Thoughts On Cancel Culture?

I think it's people reacting to the distraction it is from real policy change that would help improve people's lives.

Political parties want to blame each other (and both are guilty of being overly eager to just shut someone out rather than deal with their behavior in a constructive way) and voters fall right into the trap it is.

It's basically Fox "News" way of saying "look, squirrel!" to get people focused on the pretend culture war, because they know their viewers are generally ignorant, and affluent compared to those the see as the 'enemy'. So fear is their tool of choice and it's been that way for a long time because it works.

Funny because the same people who freak out about it the most tend to be the same people who want to 'cancel' or censor anyone who isn't of their cultural/political background. Projection is an asshole.
Much like all the other made-up or weaponized terms like "political correctness", "wokeness", "critical race theory" and "socialism", they are simply tools that politicians use to keep their supporters angry and distracted. By constantly reinforcing victimhood, they know they won't actually have to take responsibility for mistakes or shitty policies and their constituents won't hold them accountable. Claiming someone who doesn't agree 100% with their views is automatically "canceling" them keeps the conservative working class in enough of a culture war stupor to avoid demanding actual things that will help them like a living wage, universal health and child care and affordable housing.

I see "cancel culture" as just a natural outgrowth of four years of the most powerful man on Earth playing the eternal poor-me victim, where anything that goes wrong is someone else's fault and any dissenting opinion is akin to censorship. Much like those who preach personal responsibility the most are the ones who always shirk it, those who are constantly whining about their beliefs being "canceled" do the most canceling of those who disagree or refuse to perpetuate obvious lies and made-up conspiracies.
lol! Back in the day we called it trash talking or trashing or blowing smoke or spin or propaganda. It's really just rhetoric.

It's just as stupid today as it was then. Social media hasn't made it any more widespread just more immediate.

As always the danger of rhetoric is that it influences without educating. It indoctrinates. It brainwashes.
"cancel culture" has always been around in history - throughout history, whenever news breaks that someone has done something to violate some societal norm, that person is subject to shame. Another term for "cancel culture" is ostracism, and the practice goes back to ancient Greece.

Ostracism - Wikipedia

It's pretty pathetic something that has always been there has been weaponized to pit one side against the other. We can all do our part by stop using the fucking term cancel or cancel culture, and quit with the malicious drive to ruin the reputation of people we don't like. While I think it's important people be held accountable for their actions, digging up crap from many years ago to dangle and use to ruin someone's life is not solving any problems in the present.
A few more thoughts because I'm trying to get tired and this popped into my head..

Not supporting a company, celebrity, or any other public figure because of their actions isn't "cancel culture". It's capitalism. People are allowed to vote with their dollar or subscription, and the reasoning is up to the individual consumer.

Some people say it's a violation of free speech. Uh.. no one who's been "cancelled" has been put in prison for their words. They just lost support from a significant amount of people once those people found out about behavior they don't see as acceptable. What you say and how you say it is part of your behavior.

And.... The people who use this as a "look, squirrel!" tactic are the exact same people fighting tooth and nail to do whatever they can to "cancel" anyone who doesn't agree with their conservative ideology. They are the same group of willfully ignorant, entitled fucks who say women shouldn't have autonomy over their own bodies and do everything they can to keep America dominated by white men.

They want to cancel abortion, freedom of religion (it's not not just for evangelicals or whatever judeo-christian nonsense they *think* this country was founded on.. it applies to Muslims and even atheists *gasp*.. All religions, or lack thereof is what America stands for) trans people's existence.. the list goes on. And on.

So, the term itself is used pretty much just used by white supremacists who don't know that they are in fact white supremacists or ignorant, media illiterate citizens who take politics the same way they take reality TV.
Building on the points @Tight_N_Juicy made,
Cancel is a boycott. A rather permanent one. She’s dead on that it is capitalism in its American essence.

It’s used by people across the ideological spectrum.
It is in and of itself free speech.
One individually chooses to support a business (and celebrity is a business) or not based on many things.
Location of manufacturers, maybe HQ, woman owners, minority owners, dies the plumber have a Jesus fish in their ad?
After DJ Lorin and his underage girl habit were exposed, no more Bassnectar in my presence.
His behavior crossed a line for me personally.
Thanks to the internet it’s all people trying to show the world how progressive they are in lieu of plain common sense. Everyone has to be so much an individual that it’s broken the English language, pronouns are the best example people now use words that define a group or more than one for just one. Yet when you point out that it makes official reports like say a police report or an incident report from fire/ems sound confusing when they are demanded to be used. The worst example with the pronouns is when someone accidentally uses the wrong one and you flip out on them, get angry and rant to the heavens. It’s just a store clerk that’s never met you before and they just used the one that you’re presenting the most as. There was no malice behind it, they are just trying to get through their day. Yet in that moment the progressive tolerant left shows no tolerance for a simple mistake made by a complete stranger.

basically it comes all down to this. Before the internet you did you, I did me and we stayed in our lanes and didn’t worry about the other, mostly because we had our own shit going on the we were dealing with.
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I think that cancel culture is a big waste of time.

Should someone not wish to participate in something for whatever the reason, it is solely that person's prerogative; however, it does not give that same person the right to "be offended on the behalf of the whole western world", and, declare something cancelled.

Just shut up, and, leave people alone!
I agree with others sentiments. Its the same with PC culture. It doesnt really exist aside from a handful of squeaky wheels on Twitter. I've known maybe 2 or 3 ppl in my entire life that actually abide by the supposed PC guidelines of what you're allowed to say and not allowed to say,. But unfortunately that small pocket of whiners exert undue influence upon all facets of media. Fuck sake, even sports have been politicized to the max now. The backlash is building though to a fever pitch
I agree with others sentiments. Its the same with PC culture. It doesnt really exist aside from a handful of squeaky wheels on Twitter. I've known maybe 2 or 3 ppl in my entire life that actually abide by the supposed PC guidelines of what you're allowed to say and not allowed to say,. But unfortunately that small pocket of whiners exert undue influence upon all facets of media. Fuck sake, even sports have been politicized to the max now. The backlash is building though to a fever pitch
So true
for my two'pennorth...

by cancelling someone who is offensive, it actually highlights the person they're cancelling and gives them another platform to mouth whatever offensive stuff they're spouting.

but by the same token, i don't agree with cancel culture, or no platforming - the only way you really change someone's view is by debate and reasoned argument - 'cancelling' them does nothing to put right what that person is saying (if indeed what the cancelled person is saying IS incorrect).

its a very blunt edged tool and doesn't allow for the nuances in life which is never black and white but shades of grey at best.

And it tends to look at one thing about/comment by a person and completely ignore everything else they said.

I just don't think its a very good or effective 'tool' to change the world!
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I think of it more as Consequence Culture. People/Companies being held accountable for their actions.

This. If someone (or a company) no longer likes what you represent, they're entitled to that. Am I not allowed to not like people anymore? You can make changes and apologize or find a new audience. Either is cool with me. I think complaining about being responsible for your actions is way more childish than "cancel culture".

There are some examples of overreactions, but I feel that's mostly from children on Twitter. But hey, maybe be a little more careful if you want to appeal to children.