The hottest video I've ever seen


Expert Member
Dec 13, 2013
This is the true story of the hottest video I've ever seen, and how it got made. Unfortunately, I don't have access to it anymore, but it is something I've thought about constantly for the past 20 years (it was that hot). It all started in New York City in the mid 2000s. I was 23 year old, pretty cute but very shy. I went out one night and got just drunk enough to start chatting with another shy, cute guy (Alex) and we went home together. It probably would have been a one-time hookup if he hadn't shown me a video that he'd just been sent by a friend from his hometown. (Long story short: Alex had grown up in a small town, and the only other gay guy around was this guy named Clint, who Alex was clearly totally in love with.) Alex described Clint to me that night--he was very good looking and had an incredibly fun, charming personality. Always the life of the, really funny, down-to-earth...the kind of guy you would fall in love with (and a lot of people did, apparently). There had been some brief sexual encounter between them in high school, but Alex wasn't really Clint's type. Clint liked beautiful redneck straight boys. He loved being in locker rooms, army bases, swimming holes, that kind of thing. After high school, he skipped college and moved to a nearby town that had a reputation as a party town for the military base nearby. Alex said Clint could have done anything after high school but what he wanted more than anything was to fuck as many straight guys as he could (he also had a huge libido, according to Alex). Clint was living in a shitty apartment in this party town and had made friends with a group of guys there--all around 20 years old, some were in the military, some were high school dropouts, but they all loved to party. Pretty typical stuff. Clint had bought a video camera and started making stupid videos with these guys, kind of like a combination of Jackass and SNL. This first video Alex showed me was a collection of stupid skits/pranks that they were all doing. Mostly drunk/stoned stuff with a lot of inside jokes I didn't get. But several of the guys were very hot. Clearly Clint's type, and his camera definitely focused on them. I don't remember too many details of this first video except for one of the last skits was a group of them by the pool and at the end some of them stripped off their bathing suits and jumped in the pool. Alex and I watched that section together probably 10 times that night. Eventually we started stroking and both blew another load. This was the beginning of what would become a ritual between us.

Clint started sending Alex new videos fairly regularly. Clearly Clint wanted to share these hot boys with someone who would understand, and Alex was the only gay guy that Clint knew. The skits started to get more elaborate and the videos were more and more polished. It seemed like Clint was filming almost everything this group did, and he started to include some of the casual, behind the scenes moments (these were my favorite, because you really got to know these guys). Clint had such a positive, funny energy so it wasn't like a lot of typical straight boy bonding, where they are mean or violent or hurtful. He had such a strong personality that it just influenced everything about the way this group interacted. They were always smiling and laughing and being silly, and increasingly, they were all becoming much more comfortable being naked. Whenever Alex would get a new video, he would call me and I would drop everything to rush over and watch it. We started to really get to know these guys, so when one of them got naked for the first time, it was a big deal. (One stand out moment was with Brian--who plays a big part later--and the first time he got naked. He was kind of shy at first but Clint clearly liked him. He was sooooo cute and had this pale skin and really dark curly hair, and his body was like a greek statue. In one video he was just wearing boxer shorts and someone came up from behind and pulled them down and he immediately put his hands over his junk. He turned to the side and you could see the profile of his incredible bubble butt and he started laughing this adorable laugh. I'll never forget the first time I saw that!)
As the boys became more comfortable with each other and Clint got more confident behind the camera, the videos became much much better. Honestly, they were kind of like art pieces. It is hard to describe. Clint was editing things together in a way that everything flowed so organically. He wove in music, and edited some montages, and sometimes just let moments play out. He was an incredibly talented filmmaker in this weird way. They were little time capsules of this group of friends getting to know each other that were a joy to watch (I would have been captivated even without the nudity!). But the nudity clearly was becoming a big part of their world--it started with humor but then almost became a lifestyle. In the early videos when it was mostly pranks and skits, someone would always have to get naked as a punchline. But then, as the video camera followed them everywhere, nudity was just a fact of life. Some of the fringe characters started to drift away and it started to be a core group of around 10 guys, maybe. They were all very comfortable in front of the camera and were all attractive in some way--Clint definitely had his favorites, but all of them brought something hot (Clint had great taste in basically everything, including boys).

