The Wedding Trip (m/f)


Sexy Member
Apr 24, 2023
90% Straight, 10% Gay
This one's a classic by an author who disappeared in the early 2000s. I'm posting it here to keep it alive. It's by far my favorite resists-then-submits story and I want to hear your guys thoughts - enjoy! ;)

The Wedding Trip

A Fantasy

edited and rewritten by

This story is a thoroughgoing revision and significant enlargement of a venerable Big Dick/Humiliated Husband/Slutty Wife fantasy entitled "The Honeymoon". The original version has appeared on many adult fiction websites. It is said in some renderings to have been written by one "Harry Kuntz." In other versions, the author is identified simply as "Anonymous." In any event, the story as initially written was both exciting and compelling. At any rate, Richard O Steele found it so. It was, however, a bit rough around the edges and not quite to the author's taste in other, mainly stylistic respects. In tribute to the author's narrative drive, however, Richard O Steele decided to give the tale a comprehensive going-over. He has now gently massaged and flossed the language of the original, banished use of the passive voice, added considerable detail, inserted quite a few new scenes, but in the process remained true to his own primary subject matter interests by turning the story into a Big Breast and Big Dick tale. The story, it is true, contains plot devices like the slutty wife, the cuckolded and then consensually humiliated husband, the brutal rape that quickly turns into hot consensual sex, golden showers, excremental snacking, and other well-worn staples of the adult fiction genre that usually do not appear in Mr Steele's fiction. Still, the original story did contain the giant genitalia that invariably characterize Steele's heroes; besides, Mr Steele felt, there's nothing like branching out — if only experimentally — into new areas. In addition, there is now a lot of familiar subject matter in the story; the big breasts that are usually front and center in Mr Steele's fiction have been folded into the narrative. In that way the sexual fantasy, which was in its initial form quite unlike Mr Steele's usual offerings, now reads much more like a typical Steele production. Notwithstanding all these changes, however, the final version firmly remains an undoubted collaboration between Mr Steele and the original author. The story was an arousing read as first written; Mr Steele hopes it is even more satisfying in its edited, greatly expanded, and Steele-ized form. Who knows? Either Anonymous or Mr Kuntz — or perhaps both! — might even approve of this treatment of their creation!

John Barton had been purposely treating the young man with utter contempt from the moment they had met. His tone could hardly have been more withering, for no one knew how to show contempt better than Barton. John Barton! The terror of Wall Street! He was 48 years old, and grudgingly acknowledged to the press a net worth of three billion dollars. Some people said that in truth it was more like twenty times that amount, that he could buy and sell Bill Gates and Warren Buffett with his spare change any time he felt the urge. Whatever!

Barton had made every penny of it himself, by out-lasting and out-maneuvering the other pirates on Wall Street. He had forced hundreds of mergers down their unwilling throats. He had skimmed the cream off the top of the hot LPO's that had arisen in the late 1990s. In addition, he had made his vanquished rivals wallow in their defeats. Dozens and dozens of former top bananas had been forced to accept Barton's deals on Barton's terms. And Barton's terms always included two things: John Burton as the winner garnered enormous profits, and the loser was forced to kiss John Barton's ass.

Sometimes, that demand was meant quite literally. And not just on the buns, either. The few vanquished CEO's who had actually been privileged to make it onto Barton's payroll had two things in common. First, they had actually and truly tasted Barton's shit-lined rectum. Second, they had begged for the privilege. They had seen plenty of executives just like they go down in ruins for displeasing Barton in some way. If literally eating shit was the only way to save a modicum of their fortunes and careers, well ... if that's what it took they would not scruple to lick away. Besides, a good tooth brushing and a bottle of mouthwash could wipe away the taste, if not the memory, of such a humiliation! Better that than the Unemployment Office!

Now John Barton was starting his honeymoon. It was his second marriage. He had precipitously dropped his 38-year-old first wife, Fran, when she had begun showing unacceptable and unforgivable signs of middle age. Sagging jaw lines, drooping breasts, and swelling bottoms were not pathways to Barton's heart!

He had been willing in light of their fifteen-year marriage to be generous but Fran, furious at being scorned, had hired one of the best-known and most tenacious divorce lawyers in the country; the goal was to amass a record settlement out of her husband. The plan had failed utterly. Barton had bested the lawyer in the same fashion he had prevailed over every other son of a bitch who had tried to cross him over the years. Now the lawyer was nursing his wounds, Fran was trying to live on $50,000 a year, and Barton was enjoying his billions. Fuck her and fuck him!

He had just married a babe — a total babe. She was an incredibly beautiful and incomprehensibly built Asian girl from Bakersfield, California named Kim. Just looking at her very long, straight black hair, her incredibly soft, smooth skin, her almost unbearably beautiful features, her highly curved but willowy 5' 6" body, her killer legs and luscious thighs — both generously showcased by the very short skirts Barton picked out for her to wear — and her unbelievably large, firm breasts, regularly drove him around the bend. There could be little doubt that she was one of the most beautiful young girls on Earth! In addition, she certainly had one of the most amazing pair of tits on the planet. They were amazingly huge, firm, and shapely.

Kim's parents had carefully sheltered her during her childhood. They had followed a combination of ancient Chinese family customs and a strict Roman Catholic moral code in raising their daughter. Kim was not allowed to date; she was not even allowed to meet young men. Not even respectable Chinese young men from the neighborhood were allowed to socialize with the breathtakingly gorgeous young teenager. Kim was kept totally under wraps.

Because Kim's parents quickly realized that their daughter was a world-class beauty, they home-schooled her so that she could avoid contact with any boys. They knew that Kim was so incomprehensibly beautiful that they were going to have to be very protective indeed of their daughter. On account of having a gigantic bosom attached to a very slim, even petite, body, Kim had become a physical freak of sorts. Her desire to have a normal life that included some male company accordingly fell on deaf ears. In fact, as her breasts grew larger and larger, her parents took even greater steps to ensure her isolation. By the time Kim had grown into her 32K-cup size, her parents essentially let her out of the house only to go to 6:00 a m Mass on Sundays. Even at that, both parents accompanied the young girl to the service. They thought that an unaccompanied Kim would have been at risk even at a mostly deserted church service held shortly after sunrise. Her parents were probably right.

Even at that, there had been enough Kim sightings in Bakersfield that she had become a mythic figure among the male population of that small city. Groups of teenage boys suffering from raging hormones had begun hanging around the house hoping for a glimpse of the fantastically beautiful and astonishingly buxom girl. But her parents were both firm and painstaking. Kim rarely got out of the house, and when she did she was chaperoned by one parent at least. Could they count on Kim to follow their regimen without rebelling once she left the nest?

They decided that they could. Kim was an exceptionally obedient and dutiful daughter. Inwardly, she chafed at the extreme restrictions her parents had placed on her. After all, her hormones were raging. That's why Kim couldn't help staring at the few good-looking fellows she saw on her infrequent trips into the outside world with real — and growing — longing. In her heart she was afraid that if she allowed those hormones to take over in the company of one of those handsome guys, she might quickly find herself out of control. Perhaps for that reason, she grudgingly admitted, her parents' onerous restrictions were probably for the best. In any event, she knew that her parents were keeping her cloistered for her own good, so as a loving daughter she was willing, if not exactly overjoyed, to comply with their rules. Yet how much she longed to talk with, perhaps even to hold hands with, one of those handsome Bakersfield teenage boys! Other girls could do so — why couldn't she?

In the end, Kim's parents realized she should go to college. She was, after all, a highly intelligent and capable girl. They had thought about enrolling her in an all-girl college but were realistic enough to know that such schools were literally invaded on the weekends by randy male students from nearby schools. It might be better for Kim to undergo a coeducational schooling in which the boys might become so much part of the fabric of everyday life that their proximity was no big deal.

Or so Kim's parents hoped. In any case, they knew they were going to have to let go and hope for the best. They simply prayed that their careful rearing and moral teaching would protect Kim during her years at Brown University from the onslaught of young men they knew inevitably lay in their daughter's future. Brown was a distinguished Ivy League university whose students — male and female — might be mature enough to give Kim the space she needed to become accustomed to social settings. Best of all, Brown had settled a full boat, all expenses paid scholarship on the young woman. Kim would be getting a distinguished degree from a top-rate school. The financial cost, however, would be next to nothing. No wonder Kim's parents, for whom lack of money was a serious problem, were willing to let their daughter cross the continent to get her college education. They only hoped that the psychic cost would not be too high a price to pay.

Their hopes for Kim were realized — to a point, that is. One of the most charming things about the young woman was that, on account of her sheltered upbringing, she really had no idea how stupendously gorgeous she truly was. Her parents, it is true, had cited her physical endowments as a reason to keep her isolated. Yet because of that very isolation, Kim simply did not have a realistic sense of how unimaginably beautiful she was. Nor did she realize what a big deal her larger than melon-sized breasts were for the guys. As a result, she had a sweet, modest personality that contrasted sharply with the attitude demonstrated by most very beautiful and curvaceous girls. Thanks to her parents' careful tutelage, Kim had turned out to be a true gem, inside and out.
Barton, needless to say, knew exactly how beautiful and built Kim was. So did any man who caught even a glimpse of the stunning girl. For his part, Barton had fully noted that Kim's extreme beauty and fabulous figure had an astonishing effect on other men. Good-looking women are often described as head-turners or as traffic-stoppers. In Kim's case, these descriptions were literally, even extravagantly, true. While walking down the street with his fiancée, for example, Barton noted male head after male head suddenly whip around to take another look at the fantastic killer babe who had just walked by. These men clearly could not believe what they had just seen. Their reactions, needless to say, could not have been more gratifying to Barton — he loved it!

It was a toss-up as to whether it was her shockingly beautiful face, her heartbreakingly luscious mini skirted legs and thighs, her impossibly curvy bottom, or the bouncing, quivering watermelon-sized breasts that strained and jiggled proudly against the threatened cotton material of her blouse with every step, that was causing the reaction. It was probably all of those things combined. In any event, the effect of Kim's beauty upon these fellows was so strong that some of them seemed to be courting whiplash on account of the violence of their reaction.

Kim's status as a traffic-stopper? On two occasions while he and Kim were walking down a Manhattan cross-town block, a car had actually crashed into a parked vehicle shortly after passing the couple. Barton had little doubt what had caused the drivers to suddenly veer out of their lanes of traffic in that fashion. In addition, Barton frequently noted vehicles first pass the couple as they walked along and then pull to the curb to wait for a second look. Kim was simply that stunning!

The young woman was 21 years old, 27 years younger than her husband. But so what — Barton was King of the Hill and deserved a trophy like Kim. Besides, it wasn't just that she was a babe. She had brains as well. She had just graduated summa cum laude from Brown. She would not only be a bed partner par excellence, not to mention arm candy beyond all comparison, but a graceful hostess and savvy advisor to her husband as well. Kim was perfect!

As Barton had quickly discovered, Kim's sexual experience hovered around nil, and what experience she had undergone was mostly bad. She had arrived in Providence not as only a virgin but a girl who had never even been kissed. Her stunning looks quickly made her a prime target among the male members of the Brown student body.

These students were not, unfortunately, as uniformly mature as Kim's parents had hoped. In fact, Kim soon ran into exactly the sort of guy her parents had been dreading. He took the form of an Asian-American student from Boston who quickly spotted the giant-titted beauty walking toward the freshman dorms. He engineered a quick U-turn and began hitting on the amazing looking girl at once.

The down side to the utter seclusion in which Kim's parents had kept their daughter was that she really did not know how to deal with approaches like this. The young man was Asian; that made her comfortable. What's more, he was very handsome. That made her receptive. He seemed kind and gentle as well. That made her let down her guard. Before the couple had reached the freshman quadrangle, he had asked Kim out for coffee. Since this was college, Kim assumed that she would be making some male friends. This particular fellow seemed so wonderful! As a result, she quickly accepted! Her first date!

Alas! The young man, a senior at Brown, was neither kind nor gentle. He was in fact a predator who looked over the freshman class each fall for prospective conquests, usually among the increasingly large Asian contingent at the school. When he spotted Kim, his eyes nearly fell out of his head! This girl was better looking and built than all his other conquests put together!

