Very small penis problem


Experimental Member
Aug 5, 2024
Hello, how are you?
I'm new to this forum, I'm 20 years old and I wanted to ask for some help because I have a tiny penis of 13 cm x 13 cm, and that makes me quite self-conscious, so much so that I'm still a virgin for my age :v and I've read that there are people here who know about penis and things to lengthen the penis, I've thought about using pmma but my penis is still very short and it would look ridiculous, like a ball if I increase to 15 cm or 16 cm circumferences. How can I lengthen my penis a lot?

Please, the size of my penis has been a big problem for me, it makes me very self-conscious and no, I don't believe in that stupidity that you should do oral sex and move your hips well, women like to feel the expansion and see big penises, a good size cannot be replaced by oral sex or good hip movements.

Has anyone here had my initial measurement and grown with any penis enlargement method?
I'm sorry you feel that way, but technically you are not small in the slightest! I would probably say it's more perspective that makes you feel small as your girth equals your length, people may argue against the research but if you look at averages from scientific studies your length is fine and you are actually quite thick, one of my regular meets is only 12cm long but he's 17cm thick which is a challenge, may I ask if you are slim?
Lamento que te sientas así, ¡pero técnicamente no eres pequeño en lo más mínimo! Probablemente diría que es más la perspectiva lo que te hace sentir pequeño, ya que tu circunferencia es igual a tu longitud, la gente puede argumentar en contra de la investigación, pero si miras los promedios de los estudios científicos, tu longitud está bien y en realidad eres bastante grueso, uno de mis encuentros regulares mide solo 12 cm de largo, pero tiene 17 cm de grosor, lo cual es un desafío, ¿Puedo preguntarle si es delgado?
Hola, no sé cómo categorizarme, mido 1,68 m y peso 68 kg
La verdad es que me han dicho que no soy pequeño sino que me siento pequeñito, en comparación con otros hombres soy bastante pequeñita y más en mi ciudad donde las mujeres valoran mucho un pene enorme, solo les gustan los enormes y si son pequeños, pues nos degradan, así que no gano nada aceptándome tal y como soy, Solo me rechazarán, ¿no conoces algún método efectivo de agrandamiento del pene? Vi que los ejercicios no funcionan, he pensado en probar un extensor y el pmma para lograr algo más "aceptable" y aún así no sería grande en absoluto.
He visto y oído hablar de casos en los que las mujeres no pueden dejar a sus hombres sólo por su tamaño y también dejan de lado cosas como el dinero y la apariencia física por el tamaño de su pene. ¿Cómo puedo competir contra eso? Soy un hombre guapo, con buena cara, buen cuerpo, un título universitario y un trabajo, pero soy muy inseguro con mi pene y eso me afecta a la hora de encontrar novia. Incluso he pensado en elegir tener relaciones con chicos de mi edad. Me desanima mucho la idea de que soy inferior a otros hombres y que no haré feliz a mi pareja. No sé qué hacer.
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He visto y oído hablar de casos en los que las mujeres no pueden dejar a sus hombres sólo por su tamaño y también dejan de lado cosas como el dinero y la apariencia física por el tamaño de su pene. ¿Cómo puedo competir contra eso? Soy un hombre guapo, con buena cara, buen cuerpo, un título universitario y un trabajo, pero soy muy inseguro con mi pene y eso me afecta a la hora de encontrar novia. Incluso he pensado en elegir tener relaciones con chicos de mi edad. Me desanima mucho la idea de que soy inferior a otros hombres y que no haré feliz a mi pareja. No sé qué hacer.
is that 13cm soft or hard? either way that's not bad.
¿Son 13 cm blandos o duros? De cualquier manera, eso no está mal.13 cm es difícil, sin embargo, ¿cómo podría hacer que mi hipotética novia disfrutara del mejor sexo de su vida? ¿Cómo puedo hacerla gemir y chorrear mucho?
13 cm es difícil, sin embargo, ¿cómo podría hacer que mi hipotética novia disfrutara del mejor sexo de su vida? ¿Cómo puedo hacerla gemir y chorrear mucho?
I'm 11cm and I am just small. 13cm is verging on average. Stop being a drama queen. A very small penis would be something that is really rare like 1-2% of guys. I'd say something like 9cm.
Hello, how are you?
I'm new to this forum, I'm 20 years old and I wanted to ask for some help because I have a tiny penis of 13 cm x 13 cm, and that makes me quite self-conscious, so much so that I'm still a virgin for my age :v and I've read that there are people here who know about penis and things to lengthen the penis, I've thought about using pmma but my penis is still very short and it would look ridiculous, like a ball if I increase to 15 cm or 16 cm circumferences. How can I lengthen my penis a lot?

Please, the size of my penis has been a big problem for me, it makes me very self-conscious and no, I don't believe in that stupidity that you should do oral sex and move your hips well, women like to feel the expansion and see big penises, a good size cannot be replaced by oral sex or good hip movements.

