The Power Play


Experimental Member
Sep 10, 2023
Los Angeles, CA, USA
99% Gay, 1% Straight
I’ve Been enjoying this section of the website so I’ve decided to take a chance and create something that I’ve recently learned…. really turns me on.

Book Title: The Power Play

Book Preview

In the cutthroat world of corporate America, image is everything. For Ethan Cross, a handsome and ambitious young executive, his good looks have always opened doors. But in a world where power and desire intertwine, Ethan quickly learns that his physical appeal comes with its own set of challenges—and opportunities.

From his first day at the prestigious Grant & Steele Corporation, Ethan becomes the center of attention, not just for his sharp intellect and innovative ideas, but for something far more personal. The CEOs and upper management—each more powerful than the last—begin to make their desires known, blurring the lines between professional advancement and personal exploitation.

As Ethan navigates these advances, he finds himself torn between maintaining his integrity and leveraging the situation to climb the corporate ladder. With each promotion, each secret encounter, the stakes grow higher, and the game more dangerous. Will he rise to the top on his own terms, or will the seductive pull of power and desire consume him entirely?

In *The Power Play*, Ethan must decide just how far he's willing to go—and what he's willing to lose—to achieve his dreams in a world where the boardroom can be as treacherous as the bedroom.
Chapter One: Morning Routine

Ethan Cross stirred from sleep, the dim light of dawn filtering through the blinds. He blinked a few times, his body stretching out across the cool, crisp sheets as he mentally prepared for the day ahead. Today wasn't just any day—this was the day the whispers and rumors swirling around the office would finally come to a head. There was a new position opening up, a step up the ladder, and Ethan was determined to seize the opportunity.

He swung his legs out of bed, the hardwood floor cool beneath his feet. The clock read 5:45 AM. It was early, but Ethan liked to start his days before the city fully awakened. He grabbed his gym bag, filled with neatly folded workout clothes, and headed for the door.

The gym was only a short walk away, and as he approached, the familiar scent of fresh coffee from the café next door mingled with the cool morning air. He nodded to the receptionist and quickly changed into his workout gear, a tight-fitting tank top and shorts that accentuated his toned physique. He caught a few lingering glances as he made his way to the treadmill, the beginnings of a confident smile playing on his lips. Attention was something he was used to, and he knew how to wield it.

After a solid hour of pushing himself to the limit, Ethan wiped the sweat from his brow and headed toward the locker room. He peeled off his damp clothes, relishing the cool air against his skin, and made his way to the sauna for a quick steam before his shower. As he opened the wooden door, the hot, thick air hit him immediately, along with the sight of a familiar face.

"Morning, Ethan," said a deep voice from across the sauna. It was Jack, a coworker from the finance department. Jack was already seated on the top bench, a towel loosely draped over his waist. His dark hair was slick with sweat, and his broad shoulders glistened in the dim light.

"Jack," Ethan replied with a nod, stepping into the steamy room. He took a seat across from him, placing his own towel beside him. He wasn’t in the mood to be modest; after all, this was part of the routine.

"Big day today," Jack continued, his eyes lingering on Ethan's exposed skin for just a moment too long. "Everyone's talking about the new position. Any idea who’s going to get it?"

Ethan leaned back, the heat relaxing his muscles. "No clue," he said, though the truth was he had a pretty good idea. "But I’m sure whoever it is will have earned it." He allowed the words to hang in the air, knowing full well the implications.

Jack smirked. "Sure," he said, shifting his weight slightly. "Though some people seem to have other... qualities that might help them along."

Ethan felt a slow smile curl his lips. "You know how it is," he said, looking Jack straight in the eyes. "It's all about playing your cards right."

After a few more minutes of idle conversation, Ethan stood up, the heat of the sauna intensifying as his body adjusted to the movement. He gave Jack a knowing nod before leaving the room and heading for the showers. The hot water cascaded over his body, washing away the sweat and leaving his skin tingling. As he dried off and got dressed, he couldn’t shake the feeling that the day was only just beginning—and that it would be far more eventful than most.

### **Later That Morning: The Office**

Ethan walked into the office, his confident stride catching the eye of nearly everyone he passed. He wore a tailored suit that hugged his body in all the right places, a crisp white shirt, and a tie that hinted at sophistication without being too flashy. His first stop was the break room for a quick coffee, and as he reached for a cup, he felt a presence behind him.

