The Jedi Order: Duelling Sabers I


Legendary Member
Apr 1, 2020
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Hello Everyone!

I’m at home, sick and bored and watching Star Wars. SO, this was started.

Please know this is only the first chapter, and as such is only to set the scene of the story going forward. It will become 18R hehe so make sure that you’re old enough! And be patient if you are, it is coming. I’m already working on chapter II.

I do hope you all enjoy this story, please let me know all your feedback, as I love to take the story where people want it to go, though I of course have my own dream of where it’s going.

I am a huge Star Wars fan, albeit not an expert of all things. I try to make it accurate but please don’t be rude if I get it a little off, I do my own research but I’m not perfect :)

May the force be with you all!


The ambience was infinitely quiet in the records room as I finished up my report for the council. I always preferred writing them here. I can feel the years of wisdom and knowledge locked here, and I can sense the togetherness of the Jedi of the past and future here, helping me through the force. It is truly a magical place.

I looked at my report, grateful to be finishing it up. I signed the end, Jedi Knight, Myko Da Ruun (Mee-koh-duh ruun). “How was your mission to the outer rim territory?” A voice rang out from behind me, causing a big smile to paint itself across my face.

I saved my report and turned slowly to face my questioner getting up in the process, “I am grateful to report it was entirely successful!” I eagerly shared.

I happily smiled up at my friend, Aashel daan (Awee-shull dawn). He was a younger than I, but was half a head taller. His stature was lean but strong, with big hands folded gracefully in front of his torso. His tan coloured skin matched his dark brown hair that was disheveled and went in every direction. His features were contrasted on his skin, with big bold lips and piercing golden eyes.

“That is most pleasing to hear, Myko! I trust you were of the utmost help to Masters Obi Wan and Anakin Skywalker?” He questioned complimentary.

“Oh they hardly needed me to help, but I was grateful for any and all help I could provide them” I said obligatorily, looking over my friend. He looked different to me, taller even than the last time I had seen him. The obvious change is that he has traded his modest Jedi robes and is now wearing Jedi armor.

“I am sure you were pivotal in their success” he graciously said to me. His smile got bigger and his chest puffed out a bit as I looked him over trying to figure out his newfound confidence. Suddenly I noticed it - his padawan braid no longer decorated his hair!

“You’re now a Jedi Knight, aren’t you young Aash?” I asked him, barely obscuring my excitement, using my nickname for him. He nodded and I threw out my hands and pulled him in for an embrace. “I am so happy for you! Though it is of no surprise to anyone, your skills are exceptional.”

The embrace lasted only a moment but we held each other tight and I could feel a flutter of feelings in my stomach. I enjoyed this. As a Jedi I knew only to suppress any thoughts so that feeling was gone as quick as it came. However the fluttering remained.

“I was wondering how long it would take for the ever astute Ko Da to notice this change.” He jested at me, pulling back out of the hug nervously. I softened at his use of my nickname. “But now, no need to change the subject - you must tell me more about Anaxes! Is Admiral Trench defeated?” He asked eagerly, obviously embarrassed about my praise.

“Ah yes, well…” I started, wrapping my arm around his shoulder as we walked towards the hall. “It all started when Master Obi Wan arrived, the command center I was barely holding was getting bombarded by droids on two different sides. The onslaught lasted no longer than it takes to leave to the atmosphere here on coruscant before he was able to send them running.”

He stopped to look at me and said “stop being modest, I’m sure you were holding your own perfectly fine!” He stopped and I don’t know why I didn’t answer, but he didn’t seem finished talking. “I wish I could be as strong as Master Obi Wan…” he spoke quietly, trailing off at the end.

“Whatever do you mean, Aashy? You are younger than even Master Obi Wan was when he was knighted and he was considered young himself! I can foresee you becoming an equally masterful Jedi, don’t you fret young Aash.” I said reassuredly.

“Y-you always think too much of me, Ko Da.” He stuttered out abashedly. My eyes fluttered a bit, worried he meant something more with his words

“Only as much as you think of me” I responded nervously, trying to contain my composure.

He looked at my inquisitively, my heart beat faltering for a moment. He then turned and we resumed walking “now, tell me more of your singlehanded victory against Admiral Trench!” He prodded.

I smiled and continued on where I’d left off.


I finished my meal and was returning to my quarters when I sensed a presence watching me from somewhere. I faltered for a half second but forced myself to continue walking normally, my footsteps suddenly seeming so much more loud in the still hallway. I inconspicuously darted my eyes around without changing my pace or stature, seeing that there was no one else around. My body was tense but I tried my best to not let it show.

