Toby Perryman-Payne / TobysHome (YouTube)

So I've watched toby on and off for a while from the side-lines, I wasn't really interested in his vids for how he looked or his life but more for the architectural and design aspects as someone who is involved in the housing sector. However the last few months I've been more curious about their life after they decided to move to London from their beautiful cottage, which I found perplexing as I personally couldn't think of anything worse even as a young-ish gay man myself as that whole gay scene I find toxic and dangerous . He recently has been open about having mental health issues (which I kind of all ready picked up on), but he also he'd completely sold the cottage and his small London base, to move into an apartment full time in London. He stated the reasons where to "save his life and marriage" which I found rather extreme language to use. I've seen a fair few comments people saying it's perhaps to do with Toby wanting a more open relation and to lead a more typical "gay lifestyle". He did state on a podcast "All Out with Jon Dean" that they had been together (his current husband) on and off since they were 17 and that they got married at 24. So maybe part of this could be true. I will say from the interview/podcast the lad defiantly seems to be a slightly damaged soul and has some baggage , and has a few issues going on. He also stated he's very controlling and likes things his own way and that "he's the dom" in their relationship which I was always curious as they both come across very fem and submissive equally. But id be curious what you guys think... p.s. are they in an open relation ship

So I've watched toby on and off for a while from the side-lines, I wasn't really interested in his vids for how he looked or his life but more for the architectural and design aspects as someone who is involved in the housing sector. However the last few months I've been more curious about their life after they decided to move to London from their beautiful cottage, which I found perplexing as I personally couldn't think of anything worse even as a young-ish gay man myself as that whole gay scene I find toxic and dangerous . He recently has been open about having mental health issues (which I kind of all ready picked up on), but he also he'd completely sold the cottage and his small London base, to move into an apartment full time in London. He stated the reasons where to "save his life and marriage" which I found rather extreme language to use. I've seen a fair few comments people saying it's perhaps to do with Toby wanting a more open relation and to lead a more typical "gay lifestyle". He did state on a podcast "All Out with Jon Dean" that they had been together (his current husband) on and off since they were 17 and that they got married at 24. So maybe part of this could be true. I will say from the interview/podcast the lad defiantly seems to be a slightly damaged soul and has some baggage , and has a few issues going on. He also stated he's very controlling and likes things his own way and that "he's the dom" in their relationship which I was always curious as they both come across very fem and submissive equally. But id be curious what you guys think... p.s. are they in an open relation ship

I think you covered it well; the whole eating disorder thing and then moving back to London seemed counter productive but he’s clearly been energised by his new found adoration. If anything it an advert for NOT getting married young and dealing with your demons.

And yeah, the whole decoration and house buying thing seems like a foot note.

If you’re looking for a more authentic couple try @ashmazzina and his city boy boyfriend. Very curious about them…
One of their recent shorts decorating their London flat we get to see his armpits and I think it is interesting them appear shaved.