever seen and the most piercing green eyes. At the moment I saw him, my sister-in-law mentioned that all the mothers are secretly in love with him and I said that I don't blame them a bit. As if he heard me, he turned and locked eyes with me and smiled. Immediately hard and with a skip to my heartbeat, I turned away and went to get another drink.

I stood over by the beer taps and took a beat to let my cock cool down. The absolute last thing I needed was to be lusting over another straight guy in my life. I have had enough of that experience to last me forever. I sipped the beer and made small talk with another aunt that I can't stand and from behind me I heard a deep voice say, "Excuse me, can I slide in here?" I turned and there he was. My eyes were at chest level with him and I could almost make out the traces of cologne that he wore, escaping through his open shirt which exposed a light dusting of hair. I slowly looked up and he had a cock-eyed smile and those damn beautiful eyes were looking at me. I didn't know what to do. I was stunned by this beast of a man, I didn't respond. He looked at me and said, "Can I slide in here?" and my cock almost jumped off my body.
"Can you slide in where?" was all I could think of to say. I thought it was funny. I mean, I KNEW where I wanted him to slide, but...
"I wanted to get a beer and I have to squeeze between you and the tap, if that is ok". Damnit. He didn't get the joke and now, I looked like an idiot. I gestured for him to get where he needed to go and I slowly slinked away, trying to not die from embarrassment.

I made my way to another group of family that I had to show some face to and I felt a slight tap on the shoulder. I turned and there he was again, just as uncomfortably close as before and making my cock swell in my pants to the point of pain. "Hi", he said. "I'm Brendan. You must be Michael's brother, right? You look a little alike."

I cleared my throat which had NEVER been drier in my life, sipped my beer and tried to think of anything witty or cool to say, but all that came out was, "Yep."

(Yep. Yep? YEP!?!?!?!?! What the hell is wrong with me!?!)

He looked bored almost instantly and I could see him looking around the party for someone else to make eye contact with to get him out of this situation. I knew I had to redeem myself and I closed my eyes and took a breath and said, "I am sorry. I didn't mean that to sound so cold. I'm a little stoned." He looked at me and I could see the lines by his eyes crease up and he let out an explosion of laughter. His giant hand clapped my shoulder and I almost spilled my drink. "You ARE funny! Your brother said you were." He laughed a little more and sat down at a table, motioning for me to join him. I sat and tried to not be as high as I was, because in a social situation where I am uncomfortable AND high, I tend to say the wrong things.

We started talking and the flow was INSANE! He was smart (high-level executive with a bank), sweet (mentioning his kids with so much love and admiration), heart-warming (he coaches all of his kid's teams) and genuine (could't have been more present when I was talking). I found myself understanding why all the other moms around were lusting after him. He was a total stud and the whole package. Lucky wife!

We talked for what seemed like an eternity about my life in the city and the excitement of living there. He has always been in the country and grew up on a dairy farm that his family still owns. He loves the country life, but he said how he had always dreamed about going to the city and living that kind of life, even for one day. Before I could stop the words, I said, "You can come visit me and stay at my place, if you like". I tried to mentally reach out and put the words back into my mouth, but they were already out there...flying around in the air towards his perfect ears. He looked right into my eyes, placed his hand on my knee, grinned and said, "But what would I do with my wife?". I didn't know what to do. I looked him in the eyes and said, "Hey! I am supposed to be the funny one, remember?" We both laughed and I excused myself to find a bathroom to splash some water on my face and maybe get some clarity on the massive crush I was developing on this man.
I made my way towards the bathroom area and had to pass yet another relative that I had tried to avoid, trying to get to the bathroom to NOT think about the handsome "daddy" that was clouding my mind. I made small-talk and finally found the long hallway that led to the restrooms, but something made me look back. I turned and saw Brendan looking at me. His eyes were fixed on me and I could almost feel heat coming from his gaze. I felt my face blush and I had to catch my breath. He was absolutely gorgeous up close and from far away, the dreaminess that was him was still so clear and in focus. I could barely look away and felt like if I did, he would never look at me again. Just then, my nephew and some of his friends walked from down the hall where the bathrooms were, smelling like marijuana. They were all tall and genetically blessed and more than one of them could model. As I high-fived my nephew and fist-bumped one or more of the other guys, I lost sight of Brendan in the crowd. When they all passed, I looked to where Brendan was and all that was there was an empty seat and my heart sank in my chest. "For the best", I told myself.

