Underwear, Shorts And Pants To Bulge More?


Cherished Member
Mar 20, 2024
What are some Underwear, Shorts and Pants to show off your bulge or just make it more pronounced?

I think there are three things that help a guy bulge more. Big Softie, Big Balls and Big Thighs. Some guys are fortunate to have all three. Others have two. Some only one of the above. E.g. Big softie with small balls.

So what are some specific brands or links to underwear, shorts and pants that help you have a nice bulge.
I am always commando and when the temp is decent I only wear very lightweight polyester shorts. Being a shower and not a grower gives me an advantage. While not all the time, I do wear weights to stretch my sack, and that definitely allows me to put on one hell of a show!!!
I am always commando and when the temp is decent I only wear very lightweight polyester shorts. Being a shower and not a grower gives me an advantage. While not all the time, I do wear weights to stretch my sack, and that definitely allows me to put on one hell of a show!!!
Light polyester shorts. Got it.
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Have to agree with all 3 - big softie, balls and thighs but gotta add these - scrotal hang, softie hang and posture and of course clothing.

I'm a grower and softie is as limp and shriveled as you can imagine. It doesn't show through anything. Some softies are naturally spongy and it gives it the outward prominent push.

Naturally, tighter scrotum pushes everything out. It pushes the softie outward too.

If your thighs are skinny like mine, the whole package can just sit flushed in between those thighs and no one will ever notice a bulge.

Push ups or push undies hold things in place. Helps a lot in giving the lift but it is never gonna be impressive.
Finding the Holy Grail of underwear is a journey, not a destination.

Do we all agree that underwear is a quality of life issue that many men don't think about? Thus, they are reduced to a life of cotton, tidy-whitey, Fruit of Looms.

Oh the horror.

I've been on this journey for at least ten years and can report on my current place on the quest.

I have found great products coming from the cultures of Asia. Great materials. Different styles, and with the pouch. That's the key. The pouch.

Please note, they run small by American standards. Use the size chart.
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I agree with your statement, I’ve got pretty big, high resting balls and very thick thighs. My softie isn’t bad either.

I enjoy hiking and camping so I have quite a few pairs of hiking pants, they are made of a very soft but durable material and what’s great about them is that I can hide or show off in them. No clue how it works, but there is room on the inside of the thigh I can tuck my cock down, but if I want to show off I can rest it on top of my thigh and it sticks out with pretty good detail.
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I agree with your statement, I’ve got pretty big, high resting balls and very thick thighs. My softie isn’t bad either.

I enjoy hiking and camping so I have quite a few pairs of hiking pants, they are made of a very soft but durable material and what’s great about them is that I can hide or show off in them. No clue how it works, but there is room on the inside of the thigh I can tuck my cock down, but if I want to show off I can rest it on top of my thigh and it sticks out with pretty good detail.
I got slim thighs. So no help in that department for me
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A lot of times my balls are higher and tighter which pushes my cock out quite a bit. I have a pretty good bulge with boxers even though I am pretty average.

But for the underwear that helps with a bulge, I wear Cocksox. They help support your cock and balls but also brings them away from your body a bit. These are the best ones I have found so far.