Kim and the young man almost immediately became a couple. She had begun at once to think of him as her boyfriend. Unfortunately, with friends like him, who needs enemies? The fellow's sole aim in the relationship was to get Kim in bed as soon as possible. In the past, he had bedded one girl for a while, discarded her, and searched for new prey. Kim was so unbelievably good looking, however, that he thought he might just keep her around for a while. Unless, of course, she proved to be demanding or a pain in the neck. Then he was out of there!

The sexual stirrings that Kim had felt when she spotted handsome boys back home in Bakersfield paid dividends to her "boyfriend." After only a week of "dating" — the couple had actually been spending nearly every waking hour together in platonic pursuits— he was able to pluck her cherry.

Kim could not have explained how it had happened. Certainly, she had not intended to lose her virginity during her first week away from her parents! In fact, she had intended to retain it until marriage. But the combination of those old stirrings, the heady freedom of being on her own for the first time, and especially the four strong whiskey and ginger ales with which her boyfriend had plied her that evening did their work. Almost without realizing what was happening, Kim suddenly felt herself being entered by her boyfriend's cock. It was of a modest size so that her first act of intercourse was probably less painful that it might have been otherwise. Yet the effect on her inner self was catastrophic!

The lovemaking itself was cold, brutish, and short. The young man, it turned out, could not be bothered with gentleness. Or foreplay either, for that matter. He merely wanted to cut to the chase. Nor did he have any staying power. Instead, Kim's unimaginable beauty and massive tits made him come in near record time — less than half a minute, in fact. The coupling was nearly over before it had started. And because of its lack of foreplay and duration, Kim had felt essentially nothing during the experience except shock and shame.

Once they were finished, Kim was inconsolable. She had been away from her parents for only a week or so and had already betrayed their trust in her. She simply could not stop crying. Besides, the experience had been so awful — if this was what sex was like, perhaps celibacy had a lot to recommend it!

The boyfriend offered no consolation. In fact, he found Kim's tears tiresome in the extreme. He wanted sexual release, not emotional entanglements and whining. Still less could he stand weepy, clinging girls. Kim was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but, boy, did she come with baggage! Besides, she had just lain there like a statue. The young man determined to end the relationship that very night. Kim was beautiful but so too was the Venus de Milo. The boyfriend assumed that each was about equally expressive during lovemaking. Who needed it? There were plenty of other fish in the sea. They might not be a beautiful and built as Kim but they were probably going to be easier to deal with. Goodbye!

As a result, after the young man dropped Kim off at her dorm, she never heard from him again. She was stunned at his callousness and cruelty. If this was what dating and relationships were like, Kim decided to avoid them. She decided that her parents had been right after all to shelter her from male attention. Accordingly, she turned down all future requests for dates during her four years at Brown — and there were, in view of her fantastic looks, lots and lots of them. She settled for a social life made up of deep platonic friendships with her fellow female students. For Kim, every weekend night was a night out with the girls. Boys were uniformly turned away.

Of course the rumors soon swirled around campus; Kim, it was assumed, was a lesbian. Nothing could have been further from the truth, of course. Still, Kim had been so hurt by her brief fling with her "boyfriend" that she was content to let the rumors fly. She just was in no emotional shape to enter into a relationship with a guy. Not right now, anyway!

This resolve to live a chaste, man-free existence broke down, however, when Kim met Barton. She had received an internship to work the summer between her junior and senior years in the executive offices at Barton's Wall Street headquarters. After one eye-popping look at and a few conversations with the shockingly gorgeous young lady, Barton knew he just had to have this girl. He went ahead and got his divorce from Fran, which was in the works in any event, and then planned his campaign to win Kim's heart.

Barton was nothing if not a shrewd judge of character. He immediately sensed that Kim had suffered some serious sexual wounds. As a result, he centered his campaign on warm but strictly non-sexual friendship and agape-style kindness. In addition, he dazzled the startlingly buxom beauty with the material goods he could buy for her, the places he could take her, and the people he could introduce her to. For a girl who had grown up isolated in a lower middle class household, these things were impressive! Above all, Barton dazzled her with the raw power he could exercise. At the same time, however, he was careful to impress Kim with his deep kindness and compassion. It was all an act, of course — there were few less kind and compassionate people on Earth than Barton — but the inexperienced young girl was wholly taken in.

He was above all vigilant about not rushing the young girl sexually. He did not even kiss her until they had been dating for nearly six months. He did not even try to approach her sexually until they were engaged. Even then he did so very gently and slowly. Even with this gradual buildup, Kim thought she was going to die when Barton finally made his ultimate move. Still, the man was so loving and gentle ... plus, they were engaged after all. As a result, Kim submitted. In the end, she found the experience to be not very scary at all. Actually, when you got right down to it, there had not very much to the encounter. In fact, Barton was not much of a lover, a fact Kim found surprising given her future husband's accomplished exercise of power in every other aspect of his life. Still, that suited her just fine; she was still wounded from her brief sexual experience at Brown, and her parents' influence still had a power hold on her psyche. If sex with a husband was going to be kind of drab and humdrum, well, that would be OK. Besides, her love for Barton really focused on other aspects of his being. He was so wonderful in so many other ways!

What impressed Kim more than anything was the force of Barton's personality. She could see overpowering strength in his every movement. She saw that the most powerful people in the world cowered before him. John Barton always got what he wanted, and Kim loved him for that. Power, after all, is the greatest of all aphrodisiacs. For Kim, it made the 27-year age difference between them just melt away.

John Barton and Kim became man and wife soon after she received her BA from Brown, and Barton received a Church annulment of his marriage to Fran. The $50,000,000.00 in unrestricted funds Barton had contributed to the Archdiocese of New York had probably not impeded the availability of the annulment, though of course the Church would never actually sell annulments. The knot was tied in a lavish nuptial mass at St Patrick's Cathedral. Kim's parents were in attendance. They seemed to like Barton. They certainly appreciated all the worldly goods their son-in-law was going to bestow upon their daughter. They just hoped that he would be the kind and gentle husband for Kim they had yearned for. Although Kim was an absolutely starry-eyed bride, her parents had their doubts. Something about Barton just didn't ring true.

Barton himself was happy and proud to be Kim's husband. What a trophy she was! There was just one fly in Barton's ointment, however. It was one that he could never completely put out of his mind, though almost no one knew of it and no one knew how much it preyed on him. Sexually, just as Kim had intuited, the great John Barton was a grade A wimp. Perhaps that was what drove him to vanquish everyone who crossed him in other areas, to prove that he had more balls — at least metaphorically — than everyone else. Even though his substandard sexual gifts were just fine with Kim, they were decidedly not OK with Barton. The knowledge of these inadequacies burned within him nearly every minute of his life!

In fact, Barton had less reproductive equipment than nearly any other man on Earth. Much less. Barton's carnal appendages were "mere rudiments", to use a phrase applied to the underdeveloped sexual organs of the early American statesman John Randolph. Barton's tiny prick could hardly be seen nestling in his pubic hair when it was soft. When it was hard, it was barely three inches long, was thinner than his index finger, and was, in truth, not very stiff at all. Even at the height of sexual excitement, it was touch and go as to whether his wee-wee would remain erect enough to enter his partner, let alone remain stiff enough to compete the sexual act.

What's more, Barton's balls were tinier than marbles. He had trouble coming more than two or three times a month, and when he was able to come, only a few drops of thin, almost water-like cum were ejected. Whether it was Fran or Kim or any of the other women who were attracted by his money and his power, the story was always the same. Whenever he fucked them, they always had to ask if it was "in" and then whether he had "come". He always answered "Yes" and "Yes" but even with a stunning beauty like Kim, the truthful answer was more often than not "No" and "No".

Barton badly wanted an heir and Kim eagerly wanted a baby. He had tried to get Fran pregnant for years, but with no success. The most eminent medical specialists in the world had been consulted. There was nothing wrong with Fran. She was as fecund as a woman could be. It was just that Barton's undersized testicles produced so little sperm that the odds of one of those stray puny little fellows colliding with one of his wife's eggs were very long indeed.

Barton had undergone extended hormone treatments; he had also followed some additional experimental procedures recommended by his frustrated urologists. In desperation, he had even responded to some of those spam Internet messages promising "significant penis enlargement". None of these treatments had increased the size of Barton's sexual equipment in the slightest. Nor had they helped to jump-start his sexual performance. Even Viagra — the drug of choice for millions of men — proved ineffective in Barton's case. Barton was apparently stuck with a barely functioning reproductive system.

Following his doctors' advice, Barton had abstained from all sex for over a month prior to the honeymoon. The wedding had been timed so that Kim would be at the peak of her fertility cycle. And she was taking fertility drugs on top of that. The doctors told them that with these steps, Barton had a reasonable chance of making Kim pregnant. But things weren't fated to turn out that way. Not at all!
We now join Barton and Kim on their honeymoon. The island resort in the Caribbean he had selected for that event was probably the most exclusive and the most expensive in the world. Although it catered to couples in every type of relationship, it specialized in honeymoons of the most lavish sort.

The Bartons had the most expensive villa on the island — the daily rate was an astounding $20,000. The resort consisted of the entire island. Each villa was isolated. Mr and Mrs Barton's villa was more than two miles from its nearest neighbor. The villa was huge and breathtaking, spectacularly furnished, and located on its own private pearl of a beach. There was a large staff of servants and cooks assigned to their villa alone, but the layout was cleverly designed so that only the Guest Services Officer assigned to them would have any personal contact with the couple. He would deal with the rest of the staff. They would have complete privacy that they would spend in unparalleled luxury.

The Guest Services Officer assigned to the Bartons was a 24-year-old fellow named Rod Powers. Rod was as perfect a specimen of the male half of the human species as Kim was of the female. He sported blonde hair, a face that displayed classic, masculine good looks, a broad, strong chest that was muscular but not muscle-bound, narrow but powerful hips, a perfectly trim ass, and long, powerful legs that contributed to his imperial 6' 3" height — Rod had the whole package. People said he had movie star looks, but no one could ever think of a movie star that had ever looked as handsome as Rod.

Rod also had displayed an enormous bulge at the crotch of his faded jeans. Barton noticed that bulge immediately, and was stung with envy. But then he figured the kid must have some cloth stuffed in there. He must have! No male organ could be that big! Could it? Naw!

Rod greeted them at the airport. The men who could afford to stay at this resort were the richest and most powerful on Earth, and they brought with them the most stunningly beautiful and most pampered women in the world. Given the prices charged by the resort, every single woman guest Rod had ever seen was an absolute trophy. The men who patronized the island were too rich and powerful to show up with a woman who was less than utterly stunning. Rod had seen hundreds of these women, but he had never seen the equal of Kim Barton. Just never!

Kim was the most beautiful girl Rod had ever seen — anywhere! Her face was just shockingly beautiful — a 20 on the 10 scale at least! Her legs, thighs, and hips were absolute killers; Rod was sure a growing pack of panting males must follow her every time she walked down the street.

And then there were her breasts. They were so massive! The way they quivered and jiggled and bounced inside Kim's tight little low-cut sundress was almost too much to bear! Barton had chosen the dress the way he chose all of Kim's clothes. He wanted the mouths of the men they encountered to water with envy at the sight of Kim's stunning physical assets. Above all, Barton wanted the world to know that he managed to obtain a stunning trophy wife. Kim herself would have preferred to dress more modestly, but she deferred to her husband's desire to put her on display.

The effect of Kim's bouncing, juggling tits on Rod was particularly arousing because the girl's body was so slim and trim. The stunning display of seemingly endless cleavage she was putting on was utterly astonishing as well! Jesus! Not only did her cleavage go on and on and on but, on account of the firmness and uplifted construction of her bosom, Kim's cleavage seemed to start just below her neck. Fuck! What's more, her tits were so huge that her cleavage was an easy four or five inches deep at the point at which it disappeared into her sundress! Wow! The way her tits were squished together meant that Kim's cleavage was an inch deep right at the very beginning of the cleft! Kim's bosom was so exciting that Rod felt a stirring in his loins. Rod wanted in the worst way to pay those giant globes a visit! An extended visit!

