the worst birthday present ever! (MM, Fantasy)


Superior Member
Nov 3, 2009
Ramsgate, England, GB
authors note- this idea came to me travelling on a night bus for 9 hours, the premise intrigued me so i wrote this opening part on my phone so please excuse any grammar or typo mistakes, i am unsure whether this idea is as hot as i imagine it to be so any feedback is appreciated, all the best! Matt x

Everyone on their 21st birthday wakes and finds they have a super power

some get useful powers like strength or flight, invisibility or telepathy

some wake with not so useful powers like the ability to make the perfect cup of tea or the ability to always accuratley guess the amount of items in a jar, like the ones you see at village fetes or at county fairs, sure you win a cuddly toy but hardly a life changing skill

when Neil woke on his 21st birthday he was excited

he looked at himself in the mirror

no physical changes,his body remained scrawny and pale

he climbed onto his desk and jumped off, not flight

he tried lifting his desk, nope

this was odd, most peoples powers manifested realitviely quickly, he didnt want to have to go to the centre and run through the myriad of tests they conduct to work out trickier powers to ascertain

his friends had warned the testing could get pretty invasive

he threw on a t shirtand pyjama bottoms and walked down stairs

“happy birthday hun!” his mum beamed handing him his card and present

his step dad grunted from behind the paper, this probably meant happy birthday, he wasnt much of a talker

neil did a double take,above his step dad was 2 numbers, 7 and 7

he looked above his mums head, no numbers

all day above every mans head was 2 numbers that only neil could see, and only men over the age of 18

this was the weirdest power he had ever heard of, random floating numbers

that night he booted up his laptop and put on some porn

it was a solo scene of a performer

above his head was the number 9 and the number 6

interviewer- so on your application you claimed to be 9 inches long by 6 inches around

performer- yep, thats what my missus measured me at

(interviewer hands him a tape measure off camera)

Performer (chuckling)-dont believe me?

Interviewer- why should I we only just met! (also chuckling)

the performer proceeded to pull down his underwear and slowly jerk off his cock growing longer and thicker as he got hard

once fully erect, the foreskin pulled right back the head bulging and shiny he measured

performer- 9 inches long......6 inches around

neil stopped in his tracks the realisation finally dawning

neils power was he could see a mans endowment stats above his head

he blushed recalling some of the men he had encountered

his math professor with 4 and 3 above his head

the shop worker with 8 and6 above his head

his step dads 7 7,explains why mum kept him around

this power was deffinitley not one of the flashier ones out there

he finished his wank,looked up a few other of his favourite porn stars

he knew that one guy was lying about his size, now he had proof

he registered his power with the registry and went to bed, this could make his life extremely awkward, he didnt need or want to know everyones size

the next day he went to his place of work, Mr Jones Coffee shop

he shot past his boss Mr Jones avoiding eye contact and went to hang up his coat and put on his apron

that entire day was a disaster of neil walking into things, spilling drinks because he darent look up at any male customer, many of whom were regulars in the shop, he didnt need to know that lovely Mr Kinkaid had a monstercock, or a micro

“neil.... come into my office please!” mr jones said in his “drop everything and come here now!” tone

mr jones had always been very good to neil, he was the first person he had come out to at 18, at which point he revealed he was bi himself

they had spent many nights cleaning up the shop talking about being queer, and neils worries about the powers he would get

he had also always adapted the schedule to fit around neils studies

mr jones was on the shorter side, barrel chested, with a bit of a gut, in his 50s, never married, clean shaven, always wore a button up shirt and slacks

he told neil that when he turned 21 he discovered his power was making the best coffee around hence he opened up the coffee shop

“what on earth is going on? This is not like you you are usually one of my best workers!” he said concerned sitting across from neil behind his desk

“im so sorry mr jones.... take any remade drinks out of my wages!”

“dont be silly! I'm more worried about you... it must be bad you wont even look at me!” he scoffed

“i cant.... please dont make me!”

“is it your power? If you got laser eyes they should send you the special glasses by now....”

“not laser eyes... I wish it was laser eyes......”

