The story of Carl, a 19-year-old living with his 60-something neighbour...


Cherished Member
Jun 21, 2024
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Carl had always been a quiet boy. A shy boy. Easily embarrassed. What no one saw coming was how beautiful he was going to be. Not just good-looking or handsome but properly beautiful. By the age of 18, he was tall, well over six foot, and played pretty much every sport going, which would account for the fact that his body was broad and muscular with a butt that was so hard you could knock someone out with it.

The girls at his school were obsessed with him – his blond hair, his nice smile, his shyness - and they circulated rumours of how big his cock was, as reported by the boys who had seen him in the locker room. A couple of them had even grabbed at his bulge a couple of times, which he found mortifying. It even worked on the female teachers who were always leaning in a little close or calling him to the front of the class on any pretext. Even the headmistress had a habit of calling him to her office on any pretext. And yet, because of his shyness, he had never so much as kissed a girl. Even the thought of it made him blush.

And it was this shyness that kept him in his bedroom when his parents asked a couple of the neighbours round for drinks one Sunday. He was a polite boy, so he stayed downstairs when they first arrived to say his hellos. There was the couple from one side, in their 50s, he couldn’t remember their names, and Doreen from the other side. He’d met Doreen before, even though, as a family, they were quite new to the street. And once, when he had been playing Swingball in the garden he had noticed her at her upstairs window watching him. Or that’s how it felt anyway. And it sort of felt nice.

She was pleasant enough. Late 60s, grey hair, very old lady-style clothes. If you’d asked Carl if she was attractive, he really wouldn’t have known what to say. Probably not. Just really old. But nice. Carl chatted to her for a few minutes and half noticed that she was looking him up and down in his football shorts as they spoke: looking at his legs, his crotch, then back to his face. Still thinking about that, he made his excuses and went to his room to listen to music while his parents carried on with their entertaining.

Being 18, Carl felt like all he could think about was sex and sometimes it seemed like his cock was hard all the time, straining against the stretchy colourful underwear his mum always bought him and pretty obvious in his school trousers. No wonder the headmistress was always calling him in, just in case it was one of those moments, which sometimes it was and then she would openly stare at the bulge while she talked to him. Carl didn’t really know why but he liked being looked at like this, even by a fat frumpy old lady like his headmistress. It just gave him a tingle. He’d even masturbated thinking about her looking at him like that. A few times.

Now, up here in his room on his own with his big Bose noise-cancelling headphones on, he was feeling horny all over again. He’d already wanked twice today – he produced a minimum of three loads a day – but he found his hand feeling the bulge in his soccer shorts again, feeling it until it was hard. Then he slipped out of the shorts and lay on his bed thinking about the headmistress looking at him, wondering what she’d think if she could see him now in just his stretchy little underpants, a huge boner leaking precum into them. He closed his eyes, put his hands down his underpants and started to swirl the precum around the sensitive head of his cock, which always made him gasp.

Downstairs, Doreen stood. ‘Can I use your loo,’ she said to Carl’s mum, who pointed upwards saying, ‘Second door to the left. You can’t miss it.’ Doreen went up the stairs, looking at the pictures on the wall – family pictures including a recent one of Carl playing soccer, a nice bulge in the same soccer shorts he was wearing today – and by the time she got to the landing, she’d forgotten what she’d been told about the bathroom. Second on the right, wasn’t it?

She opened the door and was about to close it again realising that this wasn’t a bathroom when she noticed, there on the bed was the beautiful Carl, headphones on, eyes closed, in just some very skimpy underwear pleasuring himself. And with the headphones, he hadn’t heard the door open. With her heart beating hard, Doreen made the risky decision to come in and close the door and watch this beautiful, muscular young man as he enjoyed his body, one hand in his underwear, the other pinching his nipples.

She stood by the door as he licked and bit his lips, circling the precum that was flowing from his cock, giving himself little electric shocks of pleasure. Then, as Doreen looked on, he pulled the underpants down a little and pulled out the most delicious-looking cock Doreen had ever seen… and dirty old woman that she was under this frumpy exterior, she had seen quite a few.

Carl moaned lightly as she watched him harvest the precum from the little slit and smear it round and round the pink head of a cock that was honey-coloured with a foreskin that was completely pulled back. His other hand now had the cock by its base and was giving it little strokes as if he didn’t want to cum too soon. Doreen was transfixed. His beautiful body was tensing showing off such musculature while the cock leaked precum she was dying to taste.

Then he tugged the underwear right down, pushing it off with the heel of one foot until he was naked apart from the headphones. Doreen moved a little further into the room so she could stand at the foot of his bed and get a better view. And what a view! Two balls bouncing, that cock with a light tracing of veins, shiny with precum and, under the balls, the perineum, standing in a hard ridge with that mysterious little line running along it.

Carl was clenching his buttocks as he pleasured himself, opening his legs wider so Doreen could see, among the fur of his backside, a glimpse of his little anus. She felt she couldn’t breathe, the sight of him – just 18! – sliding his hand along the most amazing cock, open and on display to her. She licked her lips frantically, wishing she could taste him, so tempted to reach out and touch but she refrained, knowing the show would be over if she did.

She fumbled in the little bag slung across her shoulder for her iPhone, an ancient model, without ever taking her eyes for a moment off the boy writhing in front of her, opened the camera and moved it to video. She would now have something to look at, she thought, her own footage of the beautiful teenage neighbour as he wanked.

Goodness knows how long this went on but, elderly as she was, there was a moistening between her legs, a moistening she was desperate to put her fingers to but didn’t dare so she enjoyed the tingling as she drank in the view.

Then Carl opened his eyes. The shock of having someone in the room made him jump and sit up, tugging the headphones off, but Doreen just smiled. ‘Please don’t stop,’ she said calmly, as if she was trying not to spook a wild animal. She could almost read the thoughts going through Carl’s head as he blushed deeply but said nothing. Thoughts about his parents and the footage she was clearly taking and this old lady and what anyone would say if they found out…

She reached out and caressed his foot. ‘Please,’ she said, excited by the skin-on-skin contact with his foot. Her touch seemed to calm him and she could see that he was wondering what to do, whether to cover himself and usher her out or do as she said. ‘I’ve been watching for a little while…’

He bit his lip, shot his eyes towards the door and began to lie back against his pillows. Doreen saw his eyes go towards the door, stood up and went and turned the key in the lock before returning to the foot of the bed and sitting down, excited that this meant he was going to let her watch.

‘Seriously?’ said Carl, one last check, as if this might be a joke or a trap or something. He’d never heard of old ladies wanting teenage boys to wank off in front of them… though the headmistress perving thing should have put the idea in his head.

‘Seriously,’ she said in a calming voice, looking down at his cock, which had begun to deflate ever so slightly. ‘It’s beautiful to watch.’ He reached again for his cock, looked at Doreen, who was watching, still clearly suspicious of what was going on, and eventually began again. His cock was hard immediately and as he got used to the idea of this old lady from next door watching him, he got back into it, performing for her, opening his legs so she could see his arse, cupping his balls almost as if he was displaying them for her. She continued caressing his feet, then his calves, wondering how far she could go, as her eyes stayed glued to that penis being played with for her entertainment.

Then with her eyes locked on his, she went as far as his knee, then his thigh, tracing the muscles that were tensing and untensing as he stroked his cock. Then she went further up his thigh and brushed against his balls, almost as if it could have been an accident. It was like they both received an electric shock. Carl had never been touched there before and Doreen couldn’t believe she had actually had the feeling of his scrotum on her hand. He kept looking at her, gave her no sign that he wanted her to stop, so she became bolder and started to caress his balls, weigh them in her hand.

He licked his lips, still locked on her eyes. She licked hers. Then she gripped the base of his cock, which was so hard and so thick it filled her hand. He took his hands away, put them behind his head as if to offer his cock to her. This was the first hand that had ever been on his cock and though it was ancient and wrinkled with old-lady brown spots on it, it felt amazing. She continued what he’d been doing to himself with long, firm strokes, occasionally taking her hand over the head of his cock where, with the precum, she’d give him little shocks to the sensitive surface of his cockhead. She darted her look between his eyes and her hand on his penis, drinking in the masculine smell of the boy’s balls that was rising to meet her nostrils as she slowly slid his foreskin up and down that thick shaft with a sticky, sucky sound.

Then with her other hand, she reached under Carl’s balls and started to massage the hardened perineum. He let out another little groan and closed his eyes, opening his legs wider in invitation to her fingers. She went lower, through the hair to his anus, which was clenching and unclenching, now against her finger. And as she could see his eyes were still closed, she leaned forward and stole a droplet of precum with her tongue. It was so sweet and sticky it was all she could do not to lower her mouth over his penis… but she knew she had to go slowly so as not to frighten him.

