The Rough Guy.


Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2019
Alabama City (Alabama, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Arron Philips had nothing but the pack on his back, as he hitchhiked his way home. Or where and if he had a home to return to. Being that he’d recently been released from the state pen. He had already explored other options. Hoping to find work. But unfortunately all he found was doors slammed in his face. But after all he was a two time felon so that was kind of to be expected.

His only hope was that his mother or sister would take him in. And neither one was a good option, since being that they all had been on bad terms for years.

He then stumbled along the In and out mart. A conveyance store along the side of the highway, in the middle of no where.

Memories came back from years ago. When he was just a teenager. Late one night he stole a car and robbed the store. His adrenaline kicked in, just from the thought of it. He loved the rush he’d get from doing such things.
He stepped inside the store, just to look around. Feeling that nobody would recognize him, since it had been so long. He saw the sweet old lady that worked behind the counter.

“ I can’t do it! “ He said to himself, changing his mind. Even though the gun was tucked into the front of his pants, just under his tee shirt.

With the last few dollars he had to his name. He bought a can of potted meat and a bottle of water. Where his next meal came from, was totally unknown, because then he was broke.

Outside he sat on the sidewalk, leaning against the building. Slowly eating the potted meat, savoring the taste of it. When the quietness of the day was interrupted by the sound of a muscle car.

He looks up to see a second generation Camero pull off the highway and on to the fuel island.

“ Gunter? “ He said to himself. Easily recognizing the car. It was beat up, with gray primer, and mag wheels.

Gunter was his best friend, during his school years. Before being kicked out at 16 anyway.
But it damn sure wasn’t Gunter that got out of the car.

It was a short sexy woman, with feathered blonde hair that hung down to her ass. She to was easily recognized after a few moments.

“ That’s Gunters baby sister? “ He said to himself, watching her pump some gas.

“ Look at that gorgeous ass! “ It had been years since he touched a woman. And just the sight of her from a distance, made his cock grow hard and throb.

She strolled across the parking lot, looking straight ahead, as if Arron who was sitting there was invisible to her.
She walks into the store, pays for the gas. And gets herself a Pepsi and a pack of Marlboros.

She walks back outside. Tearing open the pack of smokes.
Arron watched her stop to light one.

“ Shirley Walker?...When you gonna paint that old car? “

Shirley stopped and was caught off guard. She knew that voice. But as she looked down at the bearded and long haired man, that sat against the building. It took a moment to figure out who he was.
She just kind of froze as his sparkling blue eyes captivated her body. Slowly he looks her up and down.

“ Arron? “ She asks him.

Under his thick beard she saw him smile and nod.
She walks towards him, as he stands up.

“ Oh Arron...It’s been so long? “

“ Yeah I know!...You we’re just a little thing last time I saw you. “

“ Most people still refer to me as a little thing. “

“ Oh no girl!...Your not the little thing I remember! “
She sees him look down the front of her low cut top.

“ How old are you now? “

“ I’m 20 “

“ No husband or boyfriend? “

“ No just me. “

She sees him sizing her up. She knows that look. She’s also checking him out to. Cause he sure wasn’t the skinny little older boy that she’d known that hung out with her brother years before. He definitely had some size on him. Along with his inked arms. He definitely was intimidating.

“ Where Gunter at? “

“ He’s in the Navy. “

“ The Navy?...You serious? “

“ Yeah...He’s over there in the Persian Gulf. “

“ Damn!...I didn’t think Gunter would go that direction. “

“ Well Daddy talked him into it, after all the trouble you got in. He kind of figured they’d make a man out of him. “

“ Yeah I kind of wish I had a daddy that would of steered me in that direction also. “
He looks past her at her old car.

“ So the Camero is yours now? “

“ Yeah on my 15th birthday. I got a card from Gunter, saying the car was mine. “

Shirley offers Arron a smoke.
He accepts the cigarette. She lights it for him and they walk over to her car.
She sees him eying the dent in the side of it, behind the passenger side door.

“ You must know how that got there?...Tell me? “

“ We knocked off a liquor store one night. And slid right into the side of a police car. While we were getting away. “

“ So that’s why? “

“ Why what? “

“ Why every since I’ve been driving this car. I’ve been noticing but harassed by the police! “

“ Really? “

“ Yeah I’ve been hauled in for all kinds of bull shit reasons. And usually get booked, strip searched and fucked! Then get let go.”

He turns her around and smacks and squeezed her tight little blue Jean covered ass.

“ That proves that an ass like that can get you just about out of anything? “

“ Yeah but for some reason it’s not getting me a steady man? “

“ Well your also still young. Maybe the right man hasn’t come your way yet? “

Arron says hoping he might just be that man. Cause he sure could use a sugar momma right now.

“ You got your own place? “

“ I just got a trailer that Daddy gave me. “

“ You got a job? “

“ I’m kind of off and on at The Waffle House. “

“ Know where I could get some work?...I’d like to stay off the radar, if you know what I mean? “

“ Daddy always looking for somebody to do repo work from time to time. I remember you being a pretty good mechanic? He could probably use you around the junk yard. “

“ Mechanics is my specialty!...You probably don’t remember but I’m the one that helped your brother build this car. “

“ I don’t remember much about that. I was probably more into my Barbie and Ken dolls back then. You want to go talk to daddy?...Or check out my place first? “
She said smiling, and glancing down at his growing bulge.

“ Your place would be great! “

“ Yeah I’ve also got some leftovers that’s much better than that can of potted meat you just ate. “

As Arron was getting into the car. He started feeling much better about his current circumstances, than he was minutes before talking to her.
In the drivers seat. Shirley glanced over at Arron again. He sure didn’t look like he used to. But the rough rugged look, that he’d acquired throughout the years since she’d seen him. Was quite appealing. Especially since she at the time was still quite young. Maybe he would be the right one for her.

Arron was thinking this is great. He’d possibly have a place to stay. Maybe a possibility for a job. So he could save up some cash for a car. And best of yet. In his eyes she was drop dead gorgeous.
Just in those first few minutes they both could tell there was chemistry between them. Shirley cranked the Camero.

Arron smiles listening to the mighty 396 V-8 roar to life.

“ It still sounds awesome! “

“ It’s the fastest in town!...It runs 8’s at the strip. “

“ Yeah? You race it? “

“ I have. And I got the trophies to prove it. “

“ It couldn’t beat the Chevelle I had. “
Which he totaled fleeing from the police almost a decade before.

“ That’s the key word!...Had! “

“ Lets see what it will do. “

Shirley shifted into first and idles towards the highway. When all of a sudden a Corvette convertible rolls into the parking lot. He parked at the side of the store.

Arron sees the driver. recognizing him.

“ Whitlock? “ He said out loud. His blood ran cold. His eyes widened as his happiness moments before turned to pure rage.