It is funny to think about now, how this trio of gay guys (Clint, Alex, me) were using each other to process these incredibly hot guys. Clint, with his amazing confidence and charm, would create an atmosphere where the guys felt totally comfortable, and then would turn on his video camera. He needed an outlet to show this work he was creating (and this hot situation he was in) and Alex was the only person he knew that would understand. Alex, receiving this steady supply of soft-core (at least at first) porn, needed to share it with someone. Luckily, I was in the right place at the right time. It became a ritual I started to crave. Alex would call me and tell me there was a new video and I would head to his place. At first we would watch the videos a couple times while giving commentary and slowly start rubbing ourselves until we were both hard and then we'd get naked and jerk off while watching the hottest part. But then something shifted in the videos and it became much more than just a bunch of naked straight guys being stupid. They started grabbing each other's dicks--first as a joke, but then Clint would always notice and point it out and make it a thing, and then subtly started encouraging it. Then it just became second nature. Lots of butt slaps and dick grabs that then became incredibly intimate over time. It is amazing to watch people be that comfortable with each other. One video that completely blew our minds at the time started with a shot of 5-6 guys on a couch, all naked. They were all intertwined--some spooning, legs and arms everywhere. It was so shocking and beautiful. Clearly they'd all become a lot more comfortable since the last video we saw. They were laughing and joking, some were casually rubbing each other. Just super relaxed and happy with each other. This was one of those beautiful long form music video type pieces that Clint was getting really good at making. And finally this group of guys were giving him material that really inspired him. After that, whenever Alex would get a new video, I'd rush over and we'd immediately get naked (I'd be hard, obviously--I would get a hard on as soon as I saw his caller ID on my phone). We would have these amazing long edging sessions where we would watch the new video and then go back and watch our favorite moments from old videos (because this was the mid 2000's, Clint would have to delete older videos to make way for the new ones, so we only ever had like 4-5 videos to watch at a time). I wish I could describe what it was like to watch these videos. It was like every fantasy I'd ever had coming true, (even though at that time, there wasn't anything too sexual happening in the videos, just a lot of nudity and touching). I felt like I was on drugs watching them, waiting to see what would happen next. Clint was such an incredible narrator/filmmaker. He knew exactly what a horny gay guy would want to see, but he also was really good at teasing things, not giving us what we wanted too soon. We got to know these guys and their personalities, and we watched them drop all their defenses and let their guards down with each other. We watched them shower together, skinny dip, cook naked, cuddle in bed together...I couldn't get enough. I was wildly jealous of Clint but also so grateful that he was sharing this with us.

Then there was a change. I remember exactly how it happened, because Alex and I watched the video countless times and talked about it basically nonstop. Up to then, it had all been pretty much softcore. But over the course of two videos, that changed. One of the guys in the group (Jamie) was a really goofy, wildcard type. And they were always joking about how horny he was. But up to that point, it had all been talk. But then Clint sent a video that was all about Jamie's hard on. I think that was even the title of the video at the beginning: JAMIE'S HARD ON. And it was a parody documentary about Jamie's boner. There was lots of footage of him walking around with a boner, hitting guys with it, putting it on was honestly really funny (and sooooo hot). It was kind of brilliant on Clint's part to do this, because it got them all very comfortable with showing their boner to each other and the camera. There was a running joke in the video of guys being interviewed like it was a serious topic, and then Jamie's boner would slowly appear on one side and get closer and closer to the guy talking. (It was a great boner, too--long and beautiful).
Alex and I couldn't get through that video without busting. (We probably came three times that night while watching it over and over). It was such a fantasy, being in a group of hot guys where people were so comfortable and hard ons were no big deal. We thought we had hit the peak of these videos, but the next one blew our minds. The title of that one was "WHO'S GONNA CUM FIRST" or something. As soon as we saw that, I remember my stomach dropping like I was on a roller coaster. It couldn't possibly be true, could it?? It was. The video was all about this new game they invented, where two guys would have a contest to see who could cum first while the other guys did stupid stuff to distract them. (And they were all always naked now. At some point they must have just totally stopped wearing clothes whenever they hung out). I'll never forget how that video started--after the title, it cut to a closeup of two of the guys staring straight into each others eyes. Then the camera panned down and it became clear that they were both stroking. Then it panned out and guys started coming up to them and pinching them, tweaking their nipple, stuff to make them lose their concentration. Everyone was laughing (they clearly thought this was the best game they'd ever invented.). Then finally one of the guys--the stocky, muscular guy--came first and he came all over the other guy's upper thighs. Everyone was cheering and laughing and Alex and I both probably came at the same time. But the video was just getting started....
There were probably 6-7 more jerk off contests in that video, and the rules started to shift a little. At first it was all about distracting them from cumming, but then it started to be about helping guys cum, too. Like, a lick on the neck. Or someone would start rubbing their nuts. It was like they had placed bets on who would win and were either trying to prevent the other guy from cumming, or helping their guy cum.

