The Wenchmaster Ch1 (MFF+)


Sexy Member
Feb 28, 2006
Medieval Europe
Dear readers,

Greetings! I am Rubirosa, the authorized biographer of celebrity porn star Samson:joy:. He is paying me a lot of money to chronicle his sexual exploits in a multi-volume memoir that will run more than a million words.

His first volume "The Wenchmaster" focuses on our hero's humble beginnings when the ladies still knew him as Lance Leo.

Lance is not your ordinary strip club bouncer. The underachieving stoner is slowly transforming into a barbarian sex god from an obscure sword-and-sorcery novel.

Like many of his peers, Lance spent much of high school as a shiftless stoner and hopeless virgin. On the night of his 18th birthday, however, a mysterious hiccup in the space-time continuum transformed him into a barbarian sex god from a galaxy far, far away.

Endowed with Herculean strength and godlike charisma, Lance did not use his superpowers to fight crime or save the world. The teen used them to get laid.

This story chronicles the chaos that ensued...

P.S. There is an insane amount of LPSG-related content in this book but this is a novel, not a stroke story. You'll need to be patient.

To support the project:


Sandra drew the shades inside her efficiency studio apartment. The darkness helped her focus. It had been a tumultuous spring. After getting rejected from Stanford, the one-time valedictorian impulsively dropped out of high school and took a job as a stripper. Exotic dancing paid a lot better than waiting tables.

Her laptop sat on the kitchen table awaiting her arrival.

She clicked on the icon for “Eye-Spy” to launch the application. It just took a couple seconds to boot up. For the past few months, Sandra had monitored Lance’s iPhone through the spyware.

A GPS map opened on her screen. A blue dot on Route 40 indicated his motorcycle racing down the highway. Just as promised, Lance was heading back to Peoria. At his current rate of speed, he probably would arrive there late that night.

Sandra experienced a combination of giddiness and dread at the thought of her ex-boyfriend’s return. In truth, Lance wasn’t really her ex. The dude had been a one-night stand that morphed into a sexual obsession for her. Though they shared nothing in common, Sandra felt an irresistible physical connection to him. The bodybuilding playboy could have modeled underwear for Dolce & Gabbana except for one flaw. However, his girlfriends considered the bulge in his underwear to be more of an illicit gift. Even limp, Lance sported a tool that would put most porn stars to shame. The teen stud knew how to use it as well. His dates invariably enjoyed the types of orgasms they only read about in Cosmopolitan.

Though Lance enjoyed his promiscuous lifestyle, Sandra wanted the prize stallion for herself. She did some very stupid things to claim the elusive heartthrob. Aside from bugging his phone and stalking him, her meddling resulted in a sex scandal that ended a promising career in college football.

So, along with insatiable attraction and obsessive jealousy, Lance stirred up feelings of unbearable guilt in her heart. Basically, she ruined his life. After Lance skipped town, Sandra could manage her emotions. As the old saying went, out of sight meant out of mind. But the eye of the storm would be sailing her way in a matter of hours.


Lance had covered about 100 miles on his Harley so far. He pulled into a rest stop to make a few phone calls.

The teen had enjoyed quite an adventure since leaving Peoria.

After joining a traveling circus, the high school dropout spent about three or four months on tour. In the daytime, he worked as a roustabout, lugging equipment and pitching tents. At night, he appeared on stage as “The World’s Strongest Man.” Lance had no job skills but his years of pumping iron had developed the ideal physique for a sideshow strongman.

Unfortunately, his boss fired him after the teen slept with too many dancers in the burlesque act that followed his performance. She gave him the boot on a Sunday. Payday would have been Monday. Lance didn’t have anything more than a full tank of gas and $20 in his wallet.

His first order of business was to find a crash pad. The second was scoring a chick for the night. He hoped to kill two birds with one stone in the luscious form of Jane Hawthorne. During senior year, Lance holed up in the guest room of the cougar’s suburban home after his stepfather threw him out into the street. Jane demanded rent in the currency of heartpounding sex. Lance dug the arrangement. He became a live-in lover for a buxom blond MILF that competed in triathlons.

Jane answered after two rings.

“Hey, babe,” he murmured in his sexy baritone.

“Lance, I’m sorry but you can’t stay here again.”

“Aw, c’mon,” he pleaded. “I know you want it.”

“Sure I do. What girl wouldn’t? But I moved on. You should too.”

The line clicked.

Lance felt a little bummed. He rarely heard a woman tell him ‘no.’ Chicks usually said ‘yes’ or moaned ‘fuck, yeah’ whenever the teen Lothario came-a-calling.


Sandra knocked on the door to Kagney’s apartment. The girlfriends always kept a lunch date on Sundays.

