Weird Twitter Trend of Models Using a Girl's Hacked(?) Account


Cherished Member
Jun 2, 2009
New York, NY, USA
100% Gay, 0% Straight
So I've noticed this weird trend where these really hot models I've never seen before come out of nowhere, then I go to their account to see what they've posted and find only a few pics/vids of these hot guys and then a ton of normie girl selfies and stuff from many years ago. My only conclusion is that these girls' accounts have been hijacked to post these pics, which is weird because it's not like these normal girls have huge followings or anything.

Here is an example of one. I was going to post this before and had two links to an account, but one was suspended because of the apparent fraudulence. This account I'm posting, I've seen this guy posted on a different girl's hacked account (if anyone can tell me if he has actual social media accounts of his own, let me know since he's hot as fuck. Notice how the handle, vanessaakotlyar, is just a random girl's actual name and has nothing to do with him. Oh, also, they post some kind of scam link as a reply to all of their hot guy media.

Anyone know the story behind this?
Found another account by reverse image searching the profile pic. They both have those stupid NFT monkey things, so probably a scam that switched from crypto scams to using a hot guy to get people to scam. What's sad is it looks like this was an account for a mom to show her life with her child with special needs.
Found another account by reverse image searching the profile pic. They both have those stupid NFT monkey things, so probably a scam that switched from crypto scams to using a hot guy to get people to scam. What's sad is it looks like this was an account for a mom to show her life with her child with special needs.
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These guys are all over. Part of a large group. Never understood how they got and continue to get away with this crap.
So I've noticed this weird trend where these really hot models I've never seen before come out of nowhere, then I go to their account to see what they've posted and find only a few pics/vids of these hot guys and then a ton of normie girl selfies and stuff from many years ago. My only conclusion is that these girls' accounts have been hijacked to post these pics, which is weird because it's not like these normal girls have huge followings or anything.

Here is an example of one. I was going to post this before and had two links to an account, but one was suspended because of the apparent fraudulence. This account I'm posting, I've seen this guy posted on a different girl's hacked account (if anyone can tell me if he has actual social media accounts of his own, let me know since he's hot as fuck. Notice how the handle, vanessaakotlyar, is just a random girl's actual name and has nothing to do with him. Oh, also, they post some kind of scam link as a reply to all of their hot guy media.
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Anyone know the story behind this?
This is skylerfancy on IG and skylerflexes on twitter. There's so many case when they use a (shady) agency to promote their OF and got multiple bot accounts to make the most out of twitter algorithm.
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