"The Horny Club" - gay 18yr old's make discoveries down on the farm


Worshipped Member
Jan 17, 2024
100% Gay, 0% Straight
"The Horny Club"
(gay, interracial, muscle, old/young, first time)

a story by posingstrap

See, what happened was...Tom, Jeb and I were out in the barn with Juan—Steve’s hired-hand--at a time when lifting weights was kind of new. And before I go any further let’s get the messy background shit out of the way…

Steve’s like a dad without being my dad, cuz I don’t even know who my real dad is. And my mom? She’s long gone after, first, dumping my actual dad, then having Steve become part of our life and then dumping him and running off. I never hear from her—even when I turned 18 last month. I haven’t heard anything from her since ‘58. Nothing. And now it’s 1959, and still not a peep.

What makes it all even crazier is how she decided to send me to this strict Christian school run by some Mormons instead of just the regular old elementary school everyone in town goes to—she’s not even Mormon herself, and neither is Steve for that matter. I’m going to graduate soon, so there’s no point switching schools now.

But anyway, Tom and Jeb go there with me, cuz their folks are super-sized Mormons—like crazy strict—and even tho we’re all 18, we can tell others our age in town know way more about life than we do. They just stare at us whenever we walk by the movie theater—stare, cuz of how we’re dressed and how we always walk by, cuz they know we go to that school and aren’t supposed to go to the movies.

Now that all that crap is out of the way, I’ll just say that being farm kids, we couldn't afford any of those Joe Weider barbells we saw advertised in the back of magazines at the drug store. So Steve suggested we go ask Juan to help us cuz Juan had made his own set.

"I dunno, Steve--Jeez. Can't you ask him for us?"

I watched him rub his solid, unshaven jaw.

"He don't talk to me much, is all,” I added, hoping I didn’t have to talk to Juan directly.

"That's because you don't talk to him, Todd." He pawed his open-collared, lumberjack shirt, me watching his hairy pecs roll around underneath. "Just take Tom and Jeb with you and ask him. No big deal--he'll be pleased."

Pleased? I never saw Juan pleased in my whole life.

I took one last, lingering look at the body I hoped I'd one day have--at how the bulk of his lumber-shirted shoulders and chest V-ed down his torso into his full-crotched jeans.

"You gonna stand there gawkin' all day, or go ask him?" he sipped his mug of coffee.

Not having a mom or brothers and sisters was fine by me--Steve was more than enough of a stand-in dad to love and admire. I was so lucky that when my mom left us, he wanted me to still stay with him. Only seventeen years older than my 18, he looked hunkier than Rock Hudson and the Marlboro man put together. Just being near him did things to me and my buddies we didn't understand--intense, heart-racing, lump-in-our-throat feelings.

I mean, you gotta understand right off the bat that being farm boys in 1959 Utah meant that we knew absolutely zip about what made us feel that way--we only knew that we did.

And Juan? Juan, if anything made us go mute in total awe. Half Latino and half African-American, Juan was dark-skinned, six-foot-two, maybe 240 lbs, with biceps and chest and shoulders his faded work shirts simply couldn't seem to contain. So we were way spooked over having to interrupt his workout and stammer out our hope that he could help us develop our teen bodies before it was too late.

"No problem," he'd said, wiping his brow. I was so relieved Steve had been right, and Juan didn’t mind us asking him. "--but you're going t'have to make your own weights. Mine'll kill you kids."

That's when the fierce-looking giant showed us how to choose different-sized tin cans and mix cement, and make our very own barbells using leftover pipe. He did this with a toleratin’ smile in the heat-sheltered coolness of the barn.

"Put 'em outside in th' sun now to set--there's nothing more you can do until they're dry n’ solid."

"This one looks ready now, Juan. It's been over an hour."

He gazed at me as if looking right through me. "Cement don't dry in an hour, ok? Now put 'em outside an' go off swimmin' or something."

Jeb quickly began doing as he was told, but Tom and I stood there staring at Juan's button-popping pecs.

"C-can we watch you?" Tom's eyes were darting all over Juan's body. "You know--get some pointers?" He gave out a breathy laugh, tryin’ to act natural and not so worshipful.

Juan put his hands on his hips, framing his 30" waist, sizing us up. By then Jeb was back, wondering what was going on.

"You three really want 'some pointers', or just want'a stare at my body?" The smallest of smiles played over Juan's wide, full lips.

We looked at each other, Tom suddenly breaking into an impish grin. "A little'a each!"

Jeb punched him, a resounding smack on his muscled, t-shirted shoulder.

"Hey! Just tellin' th' truth!"

Juan silently began undoing his shirt, watching us go catatonic as his chest came into view.

"Who sent you's over here?"

"My ‘Poppa Steve’. He said you'd 'be pleased'."

Truth be told, n’ like I said before, I'd never seen Juan 'pleased' in my life. He kind of smiled to himself, though, hearing that. "Oh, ‘Poppa Steve’ sent you, huh? Well, ‘Poppa Steve’ ain't gonna be too pleased that I'm way behind in m' chores..."

When that old, torn work shirt fell open, so did our mouths. We saw the carved valley between his gigantic pecs--the undulating ripples of his velvet-skinned abs--and stared at the way even his bellybutton looked muscular, the deep hole stretched open, a stream of black hair going down his brown, muscle-stretched lower belly.

An’ below that? Below that was a massive bulge mounding-out his jeans.

"Oh, man!" Tom whispered as Juan pulled his shirt clean off, flexing his pecs--making each one jump and dance--his nipples sitting smack in the center of each slab, poking out like two rivets.

"Like that, do you?" He smiled grimly, then raised his right arm and flexed his bicep into a gargantuan, three-tiered boulder.

"Jeezums!" Jeb stared.

"Sh-i-i-t!," Tom murmured, daring to swear in front of Juan. "I'll do anythin’ to have arms like that!"

I just memorized every mountain and valley--the way his deep armpits sheltered a sexy pocket of black manhair--the way his triceps punched out--how his deltoids striated.

"So now," Juan relaxed his pose, "let's see what you three got."

"U-us?" Jeb stammered, his angelic, freckled, pug-nosed face turning pink.

"You want us to....?" I looked down at myself.

"If your so-called ‘Poppa Steve’ wants me t' train you, then I gotta see what I'm workin' with, don't I?"

"Hell--I'll show you," Tom said, "--I ain't shy."

Of the three of us, dark-haired Tom was the most built. All of us had bodies more developed than most teens our age, just because we lived on farms and did physical labor. The 'townies' called us 'hicks'--but knew better than to say it to our faces.

Tom began pulling off his t-shirt, Jeb and I following suit.

"Well now, whadda'ya' know," Juan looked down from his towering height, arms folded.

"What?" Tom pushed his chest forward, his well-developed pecs on display. "So, tell us--how do we look?" He even raised his right arm and made a muscle.

A full-fledged grin transformed Juan's rugged, big-boned face. He looked more Latino than African-American, except for his sexy full lips and short, almost-shaved kinky hair. "Not bad--not bad at all. Hell, how old're you three?"

"Jeb’s not eighteen yet, but both me and Todd is," Tom went into a double-biceps pose. "—you’ll be eighteen soon, tho', huh, Jeb?" Tom examined his own muscles adoringly.

"In two weeks," Jeb's eyes kept darting over Juan's naked torso.

"I was skinny as a rail at your age--except down here...." Juan suddenly cupped his bulging jeans. "...got tired of being teased--wanted a body to go along with what I got born with, I guess." We stared at how he just left his hand right there—right smack over top of his mounded-out fly.