A cute redhead answered the door. She had an innocent smile. It belied her nudity. Sandra’s galpal usually went topless in the privacy of her own home. She wore plain black panties that day but her slim and stacked figure didn’t need window dressing.

Kagney shut the door behind Sandra and planted a scorching kiss on her lover’s lips. The women had a lunch date but they often skipped it for a deliciously sensual “dessert.” Ever since Sandra hit the stage at Gazonga’s as an exotic dancer, the lipstick lesbian couldn’t keep her hands off of the teen vixen.

“Sleep OK?” asked Kagney.

“Like a rock,” boasted Sandra. “I slept in until 9am.”

“That’s not exactly late for a Sunday,” teased her girlfriend.

“I usually kick off the day with yoga at 6am.”

“I know you do, honey,” winked the redhead. “Because I have to drag you back to bed at 8am.”

Kagney’s iPhone vibrated on the kitchen table. It vibrated again. And then again. She picked it up to read the incoming flurry of texts. Her face lit up with amusement.

“What?” Sandra finally asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, nothing. It’s just an SQA.”

“What’s an SQA?” Sandra asked without much interest.

“It stands for ‘Size Queen Alert.’ It’s a group text a few dancers around town send out once in a blue moon. They like to share intelligence about well-hung dudes at the clubs.”

“Really?” answered Sandra, trying to conceal her interest in the topic.

“Yeah. Someone spotted Triple-L on Tinder.”


“Yeah, as in ‘Lucky Lance Leo,’”

Sandra’s heart skipped a beat.

“Who’s that?” she asked, pretending not to know the name.

“Triple L?” chuckled Kagney. “Oh, God… I’ve never met him personally but he’s kind of an urban legend in these parts.”

“How come?”

“Well, for one thing. He is supposed to have a really big dick. But it’s more than that. The dude is like a player’s player. He’s banged half the dancers in Peoria. That’s no mean feat. Whatever people say, strippers don’t put out very easily. Zillions of guys chase after us so we can be ultra-selective about our hookups.”

Sandra found herself at a loss for words so she let Kagney continue her story.

“The craziest part is that he just turned 18! Everyone thought the dude had to be 23, 24 years old. You don’t meet any teens with that level of game. But then he got in big trouble for – get this – sleeping with six or seven different teachers at his high school. The story has been in the news for months. It’s actually kind of sad. He had been offered a bunch of college football scholarships before the scandal broke.”

Kagney’s phone buzzed again. Her expression darkened at the message.

“What now?” asked Sandra.

“Johnny Mac violated his probation. He’s back in the joint.”

Truth be told, Sandra didn’t care too much. Johnny Mac worked as a bouncer at Gazonga’s. He demanded 10% of her tips. She thought the dude was a major creep.

“So what? Can’t Joe substitute for him on Monday?”

“Nope. Joe went on vacation last week. We can’t open the club if we don’t have a bouncer working the door.”

Sandra would have been more concerned had she not been preoccupied with Lance already. Truth be told, she felt a bit relieved that Kagney changed the subject.

“What about Paul? Can’t he hire a temp?”

Paul owned Gazonga’s. Unfortunately, most of the club’s profits went up his nose.

“Paul checked into rehab this weekend. And because I’ve worked there longer than anyone else, he deputized me to manage the club in his absence.”


“Listen, hon,” Kagney began apologetically. “Let’s hang out later today. I’ve gotta find a sub for the door pronto.”

Sandra gave her a warm hug on the way out the door. As she headed to her van, her phone vibrated. The teen immediately recognized the number on her Caller ID. Lance was reaching out. She froze like a proverbial deer in the headlights and let the call go into voicemail.


Sandra returned to her apartment and reviewed Lance’s call and text log on her laptop. Typically, he spent his day chatting and sexting with four or five different girls. Today, she found nothing else besides a single outgoing call to Jane and herself. It must have been a fluke. The jerk probably didn’t have time to screw around on the phone today because he had to pilot his Harley all the way back to Peoria.

Suddenly, the screen lit up with a new outgoing call. Lance had dialed up Morgan. As head of the varsity cheerleading squad, the foxy senior occasionally hooked up with Lance but also served as his confidante. Sandra turned up the volume of her laptop speakers.

“Babe,” Lance greeted her plaintively.

“No more hookups,” Morgan told him curtly. “Besides, I’m in Florida for the summer.”

“Listen,” he explained. “I just wanted to talk to a friend. I need some advice.”

“I’m listening.”

“It’s about this girl I know. You see, when I think about most chicks, I feel something incredible between my legs.”

“You mean your dick gets hard?”