Click…. Click…. Click….

The sounds of something small and… wooden, perhaps? Tapping the flooring of the temple halls filled the air even though it was quiet. I couldn’t see anything at first and then suddenly - I turned quickly around, not being able to conceal my fear of being surprised.

“Appear to be nervous, you are young Myko Da Ruun.”

I turned and bowed in respect, unsure what to say to Master Yoda.

“Something on your mind, there is?” He asked inquisitively. My head fell farther without thinking, possibly in shame.

“About your successful mission on Anaxes, it cannot be… hmm.” He said knowingly.

I was about to lift my head and respond when he continued “to do with your friend, it is.” He no longer sounded like he was asking me questions, but rather was stating what was, to him, obvious.

I looked up and saw him looking at me with compassion and knowledge. His small green frame the source of centuries of wisdom and power. “I….” I couldn’t finish my thought out loud because I wasn’t sure how to say anything.

“Hmm?” He responded, encouraging me to continue.

I opened my mouth to speak “….”, then closed it and looked down again. I don’t think I could bear to ask the questions I really want to.

“I wonder sometimes, Master Yoda, if we as Jedi are the right people to protect the galaxy. If I am right to be a Jedi to protect the galaxy.” My voice wavered a bit, but I was surprised these words slipped out my mouth.

He looked deep into my eyes for a moment before answering. “Ah… yes. Bigger thoughts, you are having.” He said before turning and continued to walk. I turned and matched my pace with him.

“Myko Da, perfect, the Jedi are not. Difficult and complex, this topic may be. But if not for the Jedi, protect the galaxy who would?” His question hung in the air, and it sounded like he has talked about this before.

“Alone in these thoughts, you are not. Included in this thinking, I am. Many indiscretions with Jedi law, it is possible there may be.” He was quiet for a moment, only the clicking of his cane and my boots filling the silence. I noticed we were heading away from my room, and towards the meditation rooms.

“Aspire to be keepers of wisdom, we are, yet too often in our way our wisdom gets. Keep peace in the galaxy, we are tasked with yet struggle to not fear losing peace, we all do. Being compassionate to all, we strive to be, yet causes more fear and hate does too much become. Difficult to find the balance in these, many Jedi do.” He said, looking my way.

“I want to have balance. I want to be kind and compassionate and wise, but I worry I fall short all too often. How does one find this great balance, Master Yoda?” I asked, stopping in front of Yodas meditation room.

“Hmm, yes... Balance… A lifetime to master, it takes.” He started slowly, articulating his words well, standing next to me.. “Compare yourself to others, do not. Fulfill your own destiny, you will. Trust in the force, you must.” He said absolute in his advice.

He turned and went through the door which opened automatically for him. “Here, come child. Meditate with me, you should. Let the force guide you.”

“I am most grateful for your help, Master Yoda.” I said following him in.


Once returning to my room, I realized it was quite late, very few people were wandering the halls anymore. I walked to my room, my thoughts focused but confused. Yodas help with meditation is renowned and it simultaneously had my mind racing but also quieted down; the most surreal feeling, similar to the feeling when I used the force.

I got to my room and walked to my bed and sat down. I started sifting through my thoughts, they were multiplying by the second.

I fully believed in the Jedi order, and it’s purpose to protect the galaxy. But sometimes I wondered if indeed we cause more harm then good. Not all Jedi feel so reserved in their choices of killing, and not all think that we should be solely peacemakers. I don’t enjoy killing anyone, my real purpose shining through when I am able to release prisoners or help villages retake their towns that have been reduced to rubble by the separatists.

I do what I must to help those who need it, but I wonder where the line is drawn for “must” is.

Suddenly Aash’s face popped up in my mind and I froze for a second.

A thought flew through my head, the question I truly wanted to ask Master Yoda, and I barely had time to register it before I forced it out.

I don’t know why Jedi aren’t allowed to show compassion through romantic love.

I shook my head and saw something glisten as it struck the ground. My head jerked up and my mouth fell open. I lifted my hand to my face and touched my cheek. It was wet.

I stood up and took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I go over my list in my head to squash these thoughts; it’s a week practiced list.

  • I know these feelings aren’t allowed by way of the Jedi order. Attachment leads to the dark side, and I cannot and will not bend to the will of the dark side.