We fell silent, Jeb blushing like a tomato—me staring ‘tween Juan's legs--Tom not only staring, but absently feeling up his own crotch.

The silence went on a long time, the only sound the barn swallows chattering as they sailed in and out of the overhead loft.

"Oh, I see--you're eighteen, but you don't even talk about how other guys are hung?”

“How they’s what?” Tom squinted up at Juan.

A look of surprise crossed Juan’s smooth and cheek-boned face. “Christ,” he swore, us raising our eyebrows at it. “Those Mormons sure know how to mess with your heads. How we’re hung—what we got goin’ on…”, he took both hands down and used his first fingers and thumbs to circle his huge mound, “…here.

"Lordy. Heck, no," Tom's eyes ran from Juan’s face to his half-melon pecs--down his endless abs--to stay fixed on Juan's mounded fly. "--but I sure wish we could!"

Tom kept pulling at his crotch. "M' Daddy tells me it's th' 'devil's playground'--keeps tellin' me to take cold showers, whatever th' heck that’s supposed to do!"

Juan actually laughed then--a low, deep chuckle. "He means he can see you're horny, boy--but he’s too religious to use the word!"

"Some of the guys say that word in the swimming pool change room," Jeb piped up, his brow furrowing, eagerness in his voice. "--but I don't know what it means."

"They don't either," Tom scoffed.

"Neither do you, O'Rourke! None a’ us does," I felt my heart pounding--the same feeling I get whenever Poppa Steve gives me a little hug goodnight.

"Seriously? Eighteen, and you don't know what 'horny' is??" Juan's large eyes grew larger as he smiled and shook his head in disbelief.

"Nope," Tom looked at him challengingly. "We're farm boys--ok? We go to Mormon school! No one tells us nothin'!" He spat on the barn floor.

Juan's smile evaporated, a look something close to apology on his high-cheek boned, broad-nosed face.

"Then it's high time you heard it from someone!"

"Good! C'mon--tell us!" Tom’s dark eyes flashed with frustrated need.

Juan cleared his throat, my eyes memorizing the size of those wide circles that were his bullseye nipples, planted smack in the center of each, enormous pec. "You three are horny right now, just lookin' at my muscles."

Again we fell quiet. No one had ever spoken like that to us in all our young lives.

"All I know is, I can't hardly breathe," Jeb said, looking like he was confessing a dark secret.

"Bingo," Juan pointed at him, even that small gesture making his tits jump. "--and you're getting’ all hard in your pants, ain't you?"

A prolonged silence met his open, outspoken query.

Finally, Tom looked at me, then at Jeb, a scowl on his cute, handsome face. Tom was Irish--dark Irish--with a wide, full mouth, angular cheekbones, and big, almost black eyes.

He looked tough, even when he smiled, which he wasn't then. "Shit! I'm hard as a fencepost!" he stared at us. "And so're you two. C'mon! Admit it!" His eyes flashed fire, then shot down to our jeans.

"Yeah--I am, I guess," Jeb's face was scarlet.

"Me, too," I murmured. "I get hard a million times a day! In study hall--in the library--at night in my bed..."

"Is THAT 'horny'?" Jeb asked wonderingly up at Juan.

"Yup. Horny's them ripe feelings in your balls, when your cock shoots up like horns on a bull," Juan used his first fingers on each side of his forehead as pretend horns.

My jaw fell open, disbelieving a man like Juan was using words only the townies used in the pool change room—words so far from our vocabulary, we actually looked over our shoulders to see if anyone else heard him.

"Oh God," Jeb breathed, his voice all shaky. "I want to talk about this...I do. Don't get me wrong...." He looked almost ill, his jeans looking like he had a lead pipe shoved down them. "—but this being 'horny' drives me crazy!--like I'm going to die, or something!" He looked nearly close to tears.

"Yeah," Tom nodded at him, suddenly gripping Jeb's shoulder. "--like having a heart attack, huh?"

"I DO take cold showers," I admitted to the group, "--but even then I'm still hard."

"Goddamn!" Juan swore some more, his face looking confounded. "You mean you seriously don't know what to DO when you feel horny???"

We looked up at him, mutely shaking our heads, with me then saying, “Whoever says to take a cold shower is nuts. I take ‘em but I’m still hard as a fencepost after. Plus, it’s…. you know, it’s cold!”

Juan's huge biceps flexed as he ran his hands over his scalp. He looked up to the rafters, shaking his head, then back down at us. "You mean to tell me," he looked straight into my confused face, "—Poppa Steve, as you call him, hasn't taught you how to whack OFF??"
I shook my head some more, turning the new phrase over in my mind. “You think I’m crazy? I don’t ask him about things like this!”

"Do what?" Tom boldly asked. "Whack WHAT??"

"Holy Crow! -- whack off!! Beat your meat! --blow your load! MASTURBATE, for Christ's sake!"

We seemed to wither hearing him use the Lord's name like that, shrinking back at his aggressiveness.

"OK--ok--ok," his voice dropped. Juan pulled out a red handkerchief and wiped his brow. Looking out towards the barn door, he then looked back at us.

"Tell me somethin' now, boys...."

"Sure--this is cool!" Tom grinned suddenly.

"--do you's ever wake up in th' morning all wet in your PJ's?"

I wanted to die right there on the spot! Jeb looked like he'd just been shot.

"Sure, I do!" Tom said, wanting to solve the mystery. "It's gross as hell! --like I wet th' bed, only worse—it’s sticky, even and...an’ I don't even remember doin' it!"

Jeb and I nodded, feeling a bit of relief. There were lots of times when Tom's bluntness got us into trouble--especially at school. But this time I felt nothing but relief. He always blurted out what Jeb and I were thinking but too scared to say.

"That's a 'wet dream', boys! That's your teen body tellin' you it needs some satisfaction!"

"SatisFACtion??" Tom gazed at him, his black eyes blinking, then looking at each of us and shrugging.

"Yeah! --I mean, hell!--if you don't know enough to beat your meat, your body does it FOR you!" he suddenly laughed, then forced himself to be serious after seeing our blank looks.

"But Jesus, boys--there's sure no satisfaction poppin' a load when you can't even remember you DONE it!"

"Shit," Tom swore, looking defiant. "You can't just throw out stuff like 'popping a load' and 'whacking off' an’ ‘beating your meat’ without telling us what that means-- or worse, not showing us HOW!" he stared up at Juan. "I'm so...so horny right now, it's like I'm gonna die!"

"Damn!" Juan's voice fell, his hand feeling up his huge, shiny pecs. "What've you got yerself into, Mr. Juan? --huh?" he muttered. He looked at our blinking, needy faces, then over to the barn door--at the brilliant sun making the yard look almost white. "Ok--ok..." he spread open his huge hands. "Here's th' deal. I'll teach youz—but you gotta PROMISE--swear t' GOD, that this stays quiet, you hear??!"

"I SWEAR!" Tom's hand shot up, ours joining his. "--on a stack'a Bibles!"

"Shit. SAY it, boy!" he pointed at me, singling me out. "’specially you! Say it, Todd!"

"I--I swear," I said. "I won't breathe a word!" A thrill went through me, hearing Juan say my name.

"Go close th' door--an' first check if the pickup's in the yard!"

Tom beat me to it, “It’s gone! All clear!” We leaned-in together to slide the big, noisy door, immediately throwing the barn into deep and secretive shadow.