Then she felt his body tense, his anus almost swallow the tip of her finger and heard him mutter, ‘Please Miss, please Miss, please Miss…’

‘Go ahead, Carl,’ she said. ‘Show me that beautiful sperm…’

And she felt his penis thicken, put her fingers on the pumping perineum and opened her eyes wide to take in the sight of the thick first rope of sperm shoot from Carl’s penis and hit him in the face. The second hit his neck, the third his chest, with subsequent spurts landing on his belly, getting caught in the little ‘treasure trail’ that ran from his belly button to his pubic hair. And the last of it ran over her hand, which was gripping his pumping cock. She could smell the sperm. It was clean and bleachy.

But his cock was still pumping in her hand. His buttocks clenching and unclenching to get those last sensations of her grip on his penis, the first time anyone had ever made him cum. When he finally stopped, she squeezed from the base to the tip to chase the last droplets of sperm from his penis and tortured the ultra-sensitive head a little with the sperm on her hand. He writhed, his eyes screwed tight as she said gently, ‘Ride it, Carl. Get those last moments of pleasure.’

As his eyes were still closed as she finally removed her hand, Doreen quickly put that hand to her mouth, still afraid to frighten him, and licked the warm sperm from it, the flavour fresh from this beautiful balls, the taste of the inside of him. Eventually he opened his eyes and blushed deeply at the idea of this old lady from next door not only seeing him masturbate but actually finishing him off with her finger on his hole. He felt humiliated.

‘That was lovely, Carl,’ said Doreen, trying to reassure him. ‘There’s nothing to be embarrassed about with sex. It’s just the body doing what the body needs to do. And I just helped you out a little. How did it feel?’

He smiled. ‘It actually felt lovely, thank you,’ said Carl, somehow surprised that there should be no reproaches from this lady.

‘Well, good. It actually felt lovely for me too, so…’ she said as gently as she could.

He obviously felt self-conscious sitting there naked in front of her now that he had ejaculated and she read that, stood and said, ‘I should be getting back downstairs. They’ll be wondering if I went home.’ They both did little fake laughs to acknowledge the joke. But just before Doreen left, she reached forward and picked up the little colourful stretch underpants Carl had been wearing, put them to her nose while she looked him in the eye and popped them into her handbag. The underwear smelt more of laundry detergent than anything but her finger smelt of Carl’s hole, a dark musky smell.

Back downstairs, they did in fact make the joke that they thought Doreen had gone home. ‘Oh, no. I wouldn’t be so rude,’ she said with another little fake laugh. ‘No, I bumped into Carl upstairs and he was talking about you going to South Africa…’

Doreen had actually heard this information from Carl’s parents but decided to use it as a cover for her absence from the drinks party. In fact, she’d been mulling over a little idea that had popped into her head as Carl had popped onto her hand.

‘I was just thinking,’ she said to Carl’s parents, ‘that while you’re away, would it make more sense for Carl to stay with me?’

Carl’s parents looked at each other as if to say, ‘Oh! What do you think?’

‘I thought,’ continued Doreen, ‘that him being a teenager, you’ll probably worry about him not feeding himself properly and having wild parties… You do want to have a house to come home to after your trip, don’t you?’

‘But it’s going to be several weeks,’ said Carl’s mother, not dismissively but in a ‘but we couldn’t possibly impose’ kind of way.

‘That’s what I mean,’ said Doreen. ‘You could lock up the house, put the security code in and everything and we could keep an eye on things from next door. Mine is a big house, I rattle around in it and Carl, I’m sure, will have plenty to keep busy with while you’re away so we probably won’t even see much of each other. But at least you’ll know he’ll be having decent food and will have someone to keep an eye on him. And you’ll come home to a house that hasn’t been destroyed.’

They all laughed a little at the idea of coming home to a house in ruins, Carl’s parents looking at each other for confirmation that this was in fact a decent plan.

‘Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind,’ said Carl’s father. ‘We would of course leave you money for food and what-have-you…’

‘Oh, it’s just as cheap to cook for two as it is for one,’ said Doreen. ‘And it’ll be a bit of company for me and I can be there if he needs any help with schoolwork, though I’m sure he’s much cleverer than I am.’

As they were having this conversation, Doreen could hear Carl coming down the stairs. As he came in, now fully dressed and the colour of his face back to normal, his mother said, ‘Carl, we’ve had a great idea while you’ve been up there playing your music… While we’re in South Africa, you’re going to move in with Doreen.’

Carl looked straight at Doreen who gave him a conspiratorial smile as she noticed a sparkle on his neck where he’d missed a bit of his own sperm in his clean-up operation.

‘Oh, there’s no need,’ he said, not because he didn’t want to, it was just a polite way of not wanting to put anyone to trouble.

‘Oh it’s all been decided,’ said Doreen, as Carl took a seat in the armchair opposite her. She couldn’t help but look down at the bulge in his soccer shorts, now that she knew exactly what that bulge was made up of. ‘You’ll just bring what you need to me and I’ll sort out a room for you.’

With that she stood up, said her goodbyes, then, turning to Carl, said, ‘See you soon, roomie…’

He smiled at her. That smile! So innocent, so handsome, so…

As soon as she got in, Doreen went straight to her room, took off her clothes and lay down on the bed with her iPhone and Carl’s underpants, which she put to her face. Her fingers already around her clitoris, she found the video of Carl masturbating, and started bringing herself to climax thinking about the weeks ahead when she would have full control of this beautiful body.
Carl had always been a quiet boy. A shy boy. Easily embarrassed. What no one saw coming was how beautiful he was going to be. Not just good-looking or handsome but properly beautiful. By the age of 18, he was tall, well over six foot, and played pretty much every sport going, which would account for the fact that his body was broad and muscular with a butt that was so hard you could knock someone out with it.

The girls at his school were obsessed with him – his blond hair, his nice smile, his shyness - and they circulated rumours of how big his cock was, as reported by the boys who had seen him in the locker room. A couple of them had even grabbed at his bulge a couple of times, which he found mortifying. It even worked on the female teachers who were always leaning in a little close or calling him to the front of the class on any pretext. Even the headmistress had a habit of calling him to her office on any pretext. And yet, because of his shyness, he had never so much as kissed a girl. Even the thought of it made him blush.

And it was this shyness that kept him in his bedroom when his parents asked a couple of the neighbours round for drinks one Sunday. He was a polite boy, so he stayed downstairs when they first arrived to say his hellos. There was the couple from one side, in their 50s, he couldn’t remember their names, and Doreen from the other side. He’d met Doreen before, even though, as a family, they were quite new to the street. And once, when he had been playing Swingball in the garden he had noticed her at her upstairs window watching him. Or that’s how it felt anyway. And it sort of felt nice.

She was pleasant enough. Late 60s, grey hair, very old lady-style clothes. If you’d asked Carl if she was attractive, he really wouldn’t have known what to say. Probably not. Just really old. But nice. Carl chatted to her for a few minutes and half noticed that she was looking him up and down in his football shorts as they spoke: looking at his legs, his crotch, then back to his face. Still thinking about that, he made his excuses and went to his room to listen to music while his parents carried on with their entertaining.

Being 18, Carl felt like all he could think about was sex and sometimes it seemed like his cock was hard all the time, straining against the stretchy colourful underwear his mum always bought him and pretty obvious in his school trousers. No wonder the headmistress was always calling him in, just in case it was one of those moments, which sometimes it was and then she would openly stare at the bulge while she talked to him. Carl didn’t really know why but he liked being looked at like this, even by a fat frumpy old lady like his headmistress. It just gave him a tingle. He’d even masturbated thinking about her looking at him like that. A few times.

Now, up here in his room on his own with his big Bose noise-cancelling headphones on, he was feeling horny all over again. He’d already wanked twice today – he produced a minimum of three loads a day – but he found his hand feeling the bulge in his soccer shorts again, feeling it until it was hard. Then he slipped out of the shorts and lay on his bed thinking about the headmistress looking at him, wondering what she’d think if she could see him now in just his stretchy little underpants, a huge boner leaking precum into them. He closed his eyes, put his hands down his underpants and started to swirl the precum around the sensitive head of his cock, which always made him gasp.

Downstairs, Doreen stood. ‘Can I use your loo,’ she said to Carl’s mum, who pointed upwards saying, ‘Second door to the left. You can’t miss it.’ Doreen went up the stairs, looking at the pictures on the wall – family pictures including a recent one of Carl playing soccer, a nice bulge in the same soccer shorts he was wearing today – and by the time she got to the landing, she’d forgotten what she’d been told about the bathroom. Second on the right, wasn’t it?

She opened the door and was about to close it again realising that this wasn’t a bathroom when she noticed, there on the bed was the beautiful Carl, headphones on, eyes closed, in just some very skimpy underwear pleasuring himself. And with the headphones, he hadn’t heard the door open. With her heart beating hard, Doreen made the risky decision to come in and close the door and watch this beautiful, muscular young man as he enjoyed his body, one hand in his underwear, the other pinching his nipples.