Has anyone here had my initial measurement and grown with any penis enlargement method?
You are actually bigger than me and I am about average and no problem having sex with my wife
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This is a photo of my penis, how do you look?
I have considered buying an empty bomb, they say that it gives good results with time and better if it is combined with Jelq, although I am afraid that this affects my erectionsCaptura de pantalla 2024-09-05 103242.png
Hello, how are you?
I'm new to this forum, I'm 20 years old and I wanted to ask for some help because I have a tiny penis of 13 cm x 13 cm, and that makes me quite self-conscious, so much so that I'm still a virgin for my age :v and I've read that there are people here who know about penis and things to lengthen the penis, I've thought about using pmma but my penis is still very short and it would look ridiculous, like a ball if I increase to 15 cm or 16 cm circumferences. How can I lengthen my penis a lot?

Please, the size of my penis has been a big problem for me, it makes me very self-conscious and no, I don't believe in that stupidity that you should do oral sex and move your hips well, women like to feel the expansion and see big penises, a good size cannot be replaced by oral sex or good hip movements.

Has anyone here had my initial measurement and grown with any penis enlargement method?
To be honest you are lucky enough to have that size. I have a smaller cocklette. Shorter and thinner than what you have. You have enough. If you are straight and only go for women they would appreciate what you have as long as you're not a dick. But for gay guys... There no hope that a gay guy would be happy with a smaller dick. So you should be happy man.
I’m going to echo what others have said, your volume would put you well above average. 13cm is roughly 5 inches and I think that’s right about average length. 5 inch diameter is well above average.

I can’t imagine someone who isn’t a total size queen having an issue with your size.

That being said, I think a lot of us have dysmorphia of some sort when it comes to our penises. Camera angles, and relative size tricks can make a 6” cock look absolutely unwieldy.

Here’s a few things for you to think about.

1. How big are your hands? For example, I have very wide hands, so in my hand my penis looks pretty small to me.

2-What are you going by as a reference? Porn? The guys on this site? You need to understand that there are some guys who are flat out monsters, and then there’s the other 99% of us. Even the guys in porn are usually not much bigger than you length wise and you’re probably pretty close to many of them in girth if not equal.

3-Has anyone you’ve ever wanted to be intimate with expressed this concern? You said you’re a virgin so I’m going to guess no, and I can guarantee you that unless you run into a full on size queen, you will never hear a sex partner complain about a 5” x 5” cock. That’s like the 36C of dicks. I’d honestly bet that your size is acceptable and or preferred by most when compared to the cock you wish you had.

Now, alllll of that being said. Can you get some extra size doing PE? Yes you sure can. But some things to know. Enlarging your cock is not a 1 and done situation if you want it to maintain a nice appearance as well. And if you’re not interested in surgeries. You’re going to want to look into lengthening exercises and approaches.

Also know that most of the gains you get will not be forever, you’ll need to maintain them. Like lifting weights, if you’d stop you start losing your muscle. And a lot of the concepts in PE use the basic idea of lifting weights. You’re gently tearing the tissue in your cock and getting it to be bigger when it heals.

It wouldn’t be crazy to expect you to get an inch or so after a year or so of consistent work. Some people go quicker than others just depends.

Good luck, you’ve already got a good dick just FYI so there’s no need to be embarrass what you’ve got. But there’s also nothing wrong with wanting more.
I don't think you have a very small penis. Compare it with my dicklet. Afterwards you wille be very proud of yours!
Hij Ron ja ik denk dat en kleinetje piemel je hebt, that i would love to suck until the Milk comes out.
How old are you ? I weet dat je piemel is half hidden in your bodyas you might be a bit overweithed.
Hello, how are you?
I'm new to this forum, I'm 20 years old and I wanted to ask for some help because I have a tiny penis of 13 cm x 13 cm, and that makes me quite self-conscious, so much so that I'm still a virgin for my age :v and I've read that there are people here who know about penis and things to lengthen the penis, I've thought about using pmma but my penis is still very short and it would look ridiculous, like a ball if I increase to 15 cm or 16 cm circumferences. How can I lengthen my penis a lot?

Please, the size of my penis has been a big problem for me, it makes me very self-conscious and no, I don't believe in that stupidity that you should do oral sex and move your hips well, women like to feel the expansion and see big penises, a good size cannot be replaced by oral sex or good hip movements.

Has anyone here had my initial measurement and grown with any penis enlargement method?
13 cm x 13 cm is not tiny.

I have 11*11 cm that is the true tiny cock.
If you are not that old, it might be possible to get bigger.
But if you are a mature man, it is difficult.

I have a very small dick, so small that when I take off my pants, women laugh. They make fun of me and make fun of me almost everyone I have ever met.

However, it does not matter. One day, if you find a partner who accepts you, you will feel good.
Because no matter what, you have to live with your own dick. I am small and I accept it.

As for methods to increase the size, it does not help much. At most, it is only temporary.

It is easier to accept it.

Especially when my dick is flaccid, it shrinks so much that you can barely see it unless you shave your pubic hair.
