Theres No Gold Star Gay Men In Gay Porn Anymore. The Rise Of Sexual Fluidity.

Yes! These men just want to fantasize about straight men having gay sex.
Only the self-loathers. I’m turned off by “straight” men having gay sex. There are a lot of bisexual men with internalized homophobia who are very homophobic. Gay men who sleep with these men are also to be blamed for perpetuating these horrible behaviours. Let them go sleep with each other and mentally and emotionally damage each other. These men should be avoided like the plague.
Queer means spicy straights (especially girls) who want to feel special and oppressed
Gay means you’re only attracted to the same SEX.
Homosexual means a same-sex attracted person

If it's for money, then why have straight pornstars like Johnny Sins and Rocco Siffredi never done a gay/bi scene? Because they are STRAIGHT

They are all bisexual (and homophobic) period
And the tomfoolery that presents in our gay/homosexual realm of porn, wouldn’t last a hot minute on the str8 side. Put a ad on Brazzers. Have Johnny Sins fuck a guy to then leave him to sleep with the woman. Have a trans woman in every other scene on the Brazzers site. The str8 men and women would riot. We also never see the same guys who start to berate us for saying something about vaginas in our porn, go over to the str8 side and challenge them.
Only the self-loathers. I’m turned off by “straight” men having gay sex. There are a lot of bisexual men with internalized homophobia who are very homophobic. Gay men who sleep with these men are also to be blamed for perpetuating these horrible behaviours. Let them go sleep with each other.
Or the gay men who highlight and hold these bisexual men on a pedestal. They gawk over the fact that they like to fuck both men and women. That’s cool for them to live their truths but it doesn’t elevate them over gay men.
The message where is this: When a man is 100%, he is that. Leave him alone.

Many gay men are very, very gay, and really don't have a straight bone in their body. T

That said, there are men who bisexual, or have a a little gay or a little straight in them. That's something else. That needs to be respected, too.

The other problem we have is bisexual men who are not accepted by hetero porn/straight world (bisexual women are very, very accepted, and always have been in the porn world).

I will say that most gay men are very gay. I have met a few bisexual men, and can tell they are after knowing them a while.

Or the gay men who highlight and hold these bisexual men on a pedestal. They gawk over the fact that they like to fuck both men and women. That’s cool for them to live their truths but it doesn’t elevate them over gay men.
Yup, I don’t give narcissistic gay men any attention and I’m sure as hell wouldn’t give narcissistic bi men who already have heterosexual privilege the time of day.
And the tomfoolery that presents in our gay/homosexual realm of porn, wouldn’t last a hot minute on the str8 side. Put a ad on Brazzers. Have Johnny Sins fuck a guy to then leave him to sleep with the woman. Have a trans woman in every other scene on the Brazzers site. The str8 men and women would riot. We also never see the same guys who start to berate us for saying something about vaginas in our porn, go over to the str8 side and challenge them.
Yup, I don’t give narcissistic gay men any attention and I’m sure as hell wouldn’t give narcissistic bi men who already have heterosexual privilege the time of day.
I'm not sure outed bisexual men have a lot of heterosexual privilege. Of course, they have more than you would as 100% gay man (in full agreement there), but there is much stigma to being a bisexual man in and out of porn.

This is a messy situation, though I understand where you're coming from.

Take care.
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