She stood by the door as he licked and bit his lips, circling the precum that was flowing from his cock, giving himself little electric shocks of pleasure. Then, as Doreen looked on, he pulled the underpants down a little and pulled out the most delicious-looking cock Doreen had ever seen… and dirty old woman that she was under this frumpy exterior, she had seen quite a few.

Carl moaned lightly as she watched him harvest the precum from the little slit and smear it round and round the pink head of a cock that was honey-coloured with a foreskin that was completely pulled back. His other hand now had the cock by its base and was giving it little strokes as if he didn’t want to cum too soon. Doreen was transfixed. His beautiful body was tensing showing off such musculature while the cock leaked precum she was dying to taste.

Then he tugged the underwear right down, pushing it off with the heel of one foot until he was naked apart from the headphones. Doreen moved a little further into the room so she could stand at the foot of his bed and get a better view. And what a view! Two balls bouncing, that cock with a light tracing of veins, shiny with precum and, under the balls, the perineum, standing in a hard ridge with that mysterious little line running along it.

Carl was clenching his buttocks as he pleasured himself, opening his legs wider so Doreen could see, among the fur of his backside, a glimpse of his little anus. She felt she couldn’t breathe, the sight of him – just 18! – sliding his hand along the most amazing cock, open and on display to her. She licked her lips frantically, wishing she could taste him, so tempted to reach out and touch but she refrained, knowing the show would be over if she did.

She fumbled in the little bag slung across her shoulder for her iPhone, an ancient model, without ever taking her eyes for a moment off the boy writhing in front of her, opened the camera and moved it to video. She would now have something to look at, she thought, her own footage of the beautiful teenage neighbour as he wanked.

Goodness knows how long this went on but, elderly as she was, there was a moistening between her legs, a moistening she was desperate to put her fingers to but didn’t dare so she enjoyed the tingling as she drank in the view.

Then Carl opened his eyes. The shock of having someone in the room made him jump and sit up, tugging the headphones off, but Doreen just smiled. ‘Please don’t stop,’ she said calmly, as if she was trying not to spook a wild animal. She could almost read the thoughts going through Carl’s head as he blushed deeply but said nothing. Thoughts about his parents and the footage she was clearly taking and this old lady and what anyone would say if they found out…

She reached out and caressed his foot. ‘Please,’ she said, excited by the skin-on-skin contact with his foot. Her touch seemed to calm him and she could see that he was wondering what to do, whether to cover himself and usher her out or do as she said. ‘I’ve been watching for a little while…’

He bit his lip, shot his eyes towards the door and began to lie back against his pillows. Doreen saw his eyes go towards the door, stood up and went and turned the key in the lock before returning to the foot of the bed and sitting down, excited that this meant he was going to let her watch.

‘Seriously?’ said Carl, one last check, as if this might be a joke or a trap or something. He’d never heard of old ladies wanting teenage boys to wank off in front of them… though the headmistress perving thing should have put the idea in his head.

‘Seriously,’ she said in a calming voice, looking down at his cock, which had begun to deflate ever so slightly. ‘It’s beautiful to watch.’ He reached again for his cock, looked at Doreen, who was watching, still clearly suspicious of what was going on, and eventually began again. His cock was hard immediately and as he got used to the idea of this old lady from next door watching him, he got back into it, performing for her, opening his legs so she could see his arse, cupping his balls almost as if he was displaying them for her. She continued caressing his feet, then his calves, wondering how far she could go, as her eyes stayed glued to that penis being played with for her entertainment.

Then with her eyes locked on his, she went as far as his knee, then his thigh, tracing the muscles that were tensing and untensing as he stroked his cock. Then she went further up his thigh and brushed against his balls, almost as if it could have been an accident. It was like they both received an electric shock. Carl had never been touched there before and Doreen couldn’t believe she had actually had the feeling of his scrotum on her hand. He kept looking at her, gave her no sign that he wanted her to stop, so she became bolder and started to caress his balls, weigh them in her hand.

He licked his lips, still locked on her eyes. She licked hers. Then she gripped the base of his cock, which was so hard and so thick it filled her hand. He took his hands away, put them behind his head as if to offer his cock to her. This was the first hand that had ever been on his cock and though it was ancient and wrinkled with old-lady brown spots on it, it felt amazing. She continued what he’d been doing to himself with long, firm strokes, occasionally taking her hand over the head of his cock where, with the precum, she’d give him little shocks to the sensitive surface of his cockhead. She darted her look between his eyes and her hand on his penis, drinking in the masculine smell of the boy’s balls that was rising to meet her nostrils as she slowly slid his foreskin up and down that thick shaft with a sticky, sucky sound.

Then with her other hand, she reached under Carl’s balls and started to massage the hardened perineum. He let out another little groan and closed his eyes, opening his legs wider in invitation to her fingers. She went lower, through the hair to his anus, which was clenching and unclenching, now against her finger. And as she could see his eyes were still closed, she leaned forward and stole a droplet of precum with her tongue. It was so sweet and sticky it was all she could do not to lower her mouth over his penis… but she knew she had to go slowly so as not to frighten him.

Then she felt his body tense, his anus almost swallow the tip of her finger and heard him mutter, ‘Please Miss, please Miss, please Miss…’

‘Go ahead, Carl,’ she said. ‘Show me that beautiful sperm…’

And she felt his penis thicken, put her fingers on the pumping perineum and opened her eyes wide to take in the sight of the thick first rope of sperm shoot from Carl’s penis and hit him in the face. The second hit his neck, the third his chest, with subsequent spurts landing on his belly, getting caught in the little ‘treasure trail’ that ran from his belly button to his pubic hair. And the last of it ran over her hand, which was gripping his pumping cock. She could smell the sperm. It was clean and bleachy.

But his cock was still pumping in her hand. His buttocks clenching and unclenching to get those last sensations of her grip on his penis, the first time anyone had ever made him cum. When he finally stopped, she squeezed from the base to the tip to chase the last droplets of sperm from his penis and tortured the ultra-sensitive head a little with the sperm on her hand. He writhed, his eyes screwed tight as she said gently, ‘Ride it, Carl. Get those last moments of pleasure.’

As his eyes were still closed as she finally removed her hand, Doreen quickly put that hand to her mouth, still afraid to frighten him, and licked the warm sperm from it, the flavour fresh from this beautiful balls, the taste of the inside of him. Eventually he opened his eyes and blushed deeply at the idea of this old lady from next door not only seeing him masturbate but actually finishing him off with her finger on his hole. He felt humiliated.

‘That was lovely, Carl,’ said Doreen, trying to reassure him. ‘There’s nothing to be embarrassed about with sex. It’s just the body doing what the body needs to do. And I just helped you out a little. How did it feel?’

He smiled. ‘It actually felt lovely, thank you,’ said Carl, somehow surprised that there should be no reproaches from this lady.

‘Well, good. It actually felt lovely for me too, so…’ she said as gently as she could.

He obviously felt self-conscious sitting there naked in front of her now that he had ejaculated and she read that, stood and said, ‘I should be getting back downstairs. They’ll be wondering if I went home.’ They both did little fake laughs to acknowledge the joke. But just before Doreen left, she reached forward and picked up the little colourful stretch underpants Carl had been wearing, put them to her nose while she looked him in the eye and popped them into her handbag. The underwear smelt more of laundry detergent than anything but her finger smelt of Carl’s hole, a dark musky smell.

Back downstairs, they did in fact make the joke that they thought Doreen had gone home. ‘Oh, no. I wouldn’t be so rude,’ she said with another little fake laugh. ‘No, I bumped into Carl upstairs and he was talking about you going to South Africa…’

Doreen had actually heard this information from Carl’s parents but decided to use it as a cover for her absence from the drinks party. In fact, she’d been mulling over a little idea that had popped into her head as Carl had popped onto her hand.

‘I was just thinking,’ she said to Carl’s parents, ‘that while you’re away, would it make more sense for Carl to stay with me?’

Carl’s parents looked at each other as if to say, ‘Oh! What do you think?’

‘I thought,’ continued Doreen, ‘that him being a teenager, you’ll probably worry about him not feeding himself properly and having wild parties… You do want to have a house to come home to after your trip, don’t you?’

‘But it’s going to be several weeks,’ said Carl’s mother, not dismissively but in a ‘but we couldn’t possibly impose’ kind of way.

‘That’s what I mean,’ said Doreen. ‘You could lock up the house, put the security code in and everything and we could keep an eye on things from next door. Mine is a big house, I rattle around in it and Carl, I’m sure, will have plenty to keep busy with while you’re away so we probably won’t even see much of each other. But at least you’ll know he’ll be having decent food and will have someone to keep an eye on him. And you’ll come home to a house that hasn’t been destroyed.’

