Traumatic Masturbation Syndrome


Just Browsing
Jun 18, 2004
I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about or has dealt with traumatic masturbation syndrome.

For those of you who don't know this technically known as a condition that results from the practice of masturbating prone.

In my case I started masturbating prone at a very young age (well before I could ever ejaculate) where I would lay on my stomache and "knead" myself against my body, specifically at the base.

In a lot of people this results in certain rather terrible conditions such as inorgasmia or retarded ejaculation. I do believe I suffer from these conditions somewhat but they are almost a mixed blessing. I've found that my stamina is typically about 45 minutes to an hour during intercourse and I attiribute that mostly to intercourse providing somewhat less stimulation than prone masturbation. However, it also makes it very difficult to enjoy or orgasm from oral stimulation unless the person is VERY good, especially since most people seem to have jaw trouble with my girth after that long.

I am almost certain that effect is due to my condition, however there are several other things that I have no way of proving yet theorize may also be related.

I have a theory that the style of masturbation may have created a "jelqing" effect which resulted in my current size. I say this because I have a leftward curve (the direction I usually did that in) and my penis is actually significantly thicker towards the top than at the base. Additionally it seems as if size isn't something that runs on my father's side of the family, but it may on my mother's.

Its also possible that this process resulted in my limited/less forceful ejaculations during standard masturbation. While I typically don't cum that much or that hard normally, if I have recently masturbated prone I ejaculate almost not at all. I don't believe this effects how I ejaculate during intercourse because I orgasm much stronger then, and have no way of guaging force or distance. However there is typically much more "left behind" in those cases than with standard masturbation.

Anyway...theres a lot of smart guys here who have experienced a whole lot. Any thoughts anybody??
I've seen the website that describes this "syndrome". As far as I can see it comes entirely out of the owner's head.

Masturbating prone isn't uncommon, I have always done it, and I do not have retarded ejaculation during intercourse - rather the reverse. And no jelqing effect is apparent at all, unfortunately.
It first appeared in 1998 in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. It's unheardof among the majority of the medical community. No study has confirmed his hypothesis. So it's up in the air, much like Fink's claims of circumcision and HIV.
porksword: I masturbated prone starting when I was very young (8 or so); well before I could ejaculate, and now experience much the same symptoms you described.

It takes me a very long time to masturbate now (mostly by choice and no longer prone) at an average of 2 to 3 hours, but also, when having sex, I have gone for almost two hours at one girl's request that I keep going, but usually the girls get what they want and I have to quit without finishing.

I have even faked my orgasms a few times (and just not let them see the condom) so they didn't feel bad when I knew they were getting sore and wanted me to get done.

Also like you, I have only ever had two blowjobs in my life that I finished from, and both took real work and about 45 minutes.

Related or not, it's interesting that I've never heard of this until tonight (so it can't be psychosomatic) and yet what you describe is very similar to what I experience. Hmm.
That was one of my favorite ways to masturbate when i was first starting out.
never bothered me in any way.
I too masterbated prone every night from the age of about 6 to about 22 - I started spurting at 9 and always caught my spunk in my foreskin. I also masturbated by hand most days and also had sex with girls. My cock was 8" by the age of 10 and dead straight. I could cum in seconds or hours and had complete control.
I don't think that form of masturbation does any harm and it certainly allows you to imagine very well the person you are fucking.
Originally posted by bigsam@Feb 4 2005, 03:06 PM
I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about or has dealt with traumatic masturbation syndrome.

For those of you who don't know this technically known as a condition that results from the practice of masturbating prone.

In my case I started masturbating prone at a very young age (well before I could ever ejaculate) where I would lay on my stomache and "knead" myself against my body, specifically at the base.

In a lot of people this results in certain rather terrible conditions such as inorgasmia or retarded ejaculation. I do believe I suffer from these conditions somewhat but they are almost a mixed blessing. I've found that my stamina is typically about 45 minutes to an hour during intercourse and I attiribute that mostly to intercourse providing somewhat less stimulation than prone masturbation. However, it also makes it very difficult to enjoy or orgasm from oral stimulation unless the person is VERY good, especially since most people seem to have jaw trouble with my girth after that long.