I decided to use the handicapped one-person stall, because I was sure I would have to jerk off. I mean, when you see something like an ACTUAL perfect specimen of a man, you may need to cum just so you can get your mind off him and all these 18 year-olds wandering around with their hormones racing. No one would blame me for needing that release.
I heard a knock at the door and I said, "Occupied". A second later, a second knock. "Occupied", I said, a little more aggressively. A third knock. I opened the door to yell in the face of this idiot that did not understand the words that were coming out of my mouth and there was Brendan. His eyes were intense. His chest was heaving slightly, like he was out of breath. I could see him flushed in the face and I was mere inches from him, wanting nothing more than to be thrown against the wall and fucked. I didn't know what to say to him, except, "This one is occupied, in case you didn't hear me the first three times." He smirked, looked down the hallway towards the party area and said, "I was counting on it. May I join you?"
I stood in the doorway for what felt like hours, not knowing if I heard him correctly or I imagined it or what...all I know is I moved out of the way so that he could come in to the only secluded place at the party and I didn't know what was going to happen.

He walked in with a confidence that someone that looked like a goddamn statue would. As soon as he cleared the door, he shut it, locked it, turned to face me and grabbed me by my shirt and threw me against the wall. I was stunned and a little scared, but my cock was at full attention as he man-handled me and dominated the whole situation. "I know you've been staring at me the whole time at this party and I know what it is you want." I was sure that at this point, I was either going to get my ass kicked or I was going to get my ass pounded, so I took a quick breath in and hoped like hell it was the latter.

I leaned my face up towards his lowered head so that there were only a few inches separating our lips, took a step closer to his perfectly sculpted chest and ran my right hand up his torso so that I could feel every ab muscle on my way to his hard nipple. I gave it a slight pinch and could feel his heart beating so fast. He let out a low groan and I got as close to him as I could, feeling the heat of his body against mine.
Out of nowhere, I gained confidence, saying "If you know what it is that I want, Brendan, then give it to me" and then, I ran my tongue along his bottom lip, tasting the beer he had been drinking, electrifying my entire body.
With that, he brought his mouth down on mine with such passion, I felt like I was going to cum right then and there. He kissed me like a man who was starving and maybe he was. Maybe this was the thing he had wanted to taste his whole life. We kissed hard and powerfully. (I am particularly noted for my ability with my lips and every former lover has said that my kissing was enough to get them close to orgasm.) I didn't hold back. I couldn't. I wanted this man like no other man before and I wanted him to know it. I wanted every cell in his body to know it.

I pulled him close to me and he backed me into the wall again. His powerful hands were running up and down my back as he pulled me to him, nearly pulling me off the floor. I was on tip-toe for this giant god. He ran one of his hands down to my ass and grabbed me to pull me up closer to him, sliding one finger over my covered hole that was just begging to be penetrated.
With my right hand, I kept exploring his body, finding every curve, every sinewy muscle to be my playground. His body was incredible. I felt along his back and his muscles were tense and I could feel them move under my fingers as they passed. I brought my hand around his front and ran it up and down his tight abs and he moaned into my mouth with appreciation. My left hand never left the side of his head. I needed to keep touching his cheek and feel the stubble rub against my fingers. I slid my hand around to the back of his head and kept pulling him to me, never wanting this to end, grabbing a handful of his thick hair and making sure he knew I was not going to be dominated without a fight.

I would have died doing this and never have regretted a moment.

I knew I was hitting a "now-or-never" moment when I finally slid my hand down the inside waist of his jeans and was greeted with a fat, hard, at least 9" cock, drenched with his juice. He moaned into my mouth again and my knees almost buckled. He was completely mine in that moment and I knew I needed to show him everything my talented mouth could do. I knew he needed my lips on his cock as much as I needed to taste him and feel that thick meat, pulsating into my body.

I felt him loosen his grip on my body and he brought his hands to his shirt, furiously unbuttoning it and then, unbuttoning mine. he brought both of our sweaty, hairy bodies together and his moans were coming so fast and so desperate, I knew he needed me as much as I needed him. His hands caressed my chest, flicking my hard nipples into a rhythm of desire that was spreading through my whole body. "Fuck", was all I could moan into him. I could feel him slightly smile, knowing he was driving me absolutely crazy and regaining that dominance over me. He had me. He knew it. He was in the driver's seat and he was going to take me somewhere I had never been before.
His hungry mouth pulled away from me and I instantly felt lonely. He moved his head to the left and started to kiss and bite my neck, which was all I needed to gasp aloud. As he teased my neck, I slid his pants down and, as if by magic, his shirt was already on the ground. I knew that people would wonder where we were soon enough, even though I secretly wanted us to get caught so that I could have him all to myself. His wife was obviously not what he desired and his son was already growing into a very strong man, himself. Note to self: Check out the son in about two years.

I allowed Brendan to have a few more minutes of being in control until I lowered my hands to his tight waist, spun him around me so that his back slammed into the wall where I once was and in his surprise, he dropped his hands to his side. I took that as a sign for me to show him how this was going to was my turn.