"Looking sharp today, Ethan," came the smooth voice of Lisa, the HR director. She brushed past him, her hand lingering just a second too long on his arm as she reached for the sugar.

"Thanks, Lisa," he replied, flashing her a charming smile. "You’re not looking so bad yourself."

Lisa chuckled softly, her eyes trailing down his form before she walked away, hips swaying in a calculated motion. Ethan’s smile didn’t fade as he poured his coffee. The office was like a chessboard, and everyone had their own moves. He just happened to be particularly good at the game.

The morning went by in a blur of meetings and emails, but there were moments that stood out. Like when he caught the eye of Mr. Richardson, the firm’s senior partner, during a strategy session. The man’s gaze was intense, lingering on Ethan’s lips before he nodded in approval of Ethan’s suggestions. Then there was the moment in the hallway when Sarah from marketing accidentally—or maybe not so accidentally—brushed up against him as they passed, her perfume clinging to the air between them.

By lunchtime, Ethan felt the familiar tension building, the mix of professional ambition and raw physicality that often underscored his days. The office was a hive of activity, but there was always an undercurrent of something else—something darker and more primal.

### **Evening: The Rain**

The day was drawing to a close, and Ethan was ready to head home. He walked out of the building and toward the station, but as he reached the platform, the skies opened up in a sudden downpour. He cursed under his breath, pulling his jacket over his head in a futile attempt to stay dry.

Just as he was about to resign himself to a soaking ride home, a black car pulled up to the curb. The window rolled down, revealing Mr. Richardson in the driver’s seat.

“Need a lift, Ethan?” the older man asked, his tone casual but his eyes saying something else entirely.

Ethan hesitated for only a moment before nodding. “Sure, thanks.”

He climbed into the car, the warmth immediately enveloping him. As they drove through the rain-slicked streets, Mr. Richardson glanced over at him. “How about we grab a drink first? No need to rush home in this weather.”

Ethan met his gaze, the tension between them thickening the air. “Sounds good to me,” he replied, knowing full well where this evening might lead.

And as the car merged into traffic, Ethan couldn't help but think that perhaps this was the move that would finally put him on top.
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Chapter Two: The Drink

Ethan stood at the edge of the street, the rain still falling in heavy sheets, as he hesitated. His fingers brushed against the small piece of chocolate in his pocket—a half-dose edible that he always kept on hand for moments when he needed to take the edge off.

Tonight felt like one of those moments. With a final glance at the darkening sky, he popped the edible into his mouth, the rich taste melting away as he swallowed. The warmth of the car and Mr. Richardson's presence had already begun to work on him, but this would help him fully unwind.

As they pulled up to a quiet, upscale bar tucked away on a side street, Ethan could feel the faint buzz of the edible beginning to hum through his body. The bar's interior was dimly lit, the soft glow of amber lights reflecting off the dark wooden panels and polished bra accents. The sound of soothing R&B drifted through the air, giving the place an intimate, almost sensual atmosphere that immediately put Ethan at ease.

Mr. Richardson led the way to a secluded corner booth, his broad shoulders cutting a path through the sparse crowd. Ethan followed, his eyes taking in the older man's strong frame.

Mr. Richardson, at 64, was the epitome of a silver fox. His salt-and-pepper hair was impeccably groomed, and his muscular build was evident even beneath his tailored suit. There was a commanding presence about him, the kind that turned heads without effort.

Once seated, Mr. Richardson signaled the bartender, who nodded in recognition. "Two double shots of tequila," Mr. Richardson ordered, his voice low and smooth, with the confidence of a man used to getting what he wanted.

Ethan watched him, feeling the anticipation building as the tequila was quickly delivered. They raised their glasses in a silent toast, and Ethan noticed the way Mr. Richardson's eyes lingered on him over the rim of his glass. The tequila burned as it went down, warming him from the inside out, the heat only adding to the flush that was already creeping up his neck.

"So, Ethan," Mr. Richardson began, his tone casual, though his gaze was anything but. "How are you finding things at the office these days?"

Ethan hesitated, trying to gauge the intent behind the question, but before he could answer, he felt Mr. Richardson's hand brush against his leg under the table. The touch was light at first, almost accidental, but then it returned, more deliberate this time. Fingers pressed against the fabric of Ethan's trousers, kneading gently.

"Things are... interesting," Ethan managed to say, though his focus was rapidly shifting away from the conversation and onto the sensation of Mr. Richardson's hand on his thigh.

