The story of Ed and Elaine Brown

D_N Flay Table

Experimental Member
Dec 23, 2006
Police assemble by Browns' home


Thursday, Jun. 7, 2007

Plainfield – Federal authorities indicated Thursday they will not raid the home of two convicted tax evaders but would serve a warrant.
Dozens of heavily armed state police and federal agents have assembled near the rural Sullivan County home of tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown.
The U.S. Marshals Service issued a brief statement after neighbors reported armed police and at least one armored vehicle near Ed and Elaine Brown's fortified compound early Thursday morning.
"We are here, in conjunction with authorities, from the Department of the Treasury, to serve that warrant," the statement said. "As we have said from the beginning, we will continue to communicate with Ed and Elaine Brown to convince them to surrender peacefully."
About 50 state troopers, some armed with high-powered rifles, along with a vehicle from the explosives unit gathered this morning in Plainfield, a small town where Edward and Elaine Brown have holed up in their home since being convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to lengthy federal prison terms.
The Browns have been aware of increased police activity all morning. In an audio file posted on a blog this morning, he said a silent aircraft at about 5,000 feet in the air flew over his home overnight.
And, he said, at about 7:45 a.m. this morning a fvisiting riend took his dog out for a walk but never returned. The dog, he said, came running up the driveway about an hour later.
He also said a neighbor called at 8:45 a.m. to let him know about 2 1/2 dozen state troopers were "coming down (Route) 12A heading in this direction."
The Browns were convicted in January in U.S. District Court in Concord for not paying more than $500,000 in taxes.
A correspondent was kept away from the Browns' compound by state police, who would not say why.
Susan Williams, who lives a mile or so away from the Browns on Center of Town Road, said she saw police officers, SWAT team members, a fire truck, ambulance, helicopter and at least one armored vehicle assembled in a field across from her driveway.
At the Browns' home, the Browns answered a telephone call from The Associated Press by saying: "This is the Lord's House. This is Sister Elaine and Brother Edward."
They said nothing was out of the ordinary at the house.
"It's very quiet. I have no idea. I don't see anything going on," said Brown, before hanging up.
The Browns insist federal income tax laws are invalid and have holed up in their hilltop home on 110 acres in Plainfield, which has a watchtower, concrete walls and the ability to run on wind and solar power. Brown said he has stockpiled food and supplies.
They were convicted in January of scheming to hide $1.9 million of income between 1996 and 2003. They also were convicted of using $215,890 in postal money orders to pay for their residence and for Elaine Brown's dental office. The money orders were broken into increments just below the tax-reporting threshold.
U.S. District Judge Steven McAuliffe sentenced them each to 5 1/4 years in prison. They skipped the April sentencing hearings, and Ed Brown has said he and his wife will refuse to surrender to authorities.
The couple has described the court as a "fiction" unworthy of their attention and returned government mail unopened. The federal judge who sentenced them in absentia has sent along their notice of appeal to an appellate court in Boston.
The Associated Press contributed to this story.'s NewsAlert subscribers were the first to learn this news.

These people are American Heros IMHO
What do you think?
your story was from a week ago, what's the follow up?

i agree, it is huge, and i'm surprised i haven't heard about it.

what a ridiculous bunch of bullshit and a waste of resources. i hope they spend more than 5 years in prison.
what a ridiculous bunch of bullshit and a waste of resources. i hope they spend more than 5 years in prison.

I can't say I follow your reasoning...?

They allegedly stiffed the Fed for half a mil...I'd wager that the various tentacles of the gov't have already devoted at least that much in terms of resources on this dog & pony show alone. Add to that the cost of housing, feeding, and medical care for these two for 5 years. The cost/benefit analysis is looking pretty sad.

I say just leave them the fuck alone and devote the resources toward dealing with the REAL criminals.
I can't say I follow your reasoning...?

They allegedly stiffed the Fed for half a mil...I'd wager that the various tentacles of the gov't have already devoted at least that much in terms of resources on this dog & pony show alone. Add to that the cost of housing, feeding, and medical care for these two for 5 years. The cost/benefit analysis is looking pretty sad.

I say just leave them the fuck alone and devote the resources toward dealing with the REAL criminals.

are you saying tax evaders aren't criminals?
They've broken the law. Their being obstinate about it is nothing new but boarding themselves up in a fortress is a poor choice for avoiding a prison term if you ask me.

Just pay your bills and wave at the police as they pass by.
There's nothing "heroic" about this, man, hate to tell you. I think it's really nifty that they can run their home on wind and solar power, but I bet they would have made way more in endorsements from tech companies the legal way than they acquired from looting the government. You can't just selectively honor the idea that you can make a killing (however means necessary) from the government, and then when that same government calls for appropriate punishment for wrongdoing, you say it's a "fiction." Please.

I say to hell with it -- start bombing bits and pieces of the whole shabazz until they run out cryin'.
Snoozan, I know you're more intelligent than this. Please don't lower yourself to strawman know damned well that isn't what I'm saying.

