Photo Tomas Salek

What I wouldn't give to see a scene of him and Elian from CF together... both so hot
Both are amazing. They would have to flip flop coz they are both better as bottoms.
I talked to him on instagram so many times he says he is straight n doing that for money he hates travelling so if i wanna meet him i have to go to prague n he talks very homophobic i dont understand the point he fucking bottoms lol
How does he talk homophobic?
You don't need to be hard to be a bottom. He only bottoms. And I don't think he does it enthusiastically. He just exists in the scene
I was following what I took to be an ironic statement. He doesn't just bottom. He gets hard and he stays hard! Check him out on pornhub. He's an active little porn star! But the main point is, isn't he beautiful? Just perfectly beautiful. Top or bottom. I mean, top to bottom. Beautiful man.