Upper Body Workout


Experimental Member
Jun 30, 2005
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Ok first off I am 19, college kid. I'm 5'4 and about 110-120 lbs. In the past I have had a lot of surgury (transplant, catheters, etc) all upper body and mainly in general area of my abs. I have always been pretty scrawny and I am sick of it. So tonight I decided as well as working on enlarging other parts of my body I am going to start a upper body workout routine. Now I would like to be able to do all of this in my dorm room until I get some results then I might venture to one of the workout room. My lower body is in good shape from a biking 4-10 miles a day getting to/from class, getting food, nice rides around the lake.

My routine as of now consists of a lower and upper body workout. Heres a basic outline of what I am working on.

-Start off 10 minute warm up wrap
-jelq 10 mins-Just started last weekend, moving up 5 minutes per week
-5 min cool down wrap
-Stretch out upper body
-25 crunches
-10 pushups
-25 crunches
-10 pushups
-25 full sit-ups
-10 pushups
-25 crunches
-10 pushups
-25 crunches

That pretty much sums up my "workout" I finally started putting it together as a full routine today. Previously I had been doing 30 or so pushups a day in reps (think thats the word) of 10.
My goal is to put on some weight, tone my upper body so its not so scrawny. Right now my upper arms are pretty tiny and it just bugs me.

I am looking for your input or ways to bulk up a little faster, how to avoid hurting myself, and any tips that you might have. Thanks ahead of time
Originally posted by BJT@Oct 8 2005, 09:20 PM
Ok first off I am 19, college kid. I'm 5'4 and about 110-120 lbs. In the past I have had a lot of surgury (transplant, catheters, etc) all upper body and mainly in general area of my abs. I have always been pretty scrawny and I am sick of it. So tonight I decided as well as working on enlarging other parts of my body I am going to start a upper body workout routine. Now I would like to be able to do all of this in my dorm room until I get some results then I might venture to one of the workout room. My lower body is in good shape from a biking 4-10 miles a day getting to/from class, getting food, nice rides around the lake.

My routine as of now consists of a lower and upper body workout. Heres a basic outline of what I am working on.

-Start off 10 minute warm up wrap
-jelq 10 mins-Just started last weekend, moving up 5 minutes per week
-5 min cool down wrap
-Stretch out upper body
-25 crunches
-10 pushups
-25 crunches
-10 pushups
-25 full sit-ups
-10 pushups
-25 crunches
-10 pushups
-25 crunches

That pretty much sums up my "workout" I finally started putting it together as a full routine today. Previously I had been doing 30 or so pushups a day in reps (think thats the word) of 10.
My goal is to put on some weight, tone my upper body so its not so scrawny. Right now my upper arms are pretty tiny and it just bugs me.

I am looking for your input or ways to bulk up a little faster, how to avoid hurting myself, and any tips that you might have. Thanks ahead of time
[post=349948]Quoted post[/post]​
Mind if I ask you what type of transplant you had? I have had my lungs operated on (both). So I know all about the unhappy look of the upper body. Not sure If I can help with your problem, but it has been difficult getting my chest to develope. I ahve a lot of scar tissue, and it has casued a problem with the developement of the chest area. As you can see from the picture below. I hAve been working on my chest for nearly 4 years. It has been a slow gain in the chest area for me.
So give us some more details about where your surgury took place and what is was for. Maybe we can help alittle.
O ya sorry about that, heres a little breakdown. I was born with intestines (small) upside down, so they cut from one side of my belly area to the other. That scar was later re-opened (in 1998) for a small intestine transplant. The scar now measures about 12-13 inches and stretches the entire width of my stomach. Then I have had I think 4 catheters so I have small scars form that middle chest 2, one on the right end of the large scar and one on the lower right side of my stomach. I also had a ostomy bag after ym transplant so there is a 1.5 inch scar on my lower left stomach. Then on the left end of the main scar slightly above it I had a ostomy tube which I recently got ride of (thank god) left a 1/2 inch scar.

