I have a question that I think a lot of guys on this site wonder about. How often do you come across a random video that just floors you, but there is absolutely no information about the models , who made the video, etc? Where do you even start to track down info so you can see if this was a one-shot deal for those involved, or if they made other scenes? I recently saw two scenes on ThisVid that applies. One was called Fucking Cousins, with 2 straight cousins (blonde , muscular, and awkward enough that I believe they were straight cousins!). The other was Nine Inch Males, with a part 1 and part 2, again with 2 clean-cut guys stripping, joking, swimming and masturbating. But there is no clue as to who any of these guys are, or where to find out who made the scenes. Any tips on trying to research something like this?