Clint was becoming more and more of a presence in the videos at this point. They were passing the camera back and forth more and more, so he was just as much a character as any of the other guys. At this point I had completely fallen in love with him, just like Alex. He was so handsome, and had this incredible smile--still one of the best smiles I've ever seen. He just seemed so genuinely happy and confident--I wanted so much to be near him. He was probably 6'2" or so and had a naturally lean body with a v-shaped torso. He wasn't the most muscular guy in the group, but he had great legs, and probably my favorite dick of all the guys in the group. He was uncut (only one other guy was uncut) and it just looked like a perfect dick, topped with dark curly pubes. He had a smattering of hair on his chest and a lot of dark armpit hair, but other than that he was pretty smooth. He was probably 23 at the time. During the cum competitions, he looked like he was having the time of his life. For a few videos, they had been giving each other quick little kisses and pecks (usually on the cheek), which was really cute but pretty innocent. But during the competitions, he started giving them little pecks on the mouth--at first to distract them and make them laugh. But then, during my favorite moment in all of the videos, he used it to turn a guy on. I'll never forget this moment as long as I live. I still can't believe I'm lucky enough to have seen it. There was a cumming competition between two guys sitting on the couch. One of them was Brian (the guy I mentioned earlier--pale skin, dark curly hair, body like a greek statue). Clint was clearly into him--they always had a really cute connection. And in this video, Brian was stroking next to another guy, their legs touching, and Clint was sitting next to Brian. He had clearly bet on Brian winning the competition, because he was trying to help him cum. At first he was just talking to him "cum, do it, stroke it out" etc, but then he started cupping his nuts, and pressed his body against his side. At this point in the video a lot of guys were walking around with boners, but Clint's boner was the biggest I'd ever seen it--rock hard, sticking straight up, his head poking out of his foreskin. Clint started to give Brian little affectionate kisses on his cheek, which I'd seen him do before. But then he leaned over and gave him one on the mouth. Then Brian leaned back and Clint whispered something in his ear. Brian smiled real big, then he turned to him and they started fully making out. Seconds later, Brian exploded everywhere, over his stomach and all over Clint's forearm. I've probably watched that moment 100 times (and replayed it thousands more in my brain. I wish I knew what Clint had whispered to him!)

That was the last moment in that video, and I can't even tell you how crazy it made me feel. Alex and I became OBSESSED. We talked about it constantly. Every day for a week I would go to his apartment and we would get naked and watch that video. It turned us on so much that we started having crazy sex. (We hadn't done anything more than jerk off with each other since that first night we met). But suddenly neither of us had any limits. I wanted to get fucked by him in every position, and he turned into this ravenous sex fiend. It was like this video had opened up our minds to what was possible sexually. If these (seemingly) straight guys can be so open and comfortable with their sexuality, so could we.

There was an agonizingly long pause before the next video--I remember that. But what we got next was worth the wait. I think Clint was probably debating whether or not to show us, because things escalated quickly in their group. I really really really wish I could see the unedited footage from those weeks after that cum competition, but Clint edited it down to something really beautiful. I think he was probably debating how much he could show Alex (and, unknown to him, to me). In the next video, he focused on kissing. He must have had an oral fixation. The video started with two of the guys (who actually looked a lot alike--they could have been brothers) in bed together with Clint. Not sure who was filming, but the three of them were naked, on top of the covers, limbs intertwined, joking around and laughing. I remember Clint saying "have you kissed yet?" and they said no, and then smiled, and leaned in and started making out. Clint just put his head back and watched. It was sooo hot but I got the feeling from this video that I wasn't seeing everything. It was kind of weird/funny and I would have loved it out of context, but I really wanted more sex. Ha. I was like an addict at this point, and really needed a fix of those guys pushing their limits sexually. But this was just a tease.
The next video after that was the last. I only saw it once! It still feels like a dream--hard to believe it was reality. The title was something like A DAY IN THE LIFE, and it was basically a day in the life of Clint, cut kind of like a French New Wave film. It started when he woke up--his alarm was still going off. I remember that. Then he just set up the camera in static positions around his apartment where all the boys hung out and filmed them going about their day. It was wild. I remember watching it in shock that this was his life. These unbelievably hot guys would arrive, walk in, and take off all their clothes. They just hung out in various groupings all day long, guys coming and going. Clint was there, in the middle, naked as the rest of them. I don't remember too many details from this video except for the end. I can't remember if there was sexual activity during the day, but at night, it turned into this dark, sexy, mysterious sex fantasy. I remember the camera being passed around, and they were using some strobe light that made it feel so seedy. Loud music was playing, and I remember blowjobs and there was definitely ass fucking. But I think at some point my brain was about to explode and stopped remembering. There were close ups of Clint's face in the middle of all of it, and him getting sucked by two guys at a time--just insanely hot stuff. After watching the video, Alex and I couldn't keep our hands off each other. We had the best sex of my life, no question. I had never felt more comfortable with anyone. These videos had made us completely open up sexually to each other. We flip fucked that night, and I just remember feeling fucking incredible. Not sure what happened the rest of that night, but by morning, the video was down. Clint had changed his mind about sharing it and we never saw it again. Soon after he took down the other videos, so we didn't have anything to watch (neither of us knew anything about technology back then--I wish we'd saved some of them!) Alex and I drifted apart after that--I think we both needed to process what we'd just seen. In a way I was glad to have the videos go because they had taken over my life--I was completely addicted to thinking about them. If sex didn't involve those videos, I wasn't interested. But eventually, I moved on, and I have to say, this experience really changed my life for the better. I used Clint as a role model in a lot of ways--he was so confident, and went after what he wanted without apologies. And he was so positive and happy!

