Trent's Tiny 4.5 Inch Dick (mm Sph)


Legendary Member
Oct 24, 2014
Washington (Washington, D.C., United States)
My first story - I'd love some feedback.

Trent knew it couldn't last. He'd met the guy of his dreams. 6'2" with blue eyes and blond hair. James was his name. James and Trent met at the gym. Of course Trent wasn't naked. He'd never get naked at the gym. But James didn't know that. They'd been on six dates. At the end of every date James tried to get Trent into bed, but Trent pushed back saying he didn't want to move too fast. The truth was that Trent had a tiny 4.5 inch dick and minuscule balls. He'd known he had a tiny dick since he was young, but only after he started hooking up with guys did he realize how tiny it actually was.

The first guy he ever hooked up with was Thomas. Thomas was tall and lean and attractive. Brown eyes and light brown hair. His broad shoulders naturally gave way to a narrow waist and tight eight pack. Thomas was his first. Trent didn't know any better. On the second date they were making out. Thomas was experienced, and he was a size queen. Thomas thought he knew how to pick out guys with big dicks. Usually they were tall. That was pretty much the number one give away that the guy would have a big dick. Anyone over 6 feet was sure to have a big cock. Thomas asked Trent to take his pants off - he wanted to give Trent a blow job and admire that big cock. Trent complied and slowly took off his jeans. Then his underwear as Thomas kept his face right next to Trent's crotch. As Trent removed his underwear he saw a look that was a mixture of horror and laughter on Thomas' face. Thomas literally looked disgusted at what Trent pulled out. A tiny 4.5 inch thin penis with tiny balls. Thomas looked up at Trent and said "you have to be kidding me". Trent was crushed but also really turned on.

"What do you mean", said Trent.
"Is that all you've got?", asked Thomas
"I'm confused", said Trent
"It is the most pathetic little piece of skin I've ever seen. I'm gay. I like COCK.", replied Thomas.
"That is my cock" replied a confused Trent.
"That isn't a fucking cock!" Thomas was starting to get enraged now. He'd been expecting a 6'2" guy like Trent to have a big cock and Thomas was a size queen. He would never have given Trent the time of day if he'd known what he was packing. "That's a piece of shit! You basically have a clit!" Thomas yelled. "this is a cock" and he pulled out a 7 inch softie that dwarfed Trent's diminutive little dick. Thomas' balls were massive and his cockhead so smooth, with a nice little edge, making it what people would call a mushroom head. Trent, on the other hand, had some wrinkles on the tip of his penis - it wasn't smooth. It was really pointy thin. His balls looked like little beans compared to Thomas.
"Look at that fucking little piece of shit you have", said Thomas "I've never seen something that pathetic in all my life!"

Thomas was angry now. He couldn't believe he'd been tricked by how tall Trent was and that he'd even bought dinner for this tiny little pathetic thing. He'd been expecting a nice, big, thick, cock with a big head and big balls. He'd literally never seen a penis as tiny as Trent's and he was getting more upset by the minute that he had to look at it.

"Do you think someone like me deserves to even look at that pathetic little thing?" Thomas asked. Then, as if instinct kicked in he kicked Trent in his little cock. "You don't deserve any pleasure you little piece of shit!" Screamed Thomas. He was so upset. He had been saving up a load for a week and now he had to look at this pathetic clit-dick.

"That thing looks like a fucking clit" yelled Thomas, as Trent looked on in horror and feeling pain after being kicked in the dick. "Tell me what a fucking pussy you are".

Trent didn't know how to react. He felt so humiliated. His dick was dwarfed by Thomas' soft dick. It didn't even compare. He knew right then that he was a pathetic little dicked fag and that even gay men would treat him like shit once they saw what he had between his legs.

"I'm a pussy" Trent mumbled.
"You have a fucking disgusting little piece of shit as a "cock"" screamed Thomas. "I can't even believe I bought you dinner. Pay me back NOW"

Trent went over got his wallet and gave Trent the $40 dinner cost.

"Give me all the money you stupid, gross, tiny dicked freak. I deserve it for actually having to see that pathetic little piece of crap".

Trent was so humiliated. He couldn't believe the size difference. Even as Thomas was screaming at him, his cock was as hard as it had ever been. For some reason the humiliation was actually turning him on, and Thomas noticed.

"You weird freak! You actually like that you have a tiny, pathetic, undesirable cock! What the fuck!! I'm going to tell all the guys how tiny you are. Nobody is ever going to want to play with that little clit-dick."

Then Thomas pulled up his pants and stormed out. Every time he saw Trent on campus he made a tiny little dick sign with his fingers and scrunched his face up in a look of total disgust.
Hot. I’d love to see Trent become Thomas’ sex slave because of his inadequacies. Thomas could threaten to reveal Trent”s little secret if he doesn’t do wildly embarrassing sexual favors for Thomas. More back story on how Trent has been embarrassed by his little dick in the past, like I’m high school gym class and at the urinal with other boys. Maybe Thomas ends up putting that little nub in chastity so he doesn’t have to see it. Turn Trent into the campus bj queen.
Thomas: Thomas was so pissed off as he left Trent's place. He'd spent seven, SEVEN fucking dates on this guy assuming he'd have a big cock. Trent was 6'2" so it was virtually guaranteed he'd have a huge cock.