The older man's fingers moved in slow, circular motions, massaging Ethan's leg as they continued to talk. The eye contact between them grew increasingly intense, the sexual tension thickening the air. Every look, every slight touch, seemed to convey a deeper meaning, a promise of something more.

Just as Ethan was beginning to lose himself in the moment, the sound of a familiar voice broke through the haze.

"Mr. Richardson, Ethan-fancy seeing you both here."

Ethan looked up to see Bryan, a younger coworker from the marketing department, standing beside their table with a bright smile. Bryan was in his late twenties, with a lean, athletic build, sandy blond hair, and a youthful energy that seemed to radiate from him.

"Bryan," Mr. Richardson said, his hand slipping away from Ethan's leg as he turned his attention to the newcomer.

"What brings you out tonight?"

Bryan laughed lightly, holding up a stack of papers. "Just taking a break from some studying. I'm really gunning for that open position, and I want to be prepared."

Ethan's stomach twisted as he watched the interaction between Mr. Richardson and Bryan. There was a spark of interest in Mr. Richardson's eyes that hadn't been there before, and Ethan couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. The way Mr. Richardson's gaze roved over Bryan, the way he leaned in slightly when Bryan spoke-it was clear that Ethan wasn't the only one who had caught the older man's eye.

Trying to mask his growing discomfort, Ethan excused himself.

"I'll be right back," he said, forcing a smile before slipping away to the bathroom.

The bathroom was empty when he entered, and he walked up to the urinal, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling. As he unzipped, the door creaked open behind him, and he glanced back to see Bryan walking in.

Bryan flashed him a grin, but there was something more in his eyes— something that le Ethan's pulse quicken.

Bryan stepped up to the urinal beside Ethan, their shoulders almost touching. The tension in the small space was palpable. Ethan tried to focus on the task at hand, but he couldn't help but notice Bryan's eyes darting downwards, taking in the sight of Ethan's exposed member.

Ethan followed Bryan's gaze, catching sight of the younger man's dick as he stood beside him. It was thick and slightly curved, the head flushed a deep pink. For a moment, they both stood there, silent except for the sound of their breathing, each taking in the other.

Then, as if by some unspoken agreement, they both began to stroke themselves, the air thick with the scent of arousal. Their eyes locked, the shared understanding of their desires passing between them without a word…

The door suddenly creaked open, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the tiled space. Mr. Richardson stood in the doorway, his expression unreadable as he took in the scene before him. Ethan's heart raced, and he quickly pulled back, adjusting himself as a wave of nerves hit him. Bryan, too, hurriedly zipped up, his cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and lingering desire.

The three of them stood in awkward silence for a moment, the air heavy with the tension of what had just transpired.

"Well," Mr. Richardson finally said, his voice low and measured. "Shall we head back?"

Ethan nodded, avoiding Mr.Richardson's gaze as they all made their way out of the bathroom. The tension that had once seemed so intoxicating now felt suffocating, and as they walked back to the table, Ethan couldn't help but wonder just how far he was willing to go in this game-and what the consequences might be.
Chapter Three: Rekindling the Flames

Ethan’s days blurred together after that night at the bar, the memory of what happened in the bathroom with Bryan and the tension with Mr. Richardson playing on a loop in his mind. The corporate gala offered a welcome distraction, but as he dressed in his sleek, tailored black suit, his thoughts drifted to Julian—his ex-boyfriend who had once stood by his side at these events, his hand resting possessively on Ethan’s back.

The hotel ballroom was opulent, filled with the city’s elite. Ethan made his way through the crowd, trying to avoid Mr. Richardson and Bryan. He could feel the tension in the air as everyone vied for the open position, the stakes higher than ever. But nothing could have prepared him for the jolt that hit him when he saw Julian.

Julian stood near the entrance, his tall, athletic frame showcased in a sharp navy suit. His dark hair was styled in loose waves, his high cheekbones and strong jawline giving him an air of effortless elegance. Ethan’s heart pounded as their eyes met, the connection between them as electric as it had been the day they met.

Julian made his way over, his smile both familiar and heart-wrenching. “Ethan,” he said, his voice smooth and warm. “It’s been a while.”

“Julian,” Ethan replied, trying to keep his voice steady. “Yeah, it has.”

The conversation was laced with tension and unspoken emotions. Julian’s eyes roved over Ethan, taking him in as if they had all the time in the world. “You look good,” Julian said, his voice lower now, more intimate. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too,” Ethan admitted, unable to lie. The pull between them was undeniable, and when Julian suggested they catch up, the temptation was almost too much to resist.

