The details are a little different, but there is a very strong correlation between underperformance at a younger age and painful nodules, prostatitis etc at a later life. It goes against the entire narrative of mainstream media but we should learn our boys from a pre-adolescent age that masturbation/ejaculation is a wonderful thing that (within reason, but more often than most people think) can be done as often as they like and without any shame. There are also other ‘sexuality-oppressive measures’ (to put it neutrally) that should be banned.
When I started out having sex with my wife when I was early 20s, I used to think I was cumming fully, getting full release. I was anywhere but getting that. I'd wind up with irritated prostate, usually with burning after I peed after sex, that lasted hours through the night, unable to sleep. But as soon as I started using Aneros and doing other kinds of prostate stimulation and massage, all that irritation business went away overnight. Starting fall 2004 was when I first got Aneros toys. I used to have that irritation maybe once a month, sometimes 3 times a month, it was terrible. After I engaged my prostate regularly, I didn't even have it once a year. Actually, over the last 10 years, I think I've only had that irritation maybe 2 or 3 times at best, and they were avoidable, I just wasn't paying attention to my after care after sex, or I went over a month or two without prostate stimulation. So yah, that "under"performance during younger ages, I think there's something to that, big time, and prostate care can help in that department.
I came every night as a youth. Sometimes 2 or 3 times. My parents likely knew what I was up to, but they never once ever said anything and let me just do my thing. So I've been extremely open to all kinds of play and all kinds of sexual anything my whole life basically. Nothing weirds me out and everything is on the table as far as sex is concerned.
Prostate massage can have benefits, but it needs to be done with extreme care and preferably by someone who has experience (rather a man than a woman, because they are familiar with the feelings), because too much pressure can cause other issues.
yes for sure, if you go too aggressively it can be bad and potentially dangerous and/or harmful. Women can and have been trained in this. My LMT actually has a certificate in it, and she's done prostate massage to me once so far, and its actually a little lighter and more delicate than I prefer, because she's doing the safe movements she's been taught. I'm actually seeing her next week for another prostate massage and we're going to work together on how to make it more effective for me. There needs to be enough pressure for something to happen, but not too much so that too much happens. Women also tend to have a more delicate touch

Men can sometimes be too "full bore" with sex and be overly aggressive when its not needed. Not that men can't stimulate a prostate of another man carefully and properly, but that man has to know what to do, first.
>50? I don’t think ‘flamer’ is quite the word I had in mind
Yah, it was tongue in cheek and a bit too much, not needed on my part! I like to think of myself as an "adept" when it comes to prostate and anal stimulation. I've had every kind of O there is to have at this point, and enjoy them fully
Just from a scientific curiosity, also to correlate with what I see in my friend(s): do you keep producing fluid? And how do you count one orgasm? A contraction, a series of contractions?
Precum, yes, but not prostate fluid. It will come out during a certain phase of my session, a few minutes is the window for it to come out. When I'm really going at it though, more can come out like 10 minutes after the initial "rush" of fluid. But its not every session.
My prostate orgasms are a build up, an uncontrollable kind of "bearing down" my anus does and it happens for a few seconds to sometimes 10+ seconds, and then when it decides to release the clamp, the sphincters relax and then start to spasm and that autocontraction propels the toy into my ass on its own, and the toy engages my prostate, then it moves slightly out as sphincters relax, and then I'm in orgasm and the toy "autofucks" my ass and drives/propels the orgasm to continue until its done, the contractions end, and I'm in bliss town. But then, the toy moves on its own again and stimulation begins to ramp up to another orgasm, and the cycle repeats. Sometimes the O is so fast and so strong it is just like 3-5 contractions long, and it leaves me breathless for a short spell. Other times the contractions last 15-20+ seconds, and it feels like my penis is cumming, but its just inside me and at my prostate. But yah, its the build up, the start of the orgasm, the contractions synonymous with orgasm, it subsides, and that's how I count "one orgasm". Depending on the length of them, and how close they are together, I can have 2 or sometimes 3 distinct orgasms in one minute. I go through spells during sessions where for a 5 or more minute span, I'll have like 15-20+ orgasms, so long as my body and toy are in sync. Just a few seconds or rest between them. And they are for real orgasms, not like "maybe that was?" they are "holy fuck I'm Oing again omgggggg" gibberish-inducing Os lol