This Homophobic Gamer D'ont Want To See Any LGBT Characters In Video Games.

Marco Tony

Mythical Member
Feb 16, 2019
Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
This idiot thinks that only straight men are normal and masculine. Therefore any gay characters should not exist in video games. He is very problematic and many homophobic people agree with him. He is so close minded. He just doesnt get that diversity is important and everybody needs to be represented in video games, movies, comic books, ect... His straight privilege shows. Watch the video and you will see how fucked up, careless and egoistical this man is. Everything he says is so vile and wrong in so many ways. His hate for lgbt people is so obvious. He is full of shit and totally ruthless.

representation isn't the problem, awful character writting and design is,
and it has become the hallmark of the "woke" era of video games.

i'd be the first to say, beauty has many forms on top of being in the eyes of the beholder, but those characters aren't diversely cool/interesting looking, they're just plain ugly and always the same.

i'm a retro gamer, play games from the 8bits era all the way to today, and it can't even possibly be argued, this gen is the absolute worst there's ever been.

both in term of gameplay, game and character design, writting, and even basic coding, and the FAKE pandering only make it worst.

i've been friend online with a tgirl since the early world of war craft era, she mostly play RPG and was even a huge fan of Dragon Age Origin. so you'd think Dragon Age Veilguard was aimed square at her.

guess what ? she hated the game, for both the story and gameplay, the dialogs only made it worst.

i had the same experience with Cyberpunk 2077, made a big fuss about the fact you could play a trans character, was thrilled to roleplay as a bad ass trans hacker/ninja in a setting where it made perfect sense, would have made the relation with my girl Judy even more meaningfull and powerfull, ...

not a single line of dialog in the entire game was related to it ...

what i'm saying is, the same thing can both stick like a sore thumb or feel sorely lacking depending of the setting.

i assure you, make a great game, meaning great writting, gameplay, design, and not buggy, then add characters who are either cool, bad ass, relatable, cute, ... with relatable qualities and flaws, who just happen to be str8, or gay, or trans, acting in inspiring ways and i assure you nobody would care for one bit.

the issue with modern "diverse" characters, they are only defined by their sexuality and ALL have the same personality, awfully obnoxious ones at that :
they just can't possibly be more stereotypical, and have to obey to so many politicaly correct rules there's pretty much no stories to be told other than "white men bad".

Women aren't allowed to be feminine or have any type of character progression arc, POC are now weakling girl boss orbiters, LGBT characters have no flaws what so ever, ...

now as a (mostly) str8 white guy do i feel pissed to always be represented as the bad guy ? bet your a** i do, but tbh if i was anything else i would feel just as pissed by the current "representation" they're given.

where are the modern equivalent of Ripley ? Vasquez ? Sarah Connor ? you know, girls even the most chauvinistic guys wouldn't feel worthy of kissing the ground they walked on ?

Where are the new bad ass POC characters like Blade, Will Smith in Bad Boys 1/Men in Black, ... ?

when will we finaly be given is the LGBT equivalent of those characters BTW ?

and what make characters like Leonidas, Maximus, William Wallace and the like bad and evil again ?

all i'm saying is, everyone deserve to have inspiring characters, and more meaningfull ones than skin deep representation. hell, i don't even want to be represented, i want characters i can use as role models.
Reminds me of the racist Irish YouTuber, "Ranting Vengeance" or something like that.
He went on and on about black characters in superhero projects.
I stopped listening after 1 minute and went on with my day.
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Pay no attention to the peanut gallery. We're here, we're queer, we're not going anywhere unless you kill us all, and even then more will be born because it's the luck of the draw and not something any of us picked.

Also, write better characters. Enough fucking cookie-cutter stereotypes already. We're just like everyone else - a complete cross-section of the human tapestry. Use a little imagination!
He just doesnt get that diversity is important and everybody needs to be represented in video games, movies, comic books, ect... His straight privilege shows.

I played a lot of Donkey Kong. And those characters are not even human. You do not need to be represented that is just a pandering tool of the game industry.

But they did not think their ideology through. If you promote that representation is important and that you have to see yourself in video games. You say to your audience that you can only play games and identify with the characters when they have your exact identity. That is usually 1 or 2 people in the game and not even the main characters, depending how much identities are important for the advertisers.

And that is also true for straight people.

So this guy fall for the advertisement of the game industry that identity is important, but from another perspective.

