What are best friends for.


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
Aug 16, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana, US
50% Straight, 50% Gay

I looked over. In the seat next to me,, Steven was sound asleep leaning against me. I’m pretty sure he fell asleep crying to himself. I don’t know for sure. We were on a flight from NY to Texas. We both grew up in Austin. I had moved to Indiana. He got married in the military and had lived in Germany for the last 20 years. We have been best friends for decades from afar… we met a few times a year when he was in the states.

His mom had passed years ago. But his dad passed suddenly, 2 days ago. In Texas. He got the first flight from Germany. I took 2 weeks off and took a flight to NY to meet him and fly to Texas together. To add to his strsss, he was on the middle of a divorce. He was devastated by his dad passing, not so much with the divorce but he was stressed out from that. I could tell he was exhausted when we met on the terminal. He fell asleep quickly after we boarded. I turned, kissed the top of his head. Yes. I’m gay… he is not… regardless. He’s my best friend. I felt his left hand move to my thigh. But he was snoring. So it was just reflexive from my touch… He was likely thinking I was his