The old switcheroo

Dream Big

Superior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Washington (Washington, D.C., United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Barry and I were old friends. We’d met in high school, and drifted apart a bit in high school, only to mutually discover our attraction to boys in our sophomore year. He went to college out west, and I went out east, and once again we drifted apart only to be reconnected again in our late twenties after a mutual friend’s wedding.

And in all that time, I’d never acted on the crush I’d had since day one.

Barry, back in school, had been a husky boy, which is a kind way of saying he was chubby and out of shape. I, however, was skinny and out of shape, being the sort of naturally lean kid whose shape owed more to genetics and an aggressive metabolism than to any effort on my part.

But college had changed both of us. For my part, I had been persuaded to put in a little time at the gym by a roommate, and had managed to finally pack on a few pounds of lean muscle. It took a while, but I finally filled out enough to look less like a refugee from North Scrawnistan and more like, well, I suppose a track or cycling or swimming sort of jock. Which was funny because I hated running and was hopeless on a bike.

Barry, however, had gone the opposite route at first, putting on double the usual freshman fifteen, and then some. And then he spent a summer building houses and all that flab converted to bulky muscle. He wouldn’t be picked to model underwear packages any more than I would, but he got strong and solid, and stayed that way with relatively little effort afterwards.

All of which we mutually discovered about four months after graduation when we found ourselves back in our sleepy little home town for a party.

“Ty? Is that you, man?”

I hadn’t heard his voice in over two years, though we had texted a few times for birthday and Christmas wishes. I spun round.

“Barry? Damn, you look good!”

“Look who’s talking! You finally put a little meat on those bones!”

The big lug went in for the hug, and I gladly obliged. It was a good hug, sincere and comfortable, and I was oddly reluctant to let it go.

Barry had to be 220-240 pounds, which is a lot for someone who is only 5’7. But his bulky build wasn't flabby these days, it was solid, and he’d sprouted a fair bit of hair on his arms and sticking out of his shirt collar. He looked bearish, in a white button down camp shirt. It suited him.

As for myself, at 6'3” or so, I was about 180, and if I’m honest, looked like a very tall twink who was just starting on his way to being a twunk. I was wearing a tight shirt and skinny jeans, and with my spiky brown hair, I’d been favorably compared to the guy from Doctor Who, if he got hired by Marvel. In fact I had chosen this particular shirt because my pecs were finally coming along and I liked the way they stretched the material — and because it was snug enough to show my abs.

Though we were surrounded by people we had gone to school with, it felt like we were alone as we eagerly caught up. I think we probably annoyed our host by basically ignoring her party, but it was always so effortless to talk with Barry.

Eventually the party wound down and we ended up a few blocks away at the sole all night diner, nursing a couple beers and letting the discussion wander through the 20 years we had mostly in common.

And then, because we were buzzed and feeling nostalgic, we ended up going back to the hotel, and chatting in my room until entirely too late. The bottle of Jameson’s we grabbed from the bar was likely a factor.

Seriously, I was never one of those guys staying up until 2am. Sensibly asleep by 11 was my preference. But there it was, 230am, and we were still finding excuses to keep the vibe going…right up until I stifled a long suppressed and very dramatic yawn.

“Sorry, man, it’s not the company, I swear!”

“Fuck, it’s late, isn’t it? I can’t remember the last time I had this much to drink,” Barry said. He wasn’t alone, I thought, spying the quarter bottle of whiskey we had not yet finished off.

“You can crash here, if you want,” I offered, gesturing at the second bed.

“Damn, I might have to. I am going to have enough trouble getting to the bathroom.”

I shucked my pants and crawled into one of the beds, and knew I didn’t have much time before I passed out. Which is when I felt him crawl under the covers — of my bed.

“Um,” I said, bleary eyed.

“Dude, don’t over think it. I missed you, man.”

“I missed you too.”

“Nah, I mean…” he pulled me closer, and I could feel his boozy breath in my ear. “I mean, really missed you. I fucking love you, bro.”


“Just…. Just tell me for real. Did you ever think about fooling around?”

Oh shit.

“Because I did. And it scared me, back in school. Then in college, I figured some things out. Important things.”

I was silent, and terrified.

“I really liked you, bro. And I figured out why. So I gotta know if you ever felt the slightest—“

I was kissing him before he finished the sentence.

Unfortunately, whiskey dick is a reality. But fortunately, what we were feeling for each other I was not just horny lust. We made out very aggressively, and we hugged. It was all rather sweet, but inebriated exhaustion doesn’t lend itself to passionate frottage or bed based acrobatics. There was a bit of giddy giggling and some blurry eyed intense eye contact.

