Vitiman Combination


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
Jul 17, 2004
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Hey guys,

Based off of things I have read over the years and ingredients in "penis pills" I am trying the following combonation of vitimans/suppliments to see what happens.

1520 mg Yohimbe Bark
100 mg Zinc
2000 mg Ester-C
2000 mcg B-12
2000 mg L-Arginine

I plan on evaluating all of this under the following criteria:
1. Ejaculation Volume
2. Ejaculation Frequency
3. Erect Hardness
4. Flaccid Size
5. Erect Size

Just posting to get thoughts/reactions and such on this combo. Will keep you posted on the results.

Current Stats:
1. 3-4 Shots @ 1-3ft
2. 1-3x a day
3. Hard, but goes soft w/i minutes
4 & 5. See below

Hope everyone had a great labor day weekend.

I am not a medical professional. You should seek professional medical advice before starting any regiment.... vitiman/suppliment/otc/perscription. This is simply a persoal trial. I can not accept any responsibility for any effects (adverse or positive) and make no claims (implied or otherwise) that should be inturpreted as fact.

Now that that disclaimer is out of the way... I'm going read about ole' Andy and his great summer
It's good that you're making no claims because I think it's really, really unlikely that those supplements will do anything. The RDA for vitamin B-12 is so incredibly small that a human can live on quantities stored in the body for years without getting any and only the strictest of vegetarians have trouble getting enough. Large amounts of B-12 are so benign that they are often used as placebo pills in drug studies.

That quantity of zinc is also getting close to an overdose, which would include symptoms like nausea, bloating, cramps, and diarrhea.

Arginine is an important amino acid, but I don't know if there is any research saying that a megadose will do anything extra.

Ester-C is basically a slow-absorbing form of vitamin C, a feature that is not particularly necessary. Since 2 grams is more than 30 times the RDA and vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, you will be pissing almost all of that out each day, with no extra benefits.

As for yohimbe, I think it's modern-day snake oil, but even if it does work, it has been linked to health problems in some people at doses much smaller than what you're talking about.

While there's always a very small chance that you could hit on something great, my prediction is that you're throwing money away on taking those quantities. Not as much as you would be on the "penis pills" though!

I agree with the potential side effects of 100MG doses of Zinc. All the literature I have read indicates that you should not EXCEED 50 MG. per day.

I've had great results with HORNY GOAT WEED (yup, that is the real name for this supplement available at Health and Nutrition stores). That supplement plus 10 - 8 oz. glasses of water a day has given me MEGA BLASTS with plenty of 'baby batter'. LOL

I can only report my own results using supplements. As with all such things, individual results may be different.

1. No need to improve on your current stats.
2. Save your money

As some of the pills you intend to take will have a slight effect on your current abilities, none will be notably different except for the Yohimbe. It will give you a temporarily more hard erection. None of the "benefits" are permanent.
The Zinc is close to OD. The max. intake for a male is 11mg. daily. Zinc is in the air, water, etc. Large amounts can cause, anemia, stomach cramps, and decrease the amount of your good cholesterol. Intakes of 150 to 450 mg of zinc per day have been associated with low copper status, altered iron function, reduced immune function.
The L-Arganine is vital but the body produces enough on its own. The average daily intake is 3.5 to 5 grams. Adding more is only necessary if your body cannot produce sufficient amounts. When administered in high doses, it stimulates pituitary release of growth hormone and prolactin and pancreatic release of glucagon and insulin.
The C is good. I don't think I've ever heard of too much C.
The B-12, however, I disagree with Aloofman. Vitamin B12's primary functions are in the formation of red blood cells and the maintenence of a healthy nervous system. B12 is necessary for the rapid synthesis of DNA during cell division. B12 is also important in maintaining the nervous system. Nerves are surrounded by an insulating fatty sheath comprised of a complex protein called myelin. B12 plays a vital role in the metabolism of fatty acids essential for the maintainence of myelin. Prolonged B12 deficiency can lead to nerve degeneration and irreversible neurological damage. The old Recommended Daily Amounts (RDA's) have now been replaced by the term Reference Nutrient intake (RNI). The RNI is the amount of nutrient which is enough for at least 97% of the population. In your case, 1.5 µg is sufficient. however B12 has very low toxicity and high intakes are not thought to be dangerous. The body absorbs B12 through the intestine, not through the normal digestive process so with most anaemic deficiencies, it isn't a dietary lack but an inability to absorb through the intestine. Thus, injections are necessary.