No, I think he is saying that there are rapists, murderers, and child molestors out there and tax evaders pale in comparison. I agree with him in that regard.

I've wanted to take a little while to answer this and I've been running back and forth all day getting ready for work tomorrow.

Anyway, there are a few reasons this story enraged me.

The first is the most obvious. I have to pay taxes, about 1/3rd of my income or so and I'm in no way as affluent as these people and therefore can't hole up in my 110 acre compound because I don't feel like paying taxes.

The other thing that struck me was the cutesy way they answered their phones that leads me to believe they consider themselves good Christians. Yet, they have lied and cheated to get into the position they are in. I don't care if they are morally opposed to taxation. They still lied and cheated which is proscribed in Christianity.

I also can't help but notice the huge American flag hanging from the side of these true patriots' concrete fortress. If they love America so much, why are they flouting the laws of the country they profess to love? It doesn't matter if they think income taxes are invalid. They are the laws of the country, and if they don't like it, they can work to change them or they can leave the country and stop enjoying the benefits that taxes give them. You can't pick and choose which laws you want to follow and which ones you don't like. That simply doesn't work.

I understand wanting to punish murderers, rapists, etc. more than tax evaders. However, tax evasion is a huge problem in our country and is something people think they are entitled to do for this or that reason just as this couple did. I don't know how many people I've worked for that only report 60% or so of their earnings because they feel entitled to do so. Someone needs to be the example because tax evasion isn't a victimless crime. If you've decided to not show up in court, build a fortress, and refuse to come out of your house, you're asking to be that example.

What else do you expect the feds to do, anyway? Say, oh well, we can't get to them easily so let's just leave and hope they turn themselves in. These people were convicted. Therefore, they need to be in jail. The fact that they've built a bunker which therefore makes it harder to get to them means that the feds have to have this ridiculous show because they can't just give up and let them go.

It's the self righteousness of this that really gets me. They are convinced in their own minds that they are good Christians and good Americans no matter what God's or America's laws are. They are a stinking example of hubris and it's infuriating to me.

Yes, catch the murderers and the rapists and the child pornographers... but I would much rather them go after these types of overpriveleged white collar criminals who bang the government and other people out of millions of dollars than the small time drug offenders that are filling our jails and prisons.

I hope this made some sort of sense because I am really really scattered right now.
I've wanted to take a little while to answer this and I've been running back and forth all day getting ready for work tomorrow.

Anyway, there are a few reasons this story enraged me.

The first is the most obvious. I have to pay taxes, about 1/3rd of my income or so and I'm in no way as affluent as these people and therefore can't hole up in my 110 acre compound because I don't feel like paying taxes.

The other thing that struck me was the cutesy way they answered their phones that leads me to believe they consider themselves good Christians. Yet, they have lied and cheated to get into the position they are in. I don't care if they are morally opposed to taxation. They still lied and cheated which is proscribed in Christianity.

I also can't help but notice the huge American flag hanging from the side of these true patriots' concrete fortress. If they love America so much, why are they flouting the laws of the country they profess to love? It doesn't matter if they think income taxes are invalid. They are the laws of the country, and if they don't like it, they can work to change them or they can leave the country and stop enjoying the benefits that taxes give them. You can't pick and choose which laws you want to follow and which ones you don't like. That simply doesn't work.

I understand wanting to punish murderers, rapists, etc. more than tax evaders. However, tax evasion is a huge problem in our country and is something people think they are entitled to do for this or that reason just as this couple did. I don't know how many people I've worked for that only report 60% or so of their earnings because they feel entitled to do so. Someone needs to be the example because tax evasion isn't a victimless crime. If you've decided to not show up in court, build a fortress, and refuse to come out of your house, you're asking to be that example.

What else do you expect the feds to do, anyway? Say, oh well, we can't get to them easily so let's just leave and hope they turn themselves in. These people were convicted. Therefore, they need to be in jail. The fact that they've built a bunker which therefore makes it harder to get to them means that the feds have to have this ridiculous show because they can't just give up and let them go.

It's the self righteousness of this that really gets me. They are convinced in their own minds that they are good Christians and good Americans no matter what God's or America's laws are. They are a stinking example of hubris and it's infuriating to me.

Yes, catch the murderers and the rapists and the child pornographers... but I would much rather them go after these types of overpriveleged white collar criminals who bang the government and other people out of millions of dollars than the small time drug offenders that are filling our jails and prisons.

I hope this made some sort of sense because I am really really scattered right now.
Snoozan, it made absolute sense and I couldn't agree more.

These people aren't merely thumbing their noses at the government, they're betraying their fellow citizens.
Yes, catch the murderers and the rapists and the child pornographers... but I would much rather them go after these types of overpriveleged white collar criminals who bang the government and other people out of millions of dollars than the small time drug offenders that are filling our jails and prisons.

I hope this made some sort of sense because I am really really scattered right now.