“ Yeah that’s Brad. Looks like he’s got his wife Becky with him. “ Shirley added.

“ Park over there. “ He pointed to the end parking place, at the corner of the store.

“ I’ve got a score to settle with that Son of a bitch! “

“ Oooh...Fight? “ Shirley said to herself, feeling the tension buildup from the passenger seat.

Arron and Brad had a pure hatred for one another. That went all the way to grammar school.
But unfortunately for Arron he’d never won a fight against Brad. But no matter what. He never coward from him.
Brad was always one step ahead of him in strength, agility and speed. As Brads body grew fast filling with testosterone. In junior high he started bulking up with the weights, nutrition and later steroids. Being an all around athlete. He thrived in athletics.
But along with that success, came the arrogance, and cockiness.
Brads head got bigger than his body.
He was also blessed with handsome good looks. The girls basically through themselves at him. He was one of the few, that could pick and choose, who ever he wanted to fuck.

And for that he took none other than Becky Lynn, who growing up was Arrons girl. Or the girl he wanted the most at the time.
The two of them were pretty good friends. And were some what going together as far as junior high was concerned.
Until Brad took her from him, and took her cherry. Then took her for his wife during college.

But not only that it gets much worse.

it wasn’t just taking Becky from him or the fight thing that caused Arron’s rage. He’d fought and lost fights and girls before. And that was just life. But he also took something from Arron that couldn’t be just put aside.

It was a day during summer break When he was confronted alone in the woods, out of gas on his dirt bike. When Brad and his posse of buds surrounded him. on there bikes. Of course a fight broke out. But unfortunately for Arron one just can’t hold his own against six or eight. It all was a blur in Arrons mind. But the aftermath of the fight. When Brad made him his bitch, in front of his friends Is what enraged Arron. That’s when everything changed for Arron, that’s when he turned to a future of crime. That eventually landed him into the state pen.

Brad and Becky were quietly conversing. When the Camero parked against the curb.

“ Look Brad...That’s Gunter? “

“ That’s not Gunter. That’s that skank of a sister of his. “

“ No I mean the one with the beard, and long hair? “

“ Look again Babe! “ Brad said looking straight into the windshield and straight into Arrons piercing blue eyes.

Becky looks again.

“ Oh my God!...It’s Arron? “ She said in a state of shock.
She grabbed her husband’s hand.

“ I don’t like this!...Don’t start nothing!...Let him be please! “

But no way was Brad either let this opportunity pass.

“ I’m just going into the store. “ He tells her. But the sick feeling she felt in her gut, told her otherwise.

He slowly opened the door of the corvette. And climbed out in his white button up top, and slacks. Looking almost like someone stepping out of the pages of GQ.

Arron swung the door open of the Camero. In his dirty ripped jeans, and ragged tee shirt. They met face to face, toe to toe on the sidewalk.
Just like high school. Brad started sizing Arron up. Looking him over, trying to quickly to think up some wise crack, to say to him.
But Arron was focused, looking right into Brads eyes. And for the first time he saw fear, with in the man, he’d fought so many times before.
Arron gave Brad a bullying shove, just the way Brad did to him years before.

“ That all you got boy? “ Brad yelled as he throws the first punch.
With cat like reflexes Arron ducks and swings back, landing a solid punch right to Brads jaw.
The two men exchanged blow after blow.

“ Come on Brad!...Stop it! “ Becky yelled from the car.
But the two men continued to fight back and forth.
As the fight continues Arron felt he was winning for a change.
But after college Brad moved on to the corporate world of finance, and wasn’t picking fights with others.
While Arron had almost a decade of prison brawling with gangs under his belt.
But no way was Brad gonna give in.

Becky grabbed her cell phone to try to call 911. But couldn’t get a signal. From inside the car she watched in horror as her husband’s handsome face was slammed hard against the hood of the car.

“ Arron!...Stop it!...Your gonna kill him! “
Shirley see’s Becky get out of the car in her little black dress.

“ Oh no you don’t! “ Shirley said kicking off her high heels and leaping from the drivers side door.

“ Don’t even try it Bitch! “ The barefoot red necked girl yells from the sidewalk.

Becky Lynn stopped in her tracks, glaring at the short 90 pound blonde, watching and waiting with her fists clenched, wanting to get in on the action herself.

“ Get him! Arron! “ Shirley yelled cheating Arron on. With fists of fury he pounded away at Brads face.

Becky had to act. She runs to throw herself between the fighting men, to desperately try to stop this.

Shirley charges towards Becky.
Just as Becky reached Arron. He pulled the pistol right from his pants, and puts it right to his former girlfriends head.

And everything suddenly stopped. And the seconds felt like an eternity. As Brad looks up from the ground. Seeing the gun right against his wife’s head.
Shirley looked on with her jaw dropped.

“ On your knees Bitch! “ He says to Becky.

“ Arron please! “ Becky begs crying.

Arron looks down at Brad, and smiles at him wickedly.

“ You to big man!...On your knees! “

He grabbed a hold of Brads ripped shirt, and pulled him up. He stood over them both with the pistol in hand. He then moved the gun to Brads head, and looks at Becky.

“ Take out my cock! “

“ Please Arron!...Don’t make me do this! “
Becky cries begging.

“ I’ll blow his God damn brains out! “

With nervous fingers Becky reached for the snap and zipper of his faded dirty Levi’s. And out flopped his cock, hanging halfway down his thigh.

“ OMG! “ Shirley says to herself looking on from the side.

Becky was equally amazed. Though still scared to death, there was something intriguing about seeing a cock that big.

“ Look at it! “ Arron said to her. “ Look at what you’ve missed out on all these years! “

“ Go ahead touch it! “
Arron said in the calm nice voice, that he used to use, talking to her.

She knew then Arron wasn’t going to hurt her.
Right there with her husband looking on. She grasped his long thick cock.

“ Its so big! “ She said in a shy whisper. Feeling the blood flowing into it. It quickly grows firmer in her grasp. She reached for it also with her left hand. One hand over the other, and there was still cock to go.

“ Now just you wish I’d been your first? “

Becky looks up into those sparkling blue eyes of the rough, and rugged man looking down at her.

“ Yes “ She nods. “ Yes Arron I should have been yours! “

She continues to look into Arrons eyes as she parts her pretty glossy lips, and guided the swollen head of his cut cock, closer and closer towards her hot and waiting mouth. With her husband looking on in shock.
Just as his cock slides between her pretty lips, Arron pulled back. He then dropped the gun, which was nothing but a kids toy. And shoved his big dick down Brads throat.

“ Suck it Bitch! “ He demanded.

Shirley and Becky look on as Arron just owns Brad. Holding him by his sweaty hair, he fucks his face.

“ Who’s the cock sucking faggot now?...You like that big dick down your throat? “

Brad slobbered and gagged on Arrons mighty man meat.
Finally Arron pulls out. His big dick leaking a steady stream of pre cum.
He then let out a laugh. Looking down at the defeated man he’d wanted so long to conquer.