When we came back, Juan looked pained, like he was changing his mind. Jeb, too, looked pained--like he was going to have a mini-stroke right there in the cool, dark barn.

"God!" Tom gushed, stepping in beside Jeb and me, facing Juan. "This is SO cool! --like we're starting a club!"

"Yeah," Juan muttered. "--a horny club—goddam, just what I need!"

"'The Horny Club' is now in session!" Tom laughed, then grew sober seeing Juan's glaring eyes.

"Ok--let's get this ova'with," Juan suddenly undid his jean button. "--an' pray t' God Steve don't walk in!"

He looked at us staring at his jeans. "Hey!--don't just watch!--get those pants off!"

"Oh, man," Jeb breathed.

"Yes sir!" Tom quickly popped open his snap and rasped down his zipper.

Suddenly it was like a race, Jeb and I trying to keep up with Tom's eager stripping. In no time we were standing before Juan in our Fruit-of-the-Loom's, Jeb and I modestly trying to hide our tented pouches.

"Oh, Jeez! I'm soooo horny!" Tom said, showing off his up-thrusting shorts.

Juan pulled down his zipper carefully, like he was afraid of hurting himself. I stared as the waistband of his white briefs stretched open from something enormous inside, wanting out.

"Holy smokes!" Tom stared as Juan's jeans spread open--as Juan's jockey pouch suddenly thudded forward into space.

"I told you I was big," Juan shrugged. "--but then so are you three, seems t' me,” he shoved his jeans down to his ankles, then stepped free of them, his huge, snow-white pouch swaying.

He stood back up, eyeing our tented jockeys. "Well, now--there can't be a 'Horny Club', 'less we all get naked, can there?"

"I guess not," Jeb said, his body kind of quaking.

"--but just t' make you feel more relaxed...." Juan hooked his thumb into his waistband. "--I'll go first..."

It was like time itself stopped. I swear all three of us simply stopped breathing.

Juan's nonchalant removal of his jockeys is forever etched in my memory like time-lapsed photography--his giant hardon head snagging under the lip of the waistband, his muscled, flat, mahogany stomach, and that sexy Apollo’s belt narrowing his abdomen to a sexy vee, his black, kinky bush of manhair suddenly springing out below.

Juan's trapped erection logrolled against the white cotton till it, too, suddenly pole-vaulted free--a ten-inch, horse-chestnut-toned banana with a huge, shiny, rounded helmet on it, the mouth a pouty 'O'.
Good! I'll serve you up more! I'll post another installment in the a.m. In the meantime....check out my other two stories, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and "Naked Gymnast Weekend" :yum .
“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and “Naked Gymnast Weekend” are both hot stories! Thank you Posingstrap for sharing them!
...there's no support like saclove support :kissing_heart:
thanks, man...the hotness is a bit of a slow build, but it will sizzle :bomb:
Sometimes a slow build is best! I can feel the heat already!
I shook my head some more, turning the new phrase over in my mind. “You think I’m crazy? I don’t ask him about things like this!”

"Do what?" Tom boldly asked. "Whack WHAT??"

"Holy Crow! -- whack off!! Beat your meat! --blow your load! MASTURBATE, for Christ's sake!"

We seemed to wither hearing him use the Lord's name like that, shrinking back at his aggressiveness.

"OK--ok--ok," his voice dropped. Juan pulled out a red handkerchief and wiped his brow. Looking out towards the barn door, he then looked back at us.

"Tell me somethin' now, boys...."

"Sure--this is cool!" Tom grinned suddenly.

"--do you's ever wake up in th' morning all wet in your PJ's?"

I wanted to die right there on the spot! Jeb looked like he'd just been shot.

"Sure, I do!" Tom said, wanting to solve the mystery. "It's gross as hell! --like I wet th' bed, only worse—it’s sticky, even and...an’ I don't even remember doin' it!"

Jeb and I nodded, feeling a bit of relief. There were lots of times when Tom's bluntness got us into trouble--especially at school. But this time I felt nothing but relief. He always blurted out what Jeb and I were thinking but too scared to say.

"That's a 'wet dream', boys! That's your teen body tellin' you it needs some satisfaction!"

"SatisFACtion??" Tom gazed at him, his black eyes blinking, then looking at each of us and shrugging.

"Yeah! --I mean, hell!--if you don't know enough to beat your meat, your body does it FOR you!" he suddenly laughed, then forced himself to be serious after seeing our blank looks.

"But Jesus, boys--there's sure no satisfaction poppin' a load when you can't even remember you DONE it!"

"Shit," Tom swore, looking defiant. "You can't just throw out stuff like 'popping a load' and 'whacking off' an’ ‘beating your meat’ without telling us what that means-- or worse, not showing us HOW!" he stared up at Juan. "I'm so...so horny right now, it's like I'm gonna die!"

"Damn!" Juan's voice fell, his hand feeling up his huge, shiny pecs. "What've you got yerself into, Mr. Juan? --huh?" he muttered. He looked at our blinking, needy faces, then over to the barn door--at the brilliant sun making the yard look almost white. "Ok--ok..." he spread open his huge hands. "Here's th' deal. I'll teach youz—but you gotta PROMISE--swear t' GOD, that this stays quiet, you hear??!"

"I SWEAR!" Tom's hand shot up, ours joining his. "--on a stack'a Bibles!"

"Shit. SAY it, boy!" he pointed at me, singling me out. "’specially you! Say it, Todd!"

"I--I swear," I said. "I won't breathe a word!" A thrill went through me, hearing Juan say my name.

"Go close th' door--an' first check if the pickup's in the yard!"

Tom beat me to it, “It’s gone! All clear!” We leaned-in together to slide the big, noisy door, immediately throwing the barn into deep and secretive shadow.

When we came back, Juan looked pained, like he was changing his mind. Jeb, too, looked pained--like he was going to have a mini-stroke right there in the cool, dark barn.

"God!" Tom gushed, stepping in beside Jeb and me, facing Juan. "This is SO cool! --like we're starting a club!"

"Yeah," Juan muttered. "--a horny club—goddam, just what I need!"

"'The Horny Club' is now in session!" Tom laughed, then grew sober seeing Juan's glaring eyes.

"Ok--let's get this ova'with," Juan suddenly undid his jean button. "--an' pray t' God Steve don't walk in!"

He looked at us staring at his jeans. "Hey!--don't just watch!--get those pants off!"

"Oh, man," Jeb breathed.

"Yes sir!" Tom quickly popped open his snap and rasped down his zipper.

Suddenly it was like a race, Jeb and I trying to keep up with Tom's eager stripping. In no time we were standing before Juan in our Fruit-of-the-Loom's, Jeb and I modestly trying to hide our tented pouches.

"Oh, Jeez! I'm soooo horny!" Tom said, showing off his up-thrusting shorts.

Juan pulled down his zipper carefully, like he was afraid of hurting himself. I stared as the waistband of his white briefs stretched open from something enormous inside, wanting out.

"Holy smokes!" Tom stared as Juan's jeans spread open--as Juan's jockey pouch suddenly thudded forward into space.

"I told you I was big," Juan shrugged. "--but then so are you three, seems t' me,” he shoved his jeans down to his ankles, then stepped free of them, his huge, snow-white pouch swaying.

He stood back up, eyeing our tented jockeys. "Well, now--there can't be a 'Horny Club', 'less we all get naked, can there?"

"I guess not," Jeb said, his body kind of quaking.

"--but just t' make you feel more relaxed...." Juan hooked his thumb into his waistband. "--I'll go first..."