  • Two men being together isn’t taboo in most cultures, in some it’s the main form. But in the culture of my people, the people of Serreno, it is not seen as proper.

The last point is the one I hate bringing up but is important to use for my ability to squash the thoughts.

  • Aash doesn’t feel the same way about me, so it wouldn’t matter if the other two points weren’t a thing.

I sighed and sat down, my head feeling fatigued from its unrest. I undressed completely as I usually do and got into bed, my head hitting the pillow and passed out moments later.


Knock knock knock! I awoke to the sound of soft knocks, then heard “Ka Do! It’s me.” Aash! I became flustered “Hey Aash! Come on in.” As I sat up in bed.

The door opened and he walked in, in his armor again, his hair disheveled like always, hanging off his right side. His lips were peeled back in a huge smile as he rounded the corner into my room.

As he turned, his eyes widened a bit, and I suddenly realized I was completely naked under the bedsheets and instinctually tightened them around my waist where they had fallen. He then stared intently at my eyes, trying to be kind and not look at me in my immodest state.

“I was just thinking of running some simulations, and it’s been awhile since we’ve done some together. Would you like to join me?” He asked with a hint of excitement in his voice.

“Uh sure.” I said uncertainty, noting his shoulders dropped a little with my hesitation. “Yes, that sounds like the perfect thing to do today.” I added trying to reassure him that I did indeed want to go with him.

It helped, he straightened up and his smile grew somehow bigger. “Perfect! Shall we?” He asked while gesturing towards the door then looking back at me.

“Yes well, um…” I started looking around nervously, then gestures towards myself then looked up at him and nervously half smiled.

“What? Is there something wrong?” He took a step closer and gestured towards me. “NO- no, sorry, I just have to get dressed” I quickly interrupted his advance and stood up wrapping the sheet around me.

His face turned a shade redder as realization set in, and he responded with “Oh! Of course, I-“. He broke off as his eyes moved down the thin sheet. His jaw was still open but no words were coming out, and his face was growing redder by the second.

I glanced down and saw that, while I was wrapped with the white sheet, it did nothing to conceal my morning wood that sported and caused a very defined tenting in the lower half of my figure. I quickly moved my hand to shield it as he found his voice “I am so sorry Ko Da, I uh, I will meet you um, yeah, meet you outside your room, so sorry.” He dropped his head and was out of my room before he was even done speaking.


I stood there staring at the door where he had left in a hurry, not moving or even breathing. I blinked my eyes a few times quickly and inhaled sharply, suddenly realizing I must get dressed.

I threw my sheet on the bed with more frustration then I meant and stared at my boner. I wasn’t embarrassed about my dick, it’s really quite nice in my opinion. Long, about 8 inches, with a nice foreskin that had the slightest overhang. And it was thick, honestly giving my lightsaber a run for its money. But I couldn’t believe I let Aash see me in that state. Had I realized… I stopped suddenly and wondered about that thought. There was a small part of me that was excited that he saw it. Perhaps there was a part of me who knew that I had it, and enjoyed the feeling of him not being able to speak when he saw it. Perhaps he was impressed?

Nonsense, I said to myself, he doesn’t think about me like that. I then went through my checklist with a large sigh and quickly got dressed in my Jedi armor and met him outside.

Aash was still a couple shades redder than usual and didn’t look my in my eye as I walked up next to him. We turned and started walking, wordlessly.

“Um… I’m sorry for you having to see that, Aash. I didn’t realize it when I stood up” I started, though the apology sounded flat and awkward.

“No, I am the one who should apologize, Ko Da. I should have left when I saw you weren’t dressed, I guess I just…” he trailed off, looking away. My curiosity was peaked but the way he was speaking… well I just couldn’t push him to say anymore.

“No Aashy, it is alright. Now, let’s go so I can save your butt 10 times over in this simulation!” I jested towards him, weakly pushing him with my arm as we walked. He chuckled and responded “I regret to inform you that you have it all backwards, but don’t worry. I’ll protect you, Ko Da.” He winked and we walked off towards the simulation room.
Sorry for the delay everyone! I’ve been wanting to get a couple chapters done so I knew that I was progressing properly before I started posting the others. This one is for sure done, and I will be done chapter 3 way soon then the time gap between then and now aha.
I hope you all like it, I know it’s a slow burn but I promise it’ll be worth it.