The only problem was that the young beauty was Chinese, and Rod, apart from a occasional dalliance with local black meat just for the sake of variety, firmly preferred his woman to be Caucasian. That was one reason he had chosen the resort as his place of employment; the super-rich tended to be White. Still, with a face like that, along with those immense tits that went along with her other charms, Rod could easily overlook the hue of Kim's skin. This girl was something!

For her part, Kim didn't miss any of Rod's manly charms. When he shook her hand, she looked in his strong, clear eyes, caught a whiff of his male scent, and became dizzy with a sensation she had never felt before. But Kim steadfastly followed Roman Catholic teaching and adhered to her church and family's strong personal moral code. The idea of being unfaithful to her husband could never enter her head. It was simply unthinkable. She could be disinterestedly curious about a man as hunky as Rod, but she could not be tempted actually to do anything about it. Kim was thoroughly loyal and exactingly moral.

Yet had she been introspective enough at that moment, Kim might have noticed a few of the faint stirrings she had experienced as a teenager upon spying a handsome young fellow on the streets of Bakersfield, or even during her short relationship with her "boyfriend" at Brown. Kim's moral code was fully operative; however, she was paying insufficient attention to the primal, albeit unconscious urges which were bubbling just below the crust of this self-imposed discipline. She also should have been more aware of the years of mostly unconscious sexual frustration that had been slowly building up under the surface.

Barton was much more aware of Rod's attributes than his wife. To the Wall Street financier, any decent-looking man was a rival. An amazing stud like Rod was therefore highly dangerous. Barton was painfully aware that his beautiful trophy of a wife was much closer in age to Rod — the "kid" was what Barton immediately insisted on calling him — than she was to himself. Barton's reaction was instinctive and immediate. Confronted with any kind of a rival, Barton set out immediately to humiliate him, to emasculate him, and finally to destroy him. This "kid" was going to be the only person he and Kim would see for the next two weeks. Barton was going to show him who was boss. He'd have Rod kissing the famous Barton ass early and often — figuratively at least — and maybe even literally.

Kim wouldn't be attracted to a "kid", no matter how much of a stud he appeared to be, once she saw him kowtowing to her all-powerful husband. Just the opposite. Once she saw him subjugate this handsome "kid", his own godlike power would be more firmly established in her adoring, almond-shaped eyes. God! They were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. He looked into those eyes as they drove in the limousine to the villa. God, he loved her! He actually thought he might be able to get it off twice today, something he had never before accomplished, even as a comparatively randy teenager.
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Rod was pissed. He'd dealt with assholes like this before, guys who thought they could use their money to put him down. But Rod always had his revenge. He loved this job. The most beautiful women in the world came here, and he fucked them at will — every single one of them who caught his fancy. He particularly loved honeymooners. There was nothing like seducing a woman on her honeymoon. Rod had plucked plenty of cherries, and there's no doubt about it, he thought, fucking a virgin was so sweet.

But in terms of that other sort of virginity — the constructive virginity of a wife who's never given her cunt to a man other than her husband since she's been married — the act of plucking that cherry was an even greater thrill. And the crême de la crême was getting them on their honeymoons. Especially when they were as gorgeous and sophisticated as the brides who journeyed to this posh resort. Rod habitually helped himself to luscious beauties of both kinds.

The position of Guest Services Officer at this resort was a coveted one. While the guests were on the island, the GSO arranged everything for them. He was the only human contact the guests had with the resort while they were here, unless they wanted specialized services from, say, a tennis or golf coach. The reputation of the resort — and its ability to charge sky-high prices — depended on the flawless service the Guest Services Officers could provide to the guests. Their salaries started at $50,000 a year, and they made at least that much again in tips.

Rod Powers had only been on the staff two years, but he was already the top-ranked GSO of them all. He was permanently assigned to the most expensive villa, and regularly catered to the most extravagant guests. His yearly salary was $150,000. He made many times that much in tips. He was invaluable to the management of the resort.

Did they suspect that his enormous popularity with the guests sprung from the special service he was able to provide between the eagerly outspread legs of the wives? Possibly. So what? So long as the customers were happy — and they were! — management was happy as well.

Usually, it was no problem for Rod to seduce the brides on their honeymoons. His unbridled sexual power was too much for any female to resist. But sometimes, if their snooty attitudes — or those of their husbands — annoyed him, he raped them instead. He might force them the first time, but they always begged for it the second time. And the third. And the fourth. And so on.

John Barton was getting Rod angry. Very angry! Ordering him around in an arrogant way, finding the most degrading things for him to do, was no way to get on Rod's good side. Three times before they had reached the villa, Barton had found some task for Rod to do that required him to kneel down on the ground. And then Barton had always positioned himself so that Rod was staring right into Barton's ass, just inches away. And then there was always a suppressed smile on Kim's face in response to her husband's crude show of power. It was Barton's ability to dominate others that contributed to her near-worship of her husband.

When Rod got mad, he got even. He was going to fuck Barton's trophy bride all right. And he wasn't going to bother to seduce her. He was going to rape her instead. Brutally. He'd do it right in front of Barton's eyes. He'd use the Asian babe to humiliate Barton. Rod could see that Barton really did love her. Good! Barton would get paid back for his little power ploys. With interest!

Rod wasn't worried about getting into trouble with his employers. Once he fucked Kim, she'd be so attached to him that she wouldn't let Barton retaliate in any way. Like all his conquests, she would insist that her husband give Rod the most glowing of commendations and a generous five-figure tip. And she could control Barton, that was obvious. The bosses would never find out about what he did to their guests in the privacy of the villas. They might suspect, but they would never know.

When they got to the villa, there was plenty of luggage for Rod to carry inside. Barton found as many tasks for him to perform, as many things for him to move around, as he could think of. Then he abruptly dismissed him: "Look, kid, if you want a tip at the end of this gig, stay out of our hair. Okay? You do what you're told and you show respect, you understand? You can start by calling me sir, and thanking us when either one of us gives you an order."

They were in the living room of the villa when Barton delivered this command; it was an enormous room larger than the square footage of most houses. But Barton did not get the groveling response he expected. Moving suddenly, Rod smashed his fist solidly into Barton's stomach. Barton doubled over in shock and pain and gasped for breath.

"Now, you arrogant son of a bitch, you're going to do what I say." Rod said these words with an icy determination that was more formidable than a display of mere anger.

Barton was in greater pain than he had ever experienced; he was still trying desperately to find his breath. Barton had done some boxing at Dartmouth, and he had done it as competitively as he did everything else in life. He had been a semifinalist in the intercollegiate boxing tournament in his weight range, and had competed against talented competitors who could hit hard. But he had never experienced anything remotely comparable to the blow he had just received. Rod had moved as fast as a cheetah and with the power of a champion prizefighter.

"Let's see if you understand the situation, you asshole!" Rod continued, after several minutes when Barton finally seemed to be able to breathe. "Take off all your clothes."

"You must be crazy," Barton murmured through his rasping gasps. The second blow to the stomach was even harder than the first. Barton was on the floor, doubled up in incredible pain. His internal organs were aflame! Barton didn't think he could survive another blow like that. He was writhing on the ground in agony for ten minutes. Kim, cowering in a corner, was terrified.

When Rod judged that Barton finally could move, he said, "I'll give you one more chance. Get up and take all your clothes off." Slowly and in great pain, Barton got up. He unbuttoned his shirt and removed it, then his undershirt. He removed his shoes and socks, then his trousers. He was left wearing a pair of jockey shorts. He paused, but Rod impatiently gestured for him to go on. Barton hesitated and even blushed. He hated to expose his undersized cock to another man, especially someone as physically impressive as this young stud. Plenty of men had seen Barton's rosy asshole, a lot closer up than they wanted to. No man other than a doctor had seen his dick. His dick-ette, that is! It was his most closely guarded secret. Yet Barton knew that the price of continued secrecy was going to be a possibly fatal blow to his midsection.

The jockey shorts accordingly went down, and Rod exploded with laughter. "You call that a dick! Oh, man, I've seen women with nipples bigger than that." Barton was burning with humiliation. That he should have to suffer this debasement, and with Kim watching! "All right, Nipple-Dick, carry that wooden chair into the bedroom. Put it down facing the bed, nice and close."

Whether because of the humiliation of being naked before Kim and this stud, or because he could still feel the injury Rod had inflicted with those two sledgehammer blows from his fist, Barton had no thought of resisting. Sullenly and silently, he picked up the chair and started for the bedroom.
The blow to his chin came lightning fast. This time, Rod had pulled his punch, but it was crushing enough to make Barton see stars. "You call me sir when I give you an order, and then you thank me for the privilege of obeying," he bellowed.

Humbly, softly, Barton replied: "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"

"That's better. Now carry that chair over to the bed and sit down." Barton did as he was told. Rod signaled to the petrified Kim to follow. She did, and Rod followed her into the bedroom. Barton was seated, close to the bed and facing it. The bed was enormous, more than half again the size of a normal king-sized bed.

Earlier, when all the moving of luggage was going on, Rod had brought into the bedroom unnoticed a small bag of his own. He now opened it and handed Kim some lengths of rope. "Here, lady, tie your limp dick of a husband to the chair. Tie his ankles and his wrists. And tightly, too — I'll be watching."
Kim was in tears. "No, please don't make me," she whimpered. "Please!"

He slapped her face hard enough to cause serious pain. "Look, bitch," said Rod, "if I have to hit you as hard as the old fart, I'll do it."

Barton almost panicked. Rod would surely kill Kim if he hit her that hard. "Do as he says, darling," he said softly. So Kim tied her new husband to the chair.

"Now, you get your clothes off and get on the bed," Rod said to her.

"No," screamed both Kim and Barton simultaneously, as they suddenly saw where this proceeding was headed. Rod removed a knife from his belt and held it to Barton's neck.

"Do you want me to cut your husband's throat?" he asked.

Kim immediately began to undress. She had no doubt this man, this monster, was fully capable of such brutality. Her fingers were shaking, but with difficulty she shed her low-cut little sundress. And then her bra.
Rod was nearly struck mute by the sight of this huge undergarment. Jesus! It seemed to require five or six clasps in the back to hold in the overflowing mounds of tit flesh.

As the greatly oversized bra slid down her massive bosom, Rod could tell first hand that her breasts were much, much bigger than average for an Asian girl, or at least what Caucasians like Rod seemed to assume were average for Oriental women. They were perfectly shaped as well. They were the size of notably large melons — perhaps even the size of watermelons! Hell, they would have been massive on a girl of any race. Rod was stunned at their size, especially in comparison to the delicacy of Kim's other features.

Rod's highly practiced eye could tell her tits were K-cups at least. Huge bosoms absolutely turned him on, especially on Asian girls whom Rod assumed were usually sort of flat chested. Her giant tits definitely trumped her yellow skin! As he stared at Kim's uncovered big tits, Rod knew he had hit the jackpot with this babe!

Kim saw there was no chance of Rod's relenting, so she went right to her panties, pulling them down and stepping out of them. God, she was magnificent! Both men felt it. Her skin was so perfectly soft and smooth. Her body so firmed and perfectly shaped. Her jiggling, quivering tits were so, so big, especially in relation to her petite form and in light of her Asian heritage. Her waist was tiny, but her slim hips curved out as gracefully as if they had been much larger in size. Her cunt was covered with a large, thick triangle of jet-black fleece. "What a fucking piece of ass!" Rod murmured to himself. "Wow!"

Rod could tell that, underneath her placid demeanor, Kim was an extremely hot bitch. He could also tell that the extraordinarily beautiful young woman did not have the remotest idea of what a hot slutty piece of ass she could be! Rod knew she would be fully informed on that subject by the time their first little session was over! With a little work, this luscious cunt was going to be hotter than a firecracker!

Barton couldn't help himself. His miniature dick was enlarging. Rod was dazzled by Kim's naked perfection, but he still noticed Barton's loins stirring. Another bellow of laughter. "That's your hard-on? I've seen six-year-old boys with more trouser meat than that, Nipple-Dick. Come here, bitch!"