“then what is it.....”

he came around from behind the desk kneeling in front of Neil

“neil, I promise whatever the power is its ok, we can find a way to make it useful”

neils cheeks flushed

“but to do that I need to see your face”

without warning Mr jones raised neils face

for a moment neil forgot why he wasnt looking Mr jones in the face, then he saw the numbers floating above his wonderful bosses head and his jaw dropped
authors note- this idea came to me travelling on a night bus for 9 hours, the premise intrigued me so i wrote this opening part on my phone so please excuse any grammar or typo mistakes, i am unsure whether this idea is as hot as i imagine it to be so any feedback is appreciated, all the best! Matt x

Everyone on their 21st birthday wakes and finds they have a super power

some get useful powers like strength or flight, invisibility or telepathy

some wake with not so useful powers like the ability to make the perfect cup of tea or the ability to always accuratley guess the amount of items in a jar, like the ones you see at village fetes or at county fairs, sure you win a cuddly toy but hardly a life changing skill

when Neil woke on his 21st birthday he was excited

he looked at himself in the mirror

no physical changes,his body remained scrawny and pale

he climbed onto his desk and jumped off, not flight

he tried lifting his desk, nope

this was odd, most peoples powers manifested realitviely quickly, he didnt want to have to go to the centre and run through the myriad of tests they conduct to work out trickier powers to ascertain

his friends had warned the testing could get pretty invasive

he threw on a t shirtand pyjama bottoms and walked down stairs

“happy birthday hun!” his mum beamed handing him his card and present

his step dad grunted from behind the paper, this probably meant happy birthday, he wasnt much of a talker

neil did a double take,above his step dad was 2 numbers, 7 and 7

he looked above his mums head, no numbers

all day above every mans head was 2 numbers that only neil could see, and only men over the age of 18

this was the weirdest power he had ever heard of, random floating numbers

that night he booted up his laptop and put on some porn

it was a solo scene of a performer

above his head was the number 9 and the number 6

interviewer- so on your application you claimed to be 9 inches long by 6 inches around

performer- yep, thats what my missus measured me at

(interviewer hands him a tape measure off camera)

Performer (chuckling)-dont believe me?

Interviewer- why should I we only just met! (also chuckling)

the performer proceeded to pull down his underwear and slowly jerk off his cock growing longer and thicker as he got hard

once fully erect, the foreskin pulled right back the head bulging and shiny he measured

performer- 9 inches long......6 inches around

neil stopped in his tracks the realisation finally dawning

neils power was he could see a mans endowment stats above his head

he blushed recalling some of the men he had encountered

his math professor with 4 and 3 above his head

the shop worker with 8 and6 above his head

his step dads 7 7,explains why mum kept him around

this power was deffinitley not one of the flashier ones out there

he finished his wank,looked up a few other of his favourite porn stars

he knew that one guy was lying about his size, now he had proof

he registered his power with the registry and went to bed, this could make his life extremely awkward, he didnt need or want to know everyones size

the next day he went to his place of work, Mr Jones Coffee shop

he shot past his boss Mr Jones avoiding eye contact and went to hang up his coat and put on his apron

that entire day was a disaster of neil walking into things, spilling drinks because he darent look up at any male customer, many of whom were regulars in the shop, he didnt need to know that lovely Mr Kinkaid had a monstercock, or a micro

“neil.... come into my office please!” mr jones said in his “drop everything and come here now!” tone

mr jones had always been very good to neil, he was the first person he had come out to at 18, at which point he revealed he was bi himself

they had spent many nights cleaning up the shop talking about being queer, and neils worries about the powers he would get

he had also always adapted the schedule to fit around neils studies

mr jones was on the shorter side, barrel chested, with a bit of a gut, in his 50s, never married, clean shaven, always wore a button up shirt and slacks

he told neil that when he turned 21 he discovered his power was making the best coffee around hence he opened up the coffee shop

“what on earth is going on? This is not like you you are usually one of my best workers!” he said concerned sitting across from neil behind his desk

“im so sorry mr jones.... take any remade drinks out of my wages!”

“dont be silly! I'm more worried about you... it must be bad you wont even look at me!” he scoffed

“i cant.... please dont make me!”

“is it your power? If you got laser eyes they should send you the special glasses by now....”

“not laser eyes... I wish it was laser eyes......”