It was like time itself stopped. I swear all three of us simply stopped breathing.

Juan's nonchalant removal of his jockeys is forever etched in my memory like time-lapsed photography--his giant hardon head snagging under the lip of the waistband, his muscled, flat, mahogany stomach, and that sexy Apollo’s belt narrowing his abdomen to a sexy vee, his black, kinky bush of manhair suddenly springing out below.

Juan's trapped erection logrolled against the white cotton till it, too, suddenly pole-vaulted free--a ten-inch, horse-chestnut-toned banana with a huge, shiny, rounded helmet on it, the mouth a pouty 'O'.
you sure know how to stop at just the right spots man to build up expectation
"Criminey!" Tom exclaimed in awe.

Jeb literally backed away in alarm.

"Damn shorts," Juan fought them down his bull thighs, his cock thumping his abs. "--they never have my size at Woolworth's..."

"Judas Priest!" Tom pointed, "--are those your BALLS??"

I suddenly wanted to punch him--one of those times when Tom's big mouth got to me. I half-expected Juan himself to slug O'Rourke--deck him on the barn floor. Instead, Juan laughed, cradling his puckered hang in one meaty palm. "Why? Are they that ugly?"

"HELL no!" Tom's eyes were big and adoring. "They're super hot!"

Juan looked briefly towards the closed barn door. "Want to feel 'em?"

"Golly! CAN I??"

Jeb and I stood there as if bolted to the wooden floorboards, watching Juan let his weighty mansacs go--watching them fall like ripe fruit below his mahogany, naked love rod--watched Tom worshipfully move in closer.

His lily-white hand trembled as he lifted his palm upwards, the top of his head brushing against Juan's bulging pecs. "Awwwh, man!" Tom's hand could only seem to cradle one of those dark golf-sized balls, so he quickly brought up his other, watching them plop and slide over his hot little palms.

Juan seemed to be in pain or something, his eyes closing, his mouth open. He backed away, as if losing his balance. "Ok--ok, boy--we gotta get somethin' going here...."

Tom's eyes glittered as he watched Juan's dark, sexy, helmet-headed whopper sway out from his hairy crotch.

"....Ok, you three--get outta those shorts, now. C'mon. We ain't got all day....."

"Oh, man," Jeb stared in nervous excitement as he joined Tom and I in pulling out our waistbands and shucking down our jockeys.

Our three, stiff teen boners lanced from our sweet bushes like helmeted soldiers. Tom showed his off, his hands on his ass, his hips thrusting his Irish pride-and-joy as far out towards Juan's as he could. He may have been the most perfectly muscled of us three, but his cock was the shortest. About five inches tall, it made up for it by being as big around as a can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup--with the mushroom head to boot! Being so chunky, his erection seemed to use up all Tom's available ballskin, his nuts hugging-up to the base like a pair of punched-out plums. Tom also sported a thicket of manly cockhair that wreathed his cockbase and formed a perfect, wedgy triangle between his solid thighs.

"Goll-LY, Jeb!"

"W-what?" Jeb was trying in vain to hide his turned-on rod with his hands. But hands--even hands the size of Juan's couldn't've hidden his rosy-pink boycock. Jeb's surname was Jensen (we called him 'Yeb Yensen' sometimes) and his Swedish skin rocket tottered eight full inches up out of his blond bush like he was wielding a guided missile.

"Don't be shy about that Beauty, boy--it's a real nice one," Juan whistled in appreciation.

"It is?"

"Take your hands away," Tom pulled Jeb's right arm back, staring at the sturdy, inward-curving shaft with the prominent vein snaking up the underside. Our eyes stared at its bulging girth--how the shapely, manly, slightly-pointed head glowed a coral pink as it nearly dove into Jeb's little bellybutton.

Jeb's strawberry-blond bush puffed from his pubis like Swedish angel hair, leaving his beautiful balls smooth as alabaster.

Juan chuckled to see Jeb begin to realise he had a real man's cock between his legs and tuck in his pert, bare ass to make his eight-inch thumper bob around proudly.

"Ok, Thomson--let's see yours," Tom's black eyes glowed as I put my hands on my hips.

"Wow," Jeb said, "--look at that!"

My cock gets so hard when aroused, it knifes up from my dark-brown bush like a two-by-four, only about a quarter-inch of space between it and my sun-browned flat belly. Not as thick as Tom's knockwurst--yet very solid—my seven-inch shaft seems to bloom at the top, my enormously bulbous cockhead so flared, it makes my erection look twice as big as it is. My peehole had opened like a spout, drooling a kind of clear fluid that bewildered me yet again as everyone stared between my legs.

"What a huge head! --and, Jeez!--check out those balls!" Tom looked admiringly at my hairless, low-swinging kiwis which brushed my furry thighs as they swayed.

"Tell me somethin', boys..." Juan's giant hardon seemed to flex all by itself as he looked down at our raging erections—like it was its own separate entity, preening and throbbing out into space.

"Oh, man," Jeb breathed, "--ask quick! I think I'm gonna faint, or something!"

"--do th' other guys at school have cocks like these?"

Tom squeezed his thighs together, like he had to pee. "How would WE know?" he said, his voice all breathy and urgent. "--I've never even seen Jeb n' Todd's when we're like this!"

"Oh God--I've gotta do something quick!" Jeb's eyes were the size of saucers. "I'll try anything--cold shower—hot shower..."

"I can't believe this," Juan muttered, watching me go into contortions over the needling tingles rifling up my big-headed prong. "Haven't you ever tried rubbing them? I mean, don't they FEEL like they want'a be rubbed???"

"That only makes it worse!" Tom looked upset.

"Like a mosquito bite," I added, trying to will my boner back to normal. “If I rub it, it just wants me to keep doin’ it!”

"God knows I want to!" Jeb moaned. "I tried it one time and my knees caved in."

"Oh Sweet Jesus," Juan muttered. "Even Ripley's wouldn't believe this one..."
I grew up Mormon. No one ever told me about wet dreams or masterbation. I do remember having wet dreams. I would half wake up, and all the sudden whatever I was dreaming about would turn totally sexual. I remember thinking, Oh yah, another one of those dreams as I felt my dick unload my cum in my briefs. Never fully woke up, but in the morning, I was all crusty.

First time I ever head about masterbation, was my freshman year in high school. I was on the wrestling team. I remember how much my dick showed in those singlets we had to wear. They didn't hide anything. When I walked onto the matt, it felt like every single eye in the gymnasium was staring at my dick.

Our first match was at a different school. On the bus ride to that school, some of the older boys were talking about jerking off. I was all ears while the whole time pretending I wasn't interested in what they were talking about. When I got home, I went to the bathroom and tried this new idea out. I remember how hard my dick was before I even got my pants down. I did know about erections, just didn't know the next step. Shot my first load of cum and just stood there, staring at my dick and thinking I had just discovered the most amazing feeling in the world. I didn't really know I was suppose to aim where the cum was going to shoot, and shot on the wall above the toilet.
I grew up Mormon. No one ever told me about wet dreams or masterbation. I do remember having wet dreams. I would half wake up, and all the sudden whatever I was dreaming about would turn totally sexual. I remember thinking, Oh yah, another one of those dreams as I felt my dick unload my cum in my briefs. Never fully woke up, but in the morning, I was all crusty.

First time I ever head about masterbation, was my freshman year in high school. I was on the wrestling team. I remember how much my dick showed in those singlets we had to wear. They didn't hide anything. When I walked onto the matt, it felt like every single eye in the gymnasium was staring at my dick.