So they basically digged their own grave, because they did not understand what social monster they created.
These guys make a few good points. I want to believe that any idea can work. It just depends on how it executed, but it feels like society has been moving backwards lately. Everything is criticized for being “woke”, which isn’t even what that word means but that’s a different point.
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representation isn't the problem, awful character writting and design is,
and it has become the hallmark of the "woke" era of video games.

i'd be the first to say, beauty has many forms on top of being in the eyes of the beholder, but those characters aren't diversely cool/interesting looking, they're just plain ugly and always the same.

i'm a retro gamer, play games from the 8bits era all the way to today, and it can't even possibly be argued, this gen is the absolute worst there's ever been.

both in term of gameplay, game and character design, writting, and even basic coding, and the FAKE pandering only make it worst.

i've been friend online with a tgirl since the early world of war craft era, she mostly play RPG and was even a huge fan of Dragon Age Origin. so you'd think Dragon Age Veilguard was aimed square at her.

guess what ? she hated the game, for both the story and gameplay, the dialogs only made it worst.

i had the same experience with Cyberpunk 2077, made a big fuss about the fact you could play a trans character, was thrilled to roleplay as a bad ass trans hacker/ninja in a setting where it made perfect sense, would have made the relation with my girl Judy even more meaningfull and powerfull, ...

not a single line of dialog in the entire game was related to it ...

what i'm saying is, the same thing can both stick like a sore thumb or feel sorely lacking depending of the setting.

i assure you, make a great game, meaning great writting, gameplay, design, and not buggy, then add characters who are either cool, bad ass, relatable, cute, ... with relatable qualities and flaws, who just happen to be str8, or gay, or trans, acting in inspiring ways and i assure you nobody would care for one bit.

the issue with modern "diverse" characters, they are only defined by their sexuality and ALL have the same personality, awfully obnoxious ones at that :
they just can't possibly be more stereotypical, and have to obey to so many politicaly correct rules there's pretty much no stories to be told other than "white men bad".

Women aren't allowed to be feminine or have any type of character progression arc, POC are now weakling girl boss orbiters, LGBT characters have no flaws what so ever, ...

now as a (mostly) str8 white guy do i feel pissed to always be represented as the bad guy ? bet your a** i do, but tbh if i was anything else i would feel just as pissed by the current "representation" they're given.

where are the modern equivalent of Ripley ? Vasquez ? Sarah Connor ? you know, girls even the most chauvinistic guys wouldn't feel worthy of kissing the ground they walked on ?

Where are the new bad ass POC characters like Blade, Will Smith in Bad Boys 1/Men in Black, ... ?

when will we finaly be given is the LGBT equivalent of those characters BTW ?

and what make characters like Leonidas, Maximus, William Wallace and the like bad and evil again ?

all i'm saying is, everyone deserve to have inspiring characters, and more meaningfull ones than skin deep representation. hell, i don't even want to be represented, i want characters i can use as role models.
I'm a huge dragon age fan, and generally like seeing more diverse representation in games, especially because I'm gay. I agree that the writing in Veilguard is pretty bad, especially in comparison to the earlier games in the series. However, I believe the poor writing is pretty independent of the game's gender and sexuality diversity, because prior entries in the series were equally diverse and didn't have this problem. However, straight people like this youtuber will cherrypick the game as an example of "wokeness making games bad," even though there are plenty of terrible games that only include straight characters, which are never regarded as "straightness making games bad."
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well let's be honest, too much wokeness is indeed a problem in current media and entertainement.
it's representation over any kind of substance or basic characters or story developement,
and it even goes much further than that now, they're clearly and openly hating their audience.

it's harming their cause and the people they supposedly want to represent more than anything else.

where was the backlash against the first Lara Croft with Angelina Jollee or Blade with Wesley Snipe 2 or 3 decades ago ?
fast forward to nowadays after 10 years of pushing the progressive message and representation,
and people have never been more divided and at each other throat.

hollywood is dead and we just witnessed the cremation, the western gaming industry is in shamble, every formerly inspiring and decades old succesfull franchises are dead... to archieve what ?

i'm sorry but from anywhere you might stand on the political isle, it clearly wasn't worth it for the result.
it's pretty clear that even with the best intentions, this road lead to hell in a handbasket.
blame either malice or hamfisted attempts, i let you decide, but here we are :/

in the case of Veilguard, i put the blame on EA/higher ups a Bioware far more than on corinne busche herself.

i also hate how some youtubers misgender her on purpose. especially when i can tell she didn't transitioned to follow the trend, on her pre transition picture she looked absolutly miserable,
and much more happy now.

another thing, she didn't attacked gamers even after the backlash, something that can't be said about most current devs, and for this, she defenetly have my respect.

i want to point out nobody was complaining about her when she was making The Sims extensions.
and i'll even argue, had she made a game not called dragon age, with the same intented message,
much better written and a more reasonable budget, ...
i think she would have got none of the backlash and perhaps even some praise.

i think what pissed people the most was the bait and switch, from a franchise that used to be early 2000's edgy to something "made for modern audience".

now let's be honest, how would people react if they started to include warhammer 40K grimdark level stuff into my little poney/cuddle bears ? it'd be just as shocking and insulting for the fans.

sure there's a handfull of assholes who go too far, but are people on average truelly transphobic ? no.
at best perhaps affraid of what they don't know, but it goes away pretty quick as soon as they realise they're just like them.

so i said it and i'll say it again, if they created truelly great and well written LGBT characters,
people would empathize with them just like they naturaly did with POC ones back in the days.
i garantee you.

what i want to say is, discrimination is the stuff people find the more they look for it, and as soon as the demand overtake the supply, they start to find it in any form of criticisms, even the smallest and most warranted ones.