Then I needed to get up and pee, and then he did.

“Fucking beer tax,” he groused.

“Probably for the best, I’m too tired to do much more tonight,” I replied.

“Or too trunk. I mean drunk.”

“Yeah. Up for more cuddling though.”

He snuggled up against me in the little spoon position. “Don’t read too much into this, I’m just kind of cold,” he laughed.

“Heh.” I wrapped my longer arms around him, enjoying the warmth and the scent of my long-time friend, and the feeling of his well padded muscles. “You know, you got pretty solid.”

“Yeah? I hate it, man. I was hoping to lose the flab, but at least there’s some muscle under it.”

“Lucky. I can’t seem to add any mass.”

“You’re kidding, right? Lanky boy. You look great.”

“I would rather be bulky and a little chubby over that kind of muscle.”

“Dude, you have visible abs. Shut the hell up,” he said.

“I’m serious.”

“Pity we can’t just trade a little.”

“I’m game if you are,” I said, nearly asleep already.

“You got it,” he agreed, and then snuggled back into me.



I knew that voice.

“Dude, wake up,” it said. Sounded like Barry.

Oh shit, it *was* Barry!

I sat up a bit too fast, and was punished for it by a very painful throb in my head. I blinked slowly.

“Yeah” I muttered.

“You awake?”

“The fuck kind of question is that? You just woke me up.”

Yeah, I’m not a morning person at the best of times, sorry.

“Well, wake up some more then. Something weird is going on.”

The world swam into focus as I aimed my eyes in the general direction of the sound of his voice and stifled a yawn.

“Like what? Is this about last night?”

“Maybe? I don’t know, but….well, maybe I better let you finish waking up a bit.”

I peered at him, still groggy. Something was weird, he was right.

Then it hit me. He looked… leaner.

“…the fuck?”

“Yeah,” he said, grinning. “I noticed it when I got up to pee.”

“How the hell did…. But where did it go?”

“Guess,” he said.

I looked down…and suddenly, I knew.

“Bingo,” he said. “I’d guess about twenty pounds or so. But man, you’re a lot taller so you spread it around a bit.”

I took in my torso with confusion — my abs were still there, but they had some fuzzy padding that hadn’t been there last night. My arms were just a bit thicker, too.

“You’re saying that you lost twenty pounds and I…somehow found it?”

“Don’t need to say it. Unless you have a better explanation, this is what we got right now, Ty. And I ain’t complaining. Looks good on you!”

“But what…when…why…how?”

“You got some of my mass, overnight. Why? We talked about trading. How is anyone’s guess.”

I stood up carefully, realizing that my center of gravity felt a little off. “I don’t remember any wish-granting genies or fairy godmothers.”

“Me neither. I guess the universe was listening,” Barry said. “Guessing you need to —“

“Yup,” I affirmed. The urgency of my bladder made me cut the chat short, and I felt a little dizzy, so I sat and took care of business. I let Barry know I needed to freshen up, and set to brushing and gargling the previous night’s poor decisions out of my mouth. Then I took stock in the mirror as I stripped to hop in the shower.

Shit, Barry was right. Twenty extra pounds looked good on me.


“It’s all yours,” I said, exiting the bathroom.

Barry sat at the small table with a cup of crappy hotel room coffee, lost in what seemed to be literal navel-gazing.

“Ok,” he said. “I may need to borrow a spare pair of boxers and a t-shirt, if I can.”

“If you think they’ll fit,” I said. “And I do briefs.”

“At least they should get me through breakfast and to my room,” he said.

“Small mercies — speaking of which, this room has complimentary toiletries, so help yourself to the toothbrush.”

Nodding, he bounced over to the bath and got to work. I couldn’t help but notice he didn’t fully close the door, so I could see him check himself out as he brushed his teeth. And much as those twenty pounds looked better on me, their absence from his body made him look a lot fitter.

I liked what I was seeing.


Once we struggled our way into clothing that, while not ideal, would at least keep us from being charged with indecency, we mutually agreed that a drive through and a quick trip to Walmart or Target was probably in order. Without Barry’s usual pudge, it was pretty certain that the boxers he had packed were not going to fit properly.

That’s when the next weird thing happened. We ordered our customary McMuffins, and practically inhaled them on the way to Walmart. I had the opposite problem to Barry’s — my briefs were bought for a skinny person with no ass to speak of, and Barry informed me that I was now the proud owner of “an actual butt”.

As if pointing it out had some magical power, I became intensely aware that he was right. Suddenly the confused signals my body was sending began to make a bit of sense.