Our first match was at a different school. On the bus ride to that school, some of the older boys were talking about jerking off. I was all ears while the whole time pretending I wasn't interested in what they were talking about. When I got home, I went to the bathroom and tried this new idea out. I remember how hard my dick was before I even got my pants down. I did know about erections, just didn't know the next step. Shot my first load of cum and just stood there, staring at my dick and thinking I had just discovered the most amazing feeling in the world. I didn't really know I was suppose to aim where the cum was going to shoot, and shot on the wall above the toilet.
First off, anuncut10in, after viewing the photos in your profile, all I know is, I would have LOVED being in the stands at your high school watching you wrestle in your singlet :yum -- 2nd, THANK YOU for providing this very valuable backup to support my storyline in 'The Horny Club' and I think you are really going to enjoy the ride these Mormon schooled teens are about to have :imp: !

He stepped-in towards us, his hard, exotic tool swaying out from his hair-piled crotch. "Now calm down and listen-up, men...."

"Ok--but hurry, please," Jeb whimpered.

"...I may be way older n'you--which I'm not—but cocks're cocks, ok?" He looked down at his preening ten-incher. "Yeah, they're different shapes n' sizes... but mine's feelin' the same feelings yours is, ok?"

"I dunno about that," Tom said ruefully.

"...well, it does, ok?--like someone's plugged the damn thing into a light socket n' thrown the switch!"

Tom broke out in tension-releasing laughter, then suddenly stopped, looking kind of wild-eyed.

"...and the best way to calm it down is to make it blow..."

"...B-BLOW??" Jeb stammered, "--that sounds..."

"...so, you're gonna watch mine do it," Juan spoke over Jeb's whining, "--an' when you see how I'm still livin' n' breathing afterward, you can try it out on your own."

"Yeah, sure--yeah--ok--yeah--good--" Tom babbled, his black pupiled eyes all large and shiny.

"Good--now here's th' deal," Juan tilted his hips, his huge totem levering out at our chests. "--you're all gonna take a piece a'this--"

"...you mean, HOLD it??" Jeb looked awed.

"...for starters. Now go on--take a section..."

Tom immediately latched onto the head.

"JESUS!! Lower down, boy!--FUCK!"

Tom let go as fast as he'd grabbed on, scared to hear the one word none of us were ever allowed to utter, watching the mighty thing buck in heat.

It took awhile for it to stop flexing.

"Ok, Todd--YOU take it. Just under the head--ok, boy?" Juan's voice was all husky-sounding. "--DON'T squeeze it! JUST...wrap you hand around it..."

I nodded--too overwhelmed to speak, my hand shaking as I reached out and touched Juan's hot, throbbing, naked cock. It pulsed in my small hand, my fingers unable to completely surround its velvety-steely girth.

The effect it had on my own was heart-grabbing, like his and mine were one and the same. The second I even touched Juan's hot throbber, mine bucked and twitched in tandem.

"Now you, hotshot. And don't be so rough." Juan glowered at Tom. "I told you mine's as ripe as yours, didn't I??"

"Yessir," Tom swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing.

"Hold on under Todd. And then you," he looked at the trembling Jeb. "--you take hold'a the bottom third."

"Oh, cripes!" Tom breathed. "This's gotta be th' absolute BIGGEST...."

"Okay. Now...what you're gonna do is milk it--you know, the way you do the 'bossies'," Juan put his hands on his hips. “Just slide up and down as a team. The skin’ll slide with you—but it’s real sensitive…”

"Not yet!" he scowled at Tom, "--and prob'ly I'll start huffin' n' puffin' and looking like I'm having a stroke--but that's not because it hurts, or I'm in pain. It's cuz it feels GOOD--so good, it's turnin' me inta jello! Understan'?"

"Cool!" Tom's hand was just under mine. I could feel how eager he was to get started. "So if I'm jumpin' around n' shit, just hang on--and, for god's sake, keep pumpin'!"

"Wow!" Tom looked at me. "Can you believe this???--we're holdin' onto Juan's big, hard cock, man!" he whispered.

"You follow ME,” I announced, self-importantly, "--I won the 4H Milking Event, remember?"

"Ok, boys. Now, first...go UP. That's it. Slowly... slowly...yeah--just like that!"

The swallows were busy flying in-and-out of the loft--their little cheeps and cries echoing above—and man, were we ever busy below! My fingers were intent on finding my 4H, prize-winning, firm-yet-gentle rhythm.

I felt Juan's velvet-skinned, solid-cored love muscle radiate its erotic heat over our hip-to-hip, naked bodies--watched that sexy, dark skin slide up against his flared, glossy cockhead, then stretch as our three hands came down, Juan's big vein throbbing against my fingers.

"Ohhhhh, yeah, boys! That's it! A little faster now--stay together...oh, baby, baby!...."

My knuckles grazed his muscle-stretched belly button on the way up and felt his exotic, bushy cockhair on the way down.

"...oh that's so GOOOOOD!--mmmmmMMMMMMM! Three teens pumpin' my big, hard Latino cock!--yeah!--faster now, Todd!"

A thrill of joy tingled around my super-sized cockhead, hearing Juan say my name--say it like I was the only one fisting him.

"Keep it going--oh god, yeah! Like that! Just like that! Oh, Christ!---mmmph!--uhhhgh!"

Jeb was in the middle--standing wedged between Tom and I--his small hand barely able to cling to the bottom third of Juan's gigantic dick. And as our pace increased, he had to double-fist it, his freckled face flushed as he felt Juan's huge balls flop against his fingers.

"Play with m' tits some! Oh god, yeah! Reach right up there!--take 'em--Ungh!--rub 'em--squeeze 'em!"

Tom and I were barely able to manage jacking that monster cock, much less use our free hands--but hell, we sure were nothing if not obedient, and nothing was gonna stop us from passing by THAT invitation! We both rode our palms up Juan's muscular torso--not taking our eyes away from his giant cock--till we found those hot, bulging swells, and grabbed all the hunky pecmeat we could get.

"Awwwh, yeah babies! Feel them mantits? Them fat nipples?--ungh!--ohhhh!--fuck, yeah! Keep pumpin'-- uumph! ahhhh!"

It felt like an eternity--it felt timeless--Juan's silky skin sliding-n'-sheathing the rockhard shaft, his mushroom bulb oozing syrup, till all we could hear was the wet, slick, slapping of hard, Latino cockmeat being frictioned to the point where Juan could no longer stand it.

"Oh, Jesus Christ! --PUMP ME!--FUCK!--Oh, fuckin' fuck!--I'm...I'm...I'm gonna..gonna BLOWWWWW!"

Juan's pecs turned to granite--his nipples into lust-swollen rivets--whole body seizing-up--his eyes glazing over, his monster meat swelling to twice its girth as our hands pistoned it over the brink.


Jeb's astonished face moved just in time as Juan's cockhead turned purple, reared-back, and......"UNGH! UNGH! Oh, FUCK! UNGH!"

Ropes of white sailed over his shoulder, the sight too incredible to believe! We fisted on auto-pilot—feeling the giant thing buck and seize--snorting out jets of white lava, his balls thudding and heaving.

"Holy!" Tom's eyes wildly watched the carnal sight --feeling the creamy load river over his hands—smelling Juan's raw maleness waft from his crotch.

"Oh, stop! Oh, stop! STOP!" Juan shuddered violently, a sheen of sweat coating his tits.