They all laughed a little at the idea of coming home to a house in ruins, Carl’s parents looking at each other for confirmation that this was in fact a decent plan.

‘Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind,’ said Carl’s father. ‘We would of course leave you money for food and what-have-you…’

‘Oh, it’s just as cheap to cook for two as it is for one,’ said Doreen. ‘And it’ll be a bit of company for me and I can be there if he needs any help with schoolwork, though I’m sure he’s much cleverer than I am.’

As they were having this conversation, Doreen could hear Carl coming down the stairs. As he came in, now fully dressed and the colour of his face back to normal, his mother said, ‘Carl, we’ve had a great idea while you’ve been up there playing your music… While we’re in South Africa, you’re going to move in with Doreen.’

Carl looked straight at Doreen who gave him a conspiratorial smile as she noticed a sparkle on his neck where he’d missed a bit of his own sperm in his clean-up operation.

‘Oh, there’s no need,’ he said, not because he didn’t want to, it was just a polite way of not wanting to put anyone to trouble.

‘Oh it’s all been decided,’ said Doreen, as Carl took a seat in the armchair opposite her. She couldn’t help but look down at the bulge in his soccer shorts, now that she knew exactly what that bulge was made up of. ‘You’ll just bring what you need to me and I’ll sort out a room for you.’

With that she stood up, said her goodbyes, then, turning to Carl, said, ‘See you soon, roomie…’

He smiled at her. That smile! So innocent, so handsome, so…

As soon as she got in, Doreen went straight to her room, took off her clothes and lay down on the bed with her iPhone and Carl’s underpants, which she put to her face. Her fingers already around her clitoris, she found the video of Carl masturbating, and started bringing herself to climax thinking about the weeks ahead when she would have full control of this beautiful body.
Damn... that was different... but fucking hot!!
Carl had always been a quiet boy. A shy boy. Easily embarrassed. What no one saw coming was how beautiful he was going to be. Not just good-looking or handsome but properly beautiful. By the age of 18, he was tall, well over six foot, and played pretty much every sport going, which would account for the fact that his body was broad and muscular with a butt that was so hard you could knock someone out with it.

The girls at his school were obsessed with him – his blond hair, his nice smile, his shyness - and they circulated rumours of how big his cock was, as reported by the boys who had seen him in the locker room. A couple of them had even grabbed at his bulge a couple of times, which he found mortifying. It even worked on the female teachers who were always leaning in a little close or calling him to the front of the class on any pretext. Even the headmistress had a habit of calling him to her office on any pretext. And yet, because of his shyness, he had never so much as kissed a girl. Even the thought of it made him blush.

And it was this shyness that kept him in his bedroom when his parents asked a couple of the neighbours round for drinks one Sunday. He was a polite boy, so he stayed downstairs when they first arrived to say his hellos. There was the couple from one side, in their 50s, he couldn’t remember their names, and Doreen from the other side. He’d met Doreen before, even though, as a family, they were quite new to the street. And once, when he had been playing Swingball in the garden he had noticed her at her upstairs window watching him. Or that’s how it felt anyway. And it sort of felt nice.

She was pleasant enough. Late 60s, grey hair, very old lady-style clothes. If you’d asked Carl if she was attractive, he really wouldn’t have known what to say. Probably not. Just really old. But nice. Carl chatted to her for a few minutes and half noticed that she was looking him up and down in his football shorts as they spoke: looking at his legs, his crotch, then back to his face. Still thinking about that, he made his excuses and went to his room to listen to music while his parents carried on with their entertaining.

Being 18, Carl felt like all he could think about was sex and sometimes it seemed like his cock was hard all the time, straining against the stretchy colourful underwear his mum always bought him and pretty obvious in his school trousers. No wonder the headmistress was always calling him in, just in case it was one of those moments, which sometimes it was and then she would openly stare at the bulge while she talked to him. Carl didn’t really know why but he liked being looked at like this, even by a fat frumpy old lady like his headmistress. It just gave him a tingle. He’d even masturbated thinking about her looking at him like that. A few times.

Now, up here in his room on his own with his big Bose noise-cancelling headphones on, he was feeling horny all over again. He’d already wanked twice today – he produced a minimum of three loads a day – but he found his hand feeling the bulge in his soccer shorts again, feeling it until it was hard. Then he slipped out of the shorts and lay on his bed thinking about the headmistress looking at him, wondering what she’d think if she could see him now in just his stretchy little underpants, a huge boner leaking precum into them. He closed his eyes, put his hands down his underpants and started to swirl the precum around the sensitive head of his cock, which always made him gasp.

Downstairs, Doreen stood. ‘Can I use your loo,’ she said to Carl’s mum, who pointed upwards saying, ‘Second door to the left. You can’t miss it.’ Doreen went up the stairs, looking at the pictures on the wall – family pictures including a recent one of Carl playing soccer, a nice bulge in the same soccer shorts he was wearing today – and by the time she got to the landing, she’d forgotten what she’d been told about the bathroom. Second on the right, wasn’t it?

She opened the door and was about to close it again realising that this wasn’t a bathroom when she noticed, there on the bed was the beautiful Carl, headphones on, eyes closed, in just some very skimpy underwear pleasuring himself. And with the headphones, he hadn’t heard the door open. With her heart beating hard, Doreen made the risky decision to come in and close the door and watch this beautiful, muscular young man as he enjoyed his body, one hand in his underwear, the other pinching his nipples.

She stood by the door as he licked and bit his lips, circling the precum that was flowing from his cock, giving himself little electric shocks of pleasure. Then, as Doreen looked on, he pulled the underpants down a little and pulled out the most delicious-looking cock Doreen had ever seen… and dirty old woman that she was under this frumpy exterior, she had seen quite a few.

Carl moaned lightly as she watched him harvest the precum from the little slit and smear it round and round the pink head of a cock that was honey-coloured with a foreskin that was completely pulled back. His other hand now had the cock by its base and was giving it little strokes as if he didn’t want to cum too soon. Doreen was transfixed. His beautiful body was tensing showing off such musculature while the cock leaked precum she was dying to taste.

Then he tugged the underwear right down, pushing it off with the heel of one foot until he was naked apart from the headphones. Doreen moved a little further into the room so she could stand at the foot of his bed and get a better view. And what a view! Two balls bouncing, that cock with a light tracing of veins, shiny with precum and, under the balls, the perineum, standing in a hard ridge with that mysterious little line running along it.

Carl was clenching his buttocks as he pleasured himself, opening his legs wider so Doreen could see, among the fur of his backside, a glimpse of his little anus. She felt she couldn’t breathe, the sight of him – just 18! – sliding his hand along the most amazing cock, open and on display to her. She licked her lips frantically, wishing she could taste him, so tempted to reach out and touch but she refrained, knowing the show would be over if she did.

She fumbled in the little bag slung across her shoulder for her iPhone, an ancient model, without ever taking her eyes for a moment off the boy writhing in front of her, opened the camera and moved it to video. She would now have something to look at, she thought, her own footage of the beautiful teenage neighbour as he wanked.

Goodness knows how long this went on but, elderly as she was, there was a moistening between her legs, a moistening she was desperate to put her fingers to but didn’t dare so she enjoyed the tingling as she drank in the view.

Then Carl opened his eyes. The shock of having someone in the room made him jump and sit up, tugging the headphones off, but Doreen just smiled. ‘Please don’t stop,’ she said calmly, as if she was trying not to spook a wild animal. She could almost read the thoughts going through Carl’s head as he blushed deeply but said nothing. Thoughts about his parents and the footage she was clearly taking and this old lady and what anyone would say if they found out…

She reached out and caressed his foot. ‘Please,’ she said, excited by the skin-on-skin contact with his foot. Her touch seemed to calm him and she could see that he was wondering what to do, whether to cover himself and usher her out or do as she said. ‘I’ve been watching for a little while…’

He bit his lip, shot his eyes towards the door and began to lie back against his pillows. Doreen saw his eyes go towards the door, stood up and went and turned the key in the lock before returning to the foot of the bed and sitting down, excited that this meant he was going to let her watch.

‘Seriously?’ said Carl, one last check, as if this might be a joke or a trap or something. He’d never heard of old ladies wanting teenage boys to wank off in front of them… though the headmistress perving thing should have put the idea in his head.

‘Seriously,’ she said in a calming voice, looking down at his cock, which had begun to deflate ever so slightly. ‘It’s beautiful to watch.’ He reached again for his cock, looked at Doreen, who was watching, still clearly suspicious of what was going on, and eventually began again. His cock was hard immediately and as he got used to the idea of this old lady from next door watching him, he got back into it, performing for her, opening his legs so she could see his arse, cupping his balls almost as if he was displaying them for her. She continued caressing his feet, then his calves, wondering how far she could go, as her eyes stayed glued to that penis being played with for her entertainment.