“then what is it.....”

he came around from behind the desk kneeling in front of Neil

“neil, I promise whatever the power is its ok, we can find a way to make it useful”

neils cheeks flushed

“but to do that I need to see your face”

without warning Mr jones raised neils face

for a moment neil forgot why he wasnt looking Mr jones in the face, then he saw the numbers floating above his wonderful bosses head and his jaw dropped
Very interesting. Wouldn't mind having that power myself!! ;-)

franklin jones woke early on his 21st birthday, excited to see what powers he had gained

to his annoyance he hadnt gained height, which had been his wish if he got a say in any of this, he remained the shortest of his friends, ah well

he fidgeted uncomfortably infront of the mirror, something felt wrong,his pyjamas felt tighter, maybe he had gained muscles

he stripped and took a good look at himself and gasped

present day

“will you stop gawking at me and speak!” mr jones was beginning to lose patience

“fine, since you wont tell me I will look it up on your records, as your employer I get notified so I can make any adaptions required so you can keep working here”

neil barely heard, still gawking at the numbers above his bosses head

his nice, unassuming, totally normal boss

he put on his reading glasses

“right here it is top of my inbox, notification re Neil Benson lets see...dear mr jones yada yada yada your employee has registered his new power as.....” mr jones froze his face burning with a scarlet blush


after thorough testing it was confirmed and put on the registry, turns out his power was more common than many would believe, but as it lacked practical use it went on the list of other useless powers

as a young man he used his power a little too much leading to him being chased out of town, this became a pattern, he would move to a new place, invent a new back story, a new power, then someone would look him up, the wife of the factory foreman for example, by the end of the week he was off to a new city

finally at 53 he had saved up enough to open his own place, be his own boss so no one could access his records and see his registered power, he thought his secret was safe

present day

“you can see that... above my head” he gestured his hand passing through the numbers

neil nodded

“out of curiosity what does it say?”

“11 and 8” neil mumbled

“sounds about right....” Mr jones sighed

“neil I havent been totally honest with you”

and so mr jones told neil the truth, it couldnt do any harm now, the truth was apparently above his head

when Franklin Jones went to bed the night before his 21stbirthday he had been a normal if a little short, guy, his cock and balls on the smaller side but on his smaller frame they looked average, that morning when he woke he discovered hanging between his legs a soft cock far larger than his former erect cock, and beneath it 2 balls so big they filled his cupped hand

he rolled back the foreskin and shuddered to his amazement his already impressive cock swelled bigger

as it grew he leant forward and found he was able to suck on the head of his newly developed cock sending shockwaves of pleasure down his spine

he stopped, going to his drawer he pulled out his tape measure, the one that he had used many nights hoping he would reach 6 inches

with trembling hands he measured, the 6 inch mark on the tape, his goal size was now just past the mid point of his shaft, he held the tape to the tip of his cock

“no fucking way!” he muttered removing the tape and measuring his girth too

good news he had achieved his goal and smashed it to pieces, he was now sporting an 11 inch cock, 8 inches in girth

he went back to sucking on the head of his cock feeling his balls churn and tighten

at the last moment he pulled back, there was one last thing he needed to see

previously his shots had been a dribble

his load hit the mirror with audible splatters as rope after rope of cum coated the mirror

after a thorough once over at the clinic it was confirmed his power was super endowment

being young dumb and full of.... bad ideas franklin jones milked his newfound notoriety

he would charge people to watch him self suck

he fucked anyone who wanted a go, and saved up every penny

after a while though the notoriety lost its sparkle, he quickly became“supercock” the people he was fucking no longer caring about theperson attached to the cock

so he moved away, far away, but everywhere he went someone would find out and it would begin again

he hadnt been found out in a long time, most nights he dealt with his cock alone, he liked his little coffee shop, his little team

and here sat neil, who apparently could see his secret

“neilI totally get if you dont want to work here anymore.....” mr jones sighed dejectedly

“i just ask you dont tell anyone ok....”