I still think about what happened to Clint. He's never been on any social media that I've seen, and his name is common enough to not show up in any searches. I hope he's still in a small town somewhere, bringing his amazing energy to the people there, having unbelievable sex with the hottest guys around! Ha.
This feels like those strange creepy pasta stories about finding lost footage of something but in a positive way. Sure, it's really scary how this Clint had the power to manipulate straight guys into stroking, sucking and kissing each other, really makes me question what are really straight guys into. Not to remark the mysterious elimination of all the videos without a motive (my guess is that some of the guys found out that Clint made this elaborate videos and maybe he wasn't just sending them to Alex and Joshua2Speed,maybe more people were sent this videos, or maybe they just found out Clint were sending them to someone). I must admit there's something creepy but at the same time hot about this. Hope to have more informations if you get any.
What a great story. I've had a similar situation with having like, an older/peer type of friend (attractive, easy going, driven), liked by a lot of people (guys and girls), and he was bi, but we had a thing for a while. It was the craziest. Almost like a triangle situation, of being close to someone, than being a part of their escapades around the world, because we weren't in the same spot after a while.

This was my manager at my first job, who later became a good friend to me, and he and a hunch of other people, are a few years older me at the time I was 18, they were in their early to mid twenties. So much fun.

I'm curious about what the whisper was.
This was an amazing read. Wish we could see Clint coz I've fallen in love with him too. How lucky you are to have seen it. May I ask which year it had taken place ?
This thread needs to start again and follow the title - it's turned into one work of prose when all it needs is all of us to give the name of any video we wank over time and time again - I don;t want have to read all this just to find our what and why we all think why a video is so hot. Mine is Up All Holes with Denis m and Nico Blade and two prison whores - has to be seen to be believed -it's on Private and what I like most is that Deniss is wearing a tight uniform and his armpits are so sweaty we can see the sweat patches.. What with that and the dildo in Nico's guard's ass being fucked an inch or two from Denis drive me insane!
This is the true story of the hottest video I've ever seen, and how it got made. Unfortunately, I don't have access to it anymore, but it is something I've thought about constantly for the past 20 years (it was that hot). It all started in New York City in the mid 2000s. I was 23 year old, pretty cute but very shy. I went out one night and got just drunk enough to start chatting with another shy, cute guy (Alex) and we went home together. It probably would have been a one-time hookup if he hadn't shown me a video that he'd just been sent by a friend from his hometown. (Long story short: Alex had grown up in a small town, and the only other gay guy around was this guy named Clint, who Alex was clearly totally in love with.) Alex described Clint to me that night--he was very good looking and had an incredibly fun, charming personality. Always the life of the, really funny, down-to-earth...the kind of guy you would fall in love with (and a lot of people did, apparently). There had been some brief sexual encounter between them in high school, but Alex wasn't really Clint's type. Clint liked beautiful redneck straight boys. He loved being in locker rooms, army bases, swimming holes, that kind of thing. After high school, he skipped college and moved to a nearby town that had a reputation as a party town for the military base nearby. Alex said Clint could have done anything after high school but what he wanted more than anything was to fuck as many straight guys as he could (he also had a huge libido, according to Alex). Clint was living in a shitty apartment in this party town and had made friends with a group of guys there--all around 20 years old, some were in the military, some were high school dropouts, but they all loved to party. Pretty typical stuff. Clint had bought a video camera and started making stupid videos with these guys, kind of like a combination of Jackass and SNL. This first video Alex showed me was a collection of stupid skits/pranks that they were all doing. Mostly drunk/stoned stuff with a lot of inside jokes I didn't get. But several of the guys were very hot. Clearly Clint's type, and his camera definitely focused on them. I don't remember too many details of this first video except for one of the last skits was a group of them by the pool and at the end some of them stripped off their bathing suits and jumped in the pool. Alex and I watched that section together probably 10 times that night. Eventually we started stroking and both blew another load. This was the beginning of what would become a ritual between us.

