The ..what's New Challenge.


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
May 25, 2019
69% Straight, 31% Gay
So, if you have been here a while.......what's new when it comes to threads or questions?

Is it,

- What colour you paint your toenails and why?

- Do you kiss after a meal containing garlic?

- Do you think of this, when enjoying a nice Lamb chop with lamb and rosemary gravy?

OR- Does light eminating from behind a black hole 800 million light years away interest you? Considering, 1 light year equals 6 trillion miles ( 9 trillion kilometres) light has to ravel to reach that's 800 million times 6 trillion miles. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000........and so on :) ...getting exited :) :)

- Do you think lefties are more sexual than righties?
- How many grains of rice in the average spoonful?
- How many people do you know who have webbed toes or fingers?
- Does light follow night or does night follow day?

Ok....just being tongue in slit...oops... bum...oops...cheek.

Be original, and have fun :) :)
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1. Toe nails are currently chipped midnight blue.

2. Yesh. If all the kissers ate garlic the prong is neutralized. Science faques.

3. Yes. Main reason why I haven't eaten critter since the late 90s.

4. There is a vague recall of watching The Black Hole with my Pops back in the smoll ML days. I don't think the light from my TV had to travel all that far.

5. If you are talking politics? Yes.

6. Depends on the rice and the spoon. On average? 42. A mouse told me that.

7. 2

8. In the beginning all was black...night was first. And remains the most stylish.

My Added Question.
9. If your hair had to be made of vegetables, which vegetable would you choose?

ML 9. That fractal broccoli, only purple
i challenge the world pretend aurhoratives to join together and get rid of that f'n virus,as best they can

none of this individual self glory seeking shit,you arseholes/asshoes usa
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So, if you have been here a while.......what's new when it comes to threads or questions?

Is it,

- What colour you paint your toenails and why?

- Do you kiss after a meal containing garlic?

- Do you think of this, when enjoying a nice Lamb chop with lamb and rosemary gravy?

OR- Does light eminating from behind a black hole 800 million light years away interest you? Considering, 1 light year equals 6 trillion miles ( 9 trillion kilometres) light has to ravel to reach that's 800 million times 6 trillion miles. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000........and so on :) ...getting exited :) :)

- Do you think lefties are more sexual than righties?
- How many grains of rice in the average spoonful?
- How many people do you know who have webbed toes or fingers?
- Does light follow night or does night follow day?

Ok....just being tongue in slit...oops... bum...oops...cheek.

Be original, and have fun :) :)

yes 70sd

lamb and a sprig of wild herb,on the barbie,on island cool

no fridge required
Answer question: In what year was the first haircut you hated?

Mrs. Gibbs asked me if I like swimming. Then cut off all my hair. Short wasn't bad. Having the same haircut as a 70 year old southern granny was traumatizing.