A loud bang of metal hitting concrete awoke Lana. She groggily rolled over and put a pillow over her head and went back to sleep. A few minutes later the sounds of wheels rolling down a corrugated metal ramp then hitting concrete as the wheels transitioned awoke her again. Frustrated, Lana curled her arm over the pillow, pulling it hard against her head as if she was trying to push it into her ear like an earplug. As the sounds continued she finally gave up trying to block out the sounds so that she could sleep. Getting up she moved to the window to try to determine where these annoying sounds were coming from so she could go yell at the people making them so she could get back to sleep. Pulling aside her window’s blackout curtains she saw what was causing the cacophony: a small moving truck was parked in her driveway.
“Great,” she muttered to herself sarcastically. The house next to hers had adjoining driveways with a small two foot high hedge separating them. The driveways ran the length of the property from the street in the front to the gates of the utility easement at the back of the property. The front doors of each house faced the driveways instead of the street. Lana’s second floor bedroom window was directly above the front door, so it looked out over the driveways.
As she stood at the window deciding what to do, she saw a young man, probably in his late teens or early twenties, come from the inside of the moving truck to speak with her father. She could hear that they were talking, but could not make out the words. From the gesturing of both men, she figured that they were discussing where to take the furniture that was on the young man’s hand truck. Abruptly the young man stopped mid-gesture and mid-sentence; almost like he was frozen in time. Realizing his gaze was fixed on her, Lana came to her senses and hurriedly closed the curtains. She had forgotten she wasn't wearing a top because it was hot last night and her parents hadn't fixed the air conditioner yet. Immediately she felt the heat of embarrassment climb up her throat to her face. She had only been wearing her red sports bra and silk pajama shorts, meaning her HH cup breasts were on full display. That was not the best way to meet the neighbors. Hurrying back to her bed, she picked up her phone to text her best friend Lisa.
how'd that happen?
LOL. You know your ( . Y . ) are kryptonite to guys

At least I had my sleep bra on
We'll that's something at least
Maybe it won't be a thing going forward
Is he cute?
well is he tall? shirt? thin? fat?
How tall?
Nice. Tall guys are usually “packing”. Think he's “packing”?
What can I say. I'm a size queen and I know it.
So did it look like he was “packing”
And we know he's not packing. LOL
Right …
I was just trying to to have some fun
Lana threw her phone down on the bed. Lisa's constant belittling of Derek since she accidently saw him while he was changing into his swimsuit last month was getting old. She could never understand Lisa's obsession with and quest to find the largest penis in the world. Both of the guys she had been with in the past had been average in size. “What is all the fuss about anyways?,” she pondered aloud before heading to the shower.
The moving noises outside continued, but got quieter as she entered the attached bathroom. Lana really liked the layout of her house. The upstairs had two bedrooms on one side that shared a bathroom that was broken into four separate compartments by pocket doors. The first compartment on either side adjoining the bedrooms was a washroom complete with sink on the outer wall and a storage closet in the inner wall. There were large mirrors that completely covered the wall behind the sink. The next two compartments were the shower and toilet respectively. The shower was on the outside wall and featured a high window that would let in light, but not allow anyone to easily see in from the outside. The shower was very large and featured two different showerheads. On one side was a standard shower head that could be removed from its cradle. It featured multiple water jet options and a stop button that could shut off the water when not in use. The other side had a tile bench with a large rain style shower head suspended in the ceiling. The tile bench was wide enough to seat two adults side by side comfortably.
She took a quick cold shower to get the dried sweat off her from last night. She then got dressed in a loose fitting T-shirt and jeans. Exiting from the other door in her room onto the landing, she looked across to the empty second bedroom. It was her sister's room, but she had gotten accepted to Columbia Law School and moved to New York. She missed her sister a lot as until recently they had never been apart for more than a few weeks. Now it looked to be filling up with boxes from her adopted cousin. With a sigh, she headed to the far side of the landing to head downstairs.
As soon as she rounded the corner of the jack knife staircase she knew her mother was awake as the scrumptious smell of fresh baked goods wafted towards her.
“Morning Mom,” she called out from the stairwell before fully exiting, “what smells so good?”