“Yeah, exactly. But there’s this other girl I’ve been thinking about. With her, I feel something in my chest. And it really hurts sometimes.”

“Good grief,” groaned Morgan. “Are you really this fucking dumb?”

“I don’t think I ever felt this before.”

“It’s your heart, dummy! You’re just crushing on her.”

“What should I do?”

“Well, ask her out on a date.”

“But I think she might be mad at me.”

“Why may that be? Is it because you sleep with a different girl every night? If you want a girlfriend, then you can’t do that anymore.”

“But that’s how I roll, babe,” he responded defensively. “I’m not like most guys. Don’t you know anything about…ummm… LGBQPT rights?”


“Ummm… I saw this hashtag on Twitter. The abbreviation is like LGBLT or something…”

“You mean gay rights?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Lance, you’re fucking straight. What does that have to do with you?”

“Because I’m just expressing my sexuality. I need a little more action than ordinary guys. Is that a crime?”

“Lance,” she concluded. “You’re just an asshole.”

Morgan hung up.

Sandra needed a moment to digest the call. It confirmed both her hopes and fears. Though he hadn’t called in months, Lance hadn’t forgotten her. The dude wanted her bad. Just as planned, she really got to him the one and only time they hooked up. But the teen stud didn’t sound like he intended to change his rakish ways either. That was a dealbreaker with a capital ‘D.’

The blue dot resumed its slow crawl toward Peoria. Sandra stared at her phone with indecision.


Lance parked on the side of the road to smoke a joint and check his texts. His phone had been vibrating in his pocket like an electric toothbrush for the past two hours. The word got out. Lucky Lance Leo was coming back to town with a vengeance! He pulled out his mobile to scan all his incoming texts.

Score! More than a dozen chicks already reached out. Some of them sent nudes. He wasn’t going to lie to himself. The attention stroked his ego big time. Lance loved being a cocksman and didn’t care who knew it. For every Morgan, he could find ten new eager recruits for his bed.

Lance skimmed his backlog of texts. Who did he want to fuck first? About scrolling halfway down the list, his finger froze on a name. Sandra Kong only wrote two words: “Call me.”

That same uneasy feeling built up in his chest. For the first time in his life, Lance hesitated calling a girl. Though they rarely acknowledged their fears, a lot of guys got hung up on this step. It never bothered him personally because he had more experience than most playboys twice his age. But Sandra would have intimidated even the most seasoned Lothario. She didn’t play games. Full stop.

Lance thought through his next move carefully. A call would be too risky. So he texted her instead.

“Hey, babe,” he wrote. “My reception isn’t so good out here. What’s up?”

“1138 Crescent View, APT 2A,” she answered. The little bubbles that indicated more typing followed. They stopped. Lance felt his pulse begin to speed up. The bubbles started again.

“11pm. Be there.”

And that was it. Lance couldn’t fathom her precise intentions. Had it been any other girl, he would have assumed they were hooking up for the night. But Sandra proved herself utterly unpredictable. Maybe that’s why he couldn’t resist writing back.

“K,” he finally typed. She didn’t write back. Short and sweet seemed like the best way to end this chat.

Kagney heard someone pounding on the door to her flat. She opened it to the sight of a weeping Sandra.

“Honey, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, Kagney,” she cried. “I’m so sorry…”

Sandra limped into her apartment. The teen didn’t know what to say. If she explained what happened, Kagney could get very angry with her. The women enjoyed a casual relationship that quickly grew into a close friendship. Neither had brought up exclusivity or shacking up together but lines often got blurred in these circumstances.

“I knew this guy back in high school…” began Sandra.

“Was it serious?” asked Kagney. She didn’t seem angry as much as concerned for her friend.

“Sort of… I don’t know. We only dated for a couple weeks.”

“Honey, you know how guys are. That sounds more like a fling.”

“Yeah, but he tried to call me today… And I agreed to see him.”

Sandra waited for a slap in the face. Kagney shrugged instead. If her lover felt upset, she concealed her emotions pretty well.

“I care about you,” continued Sandra. “I didn’t want to lie about this.”

“Awwww,” cooed her busty bestie. “Give me a hug. It’s gonna be OK.”

Sandra flung her arms around Kagney’s waist and held her girlfriend tight. The contact excited the teen. She felt her nipples stiffen. Sandra might have wanted Lance but that desire didn’t dampen her hunger for the buxom redhead.

What began as a moment of tenderness quickly grew into a more passionate embrace. The women kissed as if they would never kiss again. Kagney slid her tongue between Sandra’s lips. Her fingers slid along the hourglass contours of her lover’s waist and dipped below the waistband of her yoga pants.

