The Handsome Stranger - Part 1


Superior Member
Sep 29, 2023
Dublin, Leinster,Ireland
90% Gay, 10% Straight
All characters are consenting adults (18+)

Mom had spent the day cleaning. It was one of those unnecessary cleaning sprees that involved dusting parts of the house that had never even been seen before and demanding that every item of furniture in every single room was as sparkling clean as the day we got it.

Dad had been put on cooking duties, which meant that we would almost certainly be getting pizza later in the evening, and as soon as I’d finished scrubbing the doorhandles with a toothbrush, I disappeared upstairs and waited in my bedroom.

I wasn’t nervous as such, but there was an awkward sort of feeling around the house. Bradley had only left a few weeks ago, and the whole thing felt a little too ‘soon’.

I didn’t exactly blame my parents for renting out his bedroom. Money was tight after all, and even though Bradley and I had spent our entire childhoods fighting over who got the bigger bedroom, it was far more suitable for a tenant than my small room was.

Apparently the guy was from out of state, but that was all I knew about him. From all of the phone calls, Mom seemed certain that he was the one, and I could only hope that she was correct. I had spent nights wondering what type of man would arrive to our house. Would he be old? Young? Middle aged? Would he be polite? Rude? Nonchalant? Would he be handsome?

I was still coming to terms with myself, and was yet to find the courage to admit anything, even in my own brain. I’d always liked girls, but never to the same extent as most of the guys from school. Maybe deep down I knew the answer, but we lived in a small town with small minded people, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to let anything out of the bag around here.

It was late by the time my bedroom lit up from the car lights outside. My heart jumped for a moment as I sat up on my bed and cautiously peered out the window. It was too dark to see much, but I watched as our new guest dragged a duffle bag from the trunk, slung it over his shoulder and then tapped the roof of the Uber. The car drove away, and the silhouette stared straight at our house. A shiver of nervousness ran through me.

What if the guy was a murderer? What if he was only here because he was on the run? What if–

“Cooper, come on down and introduce yourself” Dad called from the bottom of the stairs, and my heart raced again.

I’d never been good with introductions. In fact, I’d never been good with people in general. I was, what some people might call a loner, and although I had a handful of friends in school, I preferred my own company. Alas, I sighed and shuffled out of my bedroom before joining my parents at the door.

“Oh, you’ve got dust in your hair” Mom said, turning around and tackling me as she tried to fix me. I struggled and squirmed.

“Mom, I’m eighteen!” I snarled.

“Yes, and you’re still my baby boy!” She replied, and I groaned, but that groan died in my throat as Dad pulled open the front door, and I was faced with the most beautiful man I’d ever laid eyes on.

“Sorry I’m late” he said, with a southern accent that caused butterflies to rise up in my stomach like bile.

“Not at all” Dad beamed, “come on in, let me take your bags”.

“Just the one bag” the man smiled, “I travel light”.

“So you do, so you do” Dad chuckled, taking his bag as Mom spun around and introduced herself with a handshake that the man quickly turned to a hug.

“Martha” Mom said, and I could instantly see the pink blush in her cheeks.

“Nice to meet you, Martha, my name’s Austin”.

“Very nice to meet you, Austin” she replied, somewhat breathless, “this is my husband Andrew, and this is my youngest son, Cooper”.

He was tall. Very tall. His shoulders were wide, and his shaggy blond hair hung around his face like a set of pristine curtains. He had skin like golden silk, and hazel eyes as deep as dark chocolate. He shook Dad’s hand with the strength of two men, and turned his attention toward me.

“Nice to meet you, Cooper” he said, with a voice so low that it made my guts vibrate.

“Mice to neet… I mean, nice to meet you” I stuttered, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he grabbed hold of my hand and crushed it.

Dad ushered the young man into the living room a moment later, and Mom disappeared into the kitchen to fetch snacks for the handsome stranger, and I remained frozen in place, staring down at my hand.

“Cooper, take Austin’s bag up to his room please” Mom ushered, walking by with a plate of food. I waited for her to leave before walking over and grabbing the strap of the duffle. It was heavier than I expected, but I managed to drag it up onto my shoulder and climb the stairs before reaching his room.

It had always been my favourite room in the house. It was almost double the size of mine, and had its own private bathroom and closet. I dropped the bag onto the double bed and looked around. It was a lot different now, than it had been when Bradley and I had been growing up. I missed my brother, but he had only moved a few hours away, and I was becoming increasingly interested in our new house guest.

“Oh, I couldn’t eat another bite” Austin’s deep voice poured, as I slipped into the living room and sat in the furthest seat from him.

“You’re sure you don’t want pizza?” Dad asked.

“I’m sure, Mr. Lawson” he smiled, “this is a really beautiful house you’ve got here”.

Mom blushed again and waved her hand. “It was my mother’s she said, “but we’ve modernised it a bit over the years”.

“I can tell” he said, and if I knew no better, I’d almost say that he was flirting with her.

“So” Dad said, “what brings you all the way out here?”

Austin took a deep breath and smiled. “A new beginning, I suppose”.

“I guess that’s a good a reason as any” Dad chuckled. “What is it that you do?”

Andrew!” Mom spat, and then excused my dad for being… Well, my dad.

“Oh, no, don’t worry about it” Austin said, “I do a bit of everything, if I’m honest, Mr. Lawson. I grew up on my family’s farm, and I guess I just picked up bits and pieces along the way”.

“You’re a handyman!” Dad said, as though he’d just come up with the term.

“I’m a handyman” Austin smiled, and for the briefest of seconds, his eyes shot to mine, and I looked away and felt my cheeks burn.

“Well, you make yourself right at home, son” Dad continued, “Cooper will show you up to your room, I’m sure you’re exhausted after your travels”.

“Thank you, Mr. Lawson” the man replied, getting to his feet and towering over all of us. “And you, Mrs. Lawson, I really appreciate the hospitality”.

“Oh, don’t you mention it at all” Mom said, also standing up, “and call me Martha”.

Once the vomit-inducing exchanges were finished, Dad cocked his head at me and I rolled my eyes and led Austin upstairs. He was older than me by a few years at least, so I expected him to make whatever conversation was necessary, but as we reached the upstairs landing, he remained completely silent.

“That’s your room” I said, pointing to it, “that’s the main bathroom, but you’ve got your own one in there. I guess if you want a bath or something you can use this one”. I switched on the light in the bathroom, and Austin smiled.

“I know what a bathroom looks like” he said, and my face burned again.

“Uh… Right” I nodded, “well, goodnight then”.

“Yeah” he replied, and closed the door behind him as I stood there, gawping.

Yeah? Who the fuck replies yeah to ‘goodnight’? I continued to stare at the closed door. The guy had been nothing but mannerly to my parents, and he responds yeah to me? What the fuck was I? A piece of shit on his shoe? I stormed back toward my own room and slammed the door shut before falling onto my bed.

Who did the guy think he was? This was my house. That was my brother’s bedroom. They were my parents, and he had the nerve to reply with yeah? I lay there, staring up at the dark ceiling and pouring over the last two hours.

Why was he here? He evaded Dad’s question, and couldn’t even give a decent answer when asked what he did for a living. Plus, who moves into a new house with one bag? Sure, it was heavy, but not that heavy. And to top it all off, he was almost certainly flirting with my mom, and Dad seemed to be completely fucking oblivious to it.

There was something strange about our new house guest, and as I lay there seething over our interaction in the hallway, I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

“Who are you, Austin?” I whispered to myself, and closed my eyes as images of the handsome stranger began to cloud my mind.

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