It made sense, and I don't disagree. Don't misunderstand my position as being in defense of the Browns. I generally despise hypocrisy in most any incarnation, and these folks stink of it...especially all the Christian pap they're spouting...but I think theirs doesn't hold a candle to that of the fed. Honestly, the display of force and waste of resource (especially considering that it costs more than these folks have "banged" the government for) is inexcusable. It's a much more efficient and sensible tactic to cut them off the grid (no comms, no power, no waste/water, freeze assets) and post a sentry at their property. At some point they have to leave, and at that point, they can be taken into custody without fanfare.

Anyhow, I quoted your final thought for a reason: it illustrates the homogenized regard that most Americans have for criminal offenses, and it really pisses me off. Drug offenders are NOT criminals, in my opinion..they're an artificially created class of people who are labeled as such because of a completely counterproductive and non-sensical set of policies that were implemented by our government. Without going off on a tear about the moral and practical stupidity of drug laws, I'll just focus on your statement:

the small time drug offenders that are filling our jails and prisons

And not just the prisons...also the courts, and the various branches of law enforcement at all levels of government...innnumerable tax dollars and public man-hours devoted to waging this "war on drugs." To what end? Are we any better off? Has the problem been solved? Even mitigated? No. Not in the least bit. It's a complete and utter WASTE of public resources, in every aspect of its implementation.

No, in my opinion, the only real criminals that our government should put on a show of force in stopping are those who pose a real threat to the citizenry: those who steal from others by any means (this includes identity theft, credit fraud, etc), and those who do violence to others.
No, in my opinion, the only real criminals that our government should put on a show of force in stopping are those who pose a real threat to the citizenry: those who steal from others by any means (this includes identity theft, credit fraud, etc), and those who do violence to others.

How do you know that there aren't other issues? Perhaps they have a small arsenal in the house, perhaps they've threatened neighbors.

Until they're arrested, none of us knows. Allowing a couple of whacked out religious nuts to thumb their nose at the government is not something the IRS wants people to think they can get away with.

There have been enough people using the name of god to support their illegal acts. It's time to stop it.
As usual most of you are missing the point. He is willing to pay his taxes if someone can show him the law that requires him to do so. There is no Law!

There is a difference between "apportioned" and "unapportioned" tax. The Supreme court ruled that their is no law in the Constitution or Bill of Right's that makes Law of a Direct Tax on any Person's income. The only tax that is a direct Tax based on U.S. Law is a Tax on Profit by Business or Person's. So, the Law states a Direct tax on a Person's income is voluntary. Profit is what the Tax Law was created for, not income.

Joe Banister, who spent a large part of his career working with the IRS, he actually came across information that proved that there was no law, he went to his superiors and asked if it was true, they told him it was, and he better keep his mouth shut. He didnt keep his mouth shut, and he resigned before they could fire him smart move. But, in 2004, they got charged him with conspiracy and trying to defraud the United States, totally false charges but he was found guilty anyways, and was served a prison sentence and had to pay a fine of 7,500 dollars.

Freedom Above Fortune - Welcome

I have also posted the link before to Aaron Russo's documentary entitled Freedom to Fascism all sat back and watched the Waco events unfold, I guess no one will bat an eye lid over this. Move along people, nothing to see here.
How do you know that there aren't other issues? Perhaps they have a small arsenal in the house, perhaps they've threatened neighbors.

Until they're arrested, none of us knows.

How do we know you haven't? By your reasoning, we should send someone out to arrest you just to be sure.

I'll reiterate for the cheap seats: I'm not advocating that the Browns be allowed to "get off." I'm simply pointing out that the federal response is an unnecessarily wasteful misallocation of criminal justice personnel and resources..
As usual most of you are missing the point. He is willing to pay his taxes if someone can show him the law that requires him to do so. There is no Law!
Congress has taxation power. That (and a few other things) is the difference between the government of the Constitution and that of the Articles of Confederation. It's up to Congress to decide what to tax and how to tax it.
There is a difference between "apportioned" and "unapportioned" tax. The Supreme court ruled that their is no law in the Constitution or Bill of Right's that makes Law of a Direct Tax on any Person's income. The only tax that is a direct Tax based on U.S. Law is a Tax on Profit by Business or Person's. So, the Law states a Direct tax on a Person's income is voluntary. Profit is what the Tax Law was created for, not income.

So you, like Clarence Thomas, believe that the US Constitution was written in stone and that all laws that Congress has since passed are illegal? The Constitution is a living document and morphs along with the people it was designed to serve. There would be no USA if it weren't for the income tax.

Why don't you stop running around with blinkers over your eyes and join the rest of us in the 21st century.
Why don't you stop running around with blinkers over your eyes and join the rest of us in the 21st century.

If you think that the Federal Income tax that you pay helps your country in anyway, then you are sadly misinformed. Your federal tax goes to the Federal Reserve -- and there is nothing Federal about them. The Federal Reserve is a cabal of private bankers. It's a PRIVATE BANK!

I suggest you read 'The Creature from Jekyll Island' by G.Edward Griffen.