We let go, staring at his glowing, spurting head --watching his naked cockrocket jerk about, spewing the last of its load.
Juan's eyes were closed, his fingers pulling on his nipple-cones, his mouth slack and panting. 'If this wasn't a heart attack,' I wondered to myself, 'then what would one look like?'

But after a few seconds, Juan came back to earth, a big smile spreading over his sexy lips, his gorgeous physique shuddering a few times and his breathing slowly returning to normal.. He looked happy and relaxed.

"Are you--I mean, like, are you okay??" Tom asked.

"Hell, yeah!" Juan grinned, then saw our stunned faces. "Hey--c'mon! Don't look so worried! That was th' best ride I've had in a long time, boys!" He ran his hand down his abs into his bush, and grabbed his half-hard meat, squeezing the last dribbles from the bulbous head.

"This is my cum. My jizz--the stuff that makes babies!" He seemed all cheery and light-hearted, almost laughing. "It's what you guys shoot off in your PJ's at night!" He put his hands on his hips, his eyes glowing with new life. "So?? Are you ready to rumble?"

"N-not me," Jeb put both his arms out with his palms up, backing towards the door. "You two try it!"

"Me, neither!" Tom announced.

"What???" Juan looked at me, but I shook my head, too. "Are you crazy??? You're hotter than firecrackers! Look at your COCKS!"

They were standing from our bushes like cattle prods--so ultra-stiff, none of us dared touch them.

"Yeah, well...hmmfph. Ok. Forget it!" Juan bent down to pick up his clothes.

"Wait! What're you doing?" Tom said, looking anxious.

"I dunno," Juan shrugged, his tubular meat lengthening, "--going back to my chores, I guess."

"But--but what about 'The Horny Club'?!"

"What about it?" He fingered his briefs. "I guess it's over for today."

Jeb looked at Tom and me--hoping we'd do something--then looked at Juan. "Couldn't you just let us look at your muscles some more, first? You know...."

"Yeah," Tom said. "--not all that 'heart attack' stuff--just maybe watch you, um, pose, or something?"

Juan looked at the barn door. "I dunno, boys--I'm way behind wi’ my chores..."

"...we'll help you finish them!" I said quickly, my eyes racing over his nakedness, thinking I'd never see a real stud body like Juan’s naked again.

He looked us over--at our almost ridiculous state of arousal--dropped his jockeys and raised his right arm into a rockhard flex. "--how's this?"

"Yeah! Super!" Tom's eyes glowed.

"C-can we feel it?" Jeb asked.

"Why not? You're in 'The Horny Club', aren't you?"

"Wow!" Jeb moved right in, reaching up to touch that muscle-clustered boulder.

We were quick to join him, my hardon riding up Juan's naked thigh as we jockeyed for position. Jeb's big thumper was pushing into Juan's fat balls.

"Wait a minute--wait a minute," Juan broke free of our nude teen assault, heading over to a pyramid of hay bales stacked all the way up to the loft.

He tossed a horse blanket on a couple that were a row higher than the floor, and sat down, spreading his dark, mahogany legs.

Like a muscle-blessed, Latino demi-god, Juan's six-foot-two physique looked like a naked, dream-come-true. "Bring those horny cocks over here," he motioned to us, smiling. "Let's see what we can do."

Tom sashayed his chunky erection over proudly, licking his lips over the tingles as it jolted and bobbed stiffly from his black bush. We followed--me watching Jeb's eight-incher sway like an inward-curving telephone pole. It looked absurdly huge on a teen his age, even though Jeb was no shrimp.

All of us were well-developed in a natural, farm-built way. Solid, is what I'd call it.

"What're you gonna do?" Jeb asked as we stood on the floor before the elevated Juan--looking between his legs at his now-distended cock hanging eye-level down over his giant balls--his rich, black bush on full display between his giant, spread thighs.

"You want to feel up my pecs?" Juan pulled on his stud nipples.

"S-Sure!" Jeb said, climbing up onto the bale Juan's feet rested on. Tom and I quickly followed, suddenly discovering we were up higher than we expected, our hardons lancing out at his chest.

"You know when you're horny, it's not only your hands that want to be feeling and touching..." Juan stared at our jutting boycocks.

"What do you mean?" Jeb was in the middle, between us--suddenly apprehensive.

"I'll bet those hard cocks of yours are beggin' to be allowed to feel up these big tits'a mine." Juan sat up straighter--throwing his shoulders back--his meaty, smooth pecs spreading.

"Oh-God-yeah!" Tom breathed, tilting his aching, blunt-nosed rod closer.
"I--I guess so," Jeb examined Juan's face nervously, not sure of things.

"Hey--don't be so skittish," Juan said. "I ain't gonna do anything crazy, here--ok?"

"Um, okay."

"....just let your cock slide up ‘tween 'em," Juan flexed his bulging hills, creating a deep valley, tailor-made to take Jeb's naked, slightly-pointy hardon.

"Hell, Jensen--if you won't, I sure as hell...."

Jeb stopped Tom's challenge, suddenly bending his knees and thrusting his eight-incher between Juan's hot pecs. "OHHHhhhh," he moaned, his whole body quivering.

"That's it, boy--work your hips! Feels good, huh?"

I felt left out, my large-headed skinrocket all jealous and pulsing.


We watched, fascinated, as Juan used his hands to squeeze his beefy tits over top of Jeb's slip-sliding dong, making a fleshy tunnel for him to explore.

"Damn!" Tom stared, then suddenly angled his hips to rub his hardon all over Juan's bulging bicep.

"Yeah--that's it! You, too, “Juan said to me. "--get in on the action!"

Jeb was moaning so loud I wanted to shush him, his round buttcheeks dimpling as he cock-massaged Juan's meaty tits. I levered my tingling titan to touch Juan's left, bulging arm--the sensation of my cock on his man-muscle shooting sparks into my balls.

Jeb was off in his own cock-needy world, it seemed, pumping his rod between those pillowing pecs, his cupid mouth all slack.

And then suddenly, Juan bent his head down over to the right and I watched his pink tongue fall out.

"H-Holy!!" Tom shouted as Juan licked Tom's cockhead, even nibbling the whole fat knob with his big, Latino lips.

"Oh god!!" Jeb stared at the lewd sight, working his hips like mad in reaction.

Juan slurped free of Tom, then leaned over to his left

and gave my giant head a big, wet kiss. "UHHHhhhhgg," I shuddered, feeling almost sick it was so sexy.

"C'mere, boys," Juan opened his huge arms, his biceps gathering the three of us up like we were no bigger than dolls.

And suddenly our trio of cocks were rubbing against each other--right in front of Juan's face--the sight and feeling leaving us wide-eyed and dazed.

"If you want to be in 'The Horny Club', you've got to stay put now, hear?"

We nodded mutely, wondering if he were going to lick them again. Instead, he brought his big hands in--pryed our stiffies down--lifted his chest, and rubbed our dripping cockheads all over his thumb-sized nipples.

"UHHHHHhhhhgggg," our arms came around one another's bare asses, our hips thrusting forward. My cock dribbled syrup across his thick pecs--needling shocks racing up my shaft—the flat of his hands cockwiching our erections against his chest, smearing those hunky pecs with our boyjuices.

"OOOoooooh!" Jeb's body trembled, making Tom and I grab each of his naked cheeks to steady him.

