
Legendary Member
May 4, 2020
99% Straight, 1% Gay
This story has been posted elsewhere, and probably the target public wasn't. :)
I'm posting it here too, I hope you guys enjoy it.

"Your body is a weapon," Daniel said to me.

"Now you tell me," I joked.

Daniel adjusted my outstretched fingers for a perfect nukite, positioned himself in front of me, hands to his sides. "Hit me."

I hesitated for a second, then did as requested. His face moved ever so slightly, then he opened his kimono. A bruise was forming where my spear hand had hit his belly. I felt the urge to apologize, rub or anything to make it better. One look at his face however told me that it didn't really bother him. Daniel was a warrior. He was used to this, and worse. So when he motioned me to train the other side, I simply copied the hand form he showed me on my left side and hit him again.

"Your left is much weaker, Ash, you should train that side harder."

"I know," I mumbled, not even trying to make up excuses.

"One more, harder this time."

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the blow. Then I made a fatal mistake: I looked into his eyes. Daniel's eyes are a lovely chestnut brown, just a tad lighter than his hair. He looks a bit boyish even if he's in his early forties. It must be the unruly medium-short hair and the wide smiles that make him look so young and pure, ready to discover the world at his feet. He never failed to make my heart melt. And in this instant, that was the wrong reaction.

"Earth to Ash," Daniel called me back from my musings.

"Sorry, Daniel, my heart is not really in it today."

"I can see that, let's end it for today and shower," he smiled. Then he winked at me. "I bet you're already thinking of your birthday party this weekend. Thirty is a milestone. I'm sure you'll steal the show and make someone very happy."

"Yeah, well, uhm..." I stuttered, blushing furiously. How was I going to get out of that? Daniel always teased me that I was hiding a boyfriend out there. It made me uncomfortable, plus, how was I supposed to say that my dreams involved a sexy sensei very much my senior?

Daniel slapped me on the shoulder. "No worries, kiddo, your secret is safe with me."

We positioned in seiza, facing each other, and bowed to end the class.

Usually, the changing room would be crowded, and I could easily lose time idly "untying" my kimono or carefully folding, so I would have the shower all to myself. Today, however, due to it being the start of summer vacation, Daniel and I were the only ones. And he was watching me.

"Something wrong, Ash? I've never noticed you being so uncomfortable."

"It's just that... I prefer having the shower to myself," I managed to answer.

"Why? Don't be shy, it's just men among each other here. And moreover, today it's just you and me. Plus, you look fantastic. I'm sure a lot of others would give an arm or a leg for your looks."

"You look great yourself," I replied.

His compliment had stroked my ego. I felt just average with my short hair, blue eyes and medium built. Thank God I at least kept in shape.

"Come, jump in, the water is warm," Daniel invited me.

I didn't dare say no, and forced my mind to think of my grandmother. At least that got my flag half-mast. Daniel wasn't shy at all in the shower, rubbing soap and shampoo all over that delicious body of his. Because I used to shower alone, it was the first time I saw him naked. The bruise on his belly was of course mine, but the scars on his back were not. Some wider, some finer lines. It was only when he turned around and bumped into me that I noticed having come so close up to him.

"Oops, sorry," he said.

"No, my fault," I quickly replied.

Then I realized. His dick had slapped my thigh. I wasn't the only one being turned on right now. I briefly looked into his eyes, searching for permission, then gently placed my hand on the bruise I caused earlier.

"I'm sorry," I softly said.

"Part of trainings," Daniel shrugged.

I stroked his belly, and he let me. His face went blank for a second, then understanding dawned on him. Daniel's voice was barely more than a whisper.

"It's my lucky day today."

He lifted my chin with his finger, and gently placed his lips on mine. His were soft and velvety. I don't know what I expected. In any case, I wanted that touch to last forever. With my eyes closed, I moved closer, taking him into my embrace. Skin on skin, the warm rivulets of water washing away each sinful thought in our minds. What was left, was pure love. Two bodies expressing themselves in any way they could. Tongues sparring inside our mouths, hands stroking, pulling of lips. I bit his neck, he nibbled my earlobe. My hand found his cock, unfamiliar and yet so similar to mine. He groaned.

"I want you, Ash."

Daniel turned me around, making me face the shower wall. I obediently let his hands roam my body. He kneaded my butt, spreading my cheeks. I heard him spit a few times, then felt his fingertip intrude my sphincter.

"I have never done this before," I panicked.

"Relax, it'll be fine."

Daniel took his time, working my ass to prepare it for his cock. My fingers were wrapped securely around his, and my desire for him rose until I couldn't take it any longer.

"Please, Daniel, I want you."

It felt way too slow when Daniel eased himself into me. Probably that was a good thing, and I was lucky to have him as my first. His hips started fluent and slow like Tai Chi, gradually gaining speed and momentum towards a controlled karate, until he was hammering me like a drunk in a bar fight. I came somewhere in the middle of the ride, thick ropes of cum spurting down the drain. If he noticed, he didn't show. It was only when he emptied his balls inside me with a loud cry, that our workout came to a halt.

Fate must have been on our side, because right at that time the warm water gave up and the cold set in. We quickly rinsed and dried. He did my back, and I did his. I traced the map of scars with my fingers when I was done. Daniel pushed my hand aside.

"Another time, Ash."

That made me glow inside. Another time, that meant it was not just a one-off thing. I smiled. That birthday party didn't seem like a bad idea after all.