Clint started sending Alex new videos fairly regularly. Clearly Clint wanted to share these hot boys with someone who would understand, and Alex was the only gay guy that Clint knew. The skits started to get more elaborate and the videos were more and more polished. It seemed like Clint was filming almost everything this group did, and he started to include some of the casual, behind the scenes moments (these were my favorite, because you really got to know these guys). Clint had such a positive, funny energy so it wasn't like a lot of typical straight boy bonding, where they are mean or violent or hurtful. He had such a strong personality that it just influenced everything about the way this group interacted. They were always smiling and laughing and being silly, and increasingly, they were all becoming much more comfortable being naked. Whenever Alex would get a new video, he would call me and I would drop everything to rush over and watch it. We started to really get to know these guys, so when one of them got naked for the first time, it was a big deal. (One stand out moment was with Brian--who plays a big part later--and the first time he got naked. He was kind of shy at first but Clint clearly liked him. He was sooooo cute and had this pale skin and really dark curly hair, and his body was like a greek statue. In one video he was just wearing boxer shorts and someone came up from behind and pulled them down and he immediately put his hands over his junk. He turned to the side and you could see the profile of his incredible bubble butt and he started laughing this adorable laugh. I'll never forget the first time I saw that!)
As the boys became more comfortable with each other and Clint got more confident behind the camera, the videos became much much better. Honestly, they were kind of like art pieces. It is hard to describe. Clint was editing things together in a way that everything flowed so organically. He wove in music, and edited some montages, and sometimes just let moments play out. He was an incredibly talented filmmaker in this weird way. They were little time capsules of this group of friends getting to know each other that were a joy to watch (I would have been captivated even without the nudity!). But the nudity clearly was becoming a big part of their world--it started with humor but then almost became a lifestyle. In the early videos when it was mostly pranks and skits, someone would always have to get naked as a punchline. But then, as the video camera followed them everywhere, nudity was just a fact of life. Some of the fringe characters started to drift away and it started to be a core group of around 10 guys, maybe. They were all very comfortable in front of the camera and were all attractive in some way--Clint definitely had his favorites, but all of them brought something hot (Clint had great taste in basically everything, including boys).

It is funny to think about now, how this trio of gay guys (Clint, Alex, me) were using each other to process these incredibly hot guys. Clint, with his amazing confidence and charm, would create an atmosphere where the guys felt totally comfortable, and then would turn on his video camera. He needed an outlet to show this work he was creating (and this hot situation he was in) and Alex was the only person he knew that would understand. Alex, receiving this steady supply of soft-core (at least at first) porn, needed to share it with someone. Luckily, I was in the right place at the right time. It became a ritual I started to crave. Alex would call me and tell me there was a new video and I would head to his place. At first we would watch the videos a couple times while giving commentary and slowly start rubbing ourselves until we were both hard and then we'd get naked and jerk off while watching the hottest part. But then something shifted in the videos and it became much more than just a bunch of naked straight guys being stupid. They started grabbing each other's dicks--first as a joke, but then Clint would always notice and point it out and make it a thing, and then subtly started encouraging it. Then it just became second nature. Lots of butt slaps and dick grabs that then became incredibly intimate over time. It is amazing to watch people be that comfortable with each other. One video that completely blew our minds at the time started with a shot of 5-6 guys on a couch, all naked. They were all intertwined--some spooning, legs and arms everywhere. It was so shocking and beautiful. Clearly they'd all become a lot more comfortable since the last video we saw. They were laughing and joking, some were casually rubbing each other. Just super relaxed and happy with each other. This was one of those beautiful long form music video type pieces that Clint was getting really good at making. And finally this group of guys were giving him material that really inspired him. After that, whenever Alex would get a new video, I'd rush over and we'd immediately get naked (I'd be hard, obviously--I would get a hard on as soon as I saw his caller ID on my phone). We would have these amazing long edging sessions where we would watch the new video and then go back and watch our favorite moments from old videos (because this was the mid 2000's, Clint would have to delete older videos to make way for the new ones, so we only ever had like 4-5 videos to watch at a time). I wish I could describe what it was like to watch these videos. It was like every fantasy I'd ever had coming true, (even though at that time, there wasn't anything too sexual happening in the videos, just a lot of nudity and touching). I felt like I was on drugs watching them, waiting to see what would happen next. Clint was such an incredible narrator/filmmaker. He knew exactly what a horny gay guy would want to see, but he also was really good at teasing things, not giving us what we wanted too soon. We got to know these guys and their personalities, and we watched them drop all their defenses and let their guards down with each other. We watched them shower together, skinny dip, cook naked, cuddle in bed together...I couldn't get enough. I was wildly jealous of Clint but also so grateful that he was sharing this with us.