Smoldering lust dried the tears in Sandra’s eyes. She shoved Kagney against the wall and tore open her blouse. She hadn’t worn a bra today. The redhead stuffed her hand into the back of Sandra’s jeans. Her face lit up.

“Jesus Christ,” Kagney whispered. “You are soaking wet down there.”

From the time that Lance texted her, Sandra had to change her panties three times. Just the thought of their last date made her wet. The teen stud had banged Sandra in the back of her van for nearly five straight hours. His big dick scratched an itch that had been burning inside her body since puberty. Like it or not, Lance deserved his reputation as a male sex god.

However, Kagney’s affection excited her too. Sandra loved playing with a lipstick lesbian who had all the same goodies as herself: big boobs, smooth skin, a clitoris… They appreciated each other’s anatomy in a way no guy could understand. While Lance could be both exhilarating and exhausting, Kagney had a lighter touch. And the women connected on a deeper emotional level. The sex almost seemed more like an afterthought sometimes…

“C’mon,” Kagney purred, taking Sandra by the hand and leading her into the bedroom. “Let me see if I can cheer you up.”


Sandra and Kagney lay nude on their backs. They had enjoyed a brief but engrossing lovemaking session.

“Want some?” asked the redhead after taking a drag off her joint.

Sandra shook her head but didn’t refuse the joint when Kagney passed it over. She took a tiny puff. The one-time valedictorian never smoked in high school but started experimenting after Kagney turned her on to marijuana. Truth be told, the weed mellowed her a bit. And after sex, it mellowed her a lot.

“OK, girl,” began the redhead. “You better tell Dr. Kagney about your guy trouble.”

Sandra had to make a decision. Once she started talking, there would be no turning back. Sandra would have to reveal many unflattering details about her personal history. It might freak out her bestie. On the other hand, what were friends for? No psychiatrist would understand her predicament.

“I met a guy. He played football at my school.”

“What was his name?”

Sandra hesitated. Now or never…

“Lance,” she answered hesitantly. “Lance Leo.”

Kagney coughed up a lungful of marijuana smoke. The answer stunned her.

“As in ‘Lucky Lance Leo’?” she wheezed. “Holy shit!”

Kagney needed a moment to absorb the revelation. Sandra began to fidget uneasily. She never told anyone about Lance aside from her shrink.

“Don’t get me wrong. That’s totally cool!” Kagney reassured her. “I just never thought he would be your type.”

“Why not?” Sandra asked with genuine curiosity.

“Because you’re like a total brainiac and Lance… Well, let me put it this way. A lot of dancers joke about how dumb he is. And strippers are not exactly known for their sharp intellect.”

“You’re not dumb, Kagney,” she contended. “And I hope I’m not either.”

“Of course not. But why Lance? Are you in love with him?”

“Love?” sniggered Sandra. “I don’t know if I even like him.”

“Then why are you meeting him tonight?”

“Well…” she hesitated. “He has a really big dick.”

Kagney started cracking up.

“BUSTED!” cackled the redhead. “I knew you were a size queen!”

Sandra blushed big time. However, she also felt relieved to get this secret off her chest.

“I mean it’s not just his dick,” Sandra explained. “Lance has this Rico Suave vibe. Confident. Fearless. A real badass! He rides a motorcycle for Chrissakes!”

“That doesn’t sound like love,” Kagney noted. “That sounds like lust.”

“Yeah, it’s definitely a physical thing. I dig really strong, muscular guys. Besides football, Lance enters tons of bodybuilding competitions. And he wins a lot of them.”

Sandra reached for her phone on the nightstand and opened Lance’s Instagram. Kagney scrolled through his photo-stream. Lance hadn’t updated the account since his arrest but it had plenty of photos of the teen bodybuilder posing on stage.

“Wow,” Kagney murmured. “That superhero physique would be a little over-the-top for most women but I can see the appeal.”

“Yeah, I ain’t gonna lie,” she confessed. “My taste in men is a bit exotic. It started when I was 10. Back in those days, you might have called me a tomboy. I read all the DC Comics and had this major crush on Conan The Barbarian. Also, he had this girlfriend…”

“You mean ‘Red Sonja’?”

“Yeah, Red Sonja. And the two of them would go on adventures together. I wanted to be Conan’s bitch so badly…”

Kagney giggled a bit but promptly stifled her laughter. She didn’t want to embarrass her girlfriend. However, Sandra barely seemed to notice her reaction. She continued pouring out her heart.

“So when I started to play with myself in junior high, I’d look at those comics. I always dreamed of this jacked and ripped barbarian stud pounding me with his enormous dick. But then I also realized I kind of dug Red Sonja too.”

Sandra pinched a lock of Kagney’s hair in her fingers and held it to her lips. The redhead smiled. “I think I may be a little petite to be your Red Sonja,” she confessed.