Now Thomas was a good looking guy. Tall and lean with brown eyes and light hair. He'd been a total jock in high school. Nobody ever guessed he was gay. One of his favorite things was showering with the other guys after practice. He'd seen hundreds of cocks, both soft and hard, and he knew the average was not 5.5, but more like 6.3. Even so, he liked cocks that were about 7 or bigger, which were not nearly as rare as everyone said.

By the time Thomas started dating Trent he'd hooked up with probably 20 guys and each and every one was over 6 inches. He quickly discarded the smaller guys, but every guy always wanted to come back to Thomas and play with his nice thick 7 inch cock and big balls. He'd meet a guy on Grindr and inevitably the guy was crawling back to him as soon as possible. Sometimes texting so much Thomas would have to block him. Usually the biggest guys were the coolest and they'd just hook up whenever they were horny.

One of Thomas' favorite guys was a dude he met on Grindr about a year before he started dating Thomas. Mark was a thick 8 inches with a perfect smooth cut cock head. Nice mushroom shape. He had massive balls and the two of them loved to just compare sizes, suck each other, 69, and would fuck each other. Mark's cock felt so good in so many ways. Nice and meaty and thick. Sometimes they would fall asleep holding each other's soft cocks. Mark wasn't really a relationship kind of guy, but Thomas had been with enough guys that he started looking for a relationship. He knew he'd need a nice, long, thick cock to be satisfied and could never been in any kind of relationship with someone under 6.5. Though most gay and bi guys said otherwise in public, in private they'd almost all admitted to him that they also needed a big cock to be satisfied and luckily there were more than enough to go around.

Thomas tried to get into Trent's pants the first night they went on a date. Trent protested and Thomas finally gave up, figuring maybe Trent could be an actual boyfriend, rather than a hookup. But then it happened again, and again. Trent always wore loose fitting jeans so it was hard for Thomas to get a glance at how big Trent might be. But he figured this was a safe bet due to Trent's tall stature. However, every night he'd go home, call up Mark and play with the big cock he desired after he finished up a date with Trent.

Well FINALLLY after seven dates, Thomas put his foot down and told Trent it was time to hook up. As Trent took off his pants Thomas was horrified. He'd heard dicks could be smaller than 6, but he'd yet to see one in person.

"Look at that little fucking piece of shit you have!" Screamed Thomas as he saw Trent's pathetic 4.5 incher and tiny balls. "I've never seen anything so pathetic in all my life!"

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Thomas couldn't help that he started berating Trent. I mean how pathetic could a cock be? And how could Trent trick him like that for so long? The thing couldn't have been more than 4.2 -4.5 inches HARD.

Thomas literally felt sick as he looked at the tiny 4.5 inch dick he saw in front of him. Not only was it tiny, but the balls were almost non-existant. Like they went up into Trent's body. Thomas felt disgusted to even see something so tiny. He only liked bigger than average cocks and this was so far below average that he couldn't even breath. What was he going to do? Obviously a guy like that shouldn't be allowed to date guys like Thomas. How Trent could even think Thomas would play with it or touch it boggled Thomas' mind. How Trent could lead him on for SEVEN dates withholding the information about the tiny clit-dick in his pants made Thomas rageful with anger. He had to yell what was on his mind he was so angry.

He pulled out his 7 inch soft cock, and he'd never been so soft as after seeing Trent's pathetic little worm, to show Trent what a real cock was, made him admit he's a pussy and stormed off.

All Thomas could think when he left was how pathetic that thing Trent had between his legs was. He literally couldn't believe the worthless piece of shit he'd just seen masquerading as a cock. He was so angry that Trent could have a clit-dick and trick him into trying to suck it.

"So disgusting!" Is all he could think. He was glad he'd kicked Trent in his tiny cock. If he could have he'd have cut the thing off it was so awful. All he could think now was how he had to worn the other gay and bi guys on campus. Nobody deserved to see what he'd just had to witness. NOBODY.
if you were in west virginia i would suck that dick--i would also hunt down the asshole that treated you like shit because of your cock---i new a guy with a 8 inch dick--sure he was big but he lasted 2 minutes--

everyones cock is going to have an issue with it to everyone--but we have no right to think our cock is better than theirs
if you were in west virginia i would suck that dick--i would also hunt down the asshole that treated you like shit because of your cock---i new a guy with a 8 inch dick--sure he was big but he lasted 2 minutes--

everyones cock is going to have an issue with it to everyone--but we have no right to think our cock is better than theirs
Thank you!!! You are so right!!!!
My first story - I'd love some feedba
My first story - I'd love some feedback.

Trent knew it couldn't last. He'd met the guy of his dreams. 6'2" with blue eyes and blond hair. James was his name. James and Trent met at the gym. Of course Trent wasn't naked. He'd never get naked at the gym. But James didn't know that. They'd been on six dates. At the end of every date James tried to get Trent into bed, but Trent pushed back saying he didn't want to move too fast. The truth was that Trent had a tiny 4.5 inch dick and minuscule balls. He'd known he had a tiny dick since he was young, but only after he started hooking up with guys did he realize how tiny it actually was.
How about going back to the beginning of the story and continuing with the new, 6-foot-2 blond guy? Maybe the new guy is hung and into sph? Maybe a kind of sph that is fun for both of them?