Then there was a change. I remember exactly how it happened, because Alex and I watched the video countless times and talked about it basically nonstop. Up to then, it had all been pretty much softcore. But over the course of two videos, that changed. One of the guys in the group (Jamie) was a really goofy, wildcard type. And they were always joking about how horny he was. But up to that point, it had all been talk. But then Clint sent a video that was all about Jamie's hard on. I think that was even the title of the video at the beginning: JAMIE'S HARD ON. And it was a parody documentary about Jamie's boner. There was lots of footage of him walking around with a boner, hitting guys with it, putting it on was honestly really funny (and sooooo hot). It was kind of brilliant on Clint's part to do this, because it got them all very comfortable with showing their boner to each other and the camera. There was a running joke in the video of guys being interviewed like it was a serious topic, and then Jamie's boner would slowly appear on one side and get closer and closer to the guy talking. (It was a great boner, too--long and beautiful).
Alex and I couldn't get through that video without busting. (We probably came three times that night while watching it over and over). It was such a fantasy, being in a group of hot guys where people were so comfortable and hard ons were no big deal. We thought we had hit the peak of these videos, but the next one blew our minds. The title of that one was "WHO'S GONNA CUM FIRST" or something. As soon as we saw that, I remember my stomach dropping like I was on a roller coaster. It couldn't possibly be true, could it?? It was. The video was all about this new game they invented, where two guys would have a contest to see who could cum first while the other guys did stupid stuff to distract them. (And they were all always naked now. At some point they must have just totally stopped wearing clothes whenever they hung out). I'll never forget how that video started--after the title, it cut to a closeup of two of the guys staring straight into each others eyes. Then the camera panned down and it became clear that they were both stroking. Then it panned out and guys started coming up to them and pinching them, tweaking their nipple, stuff to make them lose their concentration. Everyone was laughing (they clearly thought this was the best game they'd ever invented.). Then finally one of the guys--the stocky, muscular guy--came first and he came all over the other guy's upper thighs. Everyone was cheering and laughing and Alex and I both probably came at the same time. But the video was just getting started....
There were probably 6-7 more jerk off contests in that video, and the rules started to shift a little. At first it was all about distracting them from cumming, but then it started to be about helping guys cum, too. Like, a lick on the neck. Or someone would start rubbing their nuts. It was like they had placed bets on who would win and were either trying to prevent the other guy from cumming, or helping their guy cum.

Clint was becoming more and more of a presence in the videos at this point. They were passing the camera back and forth more and more, so he was just as much a character as any of the other guys. At this point I had completely fallen in love with him, just like Alex. He was so handsome, and had this incredible smile--still one of the best smiles I've ever seen. He just seemed so genuinely happy and confident--I wanted so much to be near him. He was probably 6'2" or so and had a naturally lean body with a v-shaped torso. He wasn't the most muscular guy in the group, but he had great legs, and probably my favorite dick of all the guys in the group. He was uncut (only one other guy was uncut) and it just looked like a perfect dick, topped with dark curly pubes. He had a smattering of hair on his chest and a lot of dark armpit hair, but other than that he was pretty smooth. He was probably 23 at the time. During the cum competitions, he looked like he was having the time of his life. For a few videos, they had been giving each other quick little kisses and pecks (usually on the cheek), which was really cute but pretty innocent. But during the competitions, he started giving them little pecks on the mouth--at first to distract them and make them laugh. But then, during my favorite moment in all of the videos, he used it to turn a guy on. I'll never forget this moment as long as I live. I still can't believe I'm lucky enough to have seen it. There was a cumming competition between two guys sitting on the couch. One of them was Brian (the guy I mentioned earlier--pale skin, dark curly hair, body like a greek statue). Clint was clearly into him--they always had a really cute connection. And in this video, Brian was stroking next to another guy, their legs touching, and Clint was sitting next to Brian. He had clearly bet on Brian winning the competition, because he was trying to help him cum. At first he was just talking to him "cum, do it, stroke it out" etc, but then he started cupping his nuts, and pressed his body against his side. At this point in the video a lot of guys were walking around with boners, but Clint's boner was the biggest I'd ever seen it--rock hard, sticking straight up, his head poking out of his foreskin. Clint started to give Brian little affectionate kisses on his cheek, which I'd seen him do before. But then he leaned over and gave him one on the mouth. Then Brian leaned back and Clint whispered something in his ear. Brian smiled real big, then he turned to him and they started fully making out. Seconds later, Brian exploded everywhere, over his stomach and all over Clint's forearm. I've probably watched that moment 100 times (and replayed it thousands more in my brain. I wish I knew what Clint had whispered to him!)

That was the last moment in that video, and I can't even tell you how crazy it made me feel. Alex and I became OBSESSED. We talked about it constantly. Every day for a week I would go to his apartment and we would get naked and watch that video. It turned us on so much that we started having crazy sex. (We hadn't done anything more than jerk off with each other since that first night we met). But suddenly neither of us had any limits. I wanted to get fucked by him in every position, and he turned into this ravenous sex fiend. It was like this video had opened up our minds to what was possible sexually. If these (seemingly) straight guys can be so open and comfortable with their sexuality, so could we.