He then looks at Shirley, who couldn’t keep her eyes off his dripping cock.
He puts his arm around her and smiles, looking down at the pathetic looking couple that still knelt before him.

“ Just so you know. “ He said taking another cigarette from Shirley. He then lights it. And inhales. He then blew the exhaled smoke right into Brads face.
“ If I didn’t have this sexy young thing waiting on me. I’d fuck you right in your man pussy! Right in front of your old lady. Then me and who should have been mine would drive off into the sunset. In your Corvette. And there wouldn’t be a God damn thing you could do about it! “

They then turn away, and walk back to the Camero. Arron with his big dick still out on full display for whoever may see.

“ Arron is there still a chance for us? “
Becky yells out.

Arron turned around to face her.

“ No babe. That ship sailed a long time ago. “
He turned back to Shirley and returned to the car.

Brad picks up the gun not realizing it was a child’s toy. He puts it to his bloody beaten head and pulls the trigger.

“ Click “

He throws the gun down and sobs like a baby. Never in his life had he ever felt so defeated.

2nd gen Camero's didn't come with a 396 and all things considered they were pretty much dogs when it came to performance
Actually your dead wrong. The 2nd gen Camaro ran from 1970 to 1981. From 1970 to 1973 they came with a 396 big block. That was the SS option. You are thinking of later 2nd gens which your emission choked smal blocks and wide ratio transmissions. The pictures are a 1970 Camaro SS 396 performance package with the RS appearance package (split bumper)

most usually bought the z28 which was a solid lifter small block, better for road racing over the nose heavy big block.
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2nd gen Camero's didn't come with a 396 and all things considered they were pretty much dogs when it came to performance

this is the 2nd gen you are talking about the later years 78-81 3975F549-67E8-4B6F-BFB0-19AF0C644FEC.jpeg
Shirley cranks the car, knowing they need to get away. Since they all ready been drawing a crowd of on lookers. No way did she want to be hauled into the jail. Especially since none of the officers that had fucked her before. Could measure up to what hung between Arrons legs.

Before this whole escapade with Arron started. She was on her way out for the evening. To try again to find herself a man among the towns losers of so called men to pick from.

As she drove closer towards home, she’d glance at his hard cock, and just lick her lips. Wondering what he tastes like. Her pussy moistened between her legs as she worked the accelerator, clutch and brakes. Though the drive to the trailer park was short. It felt like an eternity to her.

She pulls into the driveway of the old rusty small trailer that her Daddy had given to her. That she called home. As the sun was setting, she leans into Arron. And the two of them start to kiss passionately.

“ Oh it’s been so long! “ Arron says to himself, feeling the gentle touch of a woman for the first time in years.
Never in his wildest dreams, did he think it would be with his best friends kid sister. His mind raced back to When himself was a teenager, hanging out with Gunter. He remembered pushing Shirley on a swing set.
At 31 at the time he wondered was this really right? What would Gunter say? What would her Daddy think? They break there kiss. He looks again at the sweet sexy girl. She smiles at him and then goes right for his cock.

“ Damn girl! “ He said watching her go down on it for the first time.

“ Oh that feels so good! “ Though she was young compared to him. She was obviously very experienced. As she worked more of his mighty cock down her throat, and between her soft hands.
He lets out a loud moan. And felt as if he was being watched.
He looks into the side mirror through the open window, and watched two girls pass by. One obviously pregnant. The other equally as young as the one sucking his dick at the time.
The girls both stared at the rough looking bearded man, as they passed.
Arron moans again, knowing he wasn’t going to last much longer. Shirleys hand stroked him, as she sucked. Hungering for his cum. And finally he tossed his head back against the bucket seat. As he blows his wad, filling her mouth.
She comes up for air, with her hand vigorously stroking him. Cum was still flying. It shot all over her tee shirt covered tits.
Cum gushed from her mouth, running down her chin. When the cum quit flying. She looks at Arron.

“ I hope I can suck a dick better than Brad Whitlock can? “

“ Oh Baby come here! “ Arron takes her into his strong arms. They kiss again. Her cum soaked chin rubbed into his thick unkept beard as they kissed.

They break the kiss again.

“ You need a shower!...Let’s get you cleaned up. “ She pulled away from him and reached into the floor board for her slutty high heels. And got out and led him towards the shaky wooden steps, that led up to the small wooden and rotting deck. He again looks at her sexy little heart shaped ass, as she led the way.

“ How’s Momma Fay? “ He asks with a growl in his stomach. The can of potted meat he’d previously eaten was gone, with that fight. He remembered eating dinner at Shirleys house, with her family. And remembered how her momma always treated him as good as if he was one of her own.

“ Momma died a few years back. Cancer got her. “ Shirley said bluntly.

“ Oh I’m so sorry. “

“ It okay. They found it to late and spread like wildfire. She’s with Jesus now and not suffering anymore. “ She said with another lit cigarette hanging from her lips as she unlocks and opened the door. She turned on the dim lights.

“ It’s not much...But it’s home. “ Arron followed her inside and looks around the cluttered unkept living room. “

“ It’s a mansion compared to what I’ve lived in lately. “

“ Yeah I can imagine. “ She said remembering her own times she sat waiting in a crowded holding cell, with a bunch of scuzzy women. Waiting to be booked, stripped and processed. And always fucked. And luckily given her clothes back and released as the next days sun was rising.

“ No you can’t! “ Arron said in a somber tone.

“ Bathroom is this way. “ She leads him to it.

“ You got to use the vice grips to turn on the hot water. Damn cheap knob broke off. Daddy keeps saying he’s gonna come fix it. “

She then sighs.

“ It’s just like he says he’s gonna paint my Camero. But he never gets around to it. “

“ It’s okay. “ He says putting his hands onto her shoulders from behind, massaging her.