Fearfully, Kim went over to the chair. Rod gave her face another hard slap. "Thank me when I give you an order, bitch!"

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"

"Hold that tiny thing and wiggle it around," Rod told her.

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" With her thumb and index finger, she held her husband's tiny hard-on, which was thinner than either of the fingers holding it. She wiggled it around. There was only a little residual stiffness to resist her manipulations.

Rod couldn't contain his laughter. Finally, he said to Kim, "Seriously, bitch, no matter how much money he's got, how could a babe like you marry a limp dick like that?"

Kim said nothing. She was burning with humiliation. For herself and for her husband. Physical paragon or not, she hated this young man as she had never hated anyone before in her life.

Rod shoved her to the bed, sitting her down on the edge, facing him. He told her to open her knees wide, giving him a clear view of her luscious cunt. "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" She obeyed. Barton gritted his teeth helplessly, not willing to object and risk another staggering blow.

"Fortunately, for both of you, there's a man here — a real man! — who can consummate this marriage for you," Rod proclaimed. "Honey. You're going to get a send-off into married life like you won't believe!" Rod began removing his shirt. Kim was becoming increasingly seized by fear.

"Please, please don't do this to me!" she pleaded. Rod gave her another slap, harder than before. Kim was burning with pain. She couldn't take another blow like that! Rod had his shirt off.

Kim was in turmoil. She had very conservative views of sex — straight sex with her husband with the lights out pretty much exhausted her sexual imagination — and the idea of being raped was absolutely horrible to her. She'd rather die. But the pain in her jaw was making it hard for her to think clearly. And — horrors! — her body was reacting to the sight of Rod's disrobing. That chest! His eyes! That handsome face! She had fallen in love with Barton's power. But now she was witnessing quite another kind of power. It seemed to her so manly! Perhaps under the circumstances it would be the wiser course not to resist.

What Kim did not realize was that this decision was dictated not so much by prudence, as she thought, as by those raging hormones of which, on account of her iron discipline, she was hardly aware. They were silently but steadily doing their work below the surface, however — that was for sure!

Rod was showing power — raw, physical power — that put Barton to shame. He was the essence of manliness in the flesh. Kim had never been so affected. He was close to her, and with every breath, she was unknowingly inhaling his pheromones, invisible hormones that slipped beneath her consciousness, and caused electric-like thrills to flow out from her cunt and her tits to her whole body. She was in panic over the prospect of being raped, and yet she could feel sexual liquids shamelessly flowing in and even out of her cunt in anticipation of that act. What on earth was going on here?
Rod quickly kicked off his sandals. He then unbuckled and dropped his jeans. When Rod stepped out of them he was wearing only an oversized pair of boxer shorts. Despite their looseness, an enormous bulge tented them out ... far out! Slowly, ever so slowly, Rod lowered his shorts, exposing first a thick cloud of fluffy, light brown pubic hair. Then the root of his manhood became visible. It was incredibly thick, stretching four inches across. Rod was standing so that both Kim and Barton had their faces within a foot of his crotch. Barton's own dick was in plain view. None of them could miss seeing the contrast. Rod's soft dick was thicker than Barton's hard-on was long. The difference in their manhood was a painfully obvious fact to Barton and to Kim as well. Rod enjoyed the sensation as he could observing their faces, seeing them looking first at the two dicks, and then at each other, in shocked disbelief.

Then Rod resumed peeling down his shorts — slowly, slowly, and ever so slowly. He wanted this unveiling of his mind-boggling cock to be gradual in order to accentuate its effect upon his viewers. The enormous length of his soft penis went on and on. Finally, when the waistband of the shorts had almost reached Rod's knees, the pronounced ridge of flesh announcing the appearance of his enormous circumcised cock head came into view. The tennis ball-sized head mushroomed out, and added another two inches of length to the already amazing phallus. Rod dropped the shorts to the floor. His still-soft dick softly swayed in the air, all twelve incredibly thick inches of it.

Rod's huge dick did not hang straight down, because it was cantilevered out from his body by the equally incredible testicles that supported it. Half again as large as jumbo eggs, these oversized balls sat tightly in an enormous, downy sac. The seat of his manhood, these giant testicles produced a surplus of hormones — and astonishing stores of supremely potent male seed as well.

Rod was frankly a genetic anomaly. A sexual freak, if you will. His entire sexual apparatus and capacity were seriously, even amazingly, overdeveloped. This was true not only of the remarkable size of his penis and testicles, but also of his sexual performance. Rod could fuck for hours without coming; the fellow had real staying power. When he finally did come, Rod did not simply ejaculate; an immense, seemingly unending, jet-propelled flow of sperm simply exploded out of his cock. His glands spurted cum with such power!
On those infrequent occasions when he jacked himself off (or was jacked off by a lover), Rod's fountain of sperm hit the ceiling every time. Sperm surges of eight to ten feet in the air were the norm. In all likelihood, an even higher arc was possible because those loads of hot jism hit the ceiling with a loud "splat."

What's more, Rod's orgasms lasted much longer than those enjoyed by the average guy; just short of three minutes was his record. Although such matters are difficult to quantify and then compare, Rod had the feeling from talking to his pals that his own orgasms were much stronger and thrillingly intense than those enjoyed by other fellows. Lots longer and much stronger! No wonder Rod's entire persona was so fixated on sex!

In addition, Rod was highly oversexed; he was always ready to get it on. Moreover, he had astonishingly short recovery times; he was able to achieve an erection that was as hard as seasoned oak within half an hour or so of his last cum. In addition, he could repeat this process many times a day. If his partner was beautiful and buxom enough, engaging in a dozen orgasms a day was by no means out of the question for Rod's remarkable reproductive system. When it came to sexual equipment and performance, Rod was truly the mirror image of John Barton!

Such sexual equipment and performance had made Rod a very popular fellow with the girls since he had fully came into these gifts upon reaching puberty. In fact, so well known were his sexual exploits even as a high school student that mothers in his hometown of Shaker Heights, Ohio went to great lengths to protect their daughters from any contact with this budding Don Juan.

The truth is that this quarantine was often motivated as much by self-interest as by a desire to protect the young virgins of suburban Cleveland — many of these pretty young mothers wanted him for themselves! As a result, Rod spent a lot of time learning the art of loving from these beautiful, oversexed but bored housewives. Once they had hopped into bed with Rod, though, their boredom was quickly lifted!

The pace quickened when Rod matriculated at Ohio State University. He regularly laid waste to Sorority Row during his four years in Columbus. Rod had quickly learned that he could have any girl he wanted, and given his voracious sexual appetite, he wanted lots of them! In a short time, Rod had become an OSU legend. All the girls knew about Rod!

As a result, any girl who went out with Rod knew that the evening was going to end up in bed — first date or not! If a girl was not willing to submit to Rod's massive cock, therefore, she knew that the proper procedure was to say "No" when he initially asked her out. Certainly, Rod was not going to stand for a "No" once that date was in process! So great were Rod's charm and good looks, however, that no girl had ever turned him down for a date during those four years at OSU. Needless to say, no girl ever said anything other than "Oh my God, yes!" when faced with the prospect of taking Rod's horse-sized penis up her gushing twat.

After graduation, Rod had interviewed for a position with the resort. He quickly realized that it offered him everything in a career he was looking for in a job. The pay was fantastic for a fellow with a newly minted BA, and the female guests he would be serving were going to be among the most beautiful young women on Earth. The prospect of easing his giant cock into their dripping pussies was intoxicating. The fact that these beauties were going to be on their honeymoons for the most part bothered Rod not a bit — he had learned, after all, that he could have any woman he wanted. He knew that even a blushing bride on her wedding trip would be no exception to that rule. So long as he could have access to a group of beautiful, buxom women, Rod knew that the success of his sex life was assured.

Even as a high-school freshman, Rod had known that the combination of his gigantic cock, overly productive testicles, and insatiable sexual appetite was tough on women. Yet, these sluts got so dilated and open during Rod's lovemaking that they were able to copulate for hours longer than they would have thought physically possible. Rod was able to turn women on to a degree that was simply unparalleled. Even the mere sight of his equipment, as Kim was in the process of discovering, was sufficient to get a woman's vaginal juices seriously flowing.

On account of their close proximity to this unveiling of Rod's outsized sexual equipment, Kim and Barton were hit with a blast of pheromones as his giant cock and massive testicles came into view. These hormones worked with irresistible power on both sexes. Neither Kim nor Barton had ever been hit by such raw eroticism. For the first time in his life, Barton's so-called hard-on, still microscopic, was actually hard! Kim's cunt was sopping wet even though she was trying through her powers of concentration to turn it off. Needless to say, she was having a singular lack of success.

Barton was the first to break the silence. Involuntarily, the words came out of his mouth: "It's unbelievable! You're enormous!" Ever since adolescence, Barton had envied men who were well hung. His dream, his fervent wish, was to have the man's equipment that would make him as dominant inside women's cunts as he was in the business world. But in his wildest dreams, he had never imagined being hung like this. Despite his humiliation, Barton could not stifle a feeling of the profoundest awe and envy.

Kim was not consciously aware of the pheromones that were playing with her brain, but she was acutely aware of the visual shock she was experiencing. Her college "boyfriend" had been possessed, Kim assumed from her one look at his member, of something like a five or six inch dick. His and Barton's were the only two penises she had ever seen in her life. She knew Barton was small, but she hadn't thought it made any difference. She had supposed her "boyfriend" had been exceptionally large. And in the end she didn't think the size of a penis mattered at all, except that, based on girl talk with her pals at Brown, she knew that men seemed to be quite concerned about it.

Kim was now being introduced to things as they really were. Boy, had she been uninformed! The sight of Rod's dick took her breath away. She was incredibly turned on. She was also frightened. That monster would tear up her insides! And she had not lost her morals. She did not want to be raped. She did not want to have sex with anyone but her husband! She begged again. "Please, please, let me go. We'll give you anything, more money than you ever dreamed of. Don't rape me. Please don't rape me!"

"Shut up, bitch, and lie back," was his only response. She tried to roll up in a ball and protect herself, but it was no use. Rod enjoyed her fruitless struggles. He laid her out on her back, so that her hip was at the side of the bed, only inches from Barton's chair. He wanted Barton to have a good close-up look when his own manhood — a gigantic manhood that Barton could only envy — penetrated the poor fellow's gorgeous bride. He slapped her again, not as hard as before, but vigorously enough to keep her still.

Rod then reached down and began to rub and fondle her large tits. God! They were so huge yet so firm and yet also so soft. They were the biggest by far he had ever seen on an Asian girl; they would have been gigantic on a well-endowed white or black girl. He had really only seen bigger ones on some of the giant-titted porn stars with whom he had hooked up on vacations in Las Vegas. And most of their tits were seriously augmented. What's worse, they were usually harder than cement! This gorgeous girl's massive chest told quite a different story!

Rod could tell immediately from the infinite softness of her huge bosom that Kim's tits were 100% real. They were also much too large to fit in the fingers and palms of his large hands. Kim's gigantic milkers were definitely two-handers! They were so big! He loved the way they perched on her chest like an oversized pair of thick, fleshy pancakes! Truly, Rod had never before seen or felt tits that combined such large size, amazing firmness, and lush softness. The way the hot, firm, spreading tit meat was overflowing his shaking hands was threatening to make Rod's impossibly thick, shockingly long cock harder than granite. He had never seen natural tits that massive on such a slim body! What a set of jugs!

Rod then leaned farther down and began wildly to tongue Kim's large areola and suddenly erect nipples. Jesus! Her nipples were an inch long at least and as hard as stone. He was willing to bet they had never been this stiff before. Not even close! He was soon moaning with passion. Kim's tits were so great!

The randy fellow had soon drawn the nearly fossilized nipple plus a generous portion of Kim's large areola into his mouth. He was sucking it and tonguing the erotic flesh at the same time. As he licked and sucked, Rod's expert hands swiftly ran up and down the long, firm shaft of tit meat, squeezing and rubbing the luscious tower of erotically hot flesh. He then treated Kim's other breast to an identical dose of this inflamed tit love.