Then with her eyes locked on his, she went as far as his knee, then his thigh, tracing the muscles that were tensing and untensing as he stroked his cock. Then she went further up his thigh and brushed against his balls, almost as if it could have been an accident. It was like they both received an electric shock. Carl had never been touched there before and Doreen couldn’t believe she had actually had the feeling of his scrotum on her hand. He kept looking at her, gave her no sign that he wanted her to stop, so she became bolder and started to caress his balls, weigh them in her hand.

He licked his lips, still locked on her eyes. She licked hers. Then she gripped the base of his cock, which was so hard and so thick it filled her hand. He took his hands away, put them behind his head as if to offer his cock to her. This was the first hand that had ever been on his cock and though it was ancient and wrinkled with old-lady brown spots on it, it felt amazing. She continued what he’d been doing to himself with long, firm strokes, occasionally taking her hand over the head of his cock where, with the precum, she’d give him little shocks to the sensitive surface of his cockhead. She darted her look between his eyes and her hand on his penis, drinking in the masculine smell of the boy’s balls that was rising to meet her nostrils as she slowly slid his foreskin up and down that thick shaft with a sticky, sucky sound.

Then with her other hand, she reached under Carl’s balls and started to massage the hardened perineum. He let out another little groan and closed his eyes, opening his legs wider in invitation to her fingers. She went lower, through the hair to his anus, which was clenching and unclenching, now against her finger. And as she could see his eyes were still closed, she leaned forward and stole a droplet of precum with her tongue. It was so sweet and sticky it was all she could do not to lower her mouth over his penis… but she knew she had to go slowly so as not to frighten him.

Then she felt his body tense, his anus almost swallow the tip of her finger and heard him mutter, ‘Please Miss, please Miss, please Miss…’

‘Go ahead, Carl,’ she said. ‘Show me that beautiful sperm…’

And she felt his penis thicken, put her fingers on the pumping perineum and opened her eyes wide to take in the sight of the thick first rope of sperm shoot from Carl’s penis and hit him in the face. The second hit his neck, the third his chest, with subsequent spurts landing on his belly, getting caught in the little ‘treasure trail’ that ran from his belly button to his pubic hair. And the last of it ran over her hand, which was gripping his pumping cock. She could smell the sperm. It was clean and bleachy.

But his cock was still pumping in her hand. His buttocks clenching and unclenching to get those last sensations of her grip on his penis, the first time anyone had ever made him cum. When he finally stopped, she squeezed from the base to the tip to chase the last droplets of sperm from his penis and tortured the ultra-sensitive head a little with the sperm on her hand. He writhed, his eyes screwed tight as she said gently, ‘Ride it, Carl. Get those last moments of pleasure.’

As his eyes were still closed as she finally removed her hand, Doreen quickly put that hand to her mouth, still afraid to frighten him, and licked the warm sperm from it, the flavour fresh from this beautiful balls, the taste of the inside of him. Eventually he opened his eyes and blushed deeply at the idea of this old lady from next door not only seeing him masturbate but actually finishing him off with her finger on his hole. He felt humiliated.

‘That was lovely, Carl,’ said Doreen, trying to reassure him. ‘There’s nothing to be embarrassed about with sex. It’s just the body doing what the body needs to do. And I just helped you out a little. How did it feel?’

He smiled. ‘It actually felt lovely, thank you,’ said Carl, somehow surprised that there should be no reproaches from this lady.

‘Well, good. It actually felt lovely for me too, so…’ she said as gently as she could.

He obviously felt self-conscious sitting there naked in front of her now that he had ejaculated and she read that, stood and said, ‘I should be getting back downstairs. They’ll be wondering if I went home.’ They both did little fake laughs to acknowledge the joke. But just before Doreen left, she reached forward and picked up the little colourful stretch underpants Carl had been wearing, put them to her nose while she looked him in the eye and popped them into her handbag. The underwear smelt more of laundry detergent than anything but her finger smelt of Carl’s hole, a dark musky smell.

Back downstairs, they did in fact make the joke that they thought Doreen had gone home. ‘Oh, no. I wouldn’t be so rude,’ she said with another little fake laugh. ‘No, I bumped into Carl upstairs and he was talking about you going to South Africa…’

Doreen had actually heard this information from Carl’s parents but decided to use it as a cover for her absence from the drinks party. In fact, she’d been mulling over a little idea that had popped into her head as Carl had popped onto her hand.

‘I was just thinking,’ she said to Carl’s parents, ‘that while you’re away, would it make more sense for Carl to stay with me?’

Carl’s parents looked at each other as if to say, ‘Oh! What do you think?’

‘I thought,’ continued Doreen, ‘that him being a teenager, you’ll probably worry about him not feeding himself properly and having wild parties… You do want to have a house to come home to after your trip, don’t you?’

‘But it’s going to be several weeks,’ said Carl’s mother, not dismissively but in a ‘but we couldn’t possibly impose’ kind of way.

‘That’s what I mean,’ said Doreen. ‘You could lock up the house, put the security code in and everything and we could keep an eye on things from next door. Mine is a big house, I rattle around in it and Carl, I’m sure, will have plenty to keep busy with while you’re away so we probably won’t even see much of each other. But at least you’ll know he’ll be having decent food and will have someone to keep an eye on him. And you’ll come home to a house that hasn’t been destroyed.’

They all laughed a little at the idea of coming home to a house in ruins, Carl’s parents looking at each other for confirmation that this was in fact a decent plan.

‘Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind,’ said Carl’s father. ‘We would of course leave you money for food and what-have-you…’

‘Oh, it’s just as cheap to cook for two as it is for one,’ said Doreen. ‘And it’ll be a bit of company for me and I can be there if he needs any help with schoolwork, though I’m sure he’s much cleverer than I am.’

As they were having this conversation, Doreen could hear Carl coming down the stairs. As he came in, now fully dressed and the colour of his face back to normal, his mother said, ‘Carl, we’ve had a great idea while you’ve been up there playing your music… While we’re in South Africa, you’re going to move in with Doreen.’

Carl looked straight at Doreen who gave him a conspiratorial smile as she noticed a sparkle on his neck where he’d missed a bit of his own sperm in his clean-up operation.

‘Oh, there’s no need,’ he said, not because he didn’t want to, it was just a polite way of not wanting to put anyone to trouble.

‘Oh it’s all been decided,’ said Doreen, as Carl took a seat in the armchair opposite her. She couldn’t help but look down at the bulge in his soccer shorts, now that she knew exactly what that bulge was made up of. ‘You’ll just bring what you need to me and I’ll sort out a room for you.’

With that she stood up, said her goodbyes, then, turning to Carl, said, ‘See you soon, roomie…’

He smiled at her. That smile! So innocent, so handsome, so…

As soon as she got in, Doreen went straight to her room, took off her clothes and lay down on the bed with her iPhone and Carl’s underpants, which she put to her face. Her fingers already around her clitoris, she found the video of Carl masturbating, and started bringing herself to climax thinking about the weeks ahead when she would have full control of this beautiful body.
Fantastic story...can't wait for more.Got this old cock twitching.
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Carl had always been a quiet boy. A shy boy. Easily embarrassed. What no one saw coming was how beautiful he was going to be. Not just good-looking or handsome but properly beautiful. By the age of 18, he was tall, well over six foot, and played pretty much every sport going, which would account for the fact that his body was broad and muscular with a butt that was so hard you could knock someone out with it.

The girls at his school were obsessed with him – his blond hair, his nice smile, his shyness - and they circulated rumours of how big his cock was, as reported by the boys who had seen him in the locker room. A couple of them had even grabbed at his bulge a couple of times, which he found mortifying. It even worked on the female teachers who were always leaning in a little close or calling him to the front of the class on any pretext. Even the headmistress had a habit of calling him to her office on any pretext. And yet, because of his shyness, he had never so much as kissed a girl. Even the thought of it made him blush.

And it was this shyness that kept him in his bedroom when his parents asked a couple of the neighbours round for drinks one Sunday. He was a polite boy, so he stayed downstairs when they first arrived to say his hellos. There was the couple from one side, in their 50s, he couldn’t remember their names, and Doreen from the other side. He’d met Doreen before, even though, as a family, they were quite new to the street. And once, when he had been playing Swingball in the garden he had noticed her at her upstairs window watching him. Or that’s how it felt anyway. And it sort of felt nice.

She was pleasant enough. Late 60s, grey hair, very old lady-style clothes. If you’d asked Carl if she was attractive, he really wouldn’t have known what to say. Probably not. Just really old. But nice. Carl chatted to her for a few minutes and half noticed that she was looking him up and down in his football shorts as they spoke: looking at his legs, his crotch, then back to his face. Still thinking about that, he made his excuses and went to his room to listen to music while his parents carried on with their entertaining.