“ I’ll step out now...Just toss your clothes out, and I’ll put them in the washer for you. “
View attachment 35012521 View attachment 35012531
Actually your dead wrong. The 2nd gen Camaro ran from 1970 to 1981. From 1970 to 1973 they came with a 396 big block. That was the SS option. You are thinking of later 2nd gens which your emission choked smal blocks and wide ratio transmissions. The pictures are a 1970 Camaro SS 396 performance package with the RS appearance package (split bumper)

most usually bought the z28 which was a solid lifter small block, better for road racing over the nose heavy big block.
Those were the good ones
this is the 2nd gen you are talking about the later years 78-81 View attachment 35012701
My cousin had one similar to this. I think it was in 78. He bought it just before he got killed. My aunt drove that car for around 25 years. Before parking it. It got stolen and she died not long after that.
View attachment 35012521 View attachment 35012531
Actually your dead wrong. The 2nd gen Camaro ran from 1970 to 1981. From 1970 to 1973 they came with a 396 big block. That was the SS option. You are thinking of later 2nd gens which your emission choked smal blocks and wide ratio transmissions. The pictures are a 1970 Camaro SS 396 performance package with the RS appearance package (split bumper)

most usually bought the z28 which was a solid lifter small block, better for road racing over the nose heavy big block.
I went to high school with a guy that had one of these. It had the 396 so that’s how I knew about it. Awesome car!
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I went to high school with a guy that had one of these. It had the 396 so that’s how I knew about it. Awesome car!
They were actually 402s badged as 396. In 1970 the took the 396 and bored them all .060 over making it a 402. The truck engines were badged as a 402 and in cars they kept the 396. Even though it was the same blocks for both and all were 402.
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After putting his clothes in the washer. She put the leftovers into the oven. Giving Arron a little time alone, before stripping down herself, and joining him in the shower. They both stand with the hot water running over there bodies. He looks down at her beautiful slim and toned body.
She looks at his with so many questions. She remembered him looking so young and fit, the way he was. Though now he was still fit and much bigger. His arms, back, and chest had several tattoos. In her mind they looked gang related. He also had many scars from being cut from fights.

“ What are all these about? “ She asked curiously. As she ran her fingers and hands over his body.

“ Survival. “ Was all he said, and with that. She got the impression he didn’t want to talk about it.
He so wanted to keep the past in the past. And wanted a fresh start to move forward with his new lease on life.

They continued to kiss and hold one another, as if they had always been lovers. Until the hot water runs out.
They then got out and dried one another off.
Shirley slipped on a short little robe.

“ I got your dinner in the oven. Sorry I don’t have anything for you to wear. Maybe we could go find you some decent clothes tomorrow. “

“ That’s okay. And that would be great! I’m starving! “ He said smiling, following her through the house naked, with his cock swinging as he walks.
He sat down at the kitchen table, while she poured him a big glass of sweet tea. She got out the pan from the oven.

“ Just warning you. I’m not as good a cook as momma was. “
She said serving up him a plate of spaghetti. She sat down and just watch him ingulf the food as if he hadn’t ate in days.

“ It’s wonderful! “ He said between bites.

“ It’s damn close!...To your mommas cooking!” He said after clearing the plate.

“ Still hungry?...I can cook you something else? “

“ No this is fine. “ He stands with the plate and glass, and walks towards the sink. Turning on the water.

“ Leave them in the sink. I’ll wash them later.”

“ You sure? “

“ Yeah...Come on. “ She said leading him into her bedroom, where she drops the open robe, and climbed into the bed. With nothing but the bedside lamp on. They again start to kiss. As they cuddle and make out. Shirleys amazed at how calm and patient Arron was. She figured he’d be anxious to fuck. After being locked up for so long. But he also looked at the size of her body, and the size of his cock. And no way did he want to hurt her. Or scare her by being to aggressive.

“ Lay back and relax. “ He tells her. As he slowly gets between her spread legs. To explore her shaved and tight little box.
He parts her lips and drives his tongue up her waiting fuck hole.

“ Oh that feels so good! “ She said reaching for her tits, rubbing her perky pointed nipples. So sensitive they were. He continued to tongue fuck her. Then fingering her fast and hard.

“ Yes!...Yes!...I like that don’t stop! “

Arron continued to please her. Until the sound of garbage cans falling over from outside the open window.

“ What’s that? “ He says stopping and looking over towards the window.

“ Just a dog or a coon. “

“ No way!...There’s somebody out there? “

“ It’s okay. Probably just the trailer park tramps. There always checking out the guys I bring home. “

“ And your okay with that? “

“ Sure if they want a show...Lets give them a show...Shut up and fuck me! “

“ Well all right then. “ He raised up off the bed, so his cock could be seen. “

“ Oh my God!...Look at that thing! “

“ Let me see!...Let me see! “ Another female voice said.

“ He’s hung like a God damn horse! “

Shirley smiles with pride, as Arron gets into position. She feels him slip inside her. She gives out a grunt, taking him. Feeling that awesome stretch. It had been a while since she took a big cock. But as the seconds turned into minutes. There bodies slapped together in perfect harmony.

“ There’s no way she can handle that? “ another female voice said.

“ Tammi that you out there? “ Shirley yells out loud.

The fall of a woman’s body was heard falling onto the pile of aluminum cans out behind the trailer.

“ Lets get out of here! “ Another voice said.

“ I know that’s you Kelli...I’m gonna tell your momma, your spying on me again! “ Shirley yells out with a laugh.

They then heard the girls running away. Finally her and Arron were alone. And they continued to fuck. Arron made Shirley come time and time again. She couldn’t believe the endurance he had. As he took her missionary, then doggy. She loved how his big balls slapped against her pussy.
She then sucked and tugged on his big dick again, tasting her own sweet nectar as his pre cum oozed.

“ Ride me! “ He told her as she lowered herself onto him. And bucked up and down, looking down at him. As he held her small waste. Finally she hears him groan, as he held her down onto his big prick. She then felt his mighty blast. Almost strong enough she imagined herself blasting off like a jet fueled rocket. Feeling her body tense and contract, coming one final time. As he filled her up. She collapsed on top of him. They kiss again.

“ Did you like it? “

“ That was amazing! “
She falls quickly asleep in his strong arms.

Hours later.

Shirley was awakened by the smell of breakfast and fresh brewed coffee. She slides out of bed and feels the soreness of the fuck she’d taken from the night before.

“ Damn! “ She said getting to her feet. Looking at herself in the mirror. Knowing she’d been fucked right for a change. She slipped on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. Then brushed out the just got fucked look from her hair.

“ Good morning. “ She said entering the kitchen, finding it all cleaned up. And the table set.
Arron was just dressed in his jeans. His back was to her.

“ Good morning. “ He said turning to face her. She quickly noticed he was clean shaven.

“ Oh my!...I wasn’t expecting all this! “ She comes to him reaching for his smooth face.

“ You like it? “

“ Yeah!...You look young again, almost the way you used to. “

“ Yeah I decided I needed to put that look behind me. Maybe later you can run me into town, so I could get myself a haircut. “

“ No “

“ No? “ He asks her.

“ It’s Sunday...Barber shop is closed until Tuesday. Besides you got good hair. You should keep it long...Maybe just a little trim is all you need. “ She said puckering her lips. They then kiss, and hold one another again.

“ You sure?...I need to make myself look as respectable as possible. “

“ It’s okay Daddy don’t care about that kind of shit. “

Arron turned back towards the stove and served up Shirley a big breakfast. “

“ Wow!...You can cook?...I’ve never had a man cook for me before! “

“ It’s probably not as good as your cooking. But you learn all kinds of things, while you work in the prison kitchen. “

Shirley takes a bite of the scrambled eggs.