Before Ethan could respond, Bryan appeared out of nowhere, his eyes flicking between Ethan and Julian with curiosity. “Ethan, Mr. Richardson’s been looking for you,” Bryan said, his tone casual but his gaze intense.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” Ethan replied, his voice tight. As Julian stepped away, giving them a moment alone, Bryan’s gaze turned predatory.

“You know,” Bryan said, leaning in closer, “I’ve been thinking about you a lot since that night.”

Ethan’s pulse quickened, the air between them thick with tension. They stood in a secluded hallway, away from the crowd, and the heat of Bryan’s body pressed against Ethan’s side was impossible to ignore.

“Bryan, we can’t—” Ethan began, but the words died on his lips as Bryan’s hand slid down his back, fingers brushing the curve of his ass.

“Can’t what?” Bryan whispered, his breath hot against Ethan’s ear. “Can’t admit that you want this as much as I do?”

Ethan’s resolve crumbled as Bryan’s hand moved around to his front, fingers ghosting over the growing bulge in his pants. The hallway was dimly lit, the sound of the gala muffled, making the moment feel even more dangerous.

“Someone could see us,” Ethan hissed, his body betraying him as he leaned into Bryan’s touch.

“That’s what makes it exciting,” Bryan replied, his lips brushing against Ethan’s neck, sending a shiver down his spine. He pressed harder against Ethan’s crotch, eliciting a quiet moan.

Just as the tension reached its peak, the sound of approaching footsteps forced them apart. Ethan quickly adjusted himself, his breath ragged, while Bryan gave him a knowing smirk.

“We’ll finish this later,” Bryan whispered before turning and disappearing down the hallway, leaving Ethan breathless and wanting.

Ethan tried to collect himself as he made his way back to the main room, but as soon as he stepped in, he was met with Julian’s intense gaze from across the room. Before he could even think about what had just happened with Bryan, Julian was by his side again, his presence commanding and impossible to ignore.

“I saw you with Bryan,” Julian said, his voice low, but there was no judgment—only curiosity. “Are you two…?”

“It’s complicated,” Ethan replied, the words coming out more breathless than he intended.

Julian nodded, his hand subtly brushing against Ethan’s as they walked, the touch sending another jolt of desire through him. “Maybe we can make things simple,” Julian suggested, his eyes dark with intent.

Before Ethan could respond, Mr. Richardson appeared, his expression unreadable as he took in the scene between Ethan and Julian. “Ethan, there you are,” Mr. Richardson said smoothly, his eyes flicking between the two men. “I’ve been looking for you.”

Julian stepped back, but not before giving Ethan a lingering look that promised their conversation was far from over. As Ethan followed Mr. Richardson, he felt the weight of everything pressing down on him—the tension with Julian, the heat with Bryan, and the complex power dynamics with Mr. Richardson.

The night was far from over, and Ethan knew he was treading on dangerous ground. But as the tension continued to build, he couldn’t help but wonder how long he could keep walking this line before everything came crashing down around him.

Chapter Three (Part 2): Unfinished Business

The elegant atmosphere of the gala was abruptly shattered by the blare of an alarm. The lights flickered, and the chatter turned to confusion as security guided guests toward the exits. Ethan’s excitement grew as he realized he’d be leaving with Julian, the tension between them electric all night.

In the lobby, Ethan spotted Bryan at the valet, his eyes narrowing as he saw Julian by his side. The jealousy in Bryan’s expression was unmistakable.

“I’ll drive you home,” Julian said confidently, his hand casually resting on Ethan’s back.

“Actually,” Bryan interrupted, stepping closer, “I was planning on giving Ethan a ride.”

Ethan felt the tension between them and knew he had to make a choice. “I appreciate it, Bryan, but I’ll go with Julian tonight.”

Bryan forced a smile. “Alright then. Maybe next time.”

As they waited for Julian’s car, Ethan felt the pull of both men—Julian’s familiarity and Bryan’s thrilling uncertainty. But when Julian’s sleek black car arrived, the choice was clear.

The ride home started in silence until Julian finally spoke. “Seeing you tonight brought back a lot of memories.”

“Yeah,” Ethan replied softly, tracing patterns on the leather seat. “It’s been… intense.”

Julian glanced at him, his expression serious. “I’ve been thinking about us, about how things ended. I never got over it.”