I'm not a doctor, I've just been into this stuff for a long time. Another thing about pills would be the fact that regardless of their potency, your body will only absorb 10-20% versus a liquid nutrition supplement which is 98% absorbed. That's why I take an awesome liquid nutrition supplement rich in what you are looking for through just a few pills. I found this through my research. It's good for A LOT of health issues or just to supplement your diet. It's called NutraBurst
Try a couple of bottles.
Wow incognito!

Thanks for the great advice. I am now rethinking some of this stuff and alot of this is on the overkill side. I normally take C and B12 religiously in the fall and winter, as I work in a large medical clinic, to keep my immune system up.

Thanks for all of the advice guys
Originally posted by incognito@Sep 7 2004, 05:49 PM
1. No need to improve on your current stats.
2. Save your money

The body absorbs B12 through the intestine, not through the normal digestive process so with most anaemic deficiencies, it isn't a dietary lack but an inability to absorb through the intestine. Thus, injections are necessary.

The condition you're describing about not being able to absorb B-12 through the intestine is a rare, usually genetic, problem, not a matter of not consuming enough B-12. If he had such a condition, the symptoms would have appeared a long time ago. My point was not that the megadoses of B-12 wouldn't help, just that it's almost 100% likely that he already gets more than he needs. There are no known sexual benefits to vitamin B-12 either.

Like you said, it's a waste of money.
The max. necessary zinc intake for a male age 19+ is 40 to 50mg. Any more can result in the previously stated problems. Unless one is an alcoholic or has recurring diarrhea. There is not sufficient medical evidence that a major increase above 14mg of zinc intake will boost the immune system.
A B12 deficiency is not usually genetic. Deficiencies of vitamin B12 are usually caused by a lack of intrinsic factor, a substance that allows the body to absorb vitamin B12 from the digestive system. Diets of most adult Americans provide recommended intakes of vitamin B12, but deficiency may still occur as a result of an inability to absorb B12 from food. It can also occur in individuals with dietary patterns that exclude animal or fortified foods. As a general rule, most individuals who develop a vitamin B12 deficiency have an underlying stomach or intestinal disorder that limits the absorption of vitamin B12. Sometimes the only symptom of these intestinal disorders is anemia resulting from B12 deficiency. Adults over the age of 50 should get their vitamin B12 from a dietary supplement or from foods fortified with vitamin B12 because 10 to 30 percent of older people may be unable to absorb vitamin B12 in food. Also, vegetarians who do not eat meats, fish, eggs, milk or milk products, or B12 fortified foods consume no vitamin B12 and are at high risk of developing a deficiency of vitamin B12. When adults adopt a vegetarian diet, stomach or intestinal disorders, deficiency symptoms can be slow to appear because it usually takes YEARS to deplete normal body stores of B12. Studies suggest that vitamin B12 supplements may improve sperm counts and sperm mobility. Nothing more.
All of the supplements discussed in this thread are beneficial in one way or another but should be taken in a multi-type supplement so that one piece will complement the other. Too much of one can inhibit the other from working correctly and can lead to major health difficulties. That again is why I said that I've gone to this guys web site and started using NutraBurst. It is the best balance of necessary nutrients and vitamins. Believe me, I've done the research, use it and it's good stuff. I should start selling it. with as many people as I've referred to this site and have had people start using the stuff, I'd be probably be retired by now!