“Actually, I think you’ll do fine,” smiled Sandra. She closed in for a kiss but Kagney did not lean forward. She now seemed more inquisitive than horny.

“So how did you meet Lance?” asked Kagney.

Ugh. Sandra knew this question would come up sooner or later. It took her nearly an hour to explain the whole X-rated soap opera. However, whatever the risks, she did not hold back any details.

To summarize a very complicated narrative, the teen temptress stalked Lance for months before asking him out on a date. After a very hot one-night stand, the star quarterback blew her off. So Sandra retaliated by tipping off the cops about a sexual encounter he initiated with two teachers from his high school. The ensuing scandal caused massive legal problems for Lance and destroyed any chance of a college football scholarship. He actually skipped town for a few months and only was returning tonight.

Kagney remained silent for most of Sandra’s account. She had to absorb a lot of information. Finally, the redhead delivered her verdict…

“First of all,” Kagney noted. “You can never, ever tell him about calling the police. He’ll never forgive you.”

“But I feel terrible about what I did. How can I make amends?”

“To be honest, I don’t know. I still need to think about that. However, you should go see him. He is probably alone and in a lot of pain. Soothe him.”

Sandra listened to Kagney’s advice very carefully. Despite her sordid profession and lack of formal education, the buxom stripper displayed great compassion and wisdom.

“You won’t be jealous if I see him?” ventured Sandra.

“Jealous? I don’t do jealousy, honey. Look at where all this possessiveness got you. It made you inflict harm needlessly and maliciously. And in the name of what? You’re not even in love with him.”

“You’re right. I’m not,” Sandra concurred. “I think I wanted him for myself because he was a big shot in high school. All the cheerleaders and popular girls lusted after him. I wanted to take Lance off the market to spite them. The pursuit was never about him. It was about me.”

“Of course, he did have a big dick,” Kagney half-joked.

“The biggest. I don’t think I’ll ever want to be with another guy again.”

“So go have some fun.”

Sandra studied Kagney’s expression. Was she testing her loyalty?

“I meant what I said,” added Kagney.

Sandra nodded. She admired her girlfriend’s generosity. To be honest, it blew her mind. If Kagney told her about an ex-boyfriend, Sandra would have flipped out.

“Thank you,” she told the redhead before giving her a big hug. Sandra clung tight to Kagney for a really long time.

She never felt so close to another woman before.

“C’mon,” Kagney announced, pulling Sandra out of bed. “Let’s get you dolled up for tonight.”

Kagney had a full make-up kit in her bathroom. The collection had lipsticks and glosses in every shade as well as lots of powders and primers.

Sandra sat in a chair before the mirror as her girlfriend worked on her.

“You know I dropped out of cosmetology school,” explained the redhead. “But I’m still pretty good with a brush.”

Kagney approached her work with such enthusiasm that it almost seemed like she was going on a date that night.

Next came the lingerie. Sandra kept some of her wardrobe in Kagney’s closet. She tried on two or three outfits before the girls agreed on the best one. Sandra wore a traditional black lace ensemble that oozed sensuality without looking slutty.

Kagney fastened up the eyelets and hooks of Sandra’ bra. It required effort to stretch the band across her back. Sandra measured herself at a bra-busting 32DDD but probably needed a 32FF bra. Even online, one found few undergarments in this size. Along with an ultra-svelte frame, nature had blessed her with an incredible set of jugs. Even for a stripper, Sandra’s figure seemed overblown but not an ounce of her looked plastic. She was born hot.

Sandra then chose one of her dresses, a semi-transparent V-neck that revealed more than it concealed.

Kagney wolf-whistled.

“Honey, you better get back home for your date,” she whispered into her ear.

Sandra smiled but eyed her BFF with concern. Why was she being so nice to her? Did Kagney also have a dude on the side?

“Are you sure about this?” she asked for the umpteenth time.

“Like duh,” Kagney told her. “I just did an hour of make-up.”

“But what are you getting out of this?”

“I want you to have a good time.”

“Anything else? Be honest.”

“When you come back here tomorrow,” began Kagney in a sensual whisper. “I want to hear a juicy blow-by-blow account of how it felt to get fucked by his big dick.”

Sandra couldn’t restrain a naughty smirk.

“Now, go,” ordered her girlfriend. “I still need to find a bouncer for the door tomorrow.”

Sandra gave Kagney a big hug. She kissed her on the lips. Kagney slowly drew back.

“Don’t smear your lipstick,” she warned. “Now get going or I’m going to keep you here for myself.”

“Oops,” giggled Sandra, taking a step back.