Being 18, Carl felt like all he could think about was sex and sometimes it seemed like his cock was hard all the time, straining against the stretchy colourful underwear his mum always bought him and pretty obvious in his school trousers. No wonder the headmistress was always calling him in, just in case it was one of those moments, which sometimes it was and then she would openly stare at the bulge while she talked to him. Carl didn’t really know why but he liked being looked at like this, even by a fat frumpy old lady like his headmistress. It just gave him a tingle. He’d even masturbated thinking about her looking at him like that. A few times.

Now, up here in his room on his own with his big Bose noise-cancelling headphones on, he was feeling horny all over again. He’d already wanked twice today – he produced a minimum of three loads a day – but he found his hand feeling the bulge in his soccer shorts again, feeling it until it was hard. Then he slipped out of the shorts and lay on his bed thinking about the headmistress looking at him, wondering what she’d think if she could see him now in just his stretchy little underpants, a huge boner leaking precum into them. He closed his eyes, put his hands down his underpants and started to swirl the precum around the sensitive head of his cock, which always made him gasp.

Downstairs, Doreen stood. ‘Can I use your loo,’ she said to Carl’s mum, who pointed upwards saying, ‘Second door to the left. You can’t miss it.’ Doreen went up the stairs, looking at the pictures on the wall – family pictures including a recent one of Carl playing soccer, a nice bulge in the same soccer shorts he was wearing today – and by the time she got to the landing, she’d forgotten what she’d been told about the bathroom. Second on the right, wasn’t it?

She opened the door and was about to close it again realising that this wasn’t a bathroom when she noticed, there on the bed was the beautiful Carl, headphones on, eyes closed, in just some very skimpy underwear pleasuring himself. And with the headphones, he hadn’t heard the door open. With her heart beating hard, Doreen made the risky decision to come in and close the door and watch this beautiful, muscular young man as he enjoyed his body, one hand in his underwear, the other pinching his nipples.

She stood by the door as he licked and bit his lips, circling the precum that was flowing from his cock, giving himself little electric shocks of pleasure. Then, as Doreen looked on, he pulled the underpants down a little and pulled out the most delicious-looking cock Doreen had ever seen… and dirty old woman that she was under this frumpy exterior, she had seen quite a few.

Carl moaned lightly as she watched him harvest the precum from the little slit and smear it round and round the pink head of a cock that was honey-coloured with a foreskin that was completely pulled back. His other hand now had the cock by its base and was giving it little strokes as if he didn’t want to cum too soon. Doreen was transfixed. His beautiful body was tensing showing off such musculature while the cock leaked precum she was dying to taste.

Then he tugged the underwear right down, pushing it off with the heel of one foot until he was naked apart from the headphones. Doreen moved a little further into the room so she could stand at the foot of his bed and get a better view. And what a view! Two balls bouncing, that cock with a light tracing of veins, shiny with precum and, under the balls, the perineum, standing in a hard ridge with that mysterious little line running along it.

Carl was clenching his buttocks as he pleasured himself, opening his legs wider so Doreen could see, among the fur of his backside, a glimpse of his little anus. She felt she couldn’t breathe, the sight of him – just 18! – sliding his hand along the most amazing cock, open and on display to her. She licked her lips frantically, wishing she could taste him, so tempted to reach out and touch but she refrained, knowing the show would be over if she did.

She fumbled in the little bag slung across her shoulder for her iPhone, an ancient model, without ever taking her eyes for a moment off the boy writhing in front of her, opened the camera and moved it to video. She would now have something to look at, she thought, her own footage of the beautiful teenage neighbour as he wanked.

Goodness knows how long this went on but, elderly as she was, there was a moistening between her legs, a moistening she was desperate to put her fingers to but didn’t dare so she enjoyed the tingling as she drank in the view.

Then Carl opened his eyes. The shock of having someone in the room made him jump and sit up, tugging the headphones off, but Doreen just smiled. ‘Please don’t stop,’ she said calmly, as if she was trying not to spook a wild animal. She could almost read the thoughts going through Carl’s head as he blushed deeply but said nothing. Thoughts about his parents and the footage she was clearly taking and this old lady and what anyone would say if they found out…

She reached out and caressed his foot. ‘Please,’ she said, excited by the skin-on-skin contact with his foot. Her touch seemed to calm him and she could see that he was wondering what to do, whether to cover himself and usher her out or do as she said. ‘I’ve been watching for a little while…’

He bit his lip, shot his eyes towards the door and began to lie back against his pillows. Doreen saw his eyes go towards the door, stood up and went and turned the key in the lock before returning to the foot of the bed and sitting down, excited that this meant he was going to let her watch.

‘Seriously?’ said Carl, one last check, as if this might be a joke or a trap or something. He’d never heard of old ladies wanting teenage boys to wank off in front of them… though the headmistress perving thing should have put the idea in his head.

‘Seriously,’ she said in a calming voice, looking down at his cock, which had begun to deflate ever so slightly. ‘It’s beautiful to watch.’ He reached again for his cock, looked at Doreen, who was watching, still clearly suspicious of what was going on, and eventually began again. His cock was hard immediately and as he got used to the idea of this old lady from next door watching him, he got back into it, performing for her, opening his legs so she could see his arse, cupping his balls almost as if he was displaying them for her. She continued caressing his feet, then his calves, wondering how far she could go, as her eyes stayed glued to that penis being played with for her entertainment.

Then with her eyes locked on his, she went as far as his knee, then his thigh, tracing the muscles that were tensing and untensing as he stroked his cock. Then she went further up his thigh and brushed against his balls, almost as if it could have been an accident. It was like they both received an electric shock. Carl had never been touched there before and Doreen couldn’t believe she had actually had the feeling of his scrotum on her hand. He kept looking at her, gave her no sign that he wanted her to stop, so she became bolder and started to caress his balls, weigh them in her hand.

He licked his lips, still locked on her eyes. She licked hers. Then she gripped the base of his cock, which was so hard and so thick it filled her hand. He took his hands away, put them behind his head as if to offer his cock to her. This was the first hand that had ever been on his cock and though it was ancient and wrinkled with old-lady brown spots on it, it felt amazing. She continued what he’d been doing to himself with long, firm strokes, occasionally taking her hand over the head of his cock where, with the precum, she’d give him little shocks to the sensitive surface of his cockhead. She darted her look between his eyes and her hand on his penis, drinking in the masculine smell of the boy’s balls that was rising to meet her nostrils as she slowly slid his foreskin up and down that thick shaft with a sticky, sucky sound.

Then with her other hand, she reached under Carl’s balls and started to massage the hardened perineum. He let out another little groan and closed his eyes, opening his legs wider in invitation to her fingers. She went lower, through the hair to his anus, which was clenching and unclenching, now against her finger. And as she could see his eyes were still closed, she leaned forward and stole a droplet of precum with her tongue. It was so sweet and sticky it was all she could do not to lower her mouth over his penis… but she knew she had to go slowly so as not to frighten him.

Then she felt his body tense, his anus almost swallow the tip of her finger and heard him mutter, ‘Please Miss, please Miss, please Miss…’

‘Go ahead, Carl,’ she said. ‘Show me that beautiful sperm…’

And she felt his penis thicken, put her fingers on the pumping perineum and opened her eyes wide to take in the sight of the thick first rope of sperm shoot from Carl’s penis and hit him in the face. The second hit his neck, the third his chest, with subsequent spurts landing on his belly, getting caught in the little ‘treasure trail’ that ran from his belly button to his pubic hair. And the last of it ran over her hand, which was gripping his pumping cock. She could smell the sperm. It was clean and bleachy.

But his cock was still pumping in her hand. His buttocks clenching and unclenching to get those last sensations of her grip on his penis, the first time anyone had ever made him cum. When he finally stopped, she squeezed from the base to the tip to chase the last droplets of sperm from his penis and tortured the ultra-sensitive head a little with the sperm on her hand. He writhed, his eyes screwed tight as she said gently, ‘Ride it, Carl. Get those last moments of pleasure.’

As his eyes were still closed as she finally removed her hand, Doreen quickly put that hand to her mouth, still afraid to frighten him, and licked the warm sperm from it, the flavour fresh from this beautiful balls, the taste of the inside of him. Eventually he opened his eyes and blushed deeply at the idea of this old lady from next door not only seeing him masturbate but actually finishing him off with her finger on his hole. He felt humiliated.

‘That was lovely, Carl,’ said Doreen, trying to reassure him. ‘There’s nothing to be embarrassed about with sex. It’s just the body doing what the body needs to do. And I just helped you out a little. How did it feel?’

He smiled. ‘It actually felt lovely, thank you,’ said Carl, somehow surprised that there should be no reproaches from this lady.

‘Well, good. It actually felt lovely for me too, so…’ she said as gently as she could.