I am almost certain that effect is due to my condition, however there are several other things that I have no way of proving yet theorize may also be related.

I have a theory that the style of masturbation may have created a "jelqing" effect which resulted in my current size. I say this because I have a leftward curve (the direction I usually did that in) and my penis is actually significantly thicker towards the top than at the base. Additionally it seems as if size isn't something that runs on my father's side of the family, but it may on my mother's.

Its also possible that this process resulted in my limited/less forceful ejaculations during standard masturbation. While I typically don't cum that much or that hard normally, if I have recently masturbated prone I ejaculate almost not at all. I don't believe this effects how I ejaculate during intercourse because I orgasm much stronger then, and have no way of guaging force or distance. However there is typically much more "left behind" in those cases than with standard masturbation.

Anyway...theres a lot of smart guys here who have experienced a whole lot. Any thoughts anybody??
[post=280145]Quoted post[/post]​

Some explanation is needed. I consulted a dictionary to make sure what all meanings "prone" could have. One meaning is lying down. Two, lying down but also face down. Three in a inclining position.

Folks there is a big difference is lying down masturbating while on your back and masturbating while lying face down. Problem face down is that if you are using the bed as "your partner", the chances for damage or the amount of friction is greater and could desentizie someone I suppose. But lying down is the normal way sex between two people is done. So why would masturbation have any different affect that having sex would have.

Someone please explain why sex lying n the bed won't hurt you, but masturbation while lying down will. Unlless is is while face down and doing it in a way that hurts the penis. But that has more to do with the way you do it, not the angle at which the body is at the time. You could masturbate to the wall with no hands and do even more damage to the penis.

And yes, you can damage the penis by being overly rough with it and causing scar tissue to form. Any organ of the body can be abused. clarify what is actually going on in my case.

When I masturbate in a prone manner...I lie down on my stomache and with my penis either semi or mostly soft (never completely hard) I knead it against my body which creates tonns of pressure particularly on the base. It feels totally different from sex even though it leads to a similar orgasm.

I probably did this at least once a day from the ages of 6 on, or something like it. I do notice that the less frequently or less recently I had done this the easier it is to orgasm in the "standard fashion"

I haven't really found the results to be a disadvantage, but according to sites I've seen elsewhere it can result in total inorgasmia or extreme reduction of sensitivity.

I just don't know how common this is.
My method of masturbating prone, face down, could only be comfortably carried out by the uncut. I used to slid my cock up and down inside my foreskin between my belly and the bed until I ejaculated into my forskin which I then held with a hand until I got out of bed to empty it. I also believe this method produced my low hangers as every forward stroke stretches the scrotum back - I had hangers at age 10. As I got older my foreskin was stretched more and more by other masturbatory practises until I could no longer be sure that it could contain my ejaculatory load without spilling into the bed (my load had also increased) so I no longer used this method after about age 22.

There are theories (which may or may not be medically substantiated) that if you masturbate in a certain manner that you can cause "sensational" damage to your penis and reduce your sensitivity.

If you look back and read my description of it, thats what I believe is described in the medical terminology by masturbating prone.

I believe that this has led to relative desensitivation (is that a word?) during standard masturbation and to some extent during intercourse. I am very rarely unable to ejaculate at all, but sometimes have very extended sex (which isn't always good, but usually is).

I also think this may have led to my not ejaculating very much or forcefully (or that may just be completely unrelated).

I was wondering if anyone here had encoutered anything similar or undertaken the same practice and not experienced that.
SL55///AMG: I always sorta wondered why I could go for hours on end...when most people complained that their ventures were mere minutes. I guess its a syndrome Im glad to have? I think I first jerked off around the age of 6 or 7... and didnt stop. I dont know if any of this contributed to my cock-size... but who gives a shit... the girls like iot right? I dont ever recall masturbating in the sniper position... why would you even compolain about this? this is a GOOD thing remember?
Originally posted by bigsam@Feb 4 2005, 01:06 PM
I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about or has dealt with traumatic masturbation syndrome.

For those of you who don't know this technically known as a condition that results from the practice of masturbating prone.