Ethan’s heart ached at the sincerity in Julian’s voice. “I never stopped caring either.”

As they reached a red light, Julian’s hand found Ethan’s, their fingers intertwining. Without a word, Julian leaned in and kissed Ethan—a kiss filled with all the unspoken emotions between them. It was tender and desperate, igniting a fire that had never fully extinguished.

“Come up with me,” Ethan whispered when they finally pulled away. Julian’s eyes darkened with desire as he agreed.

The moment they stepped inside Ethan’s apartment, they were on each other. Clothes were hastily discarded, leaving a trail from the door to the couch. Julian’s strong hands explored Ethan’s body, making him shiver with anticipation.

Julian’s cock was thick and heavy, already hard as it pressed against Ethan’s thigh. He leaned in close, his breath hot against Ethan’s ear. “I missed this,” he murmured, his hand sliding down to cup Ethan’s ass.

He squeezed, his fingers teasing before he slipped one inside, making Ethan gasp. Julian groaned as he felt how tight Ethan still was. “I missed this ass so much,” he growled, adding another finger, stretching Ethan slowly.

Ethan’s breath hitched as Julian’s fingers moved deeper, finding that spot that made his toes curl. Julian’s free hand gripped Ethan’s hip, holding him steady as he bent down, pressing his face between Ethan’s cheeks.

Julian inhaled deeply, savoring Ethan’s scent before his tongue darted out to taste him. “Fuck, I missed this,” he murmured against Ethan’s skin, his tongue swirling around Ethan’s hole before plunging inside.

Ethan’s moans filled the room as Julian devoured him, his tongue working in tandem with his fingers, pushing Ethan closer and closer to the edge.

“Julian,” Ethan gasped, his hands gripping the couch as he rocked back against Julian’s face, needing more.

Julian pulled back just enough to speak, his voice rough with desire. “You’re still so perfect. I could spend all night just eating your ass.”

Ethan couldn’t respond, his body trembling with need as Julian’s tongue drove him wild. Just as he was about to lose control, Julian pulled away, leaving him panting and desperate.

Julian’s cock pressed against Ethan’s entrance, the head slick with pre-cum. “I need you, Ethan,” Julian whispered, his voice thick with longing.

But before he could push inside, a phone rang, the sound jarring in the heated moment. Julian cursed, reaching for his phone—only to realize it wasn’t there.

“It’s Bryan,” Ethan whispered, seeing the call on his own phone.

Julian’s eyes widened as Ethan answered, still trying to catch his breath.

“Ethan, it’s Bryan. Julian left his phone at the valet. I’m at your place to drop it off.”

Ethan’s heart pounded as he looked at Julian, their eyes locking in shock. “You’re… here?”

“Yeah, outside your door. I’ll just leave it in the mailbox,” Bryan replied, oblivious to the tension in Ethan’s voice.

“Wait!” Ethan blurted, but it was too late. The sound of footsteps retreating down the hallway echoed, leaving them frozen in place, their intimate moment interrupted in the most unexpected way.

But then there was a knock at the door…
I appreciate the feedback in replies! That night… we thought it couldn’t get any wilder…

How did I get myself here?


Chapter Three (Part 3): Heat of the Night

Ethan's pulse quickened as he opened the door, revealing Bryan standing in the hallway, holding up Julian's forgotten phone. Bryan's smirk widened as his gaze flickered between Ethan's disheveled appearance and Julian, shirtless and slightly flushed from their earlier encounter.

"Figured you'd want this back," Bryan said, his voice low as he handed the phone to Julian. But his eyes never left Ethan, lingering a little too long on his exposed chest.

Julian chuckled, stepping closer.

"Thanks, Bryan. I owe you one."

Bryan shrugged nonchalantly, but his eyes betrayed the deeper emotions underneath. "How about we call it even with a drink? I've got some top-shelf tequila from the gala."

Ethan and Julian exchanged a quick glance, both intrigued by the unexpected turn. Ethan nodded slowly, his curiosity piqued by Bryan's suggestion. "Why not? We could use a nightcap."

They moved to the patio, the cool night air brushing against their skin, making Ethan acutely aware of how little he was wearing. Bryan pulled out a sleek bottle of tequila, pouring generous shots into crystal glasses before lighting a joint and taking a deep drag.