“It’s getting late, hon,” Kagney grinned. “Call me tomorrow.”

Sandra click-clacked across the hardwood floor in her heels. She glanced over her shoulder and blew her girlfriend a farewell kiss.

Lance only had 30 minutes to cover 40 miles. Arriving late for the imperious Ms. Kong was not an option.

He slammed the pedal to the metal on his motorcycle. His Harley zoomed down Route 74 at warp speed.

On the ride back to Peoria, Lance thought about nothing but Sandra. He never lusted after a woman this badly. If Lance could choose between Kate Upton and her, he’d choose Sandra. There wasn’t a single actress in the PornHub 100 that even came close.

The vibration of the motorcycle between his legs gave him a massive hard-on. Lance always sensed his size but felt particularly big that day. He could see the outline of his ten-and-a-half inch schlong stretching out the denim of his jeans like a thick summer sausage. His organ throbbed at the prospect of banging Sandra’s box.

However, these lewd thoughts did not dispel his fear. The teen had become a master of seduction but Sandra appeared immune to his charms. The Lothario had to throw out his playbook and submit to all her whims and desires.

He reached Sandra’s apartment at 11:02. She lived on the second story of an old Victorian that had been converted into a duplex. Lance noted the downstairs apartment had been boarded up. It looked vacant. Cool. No neighbors meant no noise complaints. Some chicks became really vocal when they climaxed.

Lance climbed the outside staircase on the side of the house. He quietly knocked on the door. Footsteps sounded from inside the unit. 4…3…2…1…


Sandra jumped to her feet the moment Lance knocked. She felt her thighs squish and squelch with each step. Her pussy had been marinating for his meat all day long. She wondered if he would smell her liquid excitement. A hundred other thoughts knotted her stomach but none of them could stop her from opening that door.

Lance wore his usual cocky grin. That was the first thing that struck her. The second thing was his impressive frame. Standing at six-and-a-half feet tall, Lance towered over most guys. His V-shaped torso filled the entire doorway.

Lance stepped inside without her asking. He shut the door behind him. The size queen’s gaze dropped to his crotch. His skintight jeans left nothing to the imagination. Lance sported a massively obscene erection. She couldn’t look away. Noticing her interest, Lance pulled Sandra closer, drawing her hand toward his bulge.

Almost by instinct, her fingers wrapped themselves around his thick shaft. Sandra actually felt the organ twitch beneath the denim. He felt colossal. She wanted to unzip him right then and there.

Before she could react, however, Lance twined his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He embraced her almost with ursine force, enclosing her in a wall of muscle, his ripped body vibrating with virile masculinity. Sandra felt an unfamiliar sense of tranquility and contentment in his arms. The black belt could take care of herself but did not mind this giant hunk of a man offering his amorous protection.

Before she became too relaxed, Lance planted a kiss on her lips. His tongue pried her lips open and slid inside. His escalation felt swift but not aggressive or undesired. Rather, he moved with a confident air of savoir-faire, reminding Sandra of his skill and talent as a lover.

When Lance palmed her butt, Sandra jumped off the floor and wrapped her legs around his waist. As she ground her pussy against the bulge in his jeans, Lance slid his hand beneath her dress, his fingers deftly slipping into her soaking panties.

His face lit up with a smile as his finger grazed her moist cleft. Sandra never felt so wet in her entire life. Lance noted her condition not with surprise so much as satisfaction. She confirmed what he expected from her or maybe any female that enjoyed his company.

Though her weight did not strain him in the slightest, Lance walked over to an old couch and plopped down on the cushioned seat. Clutching his shoulders, Sandra squirmed in his lap. She shamelessly rubbed her crotch against his, trying to soothe the empty ache between her legs.

The size queen craved his notorious manhood like a narcotic, a magic wand that bestowed perpetual orgasm. The intensity of this forbidden desire scared her. It provided a powerful reminder about the crazy and desperate things she did to claim him in the past.

Fortunately, Lance seemed no less enthralled by their reunion. The superstud’s gaze smoldered with lust as his tongue invaded her mouth. The kiss had a primitive, almost conjugal rhythm. The way his tongue forcefully plunged itself in and out of her mouth… Fuck. Sandra could only imagine how she would feel when he ravaged her feminine core with something much larger.

Suddenly, Sandra pulled away and stood up. The move startled Lance for an instant but her smile reassured him. She motioned for him to stay seated. After two months of dancing at Gazonga’s, she had learned the fine art of striptease.

Sandra sashayed to the other side of the room in case Lance tried to grab her. A boombox sat on the kitchen counter. She hit the play button for the CD. The opening riff of AC/DC’s “Back in Black” echoed through the living room. Sandra didn’t particularly like the song but she knew it would get Lance in the mood.

