Top Gear-USA starts tonight!



Wonder how it'll go? I hear most people aren't confident about its success stateside!..
I don't think it will have much chance. The show is only as good as it is because of Clarkson, May and Hammond. Their attitudes balance the show out nicely. Three unknown guys.....very slim chance of success.
The previews I saw did not impress me. THey looked like 3 guys that had no idea what was underneath the paint. Just a bunch of guys beating on cars saying "Wow this is fast"

Besides, the american car companies don't really make anything all that exciting anyway.
Yea...we have the camaro..whooptie do. The pricey corvette...What grey haired man doesn't own a corvette.
The Dodges are underpowered...covered that too... and The Fords..well...theyre trying with the Mustang...but still can't beat the camaro with it.
In my opinion, when they killed Pontiac, they killed the young sporty brand that set GM apart from the rest.
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Top Gear America will be sponsored, so I doubt they will be allowed to rip on cars that rightfully deserve, like the original can. I only know of one presenter, Adam Ferrara, who is a comedian. I saw a stand up of his a long time ago, and I liked it, but I don't think it will fit. More importantly, one of the other guys is a race car driver, and the other is a car analyst or some shit. Those two sound incredibly boring. That's one of the reason's why Top Gear has the Stig, so they don't have to have a race car driver as a presenter. Top Gear USA needs a better cast. I think the perfect person for one of the presenters would be Adam Carolla. He loves cars, he is funny as fuck, and he is conservative. He is like the American version of Clarkson (but still different, distinctly American), they even have similar hair and are both tall. What makes Top Gear work is the chemistry and style of the three presenters.
I have very little faith that Top Gear USA will be good. I watch the original on BBC America all the time, and it's a fantastic show for anyone who has the slightest interest in cars. We all know what happens to most UK franchises when they are Americanized. Look at what's slated for our version of Skins, our The Office, Coupling, and Life on Mars, just to name a few.
I watched it, it was decent but I also didn't expect awesomeness right out of the hole though, it is the first show after all./

Speaking of first shows.........
YouTube - TopGear season 1, episode 1, part 1.(first one)
It was OK. They did a good job of trying to duplicate the original show, down to the Stig (an anonymous race driver who tests the cars on the show,for those who don't know). If you watch auto racing at all, two of the presenters are not unknown. Tanner Foust is a driver and Rutledge Wood is a broadcaster/sidekick on the all-too-numerous NASCAR feature shows.
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Jay Leno would work quite well, especially noting that he's already been on the UK show, quite funny, and absolutely loves his cars, and it showed.

Crazy as it sounds, Sabine Schmitz who's also appeared quite a few times on the UK show, test driver for BMW, and a absolute psychopath when driving on the Nürburgring.

Top Gear America will be sponsored, so I doubt they will be allowed to rip on cars that rightfully deserve, like the original can. I only know of one presenter, Adam Ferrara, who is a comedian. I saw a stand up of his a long time ago, and I liked it, but I don't think it will fit. More importantly, one of the other guys is a race car driver, and the other is a car analyst or some shit. Those two sound incredibly boring. That's one of the reason's why Top Gear has the Stig, so they don't have to have a race car driver as a presenter. Top Gear USA needs a better cast. I think the perfect person for one of the presenters would be Adam Carolla. He loves cars, he is funny as fuck, and he is conservative. He is like the American version of Clarkson (but still different, distinctly American), they even have similar hair and are both tall. What makes Top Gear work is the chemistry and style of the three presenters.
I think Jay Leno said he would never do a Top Gear America.

Yes, I can understand in a way why he would say that.

I guess the US version will never have the same sparkle, dry whit, and humour as the UK version (Helps to have British presenters I guess), but again if Jeremy was ever to depart the show, get Jay in, or even Richard Hall.
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