He obviously felt self-conscious sitting there naked in front of her now that he had ejaculated and she read that, stood and said, ‘I should be getting back downstairs. They’ll be wondering if I went home.’ They both did little fake laughs to acknowledge the joke. But just before Doreen left, she reached forward and picked up the little colourful stretch underpants Carl had been wearing, put them to her nose while she looked him in the eye and popped them into her handbag. The underwear smelt more of laundry detergent than anything but her finger smelt of Carl’s hole, a dark musky smell.

Back downstairs, they did in fact make the joke that they thought Doreen had gone home. ‘Oh, no. I wouldn’t be so rude,’ she said with another little fake laugh. ‘No, I bumped into Carl upstairs and he was talking about you going to South Africa…’

Doreen had actually heard this information from Carl’s parents but decided to use it as a cover for her absence from the drinks party. In fact, she’d been mulling over a little idea that had popped into her head as Carl had popped onto her hand.

‘I was just thinking,’ she said to Carl’s parents, ‘that while you’re away, would it make more sense for Carl to stay with me?’

Carl’s parents looked at each other as if to say, ‘Oh! What do you think?’

‘I thought,’ continued Doreen, ‘that him being a teenager, you’ll probably worry about him not feeding himself properly and having wild parties… You do want to have a house to come home to after your trip, don’t you?’

‘But it’s going to be several weeks,’ said Carl’s mother, not dismissively but in a ‘but we couldn’t possibly impose’ kind of way.

‘That’s what I mean,’ said Doreen. ‘You could lock up the house, put the security code in and everything and we could keep an eye on things from next door. Mine is a big house, I rattle around in it and Carl, I’m sure, will have plenty to keep busy with while you’re away so we probably won’t even see much of each other. But at least you’ll know he’ll be having decent food and will have someone to keep an eye on him. And you’ll come home to a house that hasn’t been destroyed.’

They all laughed a little at the idea of coming home to a house in ruins, Carl’s parents looking at each other for confirmation that this was in fact a decent plan.

‘Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind,’ said Carl’s father. ‘We would of course leave you money for food and what-have-you…’

‘Oh, it’s just as cheap to cook for two as it is for one,’ said Doreen. ‘And it’ll be a bit of company for me and I can be there if he needs any help with schoolwork, though I’m sure he’s much cleverer than I am.’

As they were having this conversation, Doreen could hear Carl coming down the stairs. As he came in, now fully dressed and the colour of his face back to normal, his mother said, ‘Carl, we’ve had a great idea while you’ve been up there playing your music… While we’re in South Africa, you’re going to move in with Doreen.’

Carl looked straight at Doreen who gave him a conspiratorial smile as she noticed a sparkle on his neck where he’d missed a bit of his own sperm in his clean-up operation.

‘Oh, there’s no need,’ he said, not because he didn’t want to, it was just a polite way of not wanting to put anyone to trouble.

‘Oh it’s all been decided,’ said Doreen, as Carl took a seat in the armchair opposite her. She couldn’t help but look down at the bulge in his soccer shorts, now that she knew exactly what that bulge was made up of. ‘You’ll just bring what you need to me and I’ll sort out a room for you.’

With that she stood up, said her goodbyes, then, turning to Carl, said, ‘See you soon, roomie…’

He smiled at her. That smile! So innocent, so handsome, so…

As soon as she got in, Doreen went straight to her room, took off her clothes and lay down on the bed with her iPhone and Carl’s underpants, which she put to her face. Her fingers already around her clitoris, she found the video of Carl masturbating, and started bringing herself to climax thinking about the weeks ahead when she would have full control of this beautiful body.
Great story. Do you need a Carl at all?
Carl had always been a quiet boy. A shy boy. Easily embarrassed. What no one saw coming was how beautiful he was going to be. Not just good-looking or handsome but properly beautiful. By the age of 18, he was tall, well over six foot, and played pretty much every sport going, which would account for the fact that his body was broad and muscular with a butt that was so hard you could knock someone out with it.

The girls at his school were obsessed with him – his blond hair, his nice smile, his shyness - and they circulated rumours of how big his cock was, as reported by the boys who had seen him in the locker room. A couple of them had even grabbed at his bulge a couple of times, which he found mortifying. It even worked on the female teachers who were always leaning in a little close or calling him to the front of the class on any pretext. Even the headmistress had a habit of calling him to her office on any pretext. And yet, because of his shyness, he had never so much as kissed a girl. Even the thought of it made him blush.

And it was this shyness that kept him in his bedroom when his parents asked a couple of the neighbours round for drinks one Sunday. He was a polite boy, so he stayed downstairs when they first arrived to say his hellos. There was the couple from one side, in their 50s, he couldn’t remember their names, and Doreen from the other side. He’d met Doreen before, even though, as a family, they were quite new to the street. And once, when he had been playing Swingball in the garden he had noticed her at her upstairs window watching him. Or that’s how it felt anyway. And it sort of felt nice.

She was pleasant enough. Late 60s, grey hair, very old lady-style clothes. If you’d asked Carl if she was attractive, he really wouldn’t have known what to say. Probably not. Just really old. But nice. Carl chatted to her for a few minutes and half noticed that she was looking him up and down in his football shorts as they spoke: looking at his legs, his crotch, then back to his face. Still thinking about that, he made his excuses and went to his room to listen to music while his parents carried on with their entertaining.

Being 18, Carl felt like all he could think about was sex and sometimes it seemed like his cock was hard all the time, straining against the stretchy colourful underwear his mum always bought him and pretty obvious in his school trousers. No wonder the headmistress was always calling him in, just in case it was one of those moments, which sometimes it was and then she would openly stare at the bulge while she talked to him. Carl didn’t really know why but he liked being looked at like this, even by a fat frumpy old lady like his headmistress. It just gave him a tingle. He’d even masturbated thinking about her looking at him like that. A few times.

Now, up here in his room on his own with his big Bose noise-cancelling headphones on, he was feeling horny all over again. He’d already wanked twice today – he produced a minimum of three loads a day – but he found his hand feeling the bulge in his soccer shorts again, feeling it until it was hard. Then he slipped out of the shorts and lay on his bed thinking about the headmistress looking at him, wondering what she’d think if she could see him now in just his stretchy little underpants, a huge boner leaking precum into them. He closed his eyes, put his hands down his underpants and started to swirl the precum around the sensitive head of his cock, which always made him gasp.

Downstairs, Doreen stood. ‘Can I use your loo,’ she said to Carl’s mum, who pointed upwards saying, ‘Second door to the left. You can’t miss it.’ Doreen went up the stairs, looking at the pictures on the wall – family pictures including a recent one of Carl playing soccer, a nice bulge in the same soccer shorts he was wearing today – and by the time she got to the landing, she’d forgotten what she’d been told about the bathroom. Second on the right, wasn’t it?

She opened the door and was about to close it again realising that this wasn’t a bathroom when she noticed, there on the bed was the beautiful Carl, headphones on, eyes closed, in just some very skimpy underwear pleasuring himself. And with the headphones, he hadn’t heard the door open. With her heart beating hard, Doreen made the risky decision to come in and close the door and watch this beautiful, muscular young man as he enjoyed his body, one hand in his underwear, the other pinching his nipples.

She stood by the door as he licked and bit his lips, circling the precum that was flowing from his cock, giving himself little electric shocks of pleasure. Then, as Doreen looked on, he pulled the underpants down a little and pulled out the most delicious-looking cock Doreen had ever seen… and dirty old woman that she was under this frumpy exterior, she had seen quite a few.

Carl moaned lightly as she watched him harvest the precum from the little slit and smear it round and round the pink head of a cock that was honey-coloured with a foreskin that was completely pulled back. His other hand now had the cock by its base and was giving it little strokes as if he didn’t want to cum too soon. Doreen was transfixed. His beautiful body was tensing showing off such musculature while the cock leaked precum she was dying to taste.

Then he tugged the underwear right down, pushing it off with the heel of one foot until he was naked apart from the headphones. Doreen moved a little further into the room so she could stand at the foot of his bed and get a better view. And what a view! Two balls bouncing, that cock with a light tracing of veins, shiny with precum and, under the balls, the perineum, standing in a hard ridge with that mysterious little line running along it.

Carl was clenching his buttocks as he pleasured himself, opening his legs wider so Doreen could see, among the fur of his backside, a glimpse of his little anus. She felt she couldn’t breathe, the sight of him – just 18! – sliding his hand along the most amazing cock, open and on display to her. She licked her lips frantically, wishing she could taste him, so tempted to reach out and touch but she refrained, knowing the show would be over if she did.

She fumbled in the little bag slung across her shoulder for her iPhone, an ancient model, without ever taking her eyes for a moment off the boy writhing in front of her, opened the camera and moved it to video. She would now have something to look at, she thought, her own footage of the beautiful teenage neighbour as he wanked.

