Today's mood

Ghost ants sounds truly horrifying.
About as bad as zombie ants.
I feel like I know what it is but its a whole process.
Thanks for your reply. :)

Zombie ants??

Can you imagine trying to shoot an ant in the head?
I will say if any of you suffer from back pain, sciatica, etc etc
Definitely try out a tens device. I have one and its amazing. There are times when i have shooting pain from my lower back all the way down my leg and I use this device for about 20-30 mins and the pain is either almost gone or gone. Im bad cases I may use it two days in a row...but it is soooo good.
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Today’s mood is foul. Foul. Foul.
I don’t know why. Actually, I know why and it’s completely irrational.

A door-to-door salesman wanted to tell me about home repairs. I think he’s very likely correct that I will soon need the repairs, and that if I don’t do it soon I’ll end up paying a whole lot more.

I nonetheless very politely told him I wasn’t interested.

And now I’m in a foul mood because I’m pissed at myself for being irrationally stubborn, particularly when it comes to salespeople. I have a lifelong aversion to salespeople.

My favorite salesperson is the one who provides the worst service and completely ignores my presence until I put my stuff on the counter at the register, and then uses only words that are directly connected to the sale.

A friendly, “Hi! How can I help you? What are you looking for today? Can I show you anything in particular?” is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.

The answers to the salesperson’s questions are: “I’m fine. I’m not sure what I want but I’ll know it when I see it so leave me alone to wander around until I find it. If I can’t find my size I will not ask if you have it in back. I’ll simply walk out. And don’t expect me to make eye contact at any point during this entire transaction. Now go back to whatever it is you were doing before I walked in.”

That is my perfect shopping experience.

Yes. I’m an asshole sometimes. I’ve learned to accept it but it still pisses me off.
I decided not to work overtime this weekend so I can get my three day weekend.

I woke up around 530 and started cleaning with a coffee cup in my hand. Now I'm off to get a haircut and beard trim.
You be a handsome dude!
Catepillars and snails too.

If you like horror movies check out The Hallow and The Girl With All The Gifts. Both play on a similar theme.

This one?
I feel like they missed an opportunity to use hallow by thy name in a horror movie kind of way.
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yt melina mercouri never on a sunday

ironically,i think the word is,maybe not but
remember falling head over heels for Melina at the time when i thought i was the expected straight
burgeoning confused teen youth huh ha

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