Trouble finding a partner?



Duo187: Have any of you had the problem where no matter were you look theres only like a small percent of women who love an over endowed man? Much less wanting a relationship with them. I know there are some that are curious, but that doesn't help out in the long run.
I guess what I'm saying is some advice on how to go about it all, I recently ended a relationship with bout the only chica that would give me a chance cause of it.
RedheadedSpdFrk: I'm going to offer the same piece of advice that I gave another board member about a month ago...take it slow if you want a real relationship. Give it enough time to develop a good strong foundation of friendship and respect before adding sex to the mix. I told him to wait for anything sexual until the woman in his life was wanting and asking for it. She is now aware of his size and they've talked about it and are working through it. I wish them the best of luck.

I know that the more I care about my partner, the less size is an issue (big or small). I think that if she cares enough, she'd be willing to work thru the awkwardness involved with a very large penis. I can't possibly be the only woman that feels this way.

Now, if all you're looking for is an F-buddy...then by all means, bed the next woman you find attractive just make sure to use protection and that she's looking for the same (no need for anyone's feelings to be hurt). :p
josh: ^^^ i always think about that. I dont see the point in hurting anyone, or messing up someones life.