Quick disclaimer. The German philosopher I am about to discuss, Martin Heidegger, was a Nazi.
He’s the fucking perfect example of the dilemma we face when someone undeniably awful comes up with amazingly cool shit.
Heidegger can’t be overlooked because he gave insight into one of the more fundamental aspects of our lives – how we experience being in the world.
Heidegger wasn’t talking about how we experience the world as a person, working and playing, but as a consciousness or mind.
Our body is an extension of our consciousness and, by using it, we make change in the world.
But this is not where Heidegger stopped. Our body can pick stuff up to use and this is where things go a little fucking crazy.
The common-sense understanding is if I use a tool, there is a subject / object relationship, me and the tool, but Heidegger disagreed.
When using something, he said, we are absorbed in the activity and the tool disappears as a separate thing.
It becomes an extension of our body, and therefore, an extension of our mind. His famous example was a hammer, which we don’t even think about when in the zone hammering nails.
However, when something jolts us, like the hammer breaking, suddenly we see it as a separate object again. Heidegger’s idea highlights how much more connected to the world we are than we realise, and, Heidegger adds, impacts how we and other people identify ourselves.
Without the use of tools, we can’t talk about plumbers or musicians, nor can we be known to enjoy kinks like bondage or sex toys.
It’s not uncommon to be a little shocked when seeing sex toys and accessories for the first time, given their rich variety of erotic shapes and features.
But this is seeing them as detached objects, something separate to yourself, and ignores an important part of the toy’s nature - the difference it makes in the bedroom.
Once in action, you are no longer holding a dildo or whip, but suddenly able to provide pleasure or pain impossible before.
Lost in the moment, your focus is only on your newfound powers and what heights of ecstasy they can bring yourself or your partner.
You become something you weren’t before, and even better, the joy and pleasure really comes from you, not the toy.
If wearing a penis sheath helps your partner cum like never before, then you made them cum, not the sheath. To say otherwise is the same as saying Michelangelo’s paint brush painted the Sistine Chapel.
So don’t be shy in exploring the wonderful world of sex toys because you might discover powers that take having fun to the next fucking level.

Heidegger wasn’t talking about how we experience the world as a person, working and playing, but as a consciousness or mind.

It’s not uncommon to be a little shocked when seeing sex toys and accessories for the first time, given their rich variety of erotic shapes and features.