“Good Morning Little One,” her mother replied, using the childhood nickname Lana had accidentally given herself when she introduced herself and her sister one time when they were just out of preschool. She said they were sisters, she was the Little One and her sister Tanya was the Bigger One. Her mother thought it was so darling she kept calling her by the name even though she was now twenty two. “I'm baking some cookies for TJ to welcome him to our home,” her mother continued, “I'm almost done icing the first batch of ‘Welcome’ sugar cookies. The oatmeal raisin ones are on the rectangle platter along with the chocolate chip. Just have to let the icing set on this one and take the second batch out of the oven.”
“Why’d you make a double batch of the sugar cookies?”
“Oh, your Father,” her mother replied exasperatedly. “He ate three of the first batch while they were cooling. I turned my back for a minute and the devastation was done.” Then her mother laughed her “I'm upset, but not really” laugh. It was one of the secret reasons that Lana's parent were so happily married. They didn't sweat the small stuff and forgave each other easily. “Besides, he deserved a sweet treat after all of the work he's been putting in at the gym to keep all that weight off.”
Lana's father has been overweight most of her life. Not obese, but noticably carrying extra weight, especially in his belly. It kinda came with the territory of being a Computer Science Professor at the University. He spent so much time behind a keyboard he never really got much exercise. Last year he was diagnosed as being borderline type two diabetic and it was the wakeup call he needed. Since then he has found a personal trainer through one of the Kinesiology professors at work and really such to their program. He no longer had the belly and was lean.
They continued to talk for a while, her mother continuing to decorate and Lana “helping” where she could like licking the spoons and taste testing the frosting to make sure it was up to par. As the last of batch two of the sugar cookies were finished and set, she helped her mother place them in the cookie tin. Then she was asked the question she knew was coming, “Will you help me carry the platters into the living room for your cousin TJ?”
Thinking about it Lana really didn't because of the awkwardness that occurred earlier this morning. She really just wanted to snag a quick bite for breakfast and head over to Derek's to hang by his pool. The weather app on her phone warned it was going to be another “Excessive Heat” day. This was the thirty ninth day in a row of over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. The air conditioner was broken again and her Dad said the repair techs are booked two weeks out because of all the units running basically 24/7. At least at Derek's she could cool off in the AC and have him bring her iced drinks all day.
“I dunno Mom. I wanna go over to Derek's for the day”
“I need help with these cookies. Just help me carry them out there, say ‘Hi', to TJ then you can go over to Derek’s,” stated her mother. As they arrived in the front room TJ and Lana’s father were having difficulty getting one of his boxes through the front door. Having temporarily placed a metal ramp over the front steps so that they could use a hand truck to wheel the boxes inside, the two couldn't figure out how to get this box through the front door.
“It's just too wide,” Lana’s father said, “It just won't fit!”
“It is not too big, this door is just too small,” replied TJ frustratedly as he threw all his weight against the box to try to force it.
“I'm telling you it won't fit, you'll just have to pull it out and we'll need to try the back door.”
“Is there a way to wheel it there?”
“There is not a paved pathway, it is stepping stones and rock between the house and pool, then it is paved again on the far side,” answered Lana’s father.
“Maybe we should come back later,” suggested Lana secretly wishing her mother would be deterred by the bickering of the me and she could make an excuse to slip off to Derek's. She motioned for Lana to put down the platters and follow her over to the door. “Guys, what if Lana and I helped carry the box to the back door? Would that help?
“It might,” replied Lana’s father and TJ in unison.
All four of them hefted the box, one on each corner and started back down the metal ramp to the driveway. Turning to the right they headed towards the side of the house. The sides of the house were parallel to the street, with the pool being on the far side from the street. There was a red rock pathway with white faux brick stepping stones that separated the pool fence from the rest of the house. The house was built on a slope so it was higher on the side with the pool. There was a paved path that led from the pool gate to the side porch which was wide and deep enough to fit an eight foot round table with center umbrella, a barbeque, a smoker, a pizza oven, and enough room for the four of them to walk comfortably to the sliding glass door. They referred to it as the back door, but it was really on the side of the house. Once inside the house they placed the box on the laminate faux wood floor of the game room.
“See how easy that was,” stated Lana’s mother triumphantly. The other three just huffed and puffed as they were quite out of breath from the exertion of carrying the box with how hot it was already getting outside.
“What is in this box,” asked Lana, “a dead body?”
TJ answered, “No, it is my clothes.”
“All of them?”