So I am pretty scar'd up, but I am finally at a point in my life where I don't have tubes and catheters sticking out of my body and its great.
Originally posted by BJT+Oct 8 2005, 06:20 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(BJT &#064; Oct 8 2005, 06:20 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>My lower body is in good shape from a biking 4-10 miles a day getting to/from class, getting food, nice rides around the lake.
[post=349948]Quoted post[/post]​

I just had the pleasure of biking the arboretum loop in Madison while visiting some friends there a month and a half ago. In fact, that&#39;s where the picture in my profile was taken.

@Oct 8 2005, 06:20 PM
I am looking for your input or ways to bulk up a little faster, how to avoid hurting myself, and any tips that you might have. Thanks ahead of time
[post=349948]Quoted post[/post]​

Well, if it&#39;s bulk you&#39;re after, you need weights. Sorry, but there&#39;s no way around it. The only way your muscles are going to grow is to make them do more work than what they&#39;re used to.

With the routine you&#39;re already doing, you can obviously lift your own body weight with your chest and triceps so many times that your muscles aren&#39;t getting out of their "comfort zone." So you need to start lifting more weight than that.

I can understand the self-conscious bit. Some of my friends hate working out in gyms for that reason. Any chance you could swing getting some dumbbells to keep at your place? That has seemed to work well for these guys.

Using dumbbells, you can lie on the floor and do chest presses. Kneel along the side of your bed (one knee on bed, one foot on floor) and do rows for your upper back. For triceps, stand up or sit in a sturdy chair, bring your elbow up to your ear and let your forearm go over the top of your head; then straighten it so it&#39;s pointing straight up. Biceps can be worked sitting down with your elbow on your knee.

And of course, shoulders. Amazing how many guys don&#39;t work shoulders, even though every girl I&#39;ve ever asked has said broad shoulders are a bigger turn-on than a buff chest or thick arms.

Good luck&#33;

Oh yeah: congratulations on losing the tubes, etc.&#33;&#33; :bounce: Jeez, and I thought I had reason to be happy when my braces came off...
Thanks spl98006, I&#39;ll see about picking up some weights for the room. I never even thought about the shoulders...Good thinking
Originally posted by spl98006+Oct 8 2005, 07:35 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(spl98006 &#064; Oct 8 2005, 07:35 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-BJT@Oct 8 2005, 06:20 PM
My lower body is in good shape from a biking 4-10 miles a day getting to/from class, getting food, nice rides around the lake. 
[post=349948]Quoted post[/post]​
I just had the pleasure of biking the arboretum loop in Madison while visiting some friends there a month and a half ago. In fact, that&#39;s where the picture in my profile was taken.

Sorry for going off-topic but here&#39;s a BIG SHOUT-OUT to my hometown, Madison WI. Seems like yesterday I was living in Craige Hall on the Lakeshore. A most excellent place to call home. Wish I was drinking on the Union Terrace RIGHT NOW.
I totally agree with spl98006, you do need to do weight training. I started doing pushups etc, last year and it works to a point, but weight training is the way to go; since I started doing weight training last year I&#39;ve went from 105lbs (a dangerously low weight considering my height and build) to 140lbs.

Like you I started building myself up due to a break in illness, and now have quite a fantastic amount of muscle gain in my legs, back, chest, arms and stomach.

Good luck.
I think I recall some 5 and 10lb dumbells in the basement. Would those be enough to get me started?
I have been bodybuilding since I was 17 and I am now 51. Whenever I lift, which is 6 days a week, people are always asking me if I compete, both male and females. Many other people will ask me for advice. The only advice I give is to lift weights. I became addicted to bodybuilding and weightlifting when I could not hit a curve ball in high school. Start out light so as not to hurt yourself and then work up to heavier weights. Many a women will tell me that don&#39;t want to look like me but what do they do to lose that jiggly skin on the back of their arms. I tell them that they will never look like me because my hormones are much different than them and then I explain the joys of the triceps press and the different versions. Anyhow, good luck on your efforts. Bench presses for the chest, cable rows for the back, curls for the biceps. Remember increase the amount of weight when you feel comfortable. My definition of feeling comfortabe is when you can do four sets of 12 reps each and not feel any resistance on the muscle group you are exercising. Then go up at least five if not ten pounds. You will immediately note that your muscle fatigues on the heavier weight, but that is the only way to add mass. STAY AWAY FROM STEROIDS. Though many people look at me and think I am on steroids (one young man asked me what I was taking to get so huge) they are poison. Good luck.