Kim, involuntarily to be sure, had started to moan with passion herself. The astonishingly beautiful and large-chested girl had clearly never been loved like this before! Neither John nor her former "boyfriend" had ever sucked and fondled her oversized breasts quite like this! Against her will, she had to admit to herself that this was heaven! Cunt juice was just gushing out of her rapidly dilating pussy. Why wouldn't it stop! What's worse, her nipples seemed to be leaking as well! What on earth was going on?

The arousing effect of loving up Kim's huge tits had made Rod's mule-sized cock harden to the consistency of tempered steel. In response to the thrilling feel of her massive bosom, the impossibly large dick had reached its full extension of sixteen inches — if not more! Its thickness was simply breathtaking. In its semi-hard state, the massive penis had been four inches thick at its root. It then tapered ever so slightly toward the tennis ball-sized head. Now, in its totally engorged state, the throbbing shaft was well over five inches thick at the point at which it sprouted from the lush undergrowth of Rod's pubic hair. Most of this eye-popping girth was maintained along the entire staggering length of the impossibly huge sex tool. Clearly, this was a hunk of meat that was ready to engage in some serious loving!

He couldn't wait to ram the impossibly huge shaft of hard flesh deep down into the young wife's uterus and fertilize her ever-so-ready eggs with endless blasts of hot, potent male seed. Rod just knew that the sensation of rubbing his taut cock skin against the tight but highly lubricated walls of Kim's pussy was going to be fantastically exciting!

Barton was desperate. He couldn't move his arms or legs because they were tied to the chair. Even if he could, he knew from bitter experience that he was no match for this virile young athlete. "Please," he said, "I'll give you anything. You can be a billionaire. You can have all the women in the world. Just please, please don't touch my wife." The last sentence was delivered in a pitiful wail.

Tears were washing his cheek. Tears were also running down Kim's beautiful cheeks. But her cunt was even wetter than her eyes. Rod laughed as he spread her legs and gently inserted two long fingers through the soft, ebony fur and into her beautiful vagina. "Listen, Barton," he said. "Can you hear how wet your wife is, Listen to the slurp as I move my fingers in and out of her pretty swamp of a pussy."

Every word was like a lash across Barton's back. Rod removed his soaking fingers and put them under Barton's nose. "Smell that, Nipple-Dick," he said. "I'll bet you've never seen your wife this excited. I'll bet you've never smelled so much cunt juice in your life."

Barton's tears flowed. It was true. He had never seen Kim nearly this aroused. By now, the sight and feel and fragrance of Kim's cunt had been more than enough to make Rod more than just super-hard. His dick had grown even thicker and longer than in its response to the look and feel of Kim's massive bosom. He stood up. "Here, Nipple-Dick, I'll loosen your hand. Do you want to feel what a real dick feels like?"
Barton could not resist. He put his large hand on Rod's penis; it was the first time he had ever felt another man. His fingers were outstretched. Barton's thumb and fingers could stretch not more much than half of the way around Rod's girth. Its circumference was approximately the size of a twenty-ounce travel mug — bigger actually — it was simply impossible that a cock could be so thick! What's more, the penis was as hard as stone and incredibly hot to the touch. Barton tried to wiggle it. It was too hard. He couldn't move it off center even slightly! What a weapon this guy carried between his legs!

Apart from its shocking length and girth, Barton was most astounded by the complex grid of thick veins that webbed the entire length and breadth of Rod's cock. By no means were they delicate little capillaries; instead, they were bloated ropes that were the size of major arteries. As a result, they protruded noticeably from the shaft of his giant dick. Barton supposed that a penis of such heroic size needed a highly developed network of veins to provide the blood supply such a titanic love machine would require — especially when it was in action! Yet Rod's system of veins seemed almost over-developed. Barton wondered if this seeming overabundance of circulatory pathways was helping to give Rod's ultra-stiff love muscle its unimaginable degree of stiffness, feverish warmth, hardness, and unnatural rigidity.

Barton was astonished to find that his own little cock had gained a little stiffness of its own as he fondled Rod's titanium-hard shaft. He had never had the slightest interest in boys; his sexual inclinations — such as they were — always focused on girls. Now, however, the sight and feel of a preposterously massive cock was actually getting him excited. Had he misjudged his own sexuality, Barton wondered?

As these thoughts raced through Barton's mind, Kim was greatly troubled as well. Rod's words had humiliated her beyond all measure. She wanted nothing more than to escape from this evil rapist. She wanted nothing more than to be alone with her husband in their honeymoon bed. Why, then, was her pussy just gushing with love juice. Kim was deeply ashamed at her obvious state of arousal.

The incredibly buxom Asian beauty was frightened as well. She was staring incredulously at Rod's immense size. She was shocked. "Oh, God, you're much too big for me. You'll kill me. Please let me go, please!"
"Don't worry, bitch," Rod replied, as he prepared to mount the gorgeous young bride. "You'll take what I've got, and you'll thank God for every inch of it. You're about to find out what a real man can do for a woman. And look at your sorry excuse for a husband. He's harder than he was before. It looks like it takes the sight of a real man to turn him on. All right, Nipple-Dick, jack yourself off while I give your wife the kind of fucking she'll never get from you — or maybe from anybody!"
With that, Rod took both hands, wrapped them around the shaft of his impossibly massive cock, pushed down on the throbbing shaft, and lined up the head of his dick against the fleecy exterior of Kim's beautiful cunt. It seemed like an oak log lined up against a keyhole. His cock head was nearly the size of a baseball. It seemed absolutely impossible that such a colossal sex tool could possibly fit inside such a narrow opening.
But Rod pushed forward. Thanks to the overflowing liquids in Kim's cunt, he was able with a little twisting and turning to get the head inside the mouth of Kim's vagina. Then, with slow, easy strokes, he gradually eased his oversized tool farther down Kim's sweet pussy an inch at a time. Jesus! The bitch was so dilated, so unbelievably open!

At first, Kim panicked, as she felt herself being stretched beyond imagination. Her cunt lips felt as if they would shred from the almost unbearable stretching they were receiving from Rod's elephantine cock.
But her pussy quickly accustomed itself to a stimulation she had never known — ever! Neither her former boyfriend nor Barton had been able to turn her on with their penises. She had thought she had just been born frigid. At best she had experienced a few mild orgasms from their fingers or tongues. But what she was experiencing now was bringing her into a New World. Pleasure nerves she never knew existed were being stimulated as her cunt was being fully stretched — and beyond! — for the first time.

Only a couple of strokes after Rod inserted the head of his cock between Kim's stretched-out pussy lips, and at a point when only about two inches of dick — or little more than Rod's cock head — was inside her cunt, Kim experienced an orgasm far more intense than anything she had ever known before at any time in her life. It was stronger by a factor of at least ten or fifteen in comparison to her earlier orgasms. She had never even dreamed that sensations like this were even possible! But Rod was going deeper ... far deeper! And she could sense that her orgasms were going to become stronger ... far stronger! It was unbelievable!

Rod looked at Barton. "Oh, your bitch's cunt is hot, man," he moaned. "She's coming already. And guess what — I'm already in deeper than you'll ever be, Nipple-Dick. So take my word for it, this is world-class cunt."

Barton's humiliation was indescribable, as he watched another man fucking his wife as he would never be able to do. Then an awful thought flashed through his mind. This rapist wasn't using protection! "Look, please!" he said. "At least pull out before you come. We timed this honeymoon so she'd be at the peak of her fertility cycle. And she's been taking fertility drugs. Please don't risk making her pregnant! You can give us that much of a break."

Rod smiled patronizingly at Barton while still probing deeper into Kim's vagina, never missing a stroke. He was about eight inches in now, almost halfway home. "I can see why your wife would have to take fertility drugs, Limp-Dick. And if she had to rely on her husband to supply the seed, I doubt if they would be enough. But she doesn't need to worry — I've got one of the highest sperm counts on record. She'll be carrying a real man's child in her belly when she leaves this island."

Rod knew he had fathered dozens of children in this very bed, many of them planted in the wombs of pretty young honeymooners. That was the beauty of working at the resort; few of the female guests were on the pill. But none of those women were as beautiful or hugely buxom as this one. And he had two weeks to impregnate her! There was no way she'd get away from here without carrying his baby.

Barton thought he had already hit the depths of degradation, but this comment deflated him even more. His wife — the great John Barton's wife — would be carrying another man's child. And he knew that with Kim's religious convictions, there was no point in even suggesting an abortion. This baby was going full-term!

Rod had gone back to exercising his full concentration on raping Barton's wife. Barton wanted to look away, but he couldn't. The sight hypnotized him, only inches from his eyes, of Rod's enormous love muscle going deeper and deeper into his own wife's cunt. He could smell the strong mingled fragrance of sweat and sex from their steaming crotches. With each thrust, more of Rod's immense shaft disappeared beneath the thick dark curls that marked the portal to Kim's love channel. Then Rod would pull out almost to the limit, and then slowly plunge back in, descending yet another inch in the process. Eleven inches! Twelve inches! Thirteen! Wow! This fellow was going deep!

There were still several inches of rock-hard cock to go, but Kim was going absolutely crazy. She had never dreamed of being penetrated this deeply or fully; what's more, she had no idea of the pleasure centers that actually existed down deep inside her. Certainly, they had never before been plumbed like this. Not ever! Now these pleasure nerves were all going off at once, like an out of control pinball machine. Kim thought she was losing her sanity. Orgasm after orgasm rippled up and down her body, each one more powerful than the one before.

Although Kim could not have explained the physiology of her experience, it was clear that the thick venous ropes that generously ribbed Rod's thrusting cock were having a lot to do with her nerve-shattering reaction. His cock was so unimaginably thick that it was taking up every possible bit of space in Kim's cunt — and then some! Yet Rod's abundant network of phallic arteries somehow had to fit in there too. As a result, this bloated arterial cordage, itself as rock-hard as the cock out of which it bulged, was digging into and rubbing against the walls of Kim's convulsing pussy with real force. It was strongly massaging buried nerve centers that a smooth dick even of Rod's dimensions would have left undisturbed. As it was, getting fucked by Rod's tool was akin to being violated by a French tickler made of granite! No wonder Kim's entire body was shuddering, throbbing, and vibrating to the demands of these over the wall sensations.

It was so wrong to enjoy these feelings, though! The lust-stricken girl felt so abashed and chagrined! Kim suddenly recalled the folk tales of faithful wives who had submitted to the insistent demands of their drunken husbands by reciting the Rosary until the deed was finally done. Somehow, Kim felt such a stratagem would have been sacrilegious. But she had to do something to ward off these bone-shattering feelings that were coursing up and down her body. She settled for mouthing "I love my husband, I love my husband" as a mantra intended to banish the orgasmic thrills that had taken control of her body. She also made a point of staring straight up at the ceiling. She would not give Rod the satisfaction of meeting his gaze as his massive love tube plunged in and out of her soaked vagina.

Unfortunately, the mantra was not working — not at all! Nor was her studied avoidance of Rod's eyes proving any more effective. The deeper Rod's cock thrust inside Kim's body, the more her body and his seemed to be becoming one. Damn it! This simply can't be happening, Kim thought. But it was.
Finally, one more plunge, and Rod's hot iron penis was fully lodged inside the full length of Kim's utterly stretched-out vagina. But there was still more to come. Three inches of granite-hard cock were still awaiting entrance to Kim's body. At thirteen inches, Rod had felt the tip of his tennis ball-sized cock head touch her cervix. The next several strokes gently stretched it back. Finally, he penetrated this last barrier. His shaft filled her love canal to its stretched out capacity — and well beyond. The massive head of his dick was now actually deep inside her womb. He was in as deep as it is possible for a man to go. Kim's entire trunk, it seemed, was filled with cock.
It was at that moment that a sea change abruptly overcame Kim. Up to that point, she had had been patiently, albeit very unwillingly, submitting to Rod and his mule-sized cock rather than joining in the frenzy of their lovemaking. She was a married woman who loved her husband, after all. She was being raped and eventually it would all be over. The rapist would have his orgasm — eventually, she supposed — and that would be that. It was true, she guiltily realized, that her body was being racked with unimaginably strong orgasms and sexual thrills. Well, she could not help that. But when this forced coupling was over, Kim would put this shocking violation behind her and slip back into her cherished role as the happily married Mrs John Barton.