There was an agonizingly long pause before the next video--I remember that. But what we got next was worth the wait. I think Clint was probably debating whether or not to show us, because things escalated quickly in their group. I really really really wish I could see the unedited footage from those weeks after that cum competition, but Clint edited it down to something really beautiful. I think he was probably debating how much he could show Alex (and, unknown to him, to me). In the next video, he focused on kissing. He must have had an oral fixation. The video started with two of the guys (who actually looked a lot alike--they could have been brothers) in bed together with Clint. Not sure who was filming, but the three of them were naked, on top of the covers, limbs intertwined, joking around and laughing. I remember Clint saying "have you kissed yet?" and they said no, and then smiled, and leaned in and started making out. Clint just put his head back and watched. It was sooo hot but I got the feeling from this video that I wasn't seeing everything. It was kind of weird/funny and I would have loved it out of context, but I really wanted more sex. Ha. I was like an addict at this point, and really needed a fix of those guys pushing their limits sexually. But this was just a tease.
The next video after that was the last. I only saw it once! It still feels like a dream--hard to believe it was reality. The title was something like A DAY IN THE LIFE, and it was basically a day in the life of Clint, cut kind of like a French New Wave film. It started when he woke up--his alarm was still going off. I remember that. Then he just set up the camera in static positions around his apartment where all the boys hung out and filmed them going about their day. It was wild. I remember watching it in shock that this was his life. These unbelievably hot guys would arrive, walk in, and take off all their clothes. They just hung out in various groupings all day long, guys coming and going. Clint was there, in the middle, naked as the rest of them. I don't remember too many details from this video except for the end. I can't remember if there was sexual activity during the day, but at night, it turned into this dark, sexy, mysterious sex fantasy. I remember the camera being passed around, and they were using some strobe light that made it feel so seedy. Loud music was playing, and I remember blowjobs and there was definitely ass fucking. But I think at some point my brain was about to explode and stopped remembering. There were close ups of Clint's face in the middle of all of it, and him getting sucked by two guys at a time--just insanely hot stuff. After watching the video, Alex and I couldn't keep our hands off each other. We had the best sex of my life, no question. I had never felt more comfortable with anyone. These videos had made us completely open up sexually to each other. We flip fucked that night, and I just remember feeling fucking incredible. Not sure what happened the rest of that night, but by morning, the video was down. Clint had changed his mind about sharing it and we never saw it again. Soon after he took down the other videos, so we didn't have anything to watch (neither of us knew anything about technology back then--I wish we'd saved some of them!) Alex and I drifted apart after that--I think we both needed to process what we'd just seen. In a way I was glad to have the videos go because they had taken over my life--I was completely addicted to thinking about them. If sex didn't involve those videos, I wasn't interested. But eventually, I moved on, and I have to say, this experience really changed my life for the better. I used Clint as a role model in a lot of ways--he was so confident, and went after what he wanted without apologies. And he was so positive and happy!

I still think about what happened to Clint. He's never been on any social media that I've seen, and his name is common enough to not show up in any searches. I hope he's still in a small town somewhere, bringing his amazing energy to the people there, having unbelievable sex with the hottest guys around! Ha.
This is way too lengthy to read,,, I'll wait for the video.
I gotta admit, when I started reading this, I had a hunch this was going to be the origins story of the infamous (which had a bit of a scandal, once some of the army cadets' material leaked back onto base, which was nearby webmaster Joe's property). Still one of my favorite sites and videos. Nevertheless, a cute and sexy coming-of-age erotica tale.
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This feels like those strange creepy pasta stories about finding lost footage of something but in a positive way. Sure, it's really scary how this Clint had the power to manipulate straight guys into stroking, sucking and kissing each other, really makes me question what are really straight guys into. Not to remark the mysterious elimination of all the videos without a motive (my guess is that some of the guys found out that Clint made this elaborate videos and maybe he wasn't just sending them to Alex and Joshua2Speed,maybe more people were sent this videos, or maybe they just found out Clint were sending them to someone). I must admit there's something creepy but at the same time hot about this. Hope to have more informations if you get any.
I thought I was the only one getting creepypasta vibes from this. Haha
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I gotta admit, when I started reading this, I had a hunch this was going to be the origins story of the infamous (which had a bit of a scandal, once some of the army cadets' material leaked back onto base, which was nearby webmaster Joe's property). Still one of my favorite sites and videos. Nevertheless, a cute and sexy coming-of-age erotica tale.
I thought it similar to that kind of relationship too! Lol there's a few sites that have that similar vibes. The closest I can think; probably the guys from fratpad/gayhoopla?

Actually, if you didn't know the bts stuff; one of the guys from fratpad and has association with gayhoopla in production, DocTayTay (Taylor from fratpad), is that type of person imo. Where back in the day did those 'jerk off races' type games with the str8 bros, but then had content of doing it with guys... The only difference was the theme or overlap for the guys of this site/conpany, were all college/frat bros, and not military related that I remember or recall. Aside from maybe just being an actor.