“Seriously bro, you got some cakes going on now. Maybe cupcakes, but before — no offense — they were pancakes!”

“Nice. Glad my nonexistent butt has been entertaining to you.”

“Well, I’m certainly entertained now. Can’t wait to follow you into the store.”

But the thing is, he was right. I’d had a flat ass for years, and suddenly I didn’t. I wasn’t sure what to do about that.

Not that I’m a fashion conscious sort of guy, but I was glad our purpose was limited to purely utilitarian needs because the selection wasn’t great. And of course, we needed to figure out our new sizes, so we brought some jeans and shorts to the fitting rooms. Turned out he’d gone down a size, and I had gone up one. And I bought the chinos I’d tried on because they fit me better than what I was wearing. Barry grabbed some sweat pants.

“At least it’s cheap,” he said as we got into the car.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You came for smut, not shopping tips for the suddenly resized. But one advantage to being the one writing this is that I get to go at my own pace. We’ll get there. But I digress.


“This feels weird,” I said, as I adjusted the seat again.

“Not used to having an actual butt?”
“No, actually. Feels like I’m sitting on something.”

“You are,” he laughed.

“Har har,” I said.

“If it makes you feel any better, it’s weird for me, too. I feel so much lighter.”

“Twenty pounds lighter, right?”

“Yeah. I’d gotten so used to lugging around the pudge, I almost miss it.” He poked his stomach curiously. “Another twenty, and I could see my dick better when I pee.”

“Okay, that’s just weird.”


“Was your gut really that big?”

“Kinda. I might be exaggerating a little.”

“So now what,” I mused. “We have a whole day and I got nothing planned.”

“I mean, there was NEVER anything to do here, if you recall.”

I could think of a few things, but declined to mention them.

“Hey, what about the park? That hiking trail?”

“I’m not really sure I’m up for a hike. Not in brand new underwear.”

“Not the one that goes up a ways, the one that goes along the river. It’s more of a stroll.”

I knew instantly what he was thinking. There was an old factory there that kids used to dare each other to go explore. It was also a popular make-out spot, an occasional pot den, and god knew what else.

“Think the factory’s still there?” I mused.

“Probably. I never made it there.”

“Really? I did, once,” I said.

“With Sharon?”

Ouch, he remembered Sharon, the girl who had the misfortune to confirm my sexuality after a halloween party. “Yeah.”

“Whatever happened to her?”

“No idea. She transferred that spring.”

“Yeah, I know. Rumor was she got pregnant. Hey, you didn’t—-”

“Oh, hell no. Unless we were lied to about how that shit works, I doubt that some awkward kissing and an aborted handy would do it.”

“Show me,” he said, after a moment.

“Show you… where I made out with the last girl I dated?”


The park was pretty deserted when we got there – apparently there was a football game of some importance that drew most of the town – so we parked and got out to walk. Aside from two dedicated cyclists and a guy walking his dog, we were alone as we set off down the river path. Ten minutes later, the carcass of an old factory peeked out above the branches of the fall trees, and the perimeter fencing stood about 30 feet from the path.

“Dare ya,” Barry said.

“You’ll need to be more specific.”

“I, Barry, dare you, Ty, to climb that fence, and sneak into the factory with me.”

We were in our 20s, so the physical part of it was no real challenge. It was more about making sure you didn’t cut yourself on the half-collapsed and rusted fence. A quick sprint across the cracked and overgrown parking lot brought us to the building proper.

At which point I became more than a little paranoid.

“Fuck, man, what if there are cameras?”

“Ty, this place has been abandoned for at least twenty years. At least three developers gave up on it while we were in school. Why would anyone care?”

He was right, I supposed. So what was this sudden anxiety?

He looked at me. “You’re worried about something else, aren’t you?”

“No! I mean, nothing real. Fuck, I just realized we’re maybe 50 feet from where I realized I was gay.”

“Where,” Barry asked.

“That window, or what’s left of it,” I said, indicating a heavily boarded window. “You used to be able to pop the board out –”

Yup, still worked, even though it was certainly a different board by now.

“Whew,” he said, sticking his head inside. “What was this, an office?”

“Probably a break room or conference room or something. I think there was still a couch here when I came. Probably a good thing that thing’s gone, it was gross back then!”

“Judging by the smell, kids still smoke weed here sometimes,” he said. “Oh ho, what’s this?”

Under a heavy blue tarp over some cabinets, someone had fashioned a little nest out of moving blankets and plastic sheeting.

“Do you smell citronella?”