As Rod's granite-hard, forearm-sized cock entered her uterus, however, all these reservations seemed suddenly to slip away. In an instant, she had become Rod's woman. How it had happened was a mystery. That it had happened was an irrevocable fact. At that very moment, Kim had become John Barton's wife in name only. In every other sense, her body, heart, and soul belonged exclusively to Rod Powers. All that mattered now was the thrilling feel of his thrusting cock, as it seemed to fill up her entire body from her cunt lips to a point somewhere just below her breastbone. Jesus! Kim felt as if she was being split in two by the length and girth of Rod's impossibly huge cock! But the thrills coursing endlessly up and down her body were so wonderful! She began to scream and moan in counterpoint to Rod's thudding fuck strokes. There was no holding back now! Kim was involved! Somehow, she had suddenly and inexplicably become Rod's woman.

Rod had now begun fucking Kim in earnest. Her orgasms continued to build, each one coming on the heels of the one before with greater and greater intensity. This went on for ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, and finally forty minutes. Barton, tied to his chair, sat absorbed in the close-up view of this staggering spoliation of his bride.

Unconsciously, his right thumb and index finger were rapidly stroking his own pathetic weenie. He came. Just a few drops of nearly clear, lifeless fluid oozed from the tiny hole at the tip, which quickly receded beneath its nest of public hair. The accompanying thrill lasted about two seconds and was very weak — at least by most men's standards. Still, it was the strongest cum of Barton's life. And now it was over. That left Barton with nothing to do but to concentrate solely on the humiliating sight of his wife being thoroughly fucked by this super-stud.

And by now, Kim's orgasms were so intense and coming so close together that they had run into each other. She was in a continuous state of orgasm, with sexual electricity running at an unimaginable voltage through her frame. She thought she would die. She had no control over herself. Kim was afraid she might shit or at least pee all over the bed. Perhaps without realizing it, she was moaning and screaming, "Oh God, fuck me! Darling! Fuck me! Fuck me! Honey! Take me! Precious! Fill me up! I can't stand it, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Dearest! Never stop! Fuck me! Fuck me! Lover!"

After a time, the content of Kim's screams came to reflect an even more shocking commitment to her rapist: "I love you … I love you … I adore you! Oh, Honey! Make me pregnant! My sweetheart! Oh my own, I want your baby ... I want it so badly!"

Kim may not have known she was endlessly repeating these words. But Rod heard and relished every word. Rod knew that Barton was hearing every single word as well. Hearing his own trophy wife expressing the uncontrollable urge to be fucked by her rapist! And then to carry his baby! These words fell so sweetly on Rod's ears. This was payback on the grand scale! Rod loved it!

By now, Rod was thrusting his gigantic love cannon in and out of Kim's convulsing pussy as if it were a runaway piston. The beautiful young woman's cunt was fully and eagerly accepting its thrilling, if seriously oversized, visitor. Her vaginal walls had become more stretched than Kim would have thought possible; in addition, her cervix was nearly as dilated as if she were giving birth. Her reproductive system had turned into a scum-slick superhighway of love down which her lover's gigantic sperm conveyor was roaring at fever pitch. It's hard to imagine how a woman could have been more sexually aroused than Kim was at this very moment.

Kim could not even have guessed how much love juice must have spewed out of her pussy — it could be gallons! The combination of the extreme thickness of Rod's cock along with her astonishingly gushing cunt meant that every fuck stroke was causing a cataract of love muck to just explode out of Kim's pussy! It burst out from between her pussy lips like a fountain each time Rod hit bottom and then sprayed a foot or so high into the air! Had any woman ever been as hot as this? Had any woman ever been this wet?

The astonishing flood of sex juice was making Kim's vaginal walls so amazingly slippery and lubricated that Rod was able to fuck faster than ever before in his life. He was making love at such a rate of speed that before one eruption of Kim's sex mire could descend to coat the lovers' groins with its sticky sheen, its successor was already exploding upward out of Kim's convulsing pussy in a spreading cloud of sex muck. The result was that a shimmering mist of love scum was perpetually floating like a ghostly vapor between the lovers' wildly thrusting bodies. The lovers' bodies were getting absolutely covered with fuck juice! They were so incredibly hot!

For Kim, this coupling represented a release of feelings that had been increasingly pent up for years! Her need for release had been inexorably building since she had first noticed the handsome young boys at the mall whose company she had been forbidden to enjoy. Certainly, her short affair with her "boyfriend" at Brown — sexually, it was nothing more than a one-night stand — had done nothing to relieve this every-growing need; quite the contrary, in fact. Nor, needless to say, did Barton's feeble attempts at lovemaking provide any sexual satisfaction whatever. Instead, her unconscious sexual frustration had just kept building and building.

As Rod pounded away at her convulsing pussy, however, Kim was experiencing true release for the first time in her life. And the release she felt was of an accumulation of nearly ten years of sexual need and frustration. No wonder she was nearly losing her mind at the thrill of this utter ream-job to which her giant-cocked lover was subjecting her. Years' worth of sexual dysfunction was being resolved with every stroke! Each plunge of the massive tool deep into her body was just bathing Kim's body with unimaginably strong orgasmic thrills. The giant-breasted beauty had never dreamed that sex could be like this!

Kim's eyes were certainly no longer fixed on the ceiling. Far from it; her eyes and Rod's were totally locked. Their gazes were riveted on each other with laser-like intensity. They had nearly forgotten how to blink! As Rod's elephantine cock rhythmically drilled out Kim's totally ravished pussy, the lovers passionately mouthed "I love you's" to each other on a non-stop basis. For Kim, this mantra had truly and irrevocably replaced its predecessor!

The sight of this beyond-torrid sex was making Barton's degradation even more complete. Nor was it only the sight of this lovemaking that was so humiliating — Barton could hear it as well. Because his wife's cunt was simply gushing with cunt juice, each powerful fuck stroke was making loud sucking, slurping noises. The two lovers were over the top in sexual delirium.

Kim and Rod were screaming with passion as their lovemaking reached higher and more thrilling plateaus. Barton was becoming increasingly despondent as he watched his wife becoming more and more sexually excited and aroused. He was crestfallen to see that Kim was spreading her legs in order to welcome her rapist's cock to such a degree that she seemed to be doing the splits! It seemed as if her legs were nearly ready to break from the strain! Nobody had ever spread their legs like that for him!

Both lovers had contorted, twisted, nearly grotesque expressions on their faces as Kim's monster cums went on and on and Rod's scrotum prepared to blast prodigious amounts of hot, sticky seed deep into Kim's womb. The two lovers were simply frantic with unbridled lust, naked desire, and eager anticipation.

Barton could tell that he was watching two people simultaneously reach a peak of sexual pleasure and excitement that few human beings could ever be hope to attain. The problem was that the woman was his wife and the man was not her husband!

Barton was now beyond being disheartened. He could actually feel something break within his psyche; moments later, the whipped and beaten man felt as if his very power was draining out of his body. That act of watching this rapist and his wife make hotter love than he had ever dreamed was physically possible had simply pulled the plug on his strength, command, and vigor. He felt weak, dejected, and powerless.

The sight of Kim's fierce passion as this most beautiful and buxom of women was utterly overcome by Rod's own sexual power, and the exhilarating thought of the humiliation Barton was suffering, finally became too intense for even Rod's patient libido to withstand. The sight of Kim's massive tits jiggling and quivering in perfect sympathetic rhythm to his wildly powerful fuck strokes was seriously fueling Rod's fire as well. Normally, he could fuck for hours, but this slut was so jaw-droppingly beautiful and outrageously buxom that fifty minutes was clearly going to be his limit this afternoon.

Consequently, only seconds later, Rod felt a climax begin to stir as a slight tickle in his anus and then deliciously spread in much stronger form down his legs, back up in even more thrilling fashion though his trunk, and finally up and down his massive love log. And then in all of these places at once!
This was it! The giant-cocked Adonis began grunting, first softly and then louder and louder. He thrust faster and harder, and brought Kim to an even higher pitch of passion in the process. She instinctively knew very well indeed what all that grunting signified; the massively buxom girl was about to take a huge load of hot, rich jism up her twat. She was screaming now at the top of her lungs, a piercing wail that knifed right into the center of Barton's heart.

To Kim's astonishment, the impossible seemed to be happening. Rod's cock had been harder than cast iron throughout their lovemaking — it was incredibly stiff. Now, however, it seemed to getting harder still — it was becoming positively fossilized! What's more, it definitely seemed to be swelling as well; it was definitely increasing its girth. In spite of her limited sexual experience, Kim knew, perhaps instinctively once again, what that meant — her man was about to begin an absolutely prodigious orgasm. As her sexual tremors almost vibrated out of control, Kim eagerly awaited the ocean of male seed that she knew would soon plant a fetus in her womb.

The most thrilling moment of all had arrived. Rod began shuddering uncontrollably with unimaginable excitement and terminal arousal. His mammoth engine of lust began bucking and then brutally spraying long ropes of hot jism with incredible force all over Kim's insides. Kim's pelvis was violently whipped by the first powerful bursts of sperm-rich spunk. Then she felt the thrilling impact of the red-hot pellets of jism as they were fired directly into her womb.

As burst after burst of this creamy, life-giving seed continued to splatter all over the walls of Kim's womb, the two lovers held each other closely, lips locked and tongues entwined in a deeply passionate French kiss. Kim and Rod were simply overcome by the force of the nearly debilitating passion that had taken control of their bodies. Kim was being truly loved for the first time in her life and the experience was just overwhelming! Rivers of saliva were flowing between their gasping, moaning, twisting mouths and sliding lips as they simultaneously and wildly Frenched and surged against each other with utter abandon! It was as if each was trying to swallow the other's face!

The pressure of Kim's huge, firm breasts and rock-hard nipples flattened out against his chest were drawing even longer ropes of red-hot, super-potent spew out of Rod's convulsing dick than usual. It was lengthening and intensifying his orgasm as well. He was shaking and shuddering with uncontrollable lust and excitement as unimaginable thrills coursed up and down his body. This fucking cum just wouldn't stop! Huge tits were such a turn-on for Rod! And on an Asian chick ... Wow! He did not know if he had ever been so aroused by a girl in his life. The pulsing, nerve-snapping hum of his orgasm went on and on and on. Rod was shrieking at the top of his lungs. This cum was so fucking strong! It had never been like this!

Rod's hours of workouts in the gym were really paying dividends at the climax of this frantic coupling. He had enough muscle control to rear his slim hips so high in the air that all but an inch or so of his plunging cock could withdraw from Kim's soaked pussy. Less than a second later Rod's beyond-hard column of sperm-spurting, gristle-hard flesh would slam back down in to the very depths of Kim's convulsing uterus.

What's more, while this heavy-duty fucking was going on, Rod was able to keep his wide-open mouth fastened on Kim's eager lips as their wild, face-devouring, lip-slipping French kiss went on and on. The way Kim's massive tits were so noticeably squashed against his powerful chest was making Rod's wide-open French kiss even more passionate than ever before in his life.

The result was that every single one of Kim's eggs just had to be slathered with multiple layers of male seed. Rod was certain he had impregnated Kim on this, their very first act of lovemaking. No doubt about that! Hell, we might be talking quintuplets nine months down the road! Friends, this woman was pregnant!

Barton simply watched. He was dumbfounded and dejected. He had never felt this forlorn, this abandoned, in his life. He felt as if the wimpyness that had characterized his sexual life had suddenly oozed, amoeba-like, to fill up his entire being! He realized with a shiver that he like Rod was now going to be defined by his sexual nature. In his case, this was not a happy prospect!