“ This is really good!...You know I bet I could get you on with me at the Waffle House? “

“ No thanks. I need to keep myself off away from people. “

“ Why? “ She asks curiously and naively.

“ So things like yesterday don’t happen. I really don’t need that kind of shit.

“ Oh “ She said as she enjoyed her freshly cooked breakfast.
After breakfast Arron was up immediately, cleaning up the kitchen, after which he moved straight to the living room. In no time there was 3 bags of trash collected.

“ I’m gonna take these out. “ Shirley says.

“ No I’ll do it. I’m gonna take a little break to. You should do the same. “ Shirley playfully pushed him down on to the couch, and climbed up on to his lap. The two of them kiss again.

She gets that butter flies in her stomach feeling. Shirley rarely felt this way about a man. Could Arron really be the right one for her.
She breaks the kiss and pulls away with a smile.
Then collected the trash, along with her cigarettes, lighter. Out the door she goes. She cleaned up the trash in the lawn, where the peeping girls, who knocked the cans over and used one to turn upside down, so they could stand on it. And look inside the bedroom window and watch while Shirley got fucked.

“ Girls will be girls. “ Shirley says to herself, putting the last bag of trash away. She lights up a smoke, and hears a muscle car approaching. She looks down the street, and sees my wife coming in her black SS Nova.
She walks over to the street where Misty parked.

“ What you doing here on Sunday morning? “

“ I’m coming to see you girl!...What this about you and some guy, picking a fight with Brad Whitlock?...You know you suppose to have me with you, when you do that shit? “

“ You’d be right in the middle of that shit right? “

“ You Damn right I would have been! “

“ Well to be honest I wasn’t in it...But I almost was. What are they saying about it? “

“ They say Brad and his wife was in the ER last night. And somebody put an ass whipping on him. The police and and all were down there. “

“ Oh no! “

“ Oh yeah!...Virgil and Bubba were keeping the roads hot last night, looking for y’all. “

Shirley sighs and shakes her head. She looks at Misty, noticing she was in full makeup. And smells her perfume. She glanced down into the car, noticing Mistys dressed up.

“ Why you so dressed up?...Somebody getting married today? “

“ No I’m going to church. “

“ Church?...You don’t go to church?...Oh yeah....First Baptist?....You think your moving up into high society around here?...Right? “

“ No I’m going where Momma goes. “

“ What?...You gonna play with those snakes? ...And Shit?...Oh girl you done got the religion bad! “

“ No It’s decoration day. I got my flowers right here for grandmas grave. “

“ Oh yeah that’s right. “ Shirley said seeing the pretty yellow flower arrangement that sat in the passenger seat.

“ Oh I got to tell ya...I got fucked so good last night!...And I’m so sore this morning! “

“ Yeah? “

“ Oh yeah!...And it was this big! “ Shirley exaggerates with the length, with her hands.
“ And it was this big around! “ Again she uses her hand to exaggerate the girth.

“ Girl!...Don’t you lie to me on a Sunday morning! “

“ I ain’t lying Misty!...I swear! “

About that time Arron walks out onto the deck, and lights himself a smoke.

From the distance Misty looks him over.

“ He looks familiar...Who is that? “

“ That’s Arron. “

Misty thinks for a moment.

“ Arron Philips?...Gunters friend Arron? From when we were kids? “

“ Yes!...That’s right!...Look at that body!...What do you think? “

“ I don’t know Shirley...He looks kind of rough!...Didn’t he go to prison for killing somebody? “

“ Yeah he just got out of prison. I don’t know if he killed anybody. “

“ I’ve heard stories about that guy...You might ought to cut ties with that one. Like I said he looks rough. “

“ He’s been in prison for probably 10 years. That’s what prison does to you. We’d be looking rough if we’d been locked up that long to. “

“ I looked like Hell just spending two nights in jail that time. “

“ Which time was that? The drug possession charge? “

“ No that was the second DUI. Momma didn’t want to come off the money to get me out...She thought it might teach me a lesson.”

“ Did it? “

“ I ain’t did it again! “

“ Oh you ain’t gonna believe this!...He cooks and cleans to!...And works on cars. “

Shirley turned and pointed to her car.

“ He helped Gunter and Daddy build that car!”

Misty starts to laugh.

“ What so funny? “

“ It looks like a piece of shit on four wheels! “

“ It’s old!...What do you expect? “

“ Well this was my daddy’s car! And it’s a 68, and that’s older than either one of us. “
Misty explained.

“ Yeah but your rich ass momma had that thing moth balled in some storage place until what?...1985?...That thing was almost a new car, when she gave it to you!..I bet it didn’t even have 50,000 miles on it! “

“ She did not!...It was parked over in Aunt Cheryls, and Uncle Jacks barn, with an old tarp on it! “

“ My car came from the junk yard! They saved it from being crushed! “

“ Yeah!...I can tell that’s right! “

Shirley changes the subject again.

“ Come on Misty...Church don’t start until 11:00. You got time for a quickie! “

“ Just image you can be sitting in the pew with your cum soaked panties. With a red face, while the preachers preaching about the sins of the flesh?...Everybody’s gonna be looking straight at you and know everything you’ve been doing! “

“ Okay “ Misty says with a sly smile.

Shirley turned and looks up to the deck where Arron was standing.

“ Come here a minute. “ She yells out to him.

Both girls watch him intensely, as he strolls across the small yard, shirt less and bare foot.
Misty reached up and unbuttoned two buttons of her light blue blouse.

“ Arron this is Misty?...You remember her? “
He looks at her raving red hair, and the little freckles that went across her face.

“ Yeah I remember us wrestling out in the back yard, when you were little. “

“ Yes!...That was me! “ Misty said with her jaw dropped.

“ Unfortunately I’m a big girl now. “
She says as Arron looks down into the car, at her lushness big tits. Which were a DD at the time.

“ Mmmm!...Looks like you filled out just fine! “

Shirley could sense Arron liked what he was seeing of my wife.

“ That’s not all she’s got! “ Shirley said reaching for the door handle of the Nova.
The door swings oven. Arron looks down at my wife’s hosed legs. As she turned and slowly climbed out of the car.

“ Show him what you’ve got. “ Shirley said twirling Misty around.

From behind Misty feels Arron put his hands strong hands around her dressed waist.

“ Yeah I could see myself banging this! “
He says to Shirley.

Shirley gives Misty a gentle push from behind.

“ Better get going, if you want to get to church on time? “

Misty leads the way towards the trailer.

“Mmm!...She looking good, rocking that skirt and heels? “
Misty heard Arron say. With her sexy hosed legs, easing in and out of the split of the back of her skirt. She starts to climb the shaky steps up to the deck.

“ While I’m sitting on her face...I want to see her high heels up over your shoulders. “
Shirley says to Arron.

Misty let’s out a gasp. And freezes in place. Hearing her friends crude comments. She looks over her left shoulder back to Shirley.
Then feels another gentle push towards the door.