Chapter 2

I froze, as I realized everyone in the room was staring at me. My whole body seemed to directly ignore all my commands of movement and speech as they looked at me expectantly, waiting for my response. Master Windu’s words were ringing through my head, hitting every corner with sharp thuds as they raced through my mind. “We require some assistance in security. Now, we have requested that both you and Aashel Daan work together on this.”

This was not what I expected when I was summoned to the council chambers. Not that I knew what it would be; a gift in foresight never mine. Aash on the other hand was nothing short of a prodigy when it came to that. Master Yoda had taken keen interest in him because of it. My gift was empathy, though to call it a gift was something I thought too kind a word.

But that wasn’t why I was struck speechless.

We have never been on the same assignment before. I know Mace Windu had kept continuing on but his words hadn’t landed. But I couldn’t shake the feeling of dread filling my gut, as I reacted to the nerves firing rapidly at stress.

I couldn’t be alone with him like this. Security assignments usually were spent together non-stop. Little privacy was known in the jedi world, and even less of it was present during security assignments. My jaw tightened with my thoughts of why this situation bothered me. I pushed them out of my head the best I could, feeling my blood boiling.

I managed a deep exhale suddenly, and I finally felt my jaw loosening and worked a dry and very audible swallow before raspily answering “I am so sorry Master, I think I misheard you. Could you repeat the last part?”. My embarrassment was present, but I couldn’t miss anything he had said.

He eyed me for a moment, a light shade of disapproval fluttering by and then said “Though you were not our first choice”, before he continued, “You are around the same age as King Lee-Char. And as I was saying, we are sending Jedi Knight Aashel Daan along with you, as you two have a relationship,” he paused and I was sure my face looked like a Meiloorun with how red I got at that -”and the council has decided that two familiar Jedi shall support this assignment, rather than one. On top of that, you have assisted in security before, and it was Master Yodas request that you be given the leadership role in this one. Aashel Daan has not had the opportunity to work in security much as of yet, so you are to ensure you mentor him thoroughly.”

Master Yoda stepped forward a couple steps, with a quiet click click as his walking stick thudded on the ground. “Though a Jedi Knight he may be, a master he is not. Agreed to be mentored by you he has, and an eagerness for more knowledge, he has shown.” My face must have paled a bit at that, as he continued on “Only one Jedi, the council recommended for this assignment. Disagree, I do. Much danger in the Jedi’s future, I sense.”

His face fell at that, and the council chamber was quiet for what felt like an eternity, and I could feel a ripple of fear through the force. Though his words gave me a sense of alertness, I was not the source of the fear, and I had to force myself to not look around to see if there was a face that would give it away.

Click, his stick sounded, reverberating the walls, and everyone straightened at it.

“Have each others backs, we must.” He said finally, looking up and pointedly looking around before his gaze fell on me. “Trust in the force, we must.”


I left the council chambers soon after, once I had received all the information needed. We were to leave within the hour to rendezvous with our squad of 11 clones, get to our new ward, the King of Mon Cala and get everyone safely back to Coruscant.

Some very important decisions regarding the continuation of the war were nearing, and the king wanted to make sure to be here to offer his assistance with aiding the vote to His political standing after the civil war has become very influential in the senate, and the Quarren leadership alongside it have become both very important in the decisions made in the house.

And though Mon Cala was a target of the separatists for a long time, after the accords between the Mon Calamari and the Quarren, the separatists had found the planet too hostile to waste its expensive underwater droid units, and had all but left it alone. Because of this, though he was eager for the war to end, his people had become pivotal in assisting the war efforts across the galaxy.

It would take approximately 10 days to get there and get back, though with the wars dotting the galaxy, and the rumours of Count Dooku’s impending attack, we weren’t sure we would make it there on time. I was to check in with the sergeant to see if our most direct route was still operational prior to our departure. The King had wanted to come on his own, but was convinced by Senator Padme Amidala to wait, and be chaperoned by the Jedi. It was her who initiated the assignment. His presence for the coming votes would be too influential, and she knew he was an important target for Count Dookus assassins.

I was heading for my room to gather my small bag of belongings, mainly my armor and cloak, when I felt something. I wasn’t far from the council chamber, and I felt that familiar pulsing of fear. It was gelatinous and dark, and my nose flared and I recoiled at the sensation. The usual airy lifting of peacing that was a permanent resident of these halls seemed to still.

This wasn’t the first time I had felt this mass of darkness. It had been an oft-appearing entity of late, but I hadn’t even come close to being acquainted with the feeling. But this was different, this felt heavier than usual - I was beginning to get the feeling it wasn’t just one person who was giving off these emotions anymore.