As the alcohol and weed began to flow, the air around them shifted, heavy with unspoken tension. Each touch, each lingering glance, carried more weight. Bryan's thigh pressed against Ethan's as they sat on the patio couch, the contact sending a jolt of heat through his body. On the other side, Julian's fingers casually brushed the back of Ethan's neck, making his skin tingle with anticipation.

"So, who's got their eye on the promotion?" Bryan asked, his tone teasing, but his gaze held something more intense.

Ethan let out a soft laugh, feeling the warmth of both men beside him. "I think we've all got something else on our minds tonight."

Bryan smirked, his hand sliding up Ethan's thigh under the table, his fingers dangerously close to where Ethan was already hardening. "I'm not the only one, then."

Julian leaned closer, his breath hot against Ethan's ear. "Seems we're all thinking the same thing." His hand slipped to Ethan's other thigh, and Ethan was trapped between the two of them, their hands igniting fire across his skin.

Ethan's heart pounded as the tension mounted. He could feel both Bryan's and Julian's desire, their need for him, and it only made him want them more.

"Maybe we should take this inside," he whispered, his voice thick with lust.

Inside, the air was charged with electricity. Ethan barely had time to sit down before Julian pulled him into a kiss, deep and hungry, their tongues tangling as Julian's hands explored Ethan's chest. Bryan wasn't far behind, his lips brushing against Ethan's neck, his fingers undoing the last few buttons of Ethan's shirt, leaving his torso bare.

Ethan moaned into Julian's mouth, his hips arching as Bryan's hands roamed lower, finding the hard bulge in his pants. Julian pulled back, his breath ragged as he watched Bryan slowly unzip Ethan's trousers. "Fuck, l've missed this," Julian growled, his voice low and thick With need.

Bryan smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he slid Ethan's pants down, freeing his hard cock. "You're not the only one," Bryan said, his hand wrapping around Ethan's shaft, stroking him slowly, deliberately.

Ethan's head fell back, a moan escaping his lips as both men's hands explored his body. Julian's fingers teased Ethan's nipples, pinching them just enough to send shocks of pleasure straight to his cock, while Bryan's strokes quickened, his grip tightening.

The three of them moved in a heated rhythm, the sounds of their heavy breathing filling the room. Ethan reached out, his hand finding Bryan's cock, thick and pulsing beneath his trousers. Bryan groaned, his hips bucking into Ethan's touch.

Julian, not to be left out, stripped off the rest of his clothes, his muscular, tanned body gleaming in the dim light.

His cock was heavy, precum already glistening at the tip as he watched Ethan stroke Bryan.

"God, you look so fucking good," Julian murmured, his hand sliding down to his own cock, stroking himself as he watched. His eyes were locked on Ethan, the desire in them almost overwhelming.

Ethan couldn't hold back any longer.

His own cock throbbed in Bryan's grip, desperate for release, as he felt Julian's eyes burning into him. He leaned forward, capturing Julian's lips in another searing kiss, their tongues tangling as Ethan moaned into his mouth. Bryan's free hand slid down to cup Ethan's balls, rolling them gently in his palm, driving Ethan closer to the edge.

The three of them moved in perfect sync, their hands and bodies creating a symphony of pleasure. Ethan could feel the climax building inside him, the pressure coiling tighter and tighter until it was almost unbearable.

Julian was the first to lose control, his hips jerking as he came with a deep, guttural groan, his cum splattering across Ethan's chest. The sight and feel of Julian's release sent Ethan spiraling, his own orgasm hitting him like a tidal wave. He cried out, his body shaking as he came hard, his cum mixing with Julian's, coating his stomach and chest.

Bryan wasn't far behind. With a few more rough strokes, he groaned, his cock pulsing as he came, his release spilling over Ethan's body, adding to the sticky, messy heat of the moment.

The three of them collapsed onto the couch, their bodies spent, glistening with sweat and cum, the air thick with the heady scent of sex.

For a long moment, none of them moved, their heavy breathing the only sound in the room. Julian was the first to break the silence, his voice hoarse.

"That was... more than I expected."

Ethan, still catching his breath, smiled lazily. "I don't think any of us expected that."

Bryan chuckled, his hand resting possessively on Ethan's thigh. "Maybe we should make this a regular thing."

Julian's eyes flicked to Bryan, then back to Ethan, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "We'll see."

The night was far from over, but as the three of them lay there, tangled together, Ethan couldn't help but wonder where this would lead. The connection between them was undeniable, and he knew that whatever happened next, it would be nothing short of explosive.
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