In my case I started masturbating prone at a very young age (well before I could ever ejaculate) where I would lay on my stomache and "knead" myself against my body, specifically at the base.

In a lot of people this results in certain rather terrible conditions such as inorgasmia or retarded ejaculation. I do believe I suffer from these conditions somewhat but they are almost a mixed blessing. I've found that my stamina is typically about 45 minutes to an hour during intercourse and I attiribute that mostly to intercourse providing somewhat less stimulation than prone masturbation. However, it also makes it very difficult to enjoy or orgasm from oral stimulation unless the person is VERY good, especially since most people seem to have jaw trouble with my girth after that long.

I am almost certain that effect is due to my condition, however there are several other things that I have no way of proving yet theorize may also be related.

I have a theory that the style of masturbation may have created a "jelqing" effect which resulted in my current size. I say this because I have a leftward curve (the direction I usually did that in) and my penis is actually significantly thicker towards the top than at the base. Additionally it seems as if size isn't something that runs on my father's side of the family, but it may on my mother's.

Its also possible that this process resulted in my limited/less forceful ejaculations during standard masturbation. While I typically don't cum that much or that hard normally, if I have recently masturbated prone I ejaculate almost not at all. I don't believe this effects how I ejaculate during intercourse because I orgasm much stronger then, and have no way of guaging force or distance. However there is typically much more "left behind" in those cases than with standard masturbation.

Anyway...theres a lot of smart guys here who have experienced a whole lot. Any thoughts anybody??
[post=280145]Quoted post[/post]​
I never masturbated "prone," but I did (and do) masturbate vigorously, for lack of a better term. I will say that long ago, I lost the ability to feel physical pleasure in my penis with ejaculation...not to say I do not feel pleasure, but it is not physical in nature. I have heard the terminology "orgasmic anhedonia" but I do not think that is quite right in my case.

This has its advantages and disadvantages. I can still get as hard as a concrete curbstone, but I have all the sensation of one, too. I mean, I cannot tell if I am fully erect, partially erect or limp as a wet dishrag without looking or feeling. On the other hand, I have developed my mental focus to the point where I can "orgasm" (including ejaculation) pretty much when I want to, though the number of ejaculations is, naturally, limited and the quantity of semen decreases with each successive one. After three "orgasms," there is hardly any liquid left. The "orgasm" I feel is not in my penis, and that region, as it was, but mostly in my head, spine, and abdominal wall.

One advantage is that I am truly multiorgasmic in this fashion and I can make love as long as my partner and I choose, to the point of physical exhaustion, though the erections do get softer wih time. One disadvantage is that the "orgasms" are not nearly as intense and explosive as they were (though they do last longer) but in those days I could have only one or two orgasms in a session. Without so desiring, I gave up quality for quantity. At one time, I could achieve orgasm by simply concentrating and tightening the muscles down there...male Kegels, if you will. I loved the sensation of pumping blood through my erect penis, watching the head inflate, turn purplish and the shaft get at least a quarter inch thicker. I can still do it, and the muscle tone is still pretty good, but without the pleasurable feedback, I do not do it nearly as often as I did.

I will say it is a disappointment when I have my "orgasms" only eight to ten times in a session. Twelve to fifteen is common enough and my record of which I am aware is twenty-three on one erection over the space of an hour and a half, but I was in a very high state of arousal, but with the right partner and in that state of arousal, I generally don't bother counting.
You do raise an interesting question that I have often pondered. Is autoerotic asphyxiation analogous to kumbhaka (the yogic retention of breath) in the sense that both do heighten the sensations of the experience?

I do know that I certainly enjoy orgasms more when I hold my breath; I also know that one can achieve greater mental focus during those moments when one is not breathing, so it could be related to that. On the other hand, something physiological could be happening, too.

By the way...I have a book Path of Fire and Light that discusses (very) advanced techniques of pranayama. There are directions for controlling and retaining breath for up to 60,000 seconds (yes!). That is something that, while I have nevber witnessed it, I do believe certainly possible. This level of skill is attained only after decades of practice and, even then, only under the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher. I know what happens to me after only a couple minutes. I can only imagine....