“can I see it?”neil asked

it was mr jones turn to be surprised
“neil ,that would be highly innappropriate, I am your boss!” spluttered mr jones

“i know, I just always wondered, I mean every young lad knows about the possibility of gaining “super cock” powers, some even swear that they have it but on record there are only a handful listed, their names redacted from the records”

“well yes, folks would get the wrong idea, make assumptions, but if you looked me up specifically it would tell you” mr jones assured neil

“is it true under the rules for your powers you cant do adult work?”

mr jones chuckled loosening his tie, the shop had been closed for a while now and it was he and neil down to do the closing checks that night

“kind of, “dont work in adult entertainment, dont commit crimes with it and dont sleep with inexperienced partners where possible....”

“but loads of porn stars claim they have it!”

“camera angles and editting”

“and is It true you had to get a vasectomy at the clinic?”

“you really have done your research, it is not mandatory but it is advised, my sperm count when tested is in the upper percentile for volume and virility, if I fucked a girl, wore one of the condoms provided by the clinic, and she was on birth control, there Is a high risk she would wind up pregnant, so I got it done, its reversible should I wish to have a kid some day but means minimal risk to any woman who fucks me”

neils cock stirred, he wasnt used to hearing mr jones use vulgar languagelike this, it was kind of sexy

“honestly,if you let me see it I wont tell a soul and I will keep working here”

mr jones hesitated, he enjoyed neils company and their chats as they closed up shop, he didnt want to lose him as a worker or a friend

and he had to admit it was kind of fun letting that long dormant side of himself out

he learnt long ago that at his size he could get away with being crude or vulgar or bragging, it suited his size or so he was told

he stood pushing neils chair away from the desk, sitting on the edge

“ok fine you win..... but only because your our best barista in the shop and you work every saturday with a smile”

he unbuttoned his shirt, his hairy chest coming into view, he slowly unbuckled his belt

he reached into his trousers and hauled out his soft cock and massive balls, hanging a little lower now as he got older

he saw neil staring transfixed, he slowly milked his cock, by now he knew what folks wanted when they asked to see it

“there,t his is a real, genuine, certified supercock” he smirked

“it looks like a normal cock, only insanely big, and on your frame it looks down right impossible!”

mr jones scoffed

“want to see my party trick?” he asked

“sure....”neil said

he bent his head, despite his age he could still self suck, often it saved on clean up, swallowing his heavy load and licking the head clean, on days he couldnt be bothered to self suck he would resort to jerking off in his shower cubicle

he made a point of moaning and groaning putting on a good show, his eyes closed

they shot open when he felt a hot wet tongue on his balls

he straightened up grabbing neil by the hair

“that wasnt part of the deal.....” he growled

“i couldnt resist, its not everyday you come face to face with a genuine super cock, im sorry!”

mr jones had a tough choice to make, true he respected neil and wanted to keep him as an employee, but it had been years since he felt the alluring sensation of a hot wet mouth on him that wasnt his own

he let neil go

“go ahead then” he smirked placing his hands on the desk edge

he stifled a groan feeling neils eager hot wet mouth licking and kissing all over his cock and balls, his lips sucking on the very tip, taking as much as he could handle, which wasnt much, but he was doing better than most

he placed a paw on the back of neils head to show he appreciated the effort he was putting in

neils drool began running down the length of mr jones cock and over his balls

afterwhat felt like hours neil came up for air “are you close?” he asked looking up at mr jones

“i can cum whenever your ready... I was waiting for you to have had your fill.....” he chuckled

“i advise you take your top off!”

neil didnt need telling twice

mr jones aimed his cock at neils chest

witha grunt he shot his load, covering his torso in thick white viscous cum

neil was moaning glancing down mr jones spotted the tell tale wet spot, neil had shot his own load in his jeans

the pair panted and shuddered, coming down from the extreme high

“wait there” he chuckled turning to grab a towel from where he hid some incase he had a mid morning wank

“mr jones, you remember how you asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I said I wasnt sure....”

“yesI remember.... and I said I would give you whatever you asked for if youd only make up your mind.....

“i know what I want now!”

he turned dropping the towel

neil was naked bent over his desk spreading his cheeks

“please mr jones, fuck me!”

“ have gone too far.... I cant....”