Hey Mate,

I would reccomend using weights for sure. It is good to start off withthe 5&#39;s and 10&#39;s, but you should move past those real quick. In actuality I would join a gym, either one run by your council or a private one. Most of the blokes there, 99% will not care at all that you are just starting out, in fact, I think that you could get a lot of encouragement. If you want a routine, feel free to email me. Cheers&#33;
Another alternative to using free weights or machines would be to get one of those elastic cables/resistance bands. They allow pretty much a full body workout with just one piece of equipment and you can work out in the privacy of your own home.
Originally posted by Knight@Oct 14 2005, 05:34 PM
Buy some barbells. I got some for 15 pounds from Argos. 20Kg in total which probably isnt much but good enough to stay in shape with ;)
[post=351730]Quoted post[/post]​

Hey, man. Now that&#39;s a proper avatar. Muuuucccchhhh better, though you were always likeable, in anything you wrote. :yourock: :yourock:
I agree - different sized Dumbells/Barbells, a DynaBand (stretch band/tube thing) and most importantly start off with less weight at first so you nail the technique. Then build it up when it gets easier.

Heavy weight + bad technique = longer term imbalances/tension. You&#39;ll gain bulk but will suffer eventually and may never be able to get the look you want.

You can&#39;t beat getting advice from a qualified trainer first though (not sure if this is an option for you, but council run leisure centres offer the cheapest version of this as someone said).

Just my two pence worth. Good Luck mate. Keep us posted.

If you&#39;re looking to build muscle, you also have to eat a shitload of food. When I have the time (which I haven&#39;t in a while), my routine is four days a week in the gym, and two or three in the pool. On separate days, I work out my chest/triceps, back/biceps, legs, and shoulders. On my pools day, I stay in the pool at least an hour and a half.

I don&#39;t want to get into each individual workout I do, but as Cicero said, talk to a trainer. You say you go to college, so you can do this for free at your school&#39;s gym.
OK, I am working with one of my buddy&#39;s who is training to be a personal trainer (hes a senior) so hes helping me out. Eating a lot might be a problem. I already have to eat 6000 calories+ just to MAINTAIN my current weight but I will see what I cna do to help my intake a bit.
Little update on my upper body stuff. I have revised my routine a bit:

-10 min wrap warm up
-15 min stretching
-20 min jelq
-10 min cool down wrap
-Upper body stretches about 5 mins
-50 crunches
-20 pushups
-50 crunches
-20 pushups
-50 crunches
-20 pushups
-50 crunches
-20 pushups
-50 crunches
-20 pushups
-50 crunches

So now I am doing 100/300. I am seeing some results, very slight as far as mass but it is getting toner(is that a word?). I&#39;m still working on getting some dumbells but I am using a bungee cord that I had in my room for some resistance type workout. When I go home for thanksgiving break I will be picking up some real weights to improve my routine.
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Originally posted by jonb@Nov 2 2005, 01:02 AM
Jelqing is a waste of time.
[post=357566]Quoted post[/post]​

Maybe but I am going to continue with it because I have read of others having a lot of success with it. And its something to do while I am watching tv before going to bed.
Well I still don&#39;t have the dumbells, but I am picking up a set when I go home for thanksgiving break. But I looked in my fridge and I have two one gallon jugs that I use for water and gatorade bottles. After a quick google search it looks like one gallon of water weight 8.33 lbs. So I&#39;ll just use those until I can get some decent weights. Any recommended sites that give a good list of excersices to do with dumbells? Thanks