Ive gathered this info from just seeing a lot of their vids, fratpad (and whatever their other site domain is? Also 'frat something' or 'something frat'?), and then gayhoopla content. I saw some of the actors in the clips, also did filming too, but also we're in the credits for directing/producing for the video. Maybe some share of the company or ownership of?

Either way; reading the stroy definitely gave me those fratpad videos type of vibes. They literally have videos that can fit a lot of the story's descriptions. The only things that don't really align, were that they weren't having sex orgies that were "seedy" nor have an actual interests in gay sex that I can tell. Most likely G4P (fratpad/gayhoopla)... But the role of whatever that guy's name was, Clint?, gave me vibes of being DocTayTay.

This is mainly because he produces his own content, which I have liked a lot of tbh, while having first seen in Fratpad content years ago, and then now see him in bts stuff for gayhoopla content... Reminds me of Clint in that aside from people in the content reaching out to be in the vids, I'd think that some of the guys part of the site, either through their networks, or just because they'd know of where to, probably scout for hot guys, because they themselves are conventionally attractive, athletic, in shape... So it'd make sense for other guys to feel comfortable or relatable to them. Same said for the other actor/bts person Dustin. Can't remember the last name, but also in a lot of clips of Gayhoopla as an actor, but also a director roles too? I think Dustin Hazel? Sounds along those lines.

Btw, i recently saw a darkroom clip, and almost thought I'd found part of that last clip that was sent lol I need to find it and link it here...
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Saw this and it reminded me of one of the last clips that was sent, because it's in a darkroom... I was hoping to see 'Clint being sucked off by two guys', or something else mentioned 🙃 unfortunately because it didn't completely fit the description, I have a feeling it's not the vid 💔 or part of.

Here's the clip:

Which btw; I wanted to mention that even though these vids were from a while ago... I have a feeling that they're out there somewhere, and I have a mission to find these clips and have to see 'that' video, no matter what.

I have a feeling just based on what I know and what makes sense to me; but I thought that maybe the town or place this was taking place in, could've been somewhere in or near San Diego maybe? Only because they have a base there and it's kinda like party towns here and there because of that combo, depending.

If I find anything that reminds me of, or think might be relevant to OP's post: I plan on posting and hope anyone would do the same to! I'm curious if OP could send a photo of anyone that you think look like any of the mentioned in the story? Like any current porn stars or OF models. Just any kind of resemblence to the People in the memory.... I'd love to fit faces to this story 🙏
I gotta admit, when I started reading this, I had a hunch this was going to be the origins story of the infamous (which had a bit of a scandal, once some of the army cadets' material leaked back onto base, which was nearby webmaster Joe's property). Still one of my favorite sites and videos. Nevertheless, a cute and sexy coming-of-age erotica tale.
Can you please tell a bit more about the story behind
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I thought it similar to that kind of relationship too! Lol there's a few sites that have that similar vibes. The closest I can think; probably the guys from fratpad/gayhoopla?

Actually, if you didn't know the bts stuff; one of the guys from fratpad and has association with gayhoopla in production, DocTayTay (Taylor from fratpad), is that type of person imo. Where back in the day did those 'jerk off races' type games with the str8 bros, but then had content of doing it with guys... The only difference was the theme or overlap for the guys of this site/conpany, were all college/frat bros, and not military related that I remember or recall. Aside from maybe just being an actor.

Ive gathered this info from just seeing a lot of their vids, fratpad (and whatever their other site domain is? Also 'frat something' or 'something frat'?), and then gayhoopla content. I saw some of the actors in the clips, also did filming too, but also we're in the credits for directing/producing for the video. Maybe some share of the company or ownership of?

Either way; reading the stroy definitely gave me those fratpad videos type of vibes. They literally have videos that can fit a lot of the story's descriptions. The only things that don't really align, were that they weren't having sex orgies that were "seedy" nor have an actual interests in gay sex that I can tell. Most likely G4P (fratpad/gayhoopla)... But the role of whatever that guy's name was, Clint?, gave me vibes of being DocTayTay.

This is mainly because he produces his own content, which I have liked a lot of tbh, while having first seen in Fratpad content years ago, and then now see him in bts stuff for gayhoopla content... Reminds me of Clint in that aside from people in the content reaching out to be in the vids, I'd think that some of the guys part of the site, either through their networks, or just because they'd know of where to, probably scout for hot guys, because they themselves are conventionally attractive, athletic, in shape... So it'd make sense for other guys to feel comfortable or relatable to them. Same said for the other actor/bts person Dustin. Can't remember the last name, but also in a lot of clips of Gayhoopla as an actor, but also a director roles too? I think Dustin Hazel? Sounds along those lines.

Btw, i recently saw a darkroom clip, and almost thought I'd found part of that last clip that was sent lol I need to find it and link it here...
Please do! That 3min clip was super hot. I would love to know how to find the entire scene.
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