Goodness knows how long this went on but, elderly as she was, there was a moistening between her legs, a moistening she was desperate to put her fingers to but didn’t dare so she enjoyed the tingling as she drank in the view.

Then Carl opened his eyes. The shock of having someone in the room made him jump and sit up, tugging the headphones off, but Doreen just smiled. ‘Please don’t stop,’ she said calmly, as if she was trying not to spook a wild animal. She could almost read the thoughts going through Carl’s head as he blushed deeply but said nothing. Thoughts about his parents and the footage she was clearly taking and this old lady and what anyone would say if they found out…

She reached out and caressed his foot. ‘Please,’ she said, excited by the skin-on-skin contact with his foot. Her touch seemed to calm him and she could see that he was wondering what to do, whether to cover himself and usher her out or do as she said. ‘I’ve been watching for a little while…’

He bit his lip, shot his eyes towards the door and began to lie back against his pillows. Doreen saw his eyes go towards the door, stood up and went and turned the key in the lock before returning to the foot of the bed and sitting down, excited that this meant he was going to let her watch.

‘Seriously?’ said Carl, one last check, as if this might be a joke or a trap or something. He’d never heard of old ladies wanting teenage boys to wank off in front of them… though the headmistress perving thing should have put the idea in his head.

‘Seriously,’ she said in a calming voice, looking down at his cock, which had begun to deflate ever so slightly. ‘It’s beautiful to watch.’ He reached again for his cock, looked at Doreen, who was watching, still clearly suspicious of what was going on, and eventually began again. His cock was hard immediately and as he got used to the idea of this old lady from next door watching him, he got back into it, performing for her, opening his legs so she could see his arse, cupping his balls almost as if he was displaying them for her. She continued caressing his feet, then his calves, wondering how far she could go, as her eyes stayed glued to that penis being played with for her entertainment.

Then with her eyes locked on his, she went as far as his knee, then his thigh, tracing the muscles that were tensing and untensing as he stroked his cock. Then she went further up his thigh and brushed against his balls, almost as if it could have been an accident. It was like they both received an electric shock. Carl had never been touched there before and Doreen couldn’t believe she had actually had the feeling of his scrotum on her hand. He kept looking at her, gave her no sign that he wanted her to stop, so she became bolder and started to caress his balls, weigh them in her hand.

He licked his lips, still locked on her eyes. She licked hers. Then she gripped the base of his cock, which was so hard and so thick it filled her hand. He took his hands away, put them behind his head as if to offer his cock to her. This was the first hand that had ever been on his cock and though it was ancient and wrinkled with old-lady brown spots on it, it felt amazing. She continued what he’d been doing to himself with long, firm strokes, occasionally taking her hand over the head of his cock where, with the precum, she’d give him little shocks to the sensitive surface of his cockhead. She darted her look between his eyes and her hand on his penis, drinking in the masculine smell of the boy’s balls that was rising to meet her nostrils as she slowly slid his foreskin up and down that thick shaft with a sticky, sucky sound.

Then with her other hand, she reached under Carl’s balls and started to massage the hardened perineum. He let out another little groan and closed his eyes, opening his legs wider in invitation to her fingers. She went lower, through the hair to his anus, which was clenching and unclenching, now against her finger. And as she could see his eyes were still closed, she leaned forward and stole a droplet of precum with her tongue. It was so sweet and sticky it was all she could do not to lower her mouth over his penis… but she knew she had to go slowly so as not to frighten him.

Then she felt his body tense, his anus almost swallow the tip of her finger and heard him mutter, ‘Please Miss, please Miss, please Miss…’

‘Go ahead, Carl,’ she said. ‘Show me that beautiful sperm…’

And she felt his penis thicken, put her fingers on the pumping perineum and opened her eyes wide to take in the sight of the thick first rope of sperm shoot from Carl’s penis and hit him in the face. The second hit his neck, the third his chest, with subsequent spurts landing on his belly, getting caught in the little ‘treasure trail’ that ran from his belly button to his pubic hair. And the last of it ran over her hand, which was gripping his pumping cock. She could smell the sperm. It was clean and bleachy.

But his cock was still pumping in her hand. His buttocks clenching and unclenching to get those last sensations of her grip on his penis, the first time anyone had ever made him cum. When he finally stopped, she squeezed from the base to the tip to chase the last droplets of sperm from his penis and tortured the ultra-sensitive head a little with the sperm on her hand. He writhed, his eyes screwed tight as she said gently, ‘Ride it, Carl. Get those last moments of pleasure.’

As his eyes were still closed as she finally removed her hand, Doreen quickly put that hand to her mouth, still afraid to frighten him, and licked the warm sperm from it, the flavour fresh from this beautiful balls, the taste of the inside of him. Eventually he opened his eyes and blushed deeply at the idea of this old lady from next door not only seeing him masturbate but actually finishing him off with her finger on his hole. He felt humiliated.

‘That was lovely, Carl,’ said Doreen, trying to reassure him. ‘There’s nothing to be embarrassed about with sex. It’s just the body doing what the body needs to do. And I just helped you out a little. How did it feel?’

He smiled. ‘It actually felt lovely, thank you,’ said Carl, somehow surprised that there should be no reproaches from this lady.

‘Well, good. It actually felt lovely for me too, so…’ she said as gently as she could.

He obviously felt self-conscious sitting there naked in front of her now that he had ejaculated and she read that, stood and said, ‘I should be getting back downstairs. They’ll be wondering if I went home.’ They both did little fake laughs to acknowledge the joke. But just before Doreen left, she reached forward and picked up the little colourful stretch underpants Carl had been wearing, put them to her nose while she looked him in the eye and popped them into her handbag. The underwear smelt more of laundry detergent than anything but her finger smelt of Carl’s hole, a dark musky smell.

Back downstairs, they did in fact make the joke that they thought Doreen had gone home. ‘Oh, no. I wouldn’t be so rude,’ she said with another little fake laugh. ‘No, I bumped into Carl upstairs and he was talking about you going to South Africa…’

Doreen had actually heard this information from Carl’s parents but decided to use it as a cover for her absence from the drinks party. In fact, she’d been mulling over a little idea that had popped into her head as Carl had popped onto her hand.

‘I was just thinking,’ she said to Carl’s parents, ‘that while you’re away, would it make more sense for Carl to stay with me?’

Carl’s parents looked at each other as if to say, ‘Oh! What do you think?’

‘I thought,’ continued Doreen, ‘that him being a teenager, you’ll probably worry about him not feeding himself properly and having wild parties… You do want to have a house to come home to after your trip, don’t you?’

‘But it’s going to be several weeks,’ said Carl’s mother, not dismissively but in a ‘but we couldn’t possibly impose’ kind of way.

‘That’s what I mean,’ said Doreen. ‘You could lock up the house, put the security code in and everything and we could keep an eye on things from next door. Mine is a big house, I rattle around in it and Carl, I’m sure, will have plenty to keep busy with while you’re away so we probably won’t even see much of each other. But at least you’ll know he’ll be having decent food and will have someone to keep an eye on him. And you’ll come home to a house that hasn’t been destroyed.’

They all laughed a little at the idea of coming home to a house in ruins, Carl’s parents looking at each other for confirmation that this was in fact a decent plan.

‘Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind,’ said Carl’s father. ‘We would of course leave you money for food and what-have-you…’

‘Oh, it’s just as cheap to cook for two as it is for one,’ said Doreen. ‘And it’ll be a bit of company for me and I can be there if he needs any help with schoolwork, though I’m sure he’s much cleverer than I am.’

As they were having this conversation, Doreen could hear Carl coming down the stairs. As he came in, now fully dressed and the colour of his face back to normal, his mother said, ‘Carl, we’ve had a great idea while you’ve been up there playing your music… While we’re in South Africa, you’re going to move in with Doreen.’

Carl looked straight at Doreen who gave him a conspiratorial smile as she noticed a sparkle on his neck where he’d missed a bit of his own sperm in his clean-up operation.

‘Oh, there’s no need,’ he said, not because he didn’t want to, it was just a polite way of not wanting to put anyone to trouble.

‘Oh it’s all been decided,’ said Doreen, as Carl took a seat in the armchair opposite her. She couldn’t help but look down at the bulge in his soccer shorts, now that she knew exactly what that bulge was made up of. ‘You’ll just bring what you need to me and I’ll sort out a room for you.’

With that she stood up, said her goodbyes, then, turning to Carl, said, ‘See you soon, roomie…’

He smiled at her. That smile! So innocent, so handsome, so…

As soon as she got in, Doreen went straight to her room, took off her clothes and lay down on the bed with her iPhone and Carl’s underpants, which she put to her face. Her fingers already around her clitoris, she found the video of Carl masturbating, and started bringing herself to climax thinking about the weeks ahead when she would have full control of this beautiful body.
Excellent story