“you said whatever I asked for youd give to me, this is what I want, I am experienced, im21 years old, im the one propositioning you.... I will even sign a statement to that effect if thats your concern!”

mr jones tried to hide his crotch, whilst his mind was conflicted his cock certainly wasnt

and as part of his powers his recovery time between loads was minimal

he sighed, he had come this far afterall

“on one condition, if at any time its too much you say the word and we stop, and you agree to working all of december”

neil went to protest, then saw the supercock and resumed his position at the desk

“firstly,I admire the image but that position is guranteed to you tapping out....” mr jones chuckled

he laid neil on the desk on his back his knees to his chest

mr jones knelt

his cock throbbed leaking a steady stream of pre onto the floor as he stared at neils pink ass hole

neil gasped feeling his bosses fat tongue lapping at his tight ass

one of the first thing mr jones learned when he gained his new size was how to be good at foreplay

and if he was honest he enjoyed eating pussy and eating ass, feeling them relax and open up

he licked and spat and probed and teased til neils ass felt as ready as it would ever be

he stood stepping over to his desk drawer

he pulled out lube and a condom labeled “supercock 8”

“we each have our own special made to our precise measure, as far as I know mine are the biggest currently in use” he explained seeing the question on neils face

“you dont need it, I want it bare” neil said huskily

mr jones shrugged returning the condom to its place in his drawer

he coated both neils ass and his cock liberally

“do me a favour, if this is going to work you cant be calling me mr jones, call me sir”

“yes sir” neil affirmed his understanding

“right, hold still and keep breathing ok....”

neil nodded

Mr jones placed neils legs on his broad shoulders

after some pressure and pushing they both let out a low guttural moan as the head finally slipped inside

“you ok?” mr jones asked

neil nodded

slowly, inch by inch mr jones worked his cock inside stopping every now and then to check in with neil who unable to speak kept assuring him

oncehe was halfway inside he began to take slow but deliberate strokes ofonly the half that was inide him

“fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck” neil groaned gripping the table

mr jones stifled a smirk his thrusts picking up the pace, and slowly edging deeper

suddenly mr jones stopped, resting his head on neils chest

“whats wrong?” neil asked concerned

“nothing, just giving you a moment to adapt”

he placed neils hand towards his crotch and neil shuddered, curretly inside him was all 11 inches

slowly mr jones began, it was a well practiced routine that despite years passing by mr jones remembered all too well

his thrusts grew in intensity, his balls slapping the table audibly as they swung

he scooped neil up like he weighed nothing and sat on his desk chair bouncing neil on his cock

“best fucking cock sleeve I have had in years” he growled

“yes sir, thank you sir!”

mr jones smirked at how submissive his super cock made neil

he spun neil around so he was on all 4s fucking him on the floor of his office like an animal, letting loose after so many years

he was still mindful of neil tapping out, instead neil leant back kissing him passionatley

mr jones felt around and wanked neils sizeable cock, true it wasnt a super cock but a decent size all the same

“sir....if you dont stop doing that youll make me cum!”

“thats the fucking plan you stupid slut!” he growled with a throaty chuckle

with a desperate plaintive whimper neil shot

mr jones couldnt hold back shooting his own load deep up neils once tight ass

the pair collapsed in a heap their minds reeling as they both came down from their fuck

they had to admit this was not going to be a one time thing

as neil gingerly left the office mr jones advised he sleep on it, and let him know during hand over in the morning

during the hand over sounded ominous

he walked in the next day still sore, his ass aching, he could still feel mr jones super cock inside him

“morning neil, still sore after our work out last night?” mr jones beamed at him, like they hadnt fucked like animals the night before, “i made you a special coffee with added protein in, youd better drink it all if you still want to train with me!”

he sniffed the cup and understood, the unmistakeable smell of mr jones heavy load coming through over the coffee smell

he pretended to think about it for a bit, both so it looked natural to the others and to make mr jones sweat a little

slowly he sipped the coffee his eyes never leaving mr jones as he drank the entire cup

meanwhile mr jones had to explain how the training was just for neil and himself, and no one else, and that they were just holding eachother accountable

“did you enjoy that protein? Its my own special formula”

“delicious sir!” ” neil smirked

mr jones shot him a look, neil knew he would pay for that later and he couldnt wait

maybe his endowment power wasnt so bad after all