I shook my head, succeeding at brushing the feelings away a bit, and started towards my room again when I heard the familial click, click of Master Yodas walking stick. I paused and turned around, bowing in respect of the small green Master.

He looked up to me, weariness around his eyes. “Ignore your feelings, you must not, young one.”

My mouth dropped and I became speechless again mere minutes after the last time. “B-bu-, I, uh…” I stammered out.

“Have felt the change in the temple, you have.” He continued, his eyes crinkling a tad before returning to their weary state.

I tried not to let my relief be too apparent.

“I have, Master. It is fear, is it not? It’s starting to be everywhere.” I said, feeling the solemnity that my voice conveyed.

“It is” he nodded, before starting to walk. I followed.

“Try hard, we have, to spread the light side. Stronger, it becomes when harder, we try.” He shook his head, his pace never changing.

“It is to you, we must look. From the young, we learn our lessons now” he said with a weak chuckle. “Arrogant, we have become. Feel this, you do.” I nodded in confirmation as he continued, “through stone, water carves, though unyielding the stone is.” He glanced around the temple at the enormous pillars guarding the rooms perimeter. “Stone, we have become, but more adaptable, water would be. Water, we must become.”

I paused walking momentarily and looked at him as he kept walking. “... Water, Master?” I continued on, and he only said “Mmm” in confirmation. “What do the youth know of water? And how would it help?”

“Understand change, youth do. Mmm bad change can be, very bad. But very good it also can be. Afraid of change, us elders have become. Remember to learn and adapt, we must. Change, we must.” he said resolutely. I couldn’t think of how to respond so I bowed and said “thank you, master. I will do what I can” and he simply said “May the force be with you,”, bowing his head slightly before wandering off away from me.
“And may the force be with you, master.” I responded and then stared after him for a moment, confused about our interaction, but sensing there was a guidance in those words. I would meditate over them once we had taken off.


I met up with Aash, right after leaving my room, his tall silhouette noticeable from the other end of the hall. I felt his excitement from here; the air contained sparks that tickled my skin. I felt my pace quicken ever so slightly, and wondered how much of the excitement was my own.

“There you are, Ko Da! About time, I thought we would have to leave without you!” He said, laughing a bit at the end. As he narrowed the gap between us quickly, his full lips were pulled back in a lopsided smile that I felt was permanently engraved inside my head.

My heartbeat skipped a moment before I responded “well I am glad you thought to wait until the Jedi leading the mission showed up!” I said mockingly, knowing he would feel no arrogance from me. Neither one of us had an actual arrogant bone in our body. I pulled him into a quick embrace, knowing it was something we had always done. We both had very loving families before we joined the Jedi, and hugging was something we were able to do together with understanding between us.

We came apart and we walked with purpose to the hangars where we were to meet with Sergeant Pipes. I’d worked with Pipes before, and we worked well together. He had gotten his name from his strange habit of smoking through a pipe. He was stationed on some planet in the outer rim for a cycle while some scouting was happening, and some of the locals invited him and his squadron to try it on a night off. Apparently he was the only one with a taste for it.

Even so, his blaise demeanor made him fairly suited for it. He had a dry sarcasm that was exuded with a level of suave that made it clear to me that each of the clones were their own person. It was made even better by his remarkable knife skills and absolute composure during difficult situations. I trusted few with my life as much as I trusted Pipes.

His demeanor changed as he looked back at me, a warm but fleeting feeling fluttering by my face. “Congratulations on being given the lead of this assignment, Ko Da. I know it’s the first time you’ve been given the responsibility. I am honoured to be a part of it.” He added before bowing his head at me while we walked. “The honour is mine, my friend.” I said grasping his shoulder. “I am grateful to have you here by my side for it” I said before I could stop myself, and my face burned with a flare of embarrassment. I glanced at Aash and he was grinning widely and looking ahead pointedly.

“Have you met Lee-Chan before? I don’t know much about him, other than Senator Padme Amidala, Jedi Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker helped save them from civil war. And now he’s a very strong ally in the war. They didn’t tell me much else.” He said without resentment. He likely knew I would fill him in.