As the lovers languidly descended from their unimaginable heights of passion, Kim was in a new and never before experienced state. The lovers continued fervently to French kiss and tongue each other as Rod's massive cock kept on leaking ultra-fertile clots of sperm into Kim's convulsing womb. Kim's problem was that she just couldn't stop soul kissing Rod. Certainly, she could not keep her hands off him. Truly, he had become The One.

Rod's was more than satisfied with the encounter! His climax had lasted more than five minutes. That was a personal record for sure! Amazing! Kim and Rod were so hot, so full of sexual frenzy. They were so perfectly suited. It was, in fact, as if they had been made for each other! This fucking Chinese whore was a keeper!

After the fierceness of her innumerable orgasms had finally subsided and the lovers cuddled and lazily caressed and fondled their world-class bodies, Kim now felt a deep tranquility and warm contentment that she had never before known in her life. She held tightly to Rod. He was a rapist. He had violated her person, stolen her dignity, dishonored her marriage, and trampled on her most deeply felt moral beliefs.

Guess what? It didn't matter! She hated him, absolutely, fiercely, and eternally. But so what! She totally loved, adored, and cherished him at the same time. Kim would have been utterly unable to sort out these contradictory feelings, except to know that they were simultaneously valid.

What Kim did know was that she would do absolutely anything for Rod. He was her lord. He was her master. He was her man. Now and forever. He and only he could give her what she now knew in the center of her being she needed as a woman. No love for her husband — Kim was so filled with feelings for Rod that she could hardly remember her husband's name — no moral beliefs, no belief in her own self meant a thing compared to ... well, she might as well be truthful with herself. Compared to Rod's penis, from this moment nothing in life was going to matter very much. She was going to live for this man's phallus and what he could do with it for as long as he would have her. She would do anything for it, and for what it could do to her.

When Rod finally pulled out, his penis was "shrunken" to its soft state of twelve inches long and four inches wide. He got up on his knees and wiggled the still-massive organ in Barton's tear-streaked face. "Clean me off," he ordered abruptly. Barton had no resistance left. "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" Meekly, he used his tongue and lips to lick every bit of spunk, sweat, and pussy foam from Rod's shaft and crotch.

Seeing that Barton was utterly and irrevocably defeated, Rod untied him. He then ordered Barton to get down on the bed and lick and suck every drop of fertile cum and sex slime out of his wife's utterly ravaged cunt. Barton obeyed. But the quantity was enormous. Those gigantic testicles had blasted a full cup of potent sperm juice into Kim's cunt. Barton swallowed every drop he could reach. He had never tasted cum before, and almost vomited as a result. But he quickly got used to the taste of Barton's sperm. Its salty tang vaguely reminded him of sushi.

Actually, Barton had not managed to swallow every drop of sex scum the lovers' bodies had produced. Far from it! Lots of it had puddled on the sheets, seeped through the mattress pad, and then finally soaked deep into the mattress before the lovers had even broken their embrace. Rod was used to such occurrences; his testicles gushed such prodigious amounts of spunk, and the beautiful young wives he fucked invariably produced such a flood of cunt discharge, that he usually went though two or three mattresses a week. This particular production of sex scum, though, was exceptional. He could tell that he and Kim were going to need a new mattress a day at the very least. What a hot fucking slut she was!
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When it had begun, Kim had eagerly anticipated this moment. She was going to leave this site of degradation and return to her husband. She would hug and pet him. Together, they would work to put this horrible experience behind them. John would soon know that this ghastly nightmare had not affected their deep love and devotion for each other.

That was then. This was now. For Kim, Barton hardly even existed any more. She only had room in her consciousness for Rod and his gigantic cock. She cast a contemptuously scornful glance at her husband — what a wimp, what a weenie he was! — and then re-focused her attention on her lover's limp, but still huge, penis. Kim took the enormous tool in her hands and began to rain tiny little kisses all over its oversized head. Seconds later she graduated to lavishing long, wet licks all over its mushroom-shaped knob.

Kim could not believe what she was doing. She had never, just never, had a dick in her hands before. Still less had she ever put her mouth to one. And now she was starting passionately to lick Rod's shaft from top to bottom! What a long trip that was! After about a dozen or so long, lazy licks, Kim tried to take the tennis ball-sized cock head into her mouth. It was much too big; she was able to accommodate only about half of it. She made up for her inability to swallow more by placing her busy hands around the stunning circumference of Rod's overly thick shaft. God! Kim's hands were too small — or Rod's cock was too thick, even when soft — for her to encircle her man's sex tube. Still, Kim was able to move the slick cock skin up and down with increasing speed while her mouth and tongue attended to Rod's gleaming cock head.

Every minute or so Kim would turn her head sideways and run her wide-open mouth sideways up and down the stiffening shaft. She was careful to keep licking while she did so. Kim had never before heard of such a maneuver; it just seemed instinctively like the right thing to do! She was gratified to see that Rod's venous ribbing was beginning to swell along with the shaft out of which they protruded. Kim sensed that this fellow was going to be ready to haul her ashes again in no time flat! For all her inexperience, Kim was really getting into it!

And so was Rod! He couldn't believe his luck. This fucking slut was begging for it a lot sooner than most. Rod had finished raping her less than twenty minutes before and already she was hungry for more! Ravenous, in fact, was a better word for it!

Rod was going to be very, very happy to accommodate her! Already his flaccid member had begun very seriously to straighten up and to gain a significant degree of stiffness. Rod knew that he would be as hard as a rock in a few moments. Seconds after that he would be jamming his horse-sized shaft back down Kim's eager pussy. This time, though, it would not be a rape — unless, as seemed possible in light of Kim's increasingly passionate attention to his lengthening, swelling cock, the sexual assault was going to be moving in the opposite direction this time! Jesus! The bitch was already moaning at the top of her lungs. What a fucking hottie she was turning out to be!

Rod reached down and felt Kim's pussy lips. They were just gushing cunt juices. Since Barton had done a workmanlike clean-up job only minutes before, Rod was sure that this river of love scum represented a brand-new discharge. What a fucking slut he had hooked up with! Kim was looking for a real hosing! Guess what? She was looking in the right place!

Barton looked upon this scene with equal parts horror and resignation. Rod's cock was already as hard as a steel bar. It was so erect that it was extending parallel to and only an inch or so from his trunk. It was so long that his pre-cum stained cock head was actually brushing against his nipple! Barton knew that within seconds that tennis racket handle-sized appendage of flesh was going to plunge back into the very center of his wife's body.

What was worse was the fact his wife desperately wanted that stupendous hunk of male meat to undertake just that journey! And then to repeat it again and again and again. Barton had fully comprehended the scornful look his wife had given him after the rape. With sinking heart, he realized that whatever scant hope he had entertained that his marriage might survive Kim's rape had undoubtedly been dashed in that moment of epiphany. His wife not only had no desire to escape from her rapist but actually wanted more of the same! And this time she was leading the charge!

Even though he was now untied, Barton lacked the will to do anything but sit and watch the continued unfolding of his degradation. Accordingly, Barton impassively witnessed Rod re-mount his wife and begin for a second time to rhythmically fuck her brains out.

Jesus! This time Rod's horse-sized cock slid all the way in without a pause. His massive cock head was buried deep in Kim's womb within a second. Even at that, however, Kim was screaming for her lover to "hurry" and to "go deeper ... lots deeper!"

His wife was frantically cupping Rod's tight, muscular ass cheeks and trying to pull him deeper and deeper into her body. Soon after that, she had actually wrapped her killer legs around Rod's trunk in any attempt to pull him even closer, even deeper. Where had she learned that maneuver? Kim was totally out of control! What a nightmare! What's more, Barton suspected that for him things could only get worse ... much worse! And guess what? They did!

The two-week honeymoon was indeed sheer humiliation for Barton. He had to watch Rod and Kim fuck and suck almost continuously for the entire period. Except for stolen snatches of sleep and brief intervals devoted to gobbling down enough food to keep their libidos humming and gulping enough liquid to replace the strong flow of sex scum that had poured out of the lovers' bodies, the totally self-absorbed couple spent every single moment making almost unbelievably voracious, passionate love. Rod shot load after load of hot, rich jism into Kim's cunt, her mouth, between her massive breasts, and even deep into her bowels — and not just once but many times a day. Whenever they were done, Barton was ordered to lick up and then swallow every drop. He humbly complied.

He also became their urinal. The frenzied lovers just couldn't stand to interrupt their lovemaking long enough to walk the few necessary steps to the bathroom to pee; instead, they just used Barton's mouth as a piss repository. He had to swallow all of it. At Kim's request, Rod exercised some mercy; he agreed they wouldn't shit into Barton's mouth. They used the toilet for that. But Barton still had to clean their assholes with his tongue when they were done. The taste of their shit was indescribably foul and degrading. But Barton had no choice but to obey.

As she squatted over her husband's face and aimed a golden shower of pee more or less in the direction of his obediently open mouth, Kim briefly contemplated the fact that sixteen ultra-stiff inches of very thick cock had quickly and irrevocably transformed her from a sweet, young Catholic maiden into a cruel, degraded, penis-absorbed whore. This thought passed through her consciousness very quickly, though; she wanted to get her bladder emptied promptly so she could get back to deep-throating her lover's massive shaft. She had managed that technique for the first time only minutes before! Rod was such a good teacher! And what fun it was to be his pupil!

As the two weeks went on, Barton grew accustomed to his role as a sex slave, thoroughly subordinate to his wife and their joint master. Over time, he actually began to like the taste of Rod's sperm, What more, he eventually discovered that he did not so awfully much mind drinking their piss or even licking their shit-smeared assholes. On account of his very teeny weeny, Barton suspected that in sexual servitude he might have found his true vocation. He thought of it as sexual custodial work. It was useful labor, he decided. As he sat transfixed in his chair for some twenty hours a day watching his wife and her lover wantonly and continually exploring and then violating every orifice of their stunning bodies, he was reminded of the line from Milton's On His Blindness announcing that "They also serve who only stand and wait." This, he knew, was now going to be his calling in life. Watching, waiting, and then licking and swallowing was henceforth going to constitute Barton's exclusive vocational path in life.

Barton also knew at these times that he would not have long to wait. Before long, he would be scouring Kim's pussy for yet more generous clots of sex scum and licking cunt foam and jism off the gleaming shaft of Rod's mega-cock. Only moments after that, he would be gulping down another couple more loads of urine so that the hot young lovers could get right back into their lewd regimen. John Barton! The tiger of Wall Street transformed into a vacuum cleaner of bodily fluids! Who would have thought it?

The only point at which the lovers left the honeymoon bed for any appreciable amount of time was when, usually in the morning, the sex-soaked mattress had to be replaced by the staff. Kim and Rod could not possibly have tolerated being apart for even the few minutes needed to accomplish that task. Accordingly, rather than having Kim and Barton falsely pose for the workers as happy honeymooners, the sizzling hot lovers repaired to the almost impossibly large and luxurious shower, where they sucked and fucked as the warm water cascaded over their wildly humping bodies. They then lazily washed the accumulation of encrusted sex slime off their world-class figures.

Barton was commanded to sit on a stool just outside the shower door while the lovers took care of business. When they were finished, Barton's task was to gently dry the lovers with the thick Turkish towels intended for that purpose. When Kim and Rod were dry, Barton's mission was then to perfume and talc their bodies so that fragrant and sweetly scented aromas would accompany the resumption of their ardent loving making.

Occasionally, Barton was a little slow on the draw with the bottle of perfume or the container of talc. This was unacceptable, for the lovers were frantic to get back into bed and resume their scorching sex play. Barton's dilatory performance invariably earned him a fist buried so deep into his stomach that Rod could feel Barton's backbone at the end of the punch. As he lay gagging and gasping on the bathroom floor, Kim would feel a bit of compassion for her husband. But only a little — "I mean," Kim would say to herself, "John knows the rules — what's his problem?"