“Or something like it, yeah. Seems to keep the bugs away from this cozy little corner.” He prodded it with his foot. “No rats, either.”

He sat gingerly on it and lifted up the blanket. “I’ll be damned, someone was pretty clever. Sand bags on the bottom for stability, and contractor bags full of something softer, all duct taped together. Maybe foam or insulation or old rags?”

I sat next to him. “The couch was over there.”

“Pretend this is the couch. Pretend…pretend it was me, instead.”

Oh shit.

“If it were you instead, I think I would have had the same basic revelation,” I chuckled.

“But you’d have got more than a half-assed hand job,” Barry said.

“So the wrestling team could probably attest,” I snarked.

“Damned right. It was consensual and mutual and fun.”


“Well, not all of them. I wasn’t a ho, man. But we did fool around when we went to regionals. It’s a wonder we had any energy left to compete!”

“Naughty,” I said, huskily. The thought of Barry and his wrestling buddies pinning each other got me going, I’m not gonna lie. What? You have no idea how hot Nick and Tony were back then. Lucky Barry.

“I can see I’m going to have to prove it to you. Show you my moves,” Barry replied.

He had me pinned before I knew it, and I struggled to escape.

“No fair,” I complained. “You still have like, 40 pounds on me!” And twenty of that was muscle.

“It’s technique, and I still got the moves.”

Oh yes he did. My shirt was off and my pants were on their way before I knew it.

FUCK why hadn’t we done this years ago.

His beefy hand crept into my crotch, an suddenly he looked up at me, smiling.

“Why, Ty, what did you make just for me? I think I need a closer look.”

And with that, he tugged off my shorts and my considerably interested cock sprung up eagerly.

“Nice one.”

“No fair,” I grumbled, brattily. “You didn’t get me anything.”

“Sure I did. I wasn’t sure what size you liked,” he chuckled, “but I hope it fits.”

He groped my ass appreciatively, and I returned the favor. Our tongues found each other and danced together as we made out, and before long we were each groping like horny teens. His dick was thick and beefy, matching his build, and mine was longer but thinner. And pretty quickly, he was probing around my asshole and I was doing the same to him — without a word, we’d figured whoever was ready first would take the lead. And his girthy prick was pumping out pre and before I had second thoughts he was inside me, stretching my ring more than I expected, even if it didn’t go as deep as I suddenly craved. I clenched instinctively as he withdrew, and he unloaded with a shout all over me.

“My turn,” I said, hiking his legs up to expose his beefy, hairy ass. I coated my dick with his jizz and prodded his pucker –and slid all the way home almost immediately.

“FUCK that’s good,” he moaned, and he was right. I thought his dick had felt good in me, but this was… this was next level, man. And I couldn’t hold it for long. Didn’t even make it all the way out before I blew, and fell onto him, sliding back into place like I belonged there for good.

We panted for a few minutes, blissfully cuddling.

“Shit, Ty,” Barry said, “I have barely ever bottomed before, and you fucking TOOK me. That was HOT. Seriously, you fucking pushed a button way deep inside.”

“So it was okay?” I said, playing coy.

“Fuck, man, my fat fucker barely got into you, and you know it. I’m going to blame those new cheeks for that. I know I’m only average –”

“Not in girth you’re not,” I said. “And you were just fine.”

“Ty, really, I think I like you better on top,” he said, seriously. “And I think your big long dick is why.”

“What, *this* old thing?” My dick was only slightly above average lengthwise – not quite 7 inches – and I thought it was a little thinner than I’d wanted.

“Not just that. You were pretty aggressive and strong and I think I liked being taken. I never had anything hit me that deep before.”

He reached over and began stroking my dick, bringing it effortlessly back to life.

“I want more.”

“More what?”

“More of your dick in me. If I didn’t have this fat ass, you’d be even deeper.” He shuddered appreciatively.

“Your ass looks fine to me.”

“No, it’s fat and hairy. I’ve always hated my big butt and my fucking fat blunt cock.”

“The grass is always greener, Barry.”

“Fuck that. Maybe the universe is still listening. Maybe we can trade again.”

A shiver went up my spine.


“Imagine if some of that 20 pounds last night went into your cock, instead of your lass.”

What would the ratio even be? I wondered.

“What do you say? It obviously couldn’t be all 20 pounds, but imagine if a few pounds bought you an inch or two. It would feel like more because there’d be less of me in the way. Imagine how deep you would go...”

And then he cheated. He dove onto my cock and swallowed it, and before I realized it I’d screamed “YES!”.

And as it turned out, the universe was listening.