Unprepared for what came next, we stared, wild-eyed, as Juan's large hands wrapped themselves around our cock bouquet, the heads pressing together into one big bundle. Yawning open his wide, sexy mouth, Juan's big lips closed over all three, making us jump and shudder.

"Oh God! --oh God!” Jeb quaked.

I was too shaken with a lust I'd never before experienced, to speak or even moan--watching Juan begin french-kissing our satin-headed cockbundle. My left arm shot out to anchor itself on his powerful shoulder, and our hips began thrusting our needy dicks in-and-out of his grasping hands.

"Unngh!--UUnngh!--OH!--Ahhh!" we moaned and pumped our tumid cockheads past his slobbering lips--seeking satisfaction, seeking more thrills, wanting more and more and more and....."

"OH! --OH GOD!!!" Jeb cried, his body flying into contortions.

Juan couldn't seem to manage all three of us anymore, our cockheads popping free of his drooling mouth--but his two hands held steady as we pistoned in-and-out of his grip, no longer apprehensive--no longer all wussy and precious.

I, for one, couldn’t have cared less if I actually had a heart attack! –nor did I care about Jeb's whimpers and moans. My right hand dove into the crack of Jeb's cute ass--joining Tom in wanting more of that, too--our fingers digging deep, till we were both fingering his clenching rosebud.

"C'mon, man! --pump 'em, or something!" Tom said, gruffly, his hips knifing his porkbarrel-of-a-cock into Juan's lose grip.

Suddenly Juan let go of all three--latching instead onto mine and Tom's. "You two take his," he said.

Moaning like wounded animals in heat at Juan's expert fingers on our lusty cocks, Tom and I took our hands away from Jeb's butt--brought them in front--and wrapped them around Jeb's eight-incher.

"Oh god! --oh god! --oh god!" Jeb kept babbling—looking down at our milking fists--his pelvis tilted, his balls slapping my baby finger as he pumped in sync with our two-fisted action.

The whole hot and horny business was more than I could process. Were anyone up in the hayloft looking down, he would have seen a hugely-muscled, naked Latino sitting spread-legged on a shelf of bales--his ten-inch cock throbbing--with three naked, moaning teens standing before him--all busy fisting, and being fisted--their young, developed muscles flexing, as they headed for their first-ever liftoff into manhood.

"Oh NO! Oh God!! OH STOP!!! STOPPPPP!!!!" Jeb demanded, his whole body quaking in alarm.

No one was about to stop! No one could stop! If anything, his wimpy protests only made Tom and I pump faster.


I felt Jeb's dick rear back and expand, his pulpy cockhead suddenly exploding in a cascade of white-hot cream—the stuff roping out over Juan's dark tits--the sight more than Tom and I could handle.

"Awwwh, fuck! Look at THAT!!" Tom groaned as we pumped out streamer-after-streamer of Jeb's virginal cum.

I couldn't look at it long--couldn't think--couldn't cope! My hand fisted Jeb on autopilot while my whole being centered around my own hotter-than-hell cock.

Juan's left hand flew up-and-down my seven-inch shaft--the loose skin slip-sliding over my rockhard core--the feeling too ripe to handle. It felt like something alarmingly powerful was building inside my slogging boyballs--something necessary--something too important to try and prevent, and too insistent to ignore.

"Juan!!!" I called down, my hips locking upward, my eyes staring in helpless wonder as his fist slowed, then purposely milked me just below the flange of my blood-swollen cockhead.

I shuddered violently--nearly blacking-out--watching my bulbous helmet suddenly erupt, fountains of boymilk striping his thick, brown neck and muscular jaw.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!! Oh FUCKKKKK!!!" Tom's eyes flew open to watch his love-muscle buck in Juan's grip and pound out a pint of white sperm, the stuff cannonading across Juan's chest.

We both kept on shooting, leaving Jeb to take over his own final spurts. Shy no more, he took hold of his Swedish Sizzler, pumping like mad, shuddering over the juicy thrills he now knew were a joyride made in heaven!

"What the FUCK is going ON in here!!!!!?"

We whirled around to find my ‘Poppa’ Steve--hands on hips--glowering at Juan, his fiery eyes taking in the sight of our naked, cock-spurting, Horny Club orgy.

"Poppa!" I stared at him in alarm.
"Meet me tonight--10 o'clock--by the big oak," I managed to whisper before Jeb and Tom grabbed their clothes and tore out of the barn.

Steve went ballistic--cursing Juan out and ordering me to my room--then suddenly taking off in the pickup, leaving me wondering where he was and even if he'd ever come back.

At first, I did stay in my room—feeling relieved he'd gone--yet also apprehensive about what my ‘Poppa Steve’ would say when he came home. At the very same time, I felt strangely calm and glad of what we’d all discovered together with Juan in the barn. I mean, my sweaty-palmed nervousness had totally vanished the very second I felt my cock explode all over Juan's hunky tits.

Something deep inside me felt way, way more peaceful, even as I grew more anxious about having been caught doing it.

That peacefulness didn't last forever though, as I sat on my bed listening for the sound of the pickup. Having discovered the joys of 'blowing a load', I just got hornier by the minute. Yet, because I was now 'in the doghouse', awaiting a serious lecture, I didn't dare try experimenting with my new, fleshy, big-headed toy.

Yet, the minutes became hours—and I got hungry, and ventured down to the empty, lonely kitchen--beginning to wish Steve would just return--wanting to get whatever punishment he had in mind over with.

I watched the sinking sun turn to dusk--then watched dusk become nightfall. I made some Kraft Dinner with hot dogs. I thought about Juan--whether he'd been fired, or where he was--thought about Jeb and Tom, suddenly remembering I'd told them to meet me at 10:00 by the oak tree near the tool shed.

Eight o'clock came and went. Nine o'clock came and went--me growing more jumpy by the minute, and also… more horny.

'What if Steve pulls-in just as Jeb and Tom are walking down the drive?' 'What if he pulls-in and discovers I'm not in my room and finds me outside instead?'

It was a big, fucked-up mess—and being horny wasn't helping things. All I wanted to do was rewind the tape and pretend my Poppa Steve hadn't busted-up our naked fun!

Suddenly I heard Tom's signal--his cool imitation of a night owl--our secret code whenever we three sneak out for a night dip in the swimming hole.

It was dark as pitch outside—fireflies everywhere--and still, and humid. The light from the kitchen helped guide my way until I couldn't see a blasted thing.

"Hey! Over here!"

My eyes gradually adjusted to their T-shirt-and-gym-short-bodies leaning against the tree. We exchanged hand grips.

"You get away ok?"

"Yeah. No problem," Tom said, his voice hushed. "We thought you wouldn't show, man."

"Did you get a whuppin'?" Jeb asked, all concerned.

"Naw. Fact is, he isn't even here! He went off somewhere in the truck!"


"Yeah! It's weird...."

"Where's Juan?" Jeb's stage whisper was so loud, he may as well have just said it plain.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm supposed to be in my room, but...."

We suddenly heard the distant sounds of a vehicle, turning to see headlights cutting through the tall poplars ringing our property.

"Shit! Here he comes!"

I had enough time to make it back to the house, but was so panicked I ran behind the toolshed with Tom and Jeb. We watched the headlights turn onto our long drive—illuminating everything in their path--soon to include the toolshed.

"Fuck! He finds me out here and I'm toast!"

But the pickup wasn't stopping in front of the barn as usual. It veered-off to the left of it, down the cow lane.

"He's going to the bunkhouse!" A thrill went up my spine.

"The what???"

"Juan's! He's heading for Juan's!!"