With the music full blast, Sandra strutted back towards him with her head held high, shoulders back, and hips swaying from side to side. She straddled the back of a chair that faced his couch. The position afforded her audience an open view of her black lace panties. Sandra gyrated her hips and slowly rose up again before spinning around on a stiletto heel until she turned her back to him. Then, with tantalizing deliberation, she unzipped the back of her V-neck dress. The garment pooled at her feet.

Lance’s jaw hung open at the sight of her body. He loved when a chick performed a striptease for him. But Sandra was more than a chick. The lusty Lothario never wanted a woman so badly in his entire life. He edged forward in his seat. Sandra edged back. Her body language announced itself loud and clear: “Look but don’t touch.”

Sandra still had quite a bit of lingerie to unpeel. After kicking off her heels, she undid her garters and stockings. The stone cold fox then spun on her heel again to face away from him. She swiftly undid the set of hooks that secured her 32DDD bra. Even with her back turned to him, the horny teen could see the swells of her breasts jutting outward.

Lance’s heart skipped a beat when Sandra spun around. The horny teen loved to kiss and fondle every part of a female. But nothing got him more hot and bothered than a succulent pair of jugs. Even though Sandra had the toned and trim body of a blackbelt, nature blessed her with full round breasts that hung from her chest like a pair of ripe grapefruit. They looked simply enormous on her slender frame.

Sandra slid off her fishnet hose one leg at a time and tossed the crumpled garments over her shoulder. Lance fidgeted on the couch, not sure what to do with his hands. The horny teen wanted to jack off his hard prick but he let Sandra make the rules. Finally, she danced towards the couch and straddled his lap.

Sandra grabbed the back of his head and smothered his face in her massive knockers. She felt his cock pulse insistently beneath his skintight jeans. The organ felt alive. He could be a cunning Don Juan but his body betrayed nothing other than honest, uncomplicated lust.

Lance kissed her again but it felt hungrier than before. His mask of suave civility had slipped. The lust-crazed manbeast could not hold back any longer. Lance’s hands grasped her waist, slid down her hips, and cupped her ass in their giant palms.

Lance plucked the waistband of her panties impatiently. He wanted her to take them off.

“I’ll show you mine,” she whispered flirtatiously in his ear. “If you show me yours.”

Sandra rose up from his lap. She didn’t hesitate. Her nimble fingers unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly. Lance yanked down his jeans. He hadn’t worn underwear that day. A grin spread across his face as he awaited her reaction.

Holy fucking shit. The lusty size queen just gazed at it for a few seconds, unable to disguise her arousal. Though she generally regarded the penis as a masculine eyesore that had to be covered up, Lance’s legendary tool possessed an obscene beauty. Long as her arm, thick as her wrist, it was a manifestation of true force and power. And on a very deep level, Sandra worshiped that.

Sandra had dreamt of a cock like this all her life. She had dreamt of a man like this all her life. Though the headstrong teen harbored deep animosities against the male species, she wanted nothing more than for this stallion-hung alpha hunk to pound her into sensual oblivion. The fantasy made no sense but desire did not have to answer to logic. A girl wanted what she wanted.

Finally, she looked back up at Lance. He had not stopped smiling since dropping his pants. Calling his smug expression “arrogant” would have been a slight misstatement. He simply acknowledged what both of them knew already. She had invited him to her apartment for sex.

“So you wanna hang out tonight?” he asked at last.

Sandra had been gawking at him in silence for nearly thirty seconds. Even though she possessed double his IQ, Lance always made her feel a bit awkward. The one-time high school valedictorian became a total nerd in the presence of the teen heartthrob.

Taking the initiative, Lance stepped out his jeans and grasped the backs of her thighs. He whisked her off the floor and she instinctively wound her legs around his waist. The teen stud shifted his hands from her thighs to her bum, one big hand on each cheek. Her clit tingled at his casual display of strength. If another guy tried to lift her up like this, he probably would suffer a hernia.

“Where is your bedroom?” asked the teen Casanova after kissing her long and deep on the mouth.

“End of the hall,” she panted breathlessly, unable to hide her excitement.

Lance carried her down the long corridor towards the bedroom. He then used one hand – the other effortlessly bearing her weight – to open the door. A king-size mattress filled almost half the room. Sandra could have found something smaller but, on a subconscious level, she wanted Lance to share this bed with her someday.

Having transported his female burden to the foot of the bed, the teen stud lifted Sandra off him and flung her backwards. Her butt landed on the spring mattress with a big bounce. The rakish brute now loomed above his woman, a twinkle of mischief in his blue eyes. He had her just where he wanted her. His triumphant leer should have offended Sandra but it didn’t. Truth be told, the swiftness of his seduction awed her. She had planned to tease him a lot longer that night.

