- Joined
- Feb 16, 2019
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- Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
- Sexuality
- 100% Gay, 0% Straight
- Gender
- Male
You possibly noticed that many gay porn stars who claims to be 100% gay, are saying on their twitter '' would you like to see me in a bisexual scene? '' '' Should i make a bisexual scene? '' '' I just did a bisexual scene and it was hot. '' Its becoming very common. It looks like theres no 100% gay men in gay porn anymore. Which is dissapointing. Especially when gay porn used to have gay men who were really 100% gay. Now, they all embrace and even seems to encourage gay men do follow this sexual fluid trend.
Theres another thread about gay porn stars who are supposedly gay who make bisexual scenes. But these gay porn stars are clearly not 100% gay. They are sexually fluid or even closeted bisexual men. Most men in this thread are basically encouraging it. This thread is disturbing and wrong. I cant believe so many gay men are into this sick fantasy about gay men having sex with a woman. Its not hot. Its problematic. They are basically giving ammunitions to homophobic straight people who says that being gay is a choice. Therefore, they thinks that gay men can choose to go straight again. Just like conversion therapy. Its bad. Really bad.
I cant watch nowadays gay porn anymore. Because its so obvious that theres no such things as gold star gay men in gay porn anymore. They are all sexually fluid. I think that gold star gay men are aware of it by now. Gay porn stars are either mostly into women or mostly into men. Theres no Kinsey 0 men or Kinsey 6 men in gay porn. It mostly a Kinsey 1 men and Kinsey 5 men affair.
Do you remember former gay porn star Wesley Woods? The gay porn star who claimed and still claims to be 100%? gay. He made many bisexual scenes and transegender scenes and he got called off for it by real 100% gay men. He said that 100% gay men who refuse to watch bisexual scenes are biphobic and close minded. No, there are none of that. They are into men. Therefore, they are not expected to see women in porn. They just wanna see men. Many other (((so called))) gay men in gay porn nowadays also attacks gold star gay men on twitter who complains about sexual fluidity being thrown in their throat and the lack of real gay men in gay porn. According to nowadays fluiders, all gold star gay men should praise sexual fluidity and shut up. Mmmmmm. No!
I only watch gay porn from the golden era of gay porn. Which is the 70s, 80s and 90s. When gay porn was still gay and there was still tons of gold star gay men in gay porn. Gay porn always had sexually fluid men. But, it was definitely not as common as it is now. Now, pretty much all gay porn stars who claims to be gay are a bit into women sexually. Which is a huge turn off and kills the fantasy. Gold star gay men likes to think that the gay porn stars who claims to be gay are really only into men.
Gay porn from the 70s = Gay for pay were minority. The vast majority were gold star gay men.
Gay porn from the 80s = A bit more gay for pay men, gold star gay men were still the majority.
Gay porn from the 90s = At that point it was almost 50/50. Gold star gay men were still at the top.
Gay porn from the 2000s = Gold star gay men lost their majority there. Many gold star gay men left.
Gay porn from the 2010s = This is when it all went down.
Gay porn from the 2020s = Unwatchable.
The point is, gay porn should always have been and always be about gay men having GAY sex with gay men only. Lets face it. Gay porn is not gay porn anymore. Its just male porn.
Gay porn stars nowadays are sexually fluid. They belongs in the bisexual spectrum. Thats why they make bisexual scenes. If they were really 100% gay, then they would never have sex with women. They would stick to men only. They aint called 100% gay men for nothing. 100% really means 100%. Not 99%, 95%, 93% ect... Theres no two types of 100%. A real one and a fake one. Theres only one 100%.
Sexuality is not black or white. Theres all the shades of grey in the middle. And theres more then fifty shades.
What do you think about gay porn stars who claims to be 100% gay but still have sex with many women inside and outside of gay porn?
Theres another thread about gay porn stars who are supposedly gay who make bisexual scenes. But these gay porn stars are clearly not 100% gay. They are sexually fluid or even closeted bisexual men. Most men in this thread are basically encouraging it. This thread is disturbing and wrong. I cant believe so many gay men are into this sick fantasy about gay men having sex with a woman. Its not hot. Its problematic. They are basically giving ammunitions to homophobic straight people who says that being gay is a choice. Therefore, they thinks that gay men can choose to go straight again. Just like conversion therapy. Its bad. Really bad.
I cant watch nowadays gay porn anymore. Because its so obvious that theres no such things as gold star gay men in gay porn anymore. They are all sexually fluid. I think that gold star gay men are aware of it by now. Gay porn stars are either mostly into women or mostly into men. Theres no Kinsey 0 men or Kinsey 6 men in gay porn. It mostly a Kinsey 1 men and Kinsey 5 men affair.
Do you remember former gay porn star Wesley Woods? The gay porn star who claimed and still claims to be 100%? gay. He made many bisexual scenes and transegender scenes and he got called off for it by real 100% gay men. He said that 100% gay men who refuse to watch bisexual scenes are biphobic and close minded. No, there are none of that. They are into men. Therefore, they are not expected to see women in porn. They just wanna see men. Many other (((so called))) gay men in gay porn nowadays also attacks gold star gay men on twitter who complains about sexual fluidity being thrown in their throat and the lack of real gay men in gay porn. According to nowadays fluiders, all gold star gay men should praise sexual fluidity and shut up. Mmmmmm. No!
I only watch gay porn from the golden era of gay porn. Which is the 70s, 80s and 90s. When gay porn was still gay and there was still tons of gold star gay men in gay porn. Gay porn always had sexually fluid men. But, it was definitely not as common as it is now. Now, pretty much all gay porn stars who claims to be gay are a bit into women sexually. Which is a huge turn off and kills the fantasy. Gold star gay men likes to think that the gay porn stars who claims to be gay are really only into men.
Gay porn from the 70s = Gay for pay were minority. The vast majority were gold star gay men.
Gay porn from the 80s = A bit more gay for pay men, gold star gay men were still the majority.
Gay porn from the 90s = At that point it was almost 50/50. Gold star gay men were still at the top.
Gay porn from the 2000s = Gold star gay men lost their majority there. Many gold star gay men left.
Gay porn from the 2010s = This is when it all went down.
Gay porn from the 2020s = Unwatchable.
The point is, gay porn should always have been and always be about gay men having GAY sex with gay men only. Lets face it. Gay porn is not gay porn anymore. Its just male porn.
Gay porn stars nowadays are sexually fluid. They belongs in the bisexual spectrum. Thats why they make bisexual scenes. If they were really 100% gay, then they would never have sex with women. They would stick to men only. They aint called 100% gay men for nothing. 100% really means 100%. Not 99%, 95%, 93% ect... Theres no two types of 100%. A real one and a fake one. Theres only one 100%.
Sexuality is not black or white. Theres all the shades of grey in the middle. And theres more then fifty shades.
What do you think about gay porn stars who claims to be 100% gay but still have sex with many women inside and outside of gay porn?