I bit and kissed and licked my way down his body. I stopped to swirl my tongue around his nipple, teasing and biting it just enough so that he let out a small sound of shock. I'd have to remember that for another time, if there was ever another time. I could smell the cologne and the sweat from his pits. He smelled rugged and soft at the same time. Sweat and cologne, mixing and turning me on like I had been needing for so long. My lips kissed around his toned abs and I felt his engorged cock, hitting my Adam's apple, leaving a trail of his juice behind. I grabbed both of his hands and held them behind him, gripped by one of mine. He could have easily stopped me, but the throbbing of his cock against my skin told me that he didn't mind at all. I pulled my face away from his body so that I could look up at this God before me. He was looking down, almost in a trance. I knew he wanted me to taste him, but I needed him to want it a little longer. I kissed the inside of his thigh and felt his cock on the side of my face. The heat from it was almost too much for me to handle. I knew I needed to get moving on him before someone tried the door. It was time.

I leaned back and took a look at the perfect cock in front of me. There was a bead of precum on the tip that was glistening and begging to be on my tongue. I ran my tongue over his head and he moaned so low that I felt it vibrate through my tongue and straight down to my own cock. He was sweet and salty and I wanted more. I licked and kissed it over and over until I finally couldn't handle the thought of him not being in me any more and opened my lips to take him in. The sheer girth of it was a challenge I was familiar with. I am used to large men. They seem to seek me out and I never disappoint. Once the head was in, I felt him start to slide into my mouth a little at a time. I covered his cock with my lips and started to go back-and-forth over him until he was almost all the way in. There is no way I could take it all, but I have never had any complaints in that department. His hips were moving and he freed one of his hands to place on the side of my face, guiding me, giving me more of himself. I furiously swirled my tongue around his cock in my mouth and I heard him moan, feeling him start to buck against my face more and more, faster and faster. I could hear his breath start to change and with one hand, I cupped and caressed his balls, making him tremble. He was getting closer. I was going to get my fill of him. His moans grew quicker. His breath was labored. I felt his sac pull up closer to his body and his hand slid from the side of my face, to the back of my head. His hand was tense and I was preparing myself for him. "Oh god", he moaned. "Oh god, I am close. Tell me you want to swallow me. Tell me I can come in your mouth, baby". I moaned an affirmation to him and the next thing I knew, his body started to shake and my reward for all my hard work was leaking inside my mouth until I felt his cock start to swell and pulsate inside me, down my throat. He moaned and I felt every single eruption of his cock as a victory for myself. He gave me his cum and I took it all.

When he finally stopped shooting into my mouth, I pulled his still-engorged cock out of me. I licked and cleaned him, sucking all the drops I missed from his slit. I slowly stood, feeling weak and he pulled me to him, lowering his mouth to mine and immediately started to probe my mouth with his tongue to taste his own cum. We kissed for a few more moments until we knew we needed to go before we got caught.

I broke from his grip, from his body, from that perfect frame. I stood and stared at the naked man before me. He was perfect. He was the sexiest man I had ever seen and I had him under my fingertips and inside my mouth. I turned and reached for the door and felt him grab me from behind. His warm breath on the back of my neck, drawing my head back and upwards to be close to his mouth. "Will I see you again?", he asked. I knew I was leaving in a few hours and the answer had to be "no", but my whole being was screaming that he could. I felt his lips on my neck again. I melted into him. I turned to stare at this beautiful man who I had more chemistry with than anyone I have ever before and I said, "If you ever make it to the city, I will be there waiting". I turned to the door and quickly walked out.

Walking down the hall to rejoin the party, I felt like I had legs made of jelly. I immediately went for the bar area and grabbed a beer. It took me a few seconds to adjust to what life was like, now that I had met my perfect match. I quickly sat near a cousin that I hadn't seen yet and they made some smalltalk about their life and I could only nod a little, because my head was still swimming. I looked at the doorway to the hall by the restrooms and saw Brendan walk out. Like me, he seemed out-of-sorts. He nearly stumbled when someone passed by too closely and I saw him walk over to the table where his wife and son were, watching her wave him over, knowing that I did what she could not. He sat. She placed his arm around her and kissed his cheek...the cheek where I just was pressed against. She turned away from him and rejoined the conversation with the other people at the table. I saw him stare ahead, not really there, then turn and find me, looking his way. I smiled. He smiled. I stood up and walked around the table to my family and gave a round of hugs and kisses, saying something about being tired and that I should hit the road already before I drank too much and made it harder to get home. I finished my farewells and walked toward my car, but turned back to see if Brendan was looking. I just wanted to know if he was still thinking of me. I looked to where he was sitting and he was gone. My heart broke. I felt empty inside. I quickly got to the car and fumbled for the keys in my pocket. They fell and I bent down to grab them, but another hand got them first. I stood and stepped back and Brendan stood up, keys in hand, handing them over to me. In total silence, I took them, opened my door, got in, rolled down the window and leaned my face out. I wanted to say something, anything, to keep him with me. He leaned into my car, kissed me softly on the mouth, turned and walked back to the party. My eyes lingered on him until he was around the building. I backed up and drove.

Sometimes, even the things you shouldn't do, turn out to be the things you are glad you did.