The problem that most concerned Barton at those moments was his desperate need to recover sufficiently from the blow to be ready to slurp up the huge discharge of sex muck that would be produced by the couple's next coupling. He might not have much time to recover, Barton knew, because Kim and Rod made such hot love on such an expedited basis that their bodily fluids were always flowing. If Barton was not in the bedroom to suck up the erotic slime as soon as the lovers had stopped fucking or sucking, Rod would express his disapproval with a foot stomping that would make the fist in the stomach seem like a pat on the back! Barton's new job was not as easy as it seemed!

At the end of the two weeks, Rod had a little surprise for Barton. Rod was quitting his job and going back to New York with the couple. He was going to live with the Bartons as the head of their household. Gradually, there would be property transfers from Barton to Kim. When everything finally belonged to Kim, she would divorce Barton and marry Rod, at which time half the property would be transferred to Rod, and Barton would have to hit the street.

Rod, a thoroughgoing racist, had never dreamed he would end up marrying a goddamned chink! Still, slant-eyed or not, Kim was as beautiful as they come. In addition, she was a whole lot more buxom than they come, at least usually. Most important of all, she was going to bring billions of dollars into the marriage. That sort of serious money could make up for a lot of the wrong sort of skin color!

The other half of the Barton fortune would be put in trust for their children. In time, that second half was going to be splintered into a whole lot of fractions, Rod knew! His kids were going to be half-breeds, he acknowledged to himself with a sigh, but he also knew that this state of affairs was inevitable. After all, he was going to be unable to keep his cock out of his wife's pussy.

Birth control? Rod would never put up with that! He loved the power of knowing that every splat of jism might be producing yet another baby. That sort of possibility just made his orgasms just a little more thrilling! Sterile, protected sex? Not for Rod Powers! Better mongrels than the equivalent of shooting blanks!
Rod is now the terror of Wall Street. Kim is his main woman, though of course there is rarely a day when he doesn't fuck at least half a dozen other beyond-gorgeous, ultra-buxom women as well. The word has gotten out about Rod and his staggeringly long, thick, and incredibly vein-ribbed cock. As a result, a steady stream of the most extraordinarily beautiful and amazingly large-breasted women in Manhattan (and beyond!), find excuses to drop by Rod's penthouse offices to seek a private audience with this world-renowned, utterly insatiable, astonishingly potent, giant-cocked Adonis! If they are stunningly beautiful and shockingly buxom enough, they are awarded an hour or so of the Great Man's time. These women invariably stagger out of Rod's suite with their undergarments tucked in their purses and dazed smiles on their faces! Most of them agreed that the rumors they had heard about Rod were actually seriously understated! His cock was so huge! It got so stiff, too! And the things he could do with it!

These giant-breasted beauties willingly roll the dice and purposefully skip their birth control pills or forswear their diaphragms before the visit. They had heard that Rod absolutely refuses to engage in sex with women who practice birth control. Besides, tempting fate with the possibility of walking away with a developing embryo in their wombs fathered by the famous Rod Powers makes the sex with the giant-cocked lady killer particularly intense and deliciously thrilling.

At the same time, tempting fate by lying to Rod about whether they were using birth control pills or other forms of contraception was actually dangerous. If Rod even suspected that one of his bed partners was lying about the present state of her fecundity, he would kick her out of bed and give her a severe trashing that would be long remembered — and felt!

What's more, Rod always seemed to know when he was being lied to on this subject; perhaps it's because a woman acts just a little bit different in bed when she knows that a coupling lacks the potential to make her a mama. Somehow, Rod could always tell. Moreover, because the fellow knew how to administer such beatings without leaving a mark, the woman would be hard pressed to go to the police with a complaint. Better to crawl out of the bedchamber and go home a wounded but wiser woman!

It goes without saying that because Rod's creamy spunk is so incredibly rich with ultra-potent sperm, most of those women who were telling the truth about their fertility ended up gaining the honor of motherhood. Between his life on the island and his career in New York, Rod can't even imagine how many children he has fathered. Thinking about it gives him a great deal of satisfaction, however.

Kim knows all about these women. After all Rod freely admits to his nearly countless extramarital liaisons. He has no reason to lie about them, for in the sexual realm, Rod has always followed his own desires. He's the boss. Kim can either put up with it or not; it's her choice. After all, with Rod, it's either his way or the highway! Rod certainly loves Kim after his fashion, but if she were to demand fidelity ... well ... she would follow her former husband out the door in one second flat! Nobody tells Rod Powers what to do! Especially when it comes to fucking!

Naturally, Kim is not at all pleased with Rod's extracurricular activities — not at all. Still, he is her absolute master and she'll settle for as much of his loving as he can spare. Besides, she knows that any objection on her part would be futile. Hell, it would probably be worse than futile!

In the end it probably does not matter. Kim simply could not live without Rod so she will be as submissive as he wishes. It's not as if she is not getting her fair share of loving. After all, Rod still fucks his wife a minimum of four or five times a day, and even more on weekends. That should satisfy most women. But not Kim!

Still, she would never consider looking for some additional loving on the side. She shudders to think about how Rod would deal with her if he caught her in such an infidelity. Kim instinctively knew that her discipline would be far, far more brutal than anything ever meted out to her ex-husband. She shivers at the thought! No way would she ever tempt her husband in that regard!

Kim's decision was a wise one. A very wise one! She does not know about the beatings administered by Rod to the female visitors to his office penthouse who lie about their birth control practices. Those women usually take weeks or even months to recover from their chastisement. The punishment Kim would have suffered on account of an infidelity would have been much more severe than that. Thank God she has enough sense to eschew that sort of activity!

Of course, getting her brain loosened four or five times a day by an ultra-thick, steel-hard, sixteen-inch cock should be enough for any woman — even a cock-hungry slut like Kim. Besides, the man apart from her husband who could satisfy her needs simply does not exist. Not now. Considering Rod's redwood-like cock and heroic Niagaras of sperm, spending time with any other man would be an utter waste of time. Kim had become accustomed to the sort of loving Rod could dish out; there was nothing else on Earth that could be its equal. There was nothing any other man could give her that would even pique her sexual interest. Not after a year or two of the sort of loving Rod Powers could hand out!

Sometimes in the middle of the night — usually when Rod's side of the bed is empty because he was off fucking some stunningly beautiful, stupendously buxom girl he had spotted somewhere — the young wife will reflect for a moment on what a nasty, unpleasant, and even repellent man her husband sometimes was. This was surely not the idyllic, ivy-cottage-style marriage she had daydreamed about in the enforced isolation of her parents' home. Still, the dice had been rolled, and this was her fate.

She certainly could have done worse, though. It was not, after all, as if she lacked creature comforts — few women on earth had more of them than she — and the sex she enjoyed with her husband was in all likelihood more exciting and fulfilling than that enjoyed by any other woman on Earth! There was certainly no happier woman on Earth than Kim when she was in bed with Rod. Kim had to face it — there were lots of good things in her life. Quit yer beefing!, she would tell herself.

Thinking about these things was certainly not productive in any event. She realized she had no choice in the matter. None. The bottom line was that she needed Rod, she had to have Rod, and she could not live without Rod. She simply could not exist without his stallion-size cock and the things he could do with it.
Kim also knew that if she ever left on her own volition, Rod would track her down and then... Well, Kim did not even dare to contemplate what might happen to her at the end of that journey! For a lot of reasons, therefore, Kim was Rod's forever. Still, if only Rod's cock could be attached to a man who had the sweetness of spirit she had so admired in her father! With a sigh, Kim realized that this was impossible; you just had to take what life dished out to you.

These thoughts occurred only sporadically and then only fleetingly. They certainly never invaded her consciousness when her husband's gigantic love muscle was pounding in and out of her convulsing pussy — and that took up a major portion of her day!

The rest of Kim's life follows a reasonably happy velvet routine. Even with Rod otherwise engaged, her days pass quickly enough in their three-story Fifth Avenue penthouse. Kim often keeps busy helping Nanny take care of their child, the young John Barton, Jr (the name is Kim and Rod's little joke since the child is officially Barton's legal issue), who was born almost nine months to the hour that Kim and John's honeymoon began. She therefore can't always be available for her man on the moment's notice his outsized sexual needs require.

Rod was certainly there for her, however, while she was nursing her beloved little John, Jr, both before and after the obligatory six week vacation from intercourse after his birth. Of course, Kim had fully satisfied her husband in a lot of alternative ways — some of them quite creative! — during those six weeks. Often, Rod could not even be bothered to go into the office for days at a time. The Powers sometimes made love a dozen times a day once the six-week recovery time had passed.

On some days, Kim, whose still fragile, ravaged pussy could barely take that much vaginal loving, would have to suck off her husband as many as six or seven times a day in addition. He might stuff his raging cock between her immense breasts and fuck her tits four or five times on a daily basis in addition to that!
Kim suspected the fact her pregnancy and nursing had ballooned her breasts into a P-cup size had markedly increased Rod's interest in her bosom. God! The fellow had actually sucked more milk out of her swollen tits than even baby John! Good for him, since the very act of getting nursed by an accomplished lover like Rod induced thrillingly strong orgasms in the sex-hungry young mother. That helped a lot during the six-week interregnum before the couple could start fucking again.

After she had stopped nursing, Kim's seriously distended breasts shrunk to "only" an L-cup; she now boasts a sensational, if slightly fuller, 34L-20-32 figure. Rod remains very pleased with her looks, she knows. And her bosom, too! Now that her nursing-swollen tits are a thing of the past, however, Kim expects to find herself with child any day now. Given Rod's firm aversion to birth control — he went into a terrible rage the one time she had tentatively suggested the idea — a second pregnancy is clearly right around the corner! After all, any couple that makes love on the order of 150 times a month is going to end up with a large family!

This time, in fact, her husband may order the nursing process to be carried on indefinitely! He really goes for milk-bloated breasts in a big way! Especially when their possessor's bra size is up in the P-cup neighborhood!

At least that way, Kim very silently acknowledged to herself, she would be the beneficiary of a natural form of birth control. As long as Rod wanted to nurse her gigantic, milk-swollen breasts, he was going to have to shoot his seed into the void. As a result, Kim secretly hopes she can keep nursing for a long, long time. Babies are great, and she'd like to have a lot of them, but being pregnant all the time would be a bummer. Even a Supermom deserves a bit of a break.

The fact remains that even a sexual Adonis like Rod could not have it both ways on this score! Nurse or make babies — your choice! No way, however, would Kim point out that undoubted fact of life to her husband. That would merely be rubbing it in. It might be true but Rod had no interest whatever in hearing about it. In fact, bringing the matter up would be a sure-fire way to earn a little discipline from her exacting mate!

In any case, even a drop-dead gorgeous, ultra-built beauty like Kim knows that a sexual superman like Rod could never be satisfied with a single, solitary woman, no matter how beautiful, curvy, buxom, milk-laden, and passionate she happened to be. That would be true, Kim knew, even if she were to swell up to a Q or R-cup bra size as a result of this upcoming pregnancy and extended period of nursing.

As a result, Kim will settle for what she can get and be glad she can get it. Still, she would like more! Lots more! A guy like Rod can do that to a woman! Maybe when she is nursing her next baby she can get up to an S or T-cup size. Anything to keep the home fires burning, you know!

And as for Barton ... well ... he is on welfare ... Rod and Kim's welfare! They give him enough of an allowance so he can to eat in cheap cafeterias and live in dismal transient hotels down in the Bowery. His period of sexual servitude helped to confirm what he had begun to suspect about his own sexuality on that first day of his honeymoon — it was weenies that really floated his boat. As a result, he spends most of his time skulking around adult movie theaters and dirty bookstores looking for young guys who will let him suck their cocks. He'll do anything for a big one — and has! — but he's never found one remotely as large as the one he really craves.

Of course, his chances of sucking that member are absolutely and totally nil. Apart from tolerantly allowing Barton an occasional lick if he happens to come by to pick up his check at clean up time — and that means a lick and not a suck, asshole! — Rod devotes his stallion-sized cock exclusively to fucking pussy, corn-holing anuses, getting sucked or beaten off, and slipping and sliding in between the watermelon-sized tits of the most beautiful and largest-breasted women on Earth! That, and twenty billion of John Barton's dollars, have turned Rod Powers into one exceptionally happy fellow!

The End