“No, just the ones that needed to remain on hangers. This is an extra tall garment box. If you haven't noticed, I'm super tall.” With that TJ pulled himself up to his full height. Lana gazed up at him having to crane her neck quite a way back. He was tall alright, his head almost touching the top of the sliding glass doors, which Lana knew were 6’8” tall as she had previously had to measure them for a school project. She figured he must be 6’6” or 6’7” tall. Compared with her at 5’5” he was gargantuan. Her nose was just at the bottom of his sternum. Realizing the height difference Lana looked at him from top to bottom, unconsciously slowing down as she surveyed his waist to his knees because of Lisa's text earlier about “tall guys”. She saw no evidence of anything abnormal and returned her gaze to his face. He was looking down at her and she couldn't tell if he was looking at her face or further down to her chest at his angle.
“Now that we've gotten the box inside and seen that TJ has had a growth spurt since the last time we saw him, let's take a break and eat some cookies,” Lana's mother suggested. Everyone agreed and headed to the front room. They caught up on family gossip and news for the next hour learning that TJ's parents were going to be going to Europe the following week for three months as his adopted parents visited each of his adopted father's work offices for their annual audit. His adopted father was the corporate auditor for the overseas finance department. TJ has come to stay with them because he was going to attend the local university that Lana’s father taught at. He and Lana would both be freshmen together in two weeks.
At a lull in the conversation, TJ stood up. “That moving truck is not going to unpack itself. I better get back to it. The rest of the boxes should be small and light so I should be able to handle them myself since we got all the furniture inside already.”
“Sounds good,” said Lana's father looking relieved he didn't have to help anymore and could stay near the cookies.
“Ok. I'm going to head over to Derek's.” Lana grabbed her keys and purse from the table by the door, texted Derek she was on her way over, and left. It was a quick drive. Derek only lived a little way from the University; only about twenty minutes away. The AC in Lana's car was just getting cold when she pulled into Derek's driveway. She texted him from the driveway and he came out of the side gate moments later in his knit workout shorts that had “Muscle Co” printed on the right thigh and a tight white T-shirt that showed off his muscled chest and arms. She loved his well defined body and hurried out of the car to hug him tightly.
“Well hello, Beautiful,” said Derek as he effortlessly lifted her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and sought his lips. The kiss was electric, but more involved than she had intended. Once their lip lock broke, he whispered in her ear, “My roommates are out of town today.” Her eyes lit up and her lips found his again. Her body signaled her longing for them to be naked and in his room as quickly as he could manage it. Without putting her down, he closed and locked her car, moved towards his room, going back through the side gate and up the exterior stairs to the second floor veranda. Then he slid open the sliding glass door and set her down on his bed.
“I want you so bad right now,” she said, pulling down his swim trunks to free his hard cock. She was rarely this forward or this horny, but today she just wanted him in the worst way. His cock sprang back up to just above level with the ground as soon as it was free. As soon as the trunks were near his ankles Derek stepped out of them. Before they were even off his first ankle, Lana had his cock in her mouth. Swirling her tongue round and around his cock’s head, she brought her right hand up to stroke what was left of the shaft. Her other hand quickly found his balls and began to massage them just the way he liked. He removed his shirt revealing his toned abs and large pecs. She looked up at him and moved her left hand up to his tanned torso to gently caress its definition.
“Fuck, that's good,” Derek said exasperatedly as he threw his head back in ecstatic abandon. His hips began thrusting of their own accord in rhythm with her stroking. “Suck that cock! Mhmm,” he moaned as she opened her mouth a little to let some of her saliva out to lubricate his shaft. With each stroke she took more and more of his cock into her mouth. As his cock got closer to the back of her throat each time she pushed her head forward, she felt his body begin to tense. Not wanting him to cum yet, she pulled away.
“Not in my mouth,” she said sternly.
Derek pushed her back onto the bed and had her pants off so quickly it seemed like once continuous motion. Like always when she came over Lana was not wearing any panties. He went to work immediately with his face planted into her beautifully symmetric pussy. His tongue deftly flicked up and down her labia with the lightest of touches. With each movement Lana felt the intense needs to push her hips forward. So as to tease her and show off his strength Derek used one hand to push her down onto the bed, preventing her from lifting her hips. He wanted to prolong the ecstasy.
