Today's mood

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Adopted a cat today....

I'm not sure how I feel about it.


I over-analyze way too much. One minute I'm all about getting a cat then I get the cat then I mentally talk myself out of wanting the cat and start thinking why did I get this cat. Then I think maybe I should take the cat back and I immediately feel bad for wanting to take the cat back because it was so darn loving at the adoption center and taking it back there would be horrible for it and it was there for 2 months with no one adopting it and she deserves a better life than that.

I over think things wayyy too much. Save me!
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its freezing the balls off a bronz e monkey
3 hours south of Adelaide/AUS
- mate said this ambelieve real life,than 30-000 pa awether bulldhitters
a late cold cold snap there


what we have done to desecrate the planet
re GW/CC

end of spiel ,now for food.
This little fur ball is such a love machine. She cannnnnnot get enough lovings and pettings.
This is how they get you...evil sneaky fuckers.
Well - that did not take long! Lucky man but remember you do not own a cat, it owns you. Saw a quote once that said 'Cats leave pawprints on your heart' - so very true.
Adopted a cat today....

I'm not sure how I feel about it.


I over-analyze way too much. One minute I'm all about getting a cat then I get the cat then I mentally talk myself out of wanting the cat and start thinking why did I get this cat. Then I think maybe I should take the cat back and I immediately feel bad for wanting to take the cat back because it was so darn loving at the adoption center and taking it back there would be horrible for it and it was there for 2 months with no one adopting it and she deserves a better life than that.

I over think things wayyy too much. Save me!

Cats can be extremely loving and affectionate. I'm sure that it knows you saved its
life. Please don't take it back.....keeping It will prove to be a decision you will treasure. Animals can give love and feel loved as well as humans.
Home sick with a migraine. And partly sad and partly relieved because a (Catholic) institution of higher education didn’t want to hire me due to my sexuality.

NCbear (who thinks many Catholics have quite a large amount of gall/hypocrisy, considering their history of forgiving truly abominable sins with reasonable payments in gold through the Middle Ages and their worldwide cover-up of priestly pedophilia during more recent centuries :rolls eyes: )
life here,should be easy
David A....talking about animals
- smile


do not have too many Chinese meals oftenesp when solo
too many F'n dishes
just spent almost an hour doing last nights, dang damn

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Home sick with a migraine. And partly sad and partly relieved because a (Catholic) institution of higher education didn’t want to hire me due to my sexuality.

NCbear (who thinks many Catholics have quite a large amount of gall/hypocrisy, considering their history of forgiving truly abominable sins with reasonable payments in gold through the Middle Ages and their worldwide cover-up of priestly pedophilia during more recent centuries :rolls eyes: )

I just wanted to say fuck them man...I cannot believe in 2019 that's still an issue.
Although and not to take away from the serious fuckery they did to you on that but how did they know about your sexuality?
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sweetie,or future FSU ha

20 to midnight contribution yo

Paul Murray and his band of cororts political,sorting out todays woes Au ABC/SKY

Socks, mittens, boots, and panda all seem to logical.
Been thinking about it all day....
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