She walks through the screen door. Arron and Shirley closely following. The screen door slams shut. Followed by the front door being closed and locked.

She stands there in the living room, frozen in place.
Classic country music plays from the old stereo. The ceiling fan is spinning round and round. The noise from the air conditioner kicks on.

Though it was a warm humid day in may. A nervous chill comes over my wife, as she stood there still completely dressed.

“ Do I really want to do this? “ She asks herself, with second thoughts. Reaching for another button of her blouse, followed by another button.
She starts to perspire. As beads of sweat breaks out across her forehead.

Arron may have been treating Shirley good. But Misty felt like nothing but a piece of meat.

She sighs as she opens and takes off her blouse, it pulls from where it’s tucked. From behind her she hears Arron taking off his pants.

On one hand she wants to turn and look. On the other she wants to turn and run.
By then Arron and Shirley both were naked behind her.

Misty continued to look straight ahead. With her right hand she reached for her left bra strap. Slipping it down and off her shoulder. She then suddenly jumps nervously, feeling the mans hands unhooking her bra.

“ Damn girl!...You kind of jumpy? “ Shirley says as Misty slipped off her bra.

She then fell Arrons strong hands come from behind her. She then feels his bulge, pressing against her skirt covered ass.

She lets out a gasp, knowing only then. Shirley wasn’t lying about his size. Though she hadn’t even seen it yet. Her instincts told her he was big.

She gulps, as Arron comes around her neck, sniffing her perfume, which mixed well with her sweat, and cigarette smoke.
He gently kissed and sucked on her neck.

“ Careful Arron!...She’s a married woman. Don’t want to leave no hickees on her! “ Shirley warns.

“ Oh I’m such a dirty slut! “ My wife says to herself. As Arrons lips finds the lobe of her ear. He gently sucks on it, while groping her big tits from behind.

Yes it was to late to stop now. Misty was fixing to get a rough fuck, from a rough guy. And a rough fuck was just what she was needing.
“ It’s not the hickies on her neck, that her husband’s gonna notice. “ Arron says with a laugh. Before kissing and sucking her neck even more.
His hands drops from her breasts, and finds the zipper of her snug fitting skirt. It quickly splits apart, and is pulled down. As it clears her hips, it falls freely to her feet.

Arron backs away slightly. To take in the view of my wife’s lingerie.

“ Damn!...Look at what we have here?...Looks like little miss conservative does have a slutty side. “

“ Oh she’s a slut alright! “ Shirley adds, with a laugh.

“ I’d say by judging by those sexy panties and garter belt, she’d been planning on getting a little today? “ Arron says harshly.
Before slipping his hand into the front of my wife’s black satin panties.

“ Mmm!...She’s freshly shaved! “
Arron says with a smile. His fingers explore her further. Slipping inside her.

“ So wet and hot you are? “

Misty tossed her head back, and lets out a moan for the first time.
She then feels his anxious fingers take hold of the waistband. She looks down and watched her panties fall to her feet.

She’s then turned and bent over into a recliner. She supported herself onto the arms of the recliner and felt the head of his mighty prick against her slit.
She clenched her teeth as he penetrated her for the first time.

“ Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!...FUCK! “ She yells out, feeling the stretch. He drives his cock into her deep and firmly. Holding her waist tightly, so she doesn’t get away.
In and out he fucks her, as she grunts taking it.

with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. She turned and looked over her shoulder, to see those sparkling but piercing blue eyes. That were so focused that he could see right into her soul. His tattooed and scarred but well built body looked and felt incredibly strong. He swung his long sweaty hair back, as he drove his cock deeper and harder into her again and again.

Minutes passed as he found his stride.

“ Oh my God I’m coming! “ Misty squeals out. Her body tensed, her pussy goes into spasms. Her legs then were quivering as she try’s to support herself in her high heels.
She looks over at Shirley, who just looked on with a smile on her face.

“ I thought this was just gonna be a quickie?”

“ A quickie from your man is two minutes tops!...A quickie from my man might take a while! “ She said with a laugh.

Arron then pulled out of her. He then spun her around and pushed her down to her knees. For a close up look at the monster of a cock that just fucked her.

“ It’s huge! “ She says in a shocked voice, which was all she got out. Before he shoved it into her mouth. Taking hold of her head and making her take him. Slurping away and tasting her own pussy juices from his enormous cock. She gags and chokes from his size. The smell of his sweaty and musky unkept pubic hair was strong and almost nauseating. He then pulled back.

Breathing hard and pouring sweat. She looks at Shirley again.

“ You can take this? “

“ Like yeah! “ She reply’s in some put on preppy or Vally girl sounding voice.

“ What’s wrong with you?...I thought you liked being fucked by a big dick? “

“ I do! But I’ve been trying to lay off of it. And tighten myself up? “

“ Are you serious?...Why? “

“ Cause Mikeys been asking if I’ve been fucking around on him!...I’ve been trying to stay faithful to him! “

“ Ha!...To late for that now! “ Shirley pushed her back on the floor.
Misty watched the ceiling fan again go round and round. Then sees Shirley straddling her face, with her pussy coming closer and closer to her mouth. She grinds herself on to Mistys lips. While taking hold of Mistys stocking clad legs and pulling them back. While Arron gets into position and slides into her again.

“ Give it to her babe! “ She says as Arron again takes charge. The two of them just dominate my wife.
Mistys lips take hold of Shirleys clit. And she sucks her, until she squirts onto her face.
She then gets up. And Arron pulls out again, only to change positions.
Arron was then on the floor, against the recliner. Misty was turned to face Shirley. As she kicked off her high heels and squats over Arrons cock of steel. Lowering herself on to it. As he firmly holds her around the waist. Making her take it. Up and down she bucks, with her hosed feet on his thighs. She looks down with an amazed look on her face, seeing his mule sized cock destroying her pussy.

Shirley runs to her bedroom and quickly returned with a Polaroid camera. Just in time to snap some quick pics of Misty climaxing.

She lets out a loud squeal.

Arrons big balls tighten. He continued to fuck my wife and pump her full of his hot seed.
When she finally comes off of it, her pussy gushed. With his cum running out of her.

“ Damn!...That looked awesome! I hope your still on the pill? “

Misty takes a moment to catch her breath.

“ No actually I’ve been off the pill a couple of months now. We’ve been trying to get pregnant! “

“ Well then...This might be your lucky day! “
Arron said arrogantly.

“ You better get dressed and get going!...Or you’re gonna be late for church! “ Shirley said taking Arron by the hand, leading him towards the bedroom.

Misty quickly dressed herself. Still with Arrons cum oozing from her pussy as she slips her panties on. Fully dressed, she stepped outside into the heat and humidity of the Delta.

“ Damn! It’s hot as fuck out here! “

Back inside her car. She brushed out the just got fucked look from her hair. And started fixing her makeup.