“Keep going,” she breathed as she felt the energy build in her pelvis. She was close. Derek, knowing how close she was, pressed his index and middle fingers at the opening to her womanhood, and began to press them inside. Her body resisted his fingers at first, but then relented allowing him to get his first knuckle of both fingers inside. It was at that moment she clamped down hard, “I'm cumming!!”
He let her finish cumming then He mounted her deftly guiding his cock to the entrance of her awaiting pussy. Having just cum it was more relaxed, but he still had to push with considerable strength to enter her. Once his cock head was inside of her, a gush of wetness spilled forth. “Wow! You're so wet. You really did want me to fuck you with my big dick!”
With the added wetness his cock easily slid balls deep into her. “It is so good,” she said. She was glad he had made her cum already because she never really came from just his cock. She moved her body writhing and grinding up into him. Every time he pulled back for another thrust she prepared herself. As he started pushing his cock forward again she used her legs to slam her pussy up onto his cock. When he was as deep inside her as he could go his balls smacked into her, sending waves of pleasure for him.
“Fuck! I'm going to cum!” With that his cock erupted inside her shooting four small jets of cum. Derek collapsed on top of her a few minutes later, kissed her, then rolled off onto his back. Lana lay there pretending to vibrate from his orgasm for a few minutes. They lay there together for quite some time catching their breath. After cleaning up, Lana put on some of Derek's clean shorts and turned on his TV to find a movie for them to watch.
After what seemed a very short time, Lana’s phone notifications went off from the table nearby with a text from her mother reminding her to be home for dinner. Lana breathed out a sigh of defeat. “I really don't want to go home, but my Mom insists that I spend some time getting to know my adopted cousin.” She had filled Derek in on the morning’s events with TJ and her flashing him in the morning.
“Babe,” started Derek, “You know every guy always looks at your chest …”
“Not every guy,” Lana interrupted, pointing at him.
“Okay every ‘Boob Guy's looks at your chest. I'm a ‘Butt Guy and Legs Guy’. Always have been. I love you small cute butt and perfect legs.”
“Is that why you never want me to take my shirt off when we have sex?!
“Great,” she muttered to herself sarcastically. The house next to hers had adjoining driveways with a small two foot high hedge separating them. The driveways ran the length of the property from the street in the front to the gates of the utility easement at the back of the property. The front doors of each house faced the driveways instead of the street. Lana’s second floor bedroom window was directly above the front door, so it looked out over the driveways.
As she stood at the window deciding what to do, she saw a young man, probably in his late teens or early twenties, come from the inside of the moving truck to speak with her father. She could hear that they were talking, but could not make out the words. From the gesturing of both men, she figured that they were discussing where to take the furniture that was on the young man’s hand truck. Abruptly the young man stopped mid-gesture and mid-sentence; almost like he was frozen in time. Realizing his gaze was fixed on her, Lana came to her senses and hurriedly closed the curtains. She had forgotten she wasn't wearing a top because it was hot last night and her parents hadn't fixed the air conditioner yet. Immediately she felt the heat of embarrassment climb up her throat to her face. She had only been wearing her red sports bra and silk pajama shorts, meaning her HH cup breasts were on full display. That was not the best way to meet the neighbors. Hurrying back to her bed, she picked up her phone to text her best friend Lisa.
omg I just flashed my adopted cousin
yes. I'm so mortified right now
how'd that happen?
I forgot he was arriving today.
He woke me up with moving truck noise
I went to the window to look
I wasn't wearing a top because it was hot last night
He looked right at me and froze
He woke me up with moving truck noise
I went to the window to look
I wasn't wearing a top because it was hot last night
He looked right at me and froze
LOL. You know your ( . Y . ) are kryptonite to guys

At least I had my sleep bra on
We'll that's something at least
Maybe it won't be a thing going forward
I hope so
Is he cute?
I dunno he's technically my cousin
I don't see him that way
I don't see him that way
well is he tall? shirt? thin? fat?
Tall and thin, I guess
How tall?
Maybe 6’3
or 6’4
or 6’4
Nice. Tall guys are usually “packing”. Think he's “packing”?
Is that all you think about when you see a guy
What can I say. I'm a size queen and I know it.