“That is basically it; there are rumours of an attack coming from Count Dooku- and it’s expected to be big. So we must hurry.” I said, feeling both of our paces quickening. We quickly arrived in front of the sergeant, his poise relaxed but alertness shone from his eyes as he narrowed his gaze at us, I could feel his anticipation like a soft but constant fizzle in the outskirts of my peripheral hearing. “Generals.” He said quickly, saluting us, before continuing on, turning around and walking briskly towards the Star Skiff that Naboo was lending to the retrieval of the King. “Our direct line is operational for now, but with the current rumours, I recommend we depart immediately. There are at least three possible locations for this planned attack on our route, and I’d rather avoid that battle. Assassins are a nuisance enough as it is.” he said in a nonchalant way. I suppose it likely wouldn’t be the first time he’s been on the defensive from assassins. Rumour was he had survived a less than savoury meeting with Cad Bane, though I would never bring it up. Just because he had survived didn’t mean others had, and I imagine he wasn’t keen to talk about it.

I moved along the shopping dock, following Pipes as he briskly walked around a stack of cratesas we neared the ship. “I agree, are preparations complete? Or is there something we can assist with?” I asked, wanting to expedite the process. He looked back and I saw a flicker of both respect and pride before returning to his calm face as he responded “I appreciate your offer, General, but I have ensured we were continuously ahead of schedule since receiving our orders. We can leave as soon as we are all aboard.” I smiled in response, feeling a sense of security in being paired with Pipes.

We all strode up the ramp into the star skiff, and he led us into the ship. We took off only minutes after.


This ship was not massive, and while was clean and sharp, was not overtly gaudy. The ship was what I would expect from Senator Padme; immaculate and stunning yet not needlessly luxurious or over the top. Being a part of the senate, there were certain standards that were arguably needed to be upheld. However from what I knew of the woman, and the few times we had met, she refused anything extra, and instead gave back to those who needed it most.

We had with us a larger than normal garrison of troops as we were to escort the king back. Because of this rooms we’re not in abundance so we were to share a room, and Padme was generous enough to have offered us her room.

Like her, while simply elegant, the rooms luxury was still ever-present. I could see it in the beautiful glass light fixtures on the wall, and the clean white glossy walls. There was a lush, gorgeous deep green rug surrounding a massive plush bed. There was a simple attached swivel-chair next to a desk adorned with a few objects I expected were from the senators home planet. There was a beautiful feeling here- one I got whenever I was around the Padme: the airy calmness of peace, and the smoldering comfort of love. There was a reason everyone was so enamoured with her.

As I was looking around, I saw Aash put down his bag against the wall and started exploring the room. He opened the door to our private bathroom and glanced in. “I have never had a room this beautiful before. It feels odd, as a Jedi.” He said thoughtfully. I felt his unease as it pricked my skin on the nape of my neck. “I suppose there is only the one bed isn’t there…” he continued seemingly to himself, his voice getting quieter as he spoke.

“If it is all the same to you, I shall take the side closest to the door” I said to Aash, trying not to let my unease show, and smiling half heartedly towards him. I put my bag down near the entrance against the wall, next to where Aash put his.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous, I’ll take the floor, you’re the lead on the assignment. You should get the bed!” He insisted, “I am sure there is an extra blanket and pillow in here somewhere. And besides! The rug seems quite plush.” He said, indicating towards the floor.

I felt horrible at the thought of taking up the entire bed while he lay on the floor “Nonsense, as assignment lead, I’m going to command you that we shall both share the bed. Besides it’s plenty big enough” I said, indicating towards the large bed. In an attempt to ease the awkwardness my brain decided to make a joke “and I’ll make sure to wear more this time, so you don’t get shocked by anything again.” I felt my cheeks flush red as shame passed over me, wishing my words could be pulled back in and forgotten.

He just chuckled, looked up at me and said “well if you command it, I suppose it wouldn’t be right for me to go against my commander.” His cheeks got a bit red and he glanced away before saying quietly “and uh, I don’t tend to wear much while I sleep either so don’t feel obligated to be uncomfortable for my sake.”

My jaw was open but nothing came out for many moments. “I, um, yes well… thanks…” I responded with all the poise I could muster. Which inevitably was none. But he was still looking away and said quietly “would it be alright if I showered? I hadn’t gotten a chance before we left.”

“Of course!” I responded, grateful for the change in topic. “I think I’ll have one too” I said, thinking about how I hadn’t gotten a chance either. He looked up at me quizzically, as I remembered there was only one bathroom and quickly amended “- after you, of course, and take your time. I needed to meditate for a little while anyway.” He smirked slightly and nodded in thanks and turned to head in.