Cell phone starts to ring.

“ Hello “

“ Where you at? “ Her mom asks hysterically.
In the background she could hear her sister singing the lead of precious memories. Along with the sound of a banjo and mandolin playing.

“ I overslept!...I’m on my way! “

“ The service is about to start! “

Misty ends the call and fires up her Nova. And raced to the small primitive country church house. About 15 minutes away.
From where she parked, she could hear the fire and brimstone sermon already was underway.

And of course it was the preacher preaching about resisting the sin of the unclean thing.
She makes her way to the door and opens it. with no air conditioning all the little old ladies were fanning themselves with those little hand held fans. Everyone stopped to look at her, as she strolls in late.

The preacher stopped his sermon, just to give her a chance to find her a seat. She spots her mother and sister, sitting in the middle of the church on a crowded pew.

“ Better late than never...Glad to see you here for a change Misty. “ The preacher said with a welcoming smile.

Misty just flashed a nervous smile, refusing eye contact with anyone. As her high heels clicked and clacked across the bardo floors towards where her mother was sitting.

“ Excuse me...Pardon me. “ She says as she squeezed past all the others sitting on the pew. Reeking of pure lust full sex. As she sits next to her mom. Holding her legs tightly together. Sweating in her sexy stockings and cum filled panties.

“ What in the world have you been doing? “
Her mom asks in a scolding whisper.

“ Nothing! I said I overslept! “

“ You could have at least took a shower first!”

Yes just by her smell everyone knew what Misty had been doing. Though in public all the women in the crowd acted judgmental of her. By the way the rumors flew. But secretly. They all wished they had the fuck she just had.
Back at Shirleys trailer.

“ So what did you think of Misty? “

“ She was great!...Something about her though seemed familiar to me. “

“ Really?...You haven’t seen her since she was a kid? “

“ Yeah it’s kind of odd. But before I went to prison. I was with a younger woman that seemed in ways like her. “

“ Who was she?...Was she from around here? “

“ Yeah I’m sure she was. I met her at a bar, and we hooked up. It was just a one night stand kind of thing. “

“ Oh that’s so hot! “
She then leans into him, and they start making out.
By then Arron was rock hard and ready for another round.
Shirley loved how he handled her. He was so strong and forceful. But in a good way. She liked being dominated by a strong willed confident man. And he had years of penned up sexual desire, to be released on the women he’d encounter. And Shirley felt blessed to be one of his first, after being released back into the free world.

Miles away after the awkward church service.

Misty, her mom and sister Crystal strolled together around the cemetery, conversing with others, and laying the flowers around there relieves graves.
Crystal steps away to visit with some others. Leaving Misty alone with her mother.

“ So tell me?...Who was you with this morning? “

“ I stopped by to visit Shirley. And she’s hooked up with Arron Philips. “

Her mothers eyes lit up.

“ Arron Philips? Now that’s a name from the past...Ain’t he a little old for y’all? “

“ Yeah that’s kind of what I thought. But there together. “

“ He used to be a good looking hunk? “
Mom said kind of intrigued by the encounter her daughter just had.

“ Well he’s not what I’d call good looking anymore. He’s really kind of rough looking. “

“ But y’all hooked up? “

“ Yeah apparently Shirley doesn’t mind sharing. I really wasn’t sure about it. “

“ What was it like? “

“ It was rough...But in hind sight. It was fucking good!...His cock is huge! “

Crystal walked up from behind, ease dropping on there conversation.

“ Arron Philips Hu? Didn’t he go to prison for killing someone? “
She asks curiously.

“ I doubt it was for that. He’d probably still be in there if he did that. “ Misty said.

“ He could have killed Brad Whitlock the other day. From what I’m hearing. “
Crystal said kind of surprised. Cause as far as local rumors go nobody could kick Brads ass.

“ You better tell Shirley to be careful. It sounds like that guys got a temper on him. “

“ I did tell her that...But you know how she is.”

“ Wow!...Arron Philips? “ Mom said with a look of interest.

Back at Shirleys.

The two lovers took a shower together. And made love again. Before getting dressed.
Shirley always went to spend Sunday afternoons at her Daddy’s house. And this time she’d take Arron with her, hoping he’d consider giving Arron some work, so he could get back up on his feet. And be productive in society.

On the drive to her daddy’s house. They pass the old Fuzzy Duck lounge.

“ Wow!...I can’t believe that place is still there? “ Arron said surprised.

“ You used to go there? “

“ Yeah me, Gunter and some of the guys used to go there and shoot pool and hang out. That place never carded us. That’s where I hooked up with that woman I told you about.

“ And when was that? “

“ Probably 79 or 80. I guess. “

“ I snuck into that place when I was 16. And somebody recognized me and told my daddy I was there. He beat my ass. “

“ Yeah that’s no place for young girls to go. All kinds of rough shit goes on around places like that. “

About that time. They pass an old billboard sign. With a sexy redheaded woman’s picture on it.

“ Speak of the devil!...That’s the woman right there! “

Shirley glanced up at the sign, then back to Arron.

“ That’s Mistys mom. “

“ Really? “

“ Yeah It’s a small world ain’t it? “

“ Yeah she was a sexy young thing back then!...She still look like that picture? “

“ No!...She’s been using the same signs since the 70’s. I guess she’s a sexy old thing now. She’s got a real estate business. And is pretty much the only game in town as far as that goes. She owns the trailer park, where I live. That shows you what kind of dump she runs. “ She says with a laugh.

They get closer to Shirleys daddy’s house. Arron feels a sense of nervousness come over him. Even though he’d always gotten along with Shirleys dad. He didn’t know how he’d react to seeing him with her. Being so much older, and being an ex con and all.

They turn off the highway on to an old country road, that passed fields of cotton and other crops. Along with cows and all the other shit you’d see in the rural Deep South.

“ This is just how I remember it...Nothing changed around here. “

“ No not much. We do though have city water and cable Tv. “

“ Thank God!...The water around here was awful! “

She then slowed the car and turned off the road and drove through what was almost a swamp.

“ Damn! I was hoping this shit would have changed! “ He said as the Camero spun through the mud and muck. Before catching traction on a rutted dirt driveway.

“ Yeah everything we’ve ever put in that hole sinks to China. There’s no filling it up. “

Over a hill and around a curve, they come to an old shack of a house. From as far as the eye could see was nothing but old junk cars. And an old barn that was used as a shop.
In front of the house was a bunch of chickens around pecking the ground.

“ Damn! Not much changed here either....Didn’t y’all have cows back then? “

“ Yeah but now we just have more junk cars.”

“ Yeah I see that. “

She parks and they get out.
A chained pit bull comes from under the house. He sees Arron and starts to growl.