Theatrical visions of my Dad with a shotgun, coming to get Juan filled my over-active brain as we heard the truck stop and the engine turn off.

"You better go back to your room!" Jeb whispered loudly.

"Keep your voice down, Jenkins! You idiot!"

Being eighteen and reckless, I did no such thing. Why would I wait in my room when I saw myself dramatically stopping a confrontation?

We heard deep voices, then the screen door slam as we ran in a low crouch like G.I. Joes.

"What are they saying?"

"Shut the fuck UP, Jeb!" Tom smacked his big shoulder.

Thank God there were bushes to duck behind as we looked through the large, single-paned window. Like a movie—the sound perfectly clear through the screen door--we watched my Poppa Steve poke his finger into Juan's pec-stretched wifebeater.

"I should fire your ass--you know that???"

"You've been drinking," Juan flexed his chest against Steve's finger.

"Yeah, man? So-fuckin-WHAT??" His unshaven jaw flexed menacingly. "You're lucky I went n' cooled off, you son-of-a-bitch!"

"Look, Steve...."

My ‘Poppa’ shoved him backwards, the two huge stud hunks nearly equal in height and size.

"What th' FUCK were you DOIN'???! Huh??? I mean, FUCK, Juan!!!" His green eyes blazed emerald. "Foolin' with Todd was bad enough--but the NEIGHBOR kids???" He blew out air in exasperation, two inches from Juan's dark-brown, big-boned face.

"They won't say a word. They ain't crazy, Steve." Juan refused to budge and stood staring right back.

Poppa glowered at him, then shook his head. "What...what th' fuck were you THINKING??--I mean, Jesus Christopher, Juan!....."

"I dunno," Juan looked up at the ceiling, then back at him. "It just happened! They wanted to see me pose. Then they wanted to feel up...."

"...they're just kids, Juan. CHILDREN, for Christ's sake!"

"....th' fuck they are!" Juan's deep voice vibrated. "They're eighteen, Steve--EIGHTEEN--an' don't even know what to do when they're horny! Fuck! --didn't know what horny IS, even!"

"They sure-as-shit do NOW, huh, Juan? Christ! Right there in the barn???"

"I couldn't believe you never had a talk with your boy--him standing there sayin' he didn't know what t'do when he's throwin' a rod. All of 'em squeezin' their legs together, worrying they's gonna have heart attacks...."

"First off, he’s not my boy, but he may as well be, the way he calls me Poppa ‘n all...and second, it's better that way."

"What way??"

"Not knowin'."

"Well they do now."

"No shit."

We were crouching and holding onto to each other's arms--watching them standing there glaring--afraid even our breathing was too loud.

"Awwwh, Juan! Fuck!"

"They were gonna have to find out. One way or another, they were..."

"...they better not find out..." Poppa moved even closer to Juan.

"They won't...."

I let out a gasp, seeing my big, built, masculine Poppa Steve put his large, work-rough hands on each side of Juan's bullneck.

"You son-of-a-bitch, Juan..."

"H-Holy!" Tom breathed.

Their mouths crushed together, Juan's hands suddenly reaching in to rip open my Dad's shirt--snaps popping, his hairy pecs mountaining out--his nipples like rubber erasers.
I nearly laughed, then nearly burst into tears--my emotions in freefall--my body starting to tremble.

Their kiss was wet and hard—almost like they were fighting--Poppa taking hold of Juan's wifebeater and tearing it clean down the center--his fingers squeezing Juan's tits, making his thick nipples jut out. Still locked in a tongue-battling kiss, Juan pulled Steve’s shirt off, his rough hands sliding up to play with Poppa's pecs --the very pecs I rarely got to see, much less play with!

"Fuckin' stud," my Dad growled, "--tryin' to make me crazy? Huh??" He smacked Juan's swells with his fists, the sound meaty and male. "HUH?" he smacked them again. "--turnin' them boys queer...th' way you did me???"

Juan's fingers combed thru my Poppa's chest hair like he was worshipping it--worshipping his muscletits--his ultra-male, manhair-carpetted, heavy-nippled mountains. "No one's turnin' no one nothin'!" Juan suddenly grabbed my Dad's crotch with one hand. "You were like THIS, the second you laid eyes on me, man--you AND them boys!" We saw his fingers grasping what looked like a hammer, angling to the left of Steve's fly. "Fuck! We're just HORNY, Steve!" He roughly pulled open the copper button and rasped down the zipper. "See that? Now we're ALL in 'The Horny Club'!" he laughed.

"Wow!" Tom whispered. "Hear THAT???"

"Shhhh!" Jeb whispered loudly, making me punch his arm.

Poppa moaned to feel Juan's expert fingers play with his hard cock through his jockeys. "Horny Club??? What's a 'horny club'?"

Juan chuckled as my Dad struggled with Juan's tented jean-fly, trying to get at his thick, mounded tool. "The name Todd gave our naked fun-n-games out in th' barn...."

"Me??? I didn't name anything!" I huffed. "YOU did!" I looked at Tom, then did a double-take. "Hey! What are you DOING???" I whispered.

Tom had his shorts shoved down to his ankles, his hand wrapped around his soup-can, bonerized cock.

"What does it look like?" he smiled conspiratorially, showing off his mushroom knob, the dim light from the window making it gleam.

Their jeans off, they thrust their hips forward--their jockey-pouched, throbbing irons swiping back-and-forth--wet stains spreading from their trapped, pulpy cockheads.

"I need those balls," Juan's husked, his hand urgently spreading Steve’s hefty, hairy thighs and pushing the white cloth into a grapefruit-sized bundle.

Without a word, Jeb and I both let our horny cocks hit the night air, the feeling as electric as the scene playing out before our lusting eyes.

Poppa Steve was groaning--Juan now on his knees--his face pushed into my Dad's pouched nuts, the size of them covering all of Juan's rooting nose.

"You want those hairy lovesacs, huh? Huh, man? Yeah! Fuck! Make love to my huge balls, you Latin letch."

"Oh god," I whispered, suddenly reaching out and finding Tom's hot cock waiting for me. I pushed my fingers into his thick, hairy delta--wishing it were my Poppa Steve's--but thrilled even so.

"Give 'em to me, Steve. I need 'em now--c'mon man...."

Steve pulled aside his pouch—his hair-sprinkled, ultra-male balls thudding over Juan's wet, spread lips--his skin-heavy hang being teased by Juan's pink tongue.

I felt Tom's hand take hold of my prickly, lust-vibrating rod, making my balls bunch up in a heap.

"You know how, Juan! Fuck--do you.... know how!" Steve groaned up at the ceiling as Juan used his baby finger to tease one of those hairy peaches past his bigass lips. "You hot ballsucker, you! Fuck, that turns me on so bad..."

I felt Jeb's hand playing with my own furry kiwis--felt Tom begin jacking me as I jacked him back. My left hand reached out to find Jeb's curvy cock, the throbbing thing so big I looked down at it in awe as I began jacking him, too.

"Awww, get naked for me, Juan—show me those balls, man!"

Poppa's hairy pec mounds swelled in heat--his nipples bloated with lust like a second pair of staring eyes--as Juan rose up and let his pants fall to the floor. Flexing every muscle in his body--his incredible, sun-darkened, smooth-as-silk pecs jumping--Juan showed off his swollen, white jockey pouch. His enormous biceps rolled and bouldered as he fingered his soft, tumbling avocados through the thin cotton, watching Steve lick his sexy lips and stare down at them.