So did it look like he was “packing”
Eew. I don't look for that
And he's my adopted cousin
Besides I'm with Derek
And he's my adopted cousin
Besides I'm with Derek
And we know he's not packing. LOL
He's perfectly fine “down there”
Right …
Just because he's not some freak of nature hanging down to his knees, doesn't mean he's any less of a man. He's perfectly sized for me. So stop bringing it up
I was just trying to to have some fun
Lana threw her phone down on the bed. Lisa's constant belittling of Derek since she accidently saw him while he was changing into his swimsuit last month was getting old. She could never understand Lisa's obsession with and quest to find the largest penis in the world. Both of the guys she had been with in the past had been average in size. “What is all the fuss about anyways?,” she pondered aloud before heading to the shower.
The moving noises outside continued, but got quieter as she entered the attached bathroom. Lana really liked the layout of her house. The upstairs had two bedrooms on one side that shared a bathroom that was broken into four separate compartments by pocket doors. The first compartment on either side adjoining the bedrooms was a washroom complete with sink on the outer wall and a storage closet in the inner wall. There were large mirrors that completely covered the wall behind the sink. The next two compartments were the shower and toilet respectively. The shower was on the outside wall and featured a high window that would let in light, but not allow anyone to easily see in from the outside. The shower was very large and featured two different showerheads. On one side was a standard shower head that could be removed from its cradle. It featured multiple water jet options and a stop button that could shut off the water when not in use. The other side had a tile bench with a large rain style shower head suspended in the ceiling. The tile bench was wide enough to seat two adults side by side comfortably.
She took a quick cold shower to get the dried sweat off her from last night. She then got dressed in a loose fitting T-shirt and jeans. Exiting from the other door in her room onto the landing, she looked across to the empty second bedroom. It was her sister's room, but she had gotten accepted to Columbia Law School and moved to New York. She missed her sister a lot as until recently they had never been apart for more than a few weeks. Now it looked to be filling up with boxes from her adopted cousin. With a sigh, she headed to the far side of the landing to head downstairs.
As soon as she rounded the corner of the jack knife staircase she knew her mother was awake as the scrumptious smell of fresh baked goods wafted towards her.
“Morning Mom,” she called out from the stairwell before fully exiting, “what smells so good?”
“Good Morning Little One,” her mother replied, using the childhood nickname Lana had accidentally given herself when she introduced herself and her sister one time when they were just out of preschool. She said they were sisters, she was the Little One and her sister Tanya was the Bigger One. Her mother thought it was so darling she kept calling her by the name even though she was now twenty two. “I'm baking some cookies for TJ to welcome him to our home,” her mother continued, “I'm almost done icing the first batch of ‘Welcome’ sugar cookies. The oatmeal raisin ones are on the rectangle platter along with the chocolate chip. Just have to let the icing set on this one and take the second batch out of the oven.”
“Why’d you make a double batch of the sugar cookies?”
“Oh, your Father,” her mother replied exasperatedly. “He ate three of the first batch while they were cooling. I turned my back for a minute and the devastation was done.” Then her mother laughed her “I'm upset, but not really” laugh. It was one of the secret reasons that Lana's parent were so happily married. They didn't sweat the small stuff and forgave each other easily. “Besides, he deserved a sweet treat after all of the work he's been putting in at the gym to keep all that weight off.”
Lana's father has been overweight most of her life. Not obese, but noticably carrying extra weight, especially in his belly. It kinda came with the territory of being a Computer Science Professor at the University. He spent so much time behind a keyboard he never really got much exercise. Last year he was diagnosed as being borderline type two diabetic and it was the wakeup call he needed. Since then he has found a personal trainer through one of the Kinesiology professors at work and really such to their program. He no longer had the belly and was lean.
They continued to talk for a while, her mother continuing to decorate and Lana “helping” where she could like licking the spoons and taste testing the frosting to make sure it was up to par. As the last of batch two of the sugar cookies were finished and set, she helped her mother place them in the cookie tin. Then she was asked the question she knew was coming, “Will you help me carry the platters into the living room for your cousin TJ?”
Thinking about it Lana really didn't because of the awkwardness that occurred earlier this morning. She really just wanted to snag a quick bite for breakfast and head over to Derek's to hang by his pool. The weather app on her phone warned it was going to be another “Excessive Heat” day. This was the thirty ninth day in a row of over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. The air conditioner was broken again and her Dad said the repair techs are booked two weeks out because of all the units running basically 24/7. At least at Derek's she could cool off in the AC and have him bring her iced drinks all day.