“ Oh shit!...Will that thing bite? “

“ Don’t worry he’s on a chain. That’s our security dog. We cut him loose at night. He keeps the thieves away. “

“ Yeah I bet he does. “

They go up onto the porch. Where an old refrigerator and washing machine sat, hooked to an orange extension cord.

“ Wow!...This is red neck living here? “

“ Yeah he bought that for momma, just as she got sick. And decided to put it there, so she wouldn’t have to walk out to the wash house. “

“ Y’all ever get a bathroom? “

“ Naw. Daddy says the shit house out back is just fine....He’s always said there’s certain things your not supposed to do inside your house. “

“ Damn!..No wonder Gunter ran off to the Navy. He had to get away from all this. “

“ Yeah I know. Daddy’s tight with his money. “

“ Sometimes there gets to a point that there’s such a thing as being to tight. “

“ Yeah I know. That’s why I’m living in that trailer. “ Shirley said with a chuckle.

They walk inside the small cluttered kitchen. To there right was an old wood stove. A couch along the wall. And a recliner where her daddy was asleep with the Tv on.

She goes over and gently shakes him.

“ Daddy wake up it’s me. “

The old man is shaken awake.

“ Hey there. I was wondering if you was coming over. “

“ Yeah I’m here. I got somebody for you to meet. “ He turned around and sees Arron.

“ You remember Arron...Gunters friend? “

“ Yeah I remember you. “

He says slowly getting to his feet. Dressed in only bib. Overalls and work boots. He extended his hand, giving Arron a firm handshake.

“ Well...Well...Look who the cat drug in?...Where did she find you at? “

“ She picked me up at the Inn and out mart. “

“ Welcome home Son...I suppose you paid your debt to society? “

“ I reckon I have sir. “

“ Daddy Arron is needing some work. You still looking for somebody to do repo work? “

“ Yeah is that something your interested in? “

“ Yes sir. I’d like to give it a shot. You know I was a professional car thief? “

He looks Arron over, at his rough exterior. Knowing he was a man capable of taking care of himself. And wouldn’t take no shit off anybody.
Which was just the kind of man he’d been looking for.

“ Yeah but you wasn’t professional enough. Considering that you got caught. “

“ Yeah I know. “

“ In the meantime I could use you around the yard pulling parts, and doing some mechanic work. Think you can handle that? “

“ Yes sir. “

“ Shirley get this man a beer...Chicken Should be thawed out. “

Shirley immediately gets them both a beer, and starts to work in the kitchen.

Arron goes to help her.

“ Sit down boy. And watch the game with me. She can handle all that. “

The Braves were on the super station. Her daddy loved watching the Braves.

Arron sat there and watched some of the game. They didn’t talk much. But he could tell Shirleys daddy was old, and not really in good health. And even though the old house always was small and cramped. It had definitely gone down since her mother had died. Cause he remembered it looking a lot better kept up, when he and Gunter was there years before.

During a commercial. He looked around and saw Shirley was hard at work. He reached inside his pocket for a wad of cash. And handed Arron $200.00.

“ What’s this for? “

“ That’s an advance. I know what it’s like to get out of the pen and come home broke with nothing. Go buy yourself some new clothes and whatever you need. “

“ I really appreciate this sir. “

He just gave Arron a nod, and went back to watching the game.

About an hour or so later, Shirley had dinner ready. They all sat around the table and ate and watched the game.

Shirleys daddy always liked Arron. And there age difference and his past didn’t really concern him. He somehow knew she would be in good hands with him. And hoped things would work out for them both.

Earlier in the day. After Misty left her mom at the cemetery.

Something told her she probably needed to go by her moms and take a shower before coming home. But she ignored that instinct. But she she still felt like a dirty slut, being a married young woman, that just cheated on me.

Inside her car. She looked around before slipping off her stinking cum soaked panties. And as she drove away from the cemetery. She tossed them from the window.

Back at our trailer. We’d recently had purchased our first computer. And had just gotten the internet. And I’d discovered the wonderful world of 24 hour porn. Sitting naked at the desktop, with my cock in my hand, as she drove up.

I smiled watching her, walk from the car in her conservative style of dress.

Since getting married. Misty rarely dressed up, unless she was made to for her work around her moms office. She preferred to dress like a slob, most of the time in her sweat pants and tee shirts. So seeing her dressed up with makeup was a rare treat for me. And we had the rest of the afternoon to fuck I hoped.

She walks into our living room and looks at me.

“ What the Hell are you doing?...Why are you naked? “

I turned to her and smiled, and showed her my hard cock, that I looked so proud of.

She shakes her head and sighs, as she kicked off her high heels and and walks through the kitchen and into the bedroom. Leaving the door open. I watched her as she stripped. As her skirt fell, I quickly noticed she was without panties. Knowing damn well she had panties on when she’d left.
I got up and quietly walked through the house. Just as she got out of her bra. Standing beside the bed just in her garter belt and stockings I slapped her fat ass.

“ Bitch!...Where your panties at? “

“ I didn’t wear any! “

“ Don’t lie to me! I saw you put them on? “

“ You must have been dreaming! Cause you were asleep! “

I then bent her over the bed.

“ No I need a shower first! “ She protests.

But I just shoved my cock in from behind. And it fell right into her stretched out sloppy wet, and gaping fuck hole.

“ Who you been fucking?...Hoss? “
Who was one of my best friends. The only one that I knew had a dick big enough to wreck a pussy like that.

“ No! “

“ Was it Tyrone? “
Who was the big black cop that arrested her, for her DUI.
I found her all used up and spent after her mom bailed her out.

“ No! “

“ Than who? “ I questioned her as I continued to fuck her sloppy loose cunt.

By this point she’d knew she’d been caught. And finally she’d admitted it.

“ You don’t know him. He’s one of Shirleys friends. “

Hearing that just made me harder. As I imagined my wife having a FMF three way. Wishing so bad that I could have been there to watch my wife fuck some big hung stud. Ever since I started watching porn that’s all I thought about.

“ Tell me? “

“ His name is Arron. “

“ How big is his cock? “

“ I don’t know!...He’s just big and he’s rough!”

“ Oh so you like it rough Hu? “ I thrust my cock into her hard fast and deep. I then smack her fat ass again.

“ Tighten up!...Bitch! “

I pound away at her loose used hole. Until I slip out. I then part the cheeks of her ass.

“ Not my ass! “ She cries out.

With just the lube of her and Arrons juices I push in. Balls deep inside her poop shoot.

“ Ahhhh!....Yeah! “ I hold her tightly as I pound her ass.
Moments later I was shooting my load deep inside her. I then slip out. As she then breaks free and runs into the bathroom and slams the door.

Sitting on the toilet she drops a douse, and shits out my cum with it.

“ Why did you waist it?...We’re trying to get pregnant you know? “

“ I couldn’t help but laugh a little. As she wiped herself and peeled off her stockings. I then heard the shower running.
I then drifted off to sleep for a nap.