The teen vixen’s heart danced in her ribcage as she watched the musclebound Adonis tear off his tank top. Even in the dim light of the bedroom, she discerned the remarkable size and definition of his bodybuilder physique. If someone shot a pornographic version of Conan the Barbarian, he would have starred as the hero.

The mattress sank from his weight as he climbed on top of Sandra. He grabbed both her wrists in one hand and pinned them over her head. His other hand slid between her legs and palmed her moist pussy. Lance planted a wet kiss on her mouth. His moves seemed smooth and practiced. How many girls had he bedded like this? The thought had bothered her in the past but his expertise also guaranteed satisfaction.

“Let’s get you ready,” he winked before kissing his way down her luscious curves until his face nestled between her open thighs. Lance’s breath felt hot and heavy on her moist labia. Sandra knew what to expect and the anticipation drove her wild.

Lance ate pussy like a champ. Though Sandra loved when Kagney went down on her, she lacked his hunger and aggression. Lance possessed an almost ruthless determination to make her come. The Don Juan liked to show off his oral talents in a way that no woman could resist.

She felt his tongue flicker against her clit, light as a feather, rapid as a motorized propeller.

“Oh my God!” she gasped, amazed at the passion of her outburst.

As the teen stud lapped away at her pulsing vulva, Sandra grabbed a fistful of bedsheet in either hand and thrust her crotch into his face. Her lover doubled down on his oral onslaught. She felt the pointy tip of his tongue stroke her wet slit. Sandra’s core muscles tightened with lewd anticipation.

Lance possessed a freakishly long tongue. Fully extended, the organ reached a couple inches below his chin. The teen did not shy from displaying his exotic attribute. Lance once posted a selfie on his Instagram feed in which he licked the length of a triple scoop ice cream cone. The photo got over 300 likes from the girls at Peoria Tech. Not a few of his classmates alluded to the intimate pleasures it provided in the comments section.

Not wasting a moment, Lance stiffened his tongue and pushed forward, parting her wet folds as the tip probed her opening. It darted into her hole, followed by inch after inch of pink, wet muscle. A deep, rumbling moan sounded deep inside Sandra’s chest as his tongue bathed in her hot spring of sweet pussy nectar.

She grabbed the back of his head and shoved his face into the juicy folds of her gash. Lance could taste her desperate need. Unlike the first time they hooked up, he sensed no hesitation or inhibitions. Sandra was 100% DTF.

Of course, Lance felt no hurry to rush matters. He planned on making Sandra come her brains out with his tongue first. She wouldn’t be getting a single inch of his monster cock for at least an hour.

“Uh! Uh!” she whimpered in bliss as he burrowed inward, caressing all her hot spots while his nose massaged her clit. Sandra’s vaginal walls gripped Lance’s tongue with a strength that surprised him. Her abdomen tightened into a washboard. Her crotch humped his face. Her thighs shuddered. That’s when Lance knew she would come.

The room went silent, save for the slurping sound of his mouth. Her entire body clenched tight. The top-heavy temptress was coming big time. But Lance didn’t let up on her pussy for an instant. He withdrew his tongue and flicked her swollen clit with lizard-quick swipes. Her thighs began to vibrate. Sandra was experiencing a double O. After a few long seconds, she went limp and began to pant.

Before she could catch her breath, Lance tipped up her ass a couple inches and spread open her cheeks. He planted a wet kiss on her anus.

“Oooooooh, God!” moaned Sandra. She hadn’t expected him to go to work on her backside. Lance hadn’t either. He seldom gave rim jobs except when the girl was very clean and tight down there. But the alpha stud wanted to pull out all the stops with this babe. Lance had been lusting after that perfect ass for months.

Sandra grit her teeth as his tongue flickered against her asshole.

“Stick it in,” she urged him.

Lance hesitated for a moment. He had never done that for a chick before. But Sandra was not just a chick. He wanted to bone this babe every night for the rest of his life. Lance pressed the tip of his pointy tongue against her anus and thrust forward. As the organ burrowed inside her ass, shockwaves of pleasure rippled through her body.

Kagney turned Sandra on to anal play and now she couldn’t get enough of it. However, her girlfriend used toys to achieve penetration. Lance actually jammed his tongue into her tight hole.

“Yesssss,” she sighed. “Just like that.”

Sandra’s head tilted back as a gentle wavelet of bliss washed over her. She never expected a guy to worship her ass like this. Not even Kagney had done this. But Lance seemed to be enjoying it. Despite all his shortcomings, she admired his dedication. He seemed willing to do anything to get her off.
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