“I dunno Mom. I wanna go over to Derek's for the day”
“I need help with these cookies. Just help me carry them out there, say ‘Hi', to TJ then you can go over to Derek’s,” stated her mother. As they arrived in the front room TJ and Lana’s father were having difficulty getting one of his boxes through the front door. Having temporarily placed a metal ramp over the front steps so that they could use a hand truck to wheel the boxes inside, the two couldn't figure out how to get this box through the front door.
“It's just too wide,” Lana’s father said, “It just won't fit!”
“It is not too big, this door is just too small,” replied TJ frustratedly as he threw all his weight against the box to try to force it.
“I'm telling you it won't fit, you'll just have to pull it out and we'll need to try the back door.”
“Is there a way to wheel it there?”
“There is not a paved pathway, it is stepping stones and rock between the house and pool, then it is paved again on the far side,” answered Lana’s father.
“Maybe we should come back later,” suggested Lana secretly wishing her mother would be deterred by the bickering of the me and she could make an excuse to slip off to Derek's. She motioned for Lana to put down the platters and follow her over to the door. “Guys, what if Lana and I helped carry the box to the back door? Would that help?
“It might,” replied Lana’s father and TJ in unison.
All four of them hefted the box, one on each corner and started back down the metal ramp to the driveway. Turning to the right they headed towards the side of the house. The sides of the house were parallel to the street, with the pool being on the far side from the street. There was a red rock pathway with white faux brick stepping stones that separated the pool fence from the rest of the house. The house was built on a slope so it was higher on the side with the pool. There was a paved path that led from the pool gate to the side porch which was wide and deep enough to fit an eight foot round table with center umbrella, a barbeque, a smoker, a pizza oven, and enough room for the four of them to walk comfortably to the sliding glass door. They referred to it as the back door, but it was really on the side of the house. Once inside the house they placed the box on the laminate faux wood floor of the game room.
“See how easy that was,” stated Lana’s mother triumphantly. The other three just huffed and puffed as they were quite out of breath from the exertion of carrying the box with how hot it was already getting outside.
“What is in this box,” asked Lana, “a dead body?”
TJ answered, “No, it is my clothes.”
“All of them?”
“No, just the ones that needed to remain on hangers. This is an extra tall garment box. If you haven't noticed, I'm super tall.” With that TJ pulled himself up to his full height. Lana gazed up at him having to crane her neck quite a way back. He was tall alright, his head almost touching the top of the sliding glass doors, which Lana knew were 6’8” tall as she had previously had to measure them for a school project. She figured he must be 6’6” or 6’7” tall. Compared with her at 5’5” he was gargantuan. Her nose was just at the bottom of his sternum. Realizing the height difference Lana looked at him from top to bottom, unconsciously slowing down as she surveyed his waist to his knees because of Lisa's text earlier about “tall guys”. She saw no evidence of anything abnormal and returned her gaze to his face. He was looking down at her and she couldn't tell if he was looking at her face or further down to her chest at his angle.
“Now that we've gotten the box inside and seen that TJ has had a growth spurt since the last time we saw him, let's take a break and eat some cookies,” Lana's mother suggested. Everyone agreed and headed to the front room. They caught up on family gossip and news for the next hour learning that TJ's parents were going to be going to Europe the following week for three months as his adopted parents visited each of his adopted father's work offices for their annual audit. His adopted father was the corporate auditor for the overseas finance department. TJ has come to stay with them because he was going to attend the local university that Lana’s father taught at. He and Lana would both be freshmen together in two weeks.
At a lull in the conversation, TJ stood up. “That moving truck is not going to unpack itself. I better get back to it. The rest of the boxes should be small and light so I should be able to handle them myself since we got all the furniture inside already.”
“Sounds good,” said Lana's father looking relieved he didn't have to help anymore and could stay near the cookies.
“Ok. I'm going to head over to Derek's.” Lana grabbed her keys and purse from the table by the door, texted Derek she was on her way over, and left. It was a quick drive. Derek only lived a little way from the University; only about twenty minutes away. The AC in Lana's car was just getting cold when she pulled into Derek's driveway. She texted him from the driveway and he came out of the side gate moments later in his knit workout shorts that had “Muscle Co” printed on the right thigh and a tight white T-shirt that showed off his muscled chest and arms. She loved his well defined body and hurried out of the car to hug him tightly.
“Well hello, Beautiful,” said Derek as he effortlessly lifted her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and sought his lips. The kiss was electric, but more involved than she had intended. Once their lip lock broke, he whispered in her ear, “My roommates are out of town today.” Her eyes lit up and her lips found his again. Her body signaled her longing for them to be naked and in his room as quickly as he could manage it. Without putting her down, he closed and locked her car, moved towards his room, going back through the side gate and up the exterior stairs to the second floor veranda. Then he slid open the sliding glass door and set her down on his bed.
“I want you so bad right now,” she said, pulling down his swim trunks to free his hard cock. She was rarely this forward or this horny, but today she just wanted him in the worst way. His cock sprang back up to just above level with the ground as soon as it was free. As soon as the trunks were near his ankles Derek stepped out of them. Before they were even off his first ankle, Lana had his cock in her mouth. Swirling her tongue round and around his cock’s head, she brought her right hand up to stroke what was left of the shaft. Her other hand quickly found his balls and began to massage them just the way he liked. He removed his shirt revealing his toned abs and large pecs. She looked up at him and moved her left hand up to his tanned torso to gently caress its definition.
“Fuck, that's good,” Derek said exasperatedly as he threw his head back in ecstatic abandon. His hips began thrusting of their own accord in rhythm with her stroking. “Suck that cock! Mhmm,” he moaned as she opened her mouth a little to let some of her saliva out to lubricate his shaft. With each stroke she took more and more of his cock into her mouth. As his cock got closer to the back of her throat each time she pushed her head forward, she felt his body begin to tense. Not wanting him to cum yet, she pulled away.
“Not in my mouth,” she said sternly.
Derek pushed her back onto the bed and had her pants off so quickly it seemed like once continuous motion. Like always when she came over Lana was not wearing any panties. He went to work immediately with his face planted into her beautifully symmetric pussy. His tongue deftly flicked up and down her labia with the lightest of touches. With each movement Lana felt the intense needs to push her hips forward. So as to tease her and show off his strength Derek used one hand to push her down onto the bed, preventing her from lifting her hips. He wanted to prolong the ecstasy.
“Keep going,” she breathed as she felt the energy build in her pelvis. She was close. Derek, knowing how close she was, pressed his index and middle fingers at the opening to her womanhood, and began to press them inside. Her body resisted his fingers at first, but then relented allowing him to get his first knuckle of both fingers inside. It was at that moment she clamped down hard, “I'm cumming!!”
He let her finish cumming then He mounted her deftly guiding his cock to the entrance of her awaiting pussy. Having just cum it was more relaxed, but he still had to push with considerable strength to enter her. Once his cock head was inside of her, a gush of wetness spilled forth. “Wow! You're so wet. You really did want me to fuck you with my big dick!”
With the added wetness his cock easily slid balls deep into her. “It is so good,” she said. She was glad he had made her cum already because she never really came from just his cock. She moved her body writhing and grinding up into him. Every time he pulled back for another thrust she prepared herself. As he started pushing his cock forward again she used her legs to slam her pussy up onto his cock. When he was as deep inside her as he could go his balls smacked into her, sending waves of pleasure for him.
“Fuck! I'm going to cum!” With that his cock erupted inside her shooting four small jets of cum. Derek collapsed on top of her a few minutes later, kissed her, then rolled off onto his back. Lana lay there pretending to vibrate from his orgasm for a few minutes. They lay there together for quite some time catching their breath. After cleaning up, Lana put on some of Derek's clean shorts and turned on his TV to find a movie for them to watch.
After what seemed a very short time, Lana’s phone notifications went off from the table nearby with a text from her mother reminding her to be home for dinner. Lana breathed out a sigh of defeat. “I really don't want to go home, but my Mom insists that I spend some time getting to know my adopted cousin.” She had filled Derek in on the morning’s events with TJ and her flashing him in the morning.
“Babe,” started Derek, “You know every guy always looks at your chest …”
“Not every guy,” Lana interrupted, pointing at him.
“Okay every ‘Boob Guy's looks at your chest. I'm a ‘Butt Guy and Legs Guy’. Always have been. I love you small cute butt and perfect legs.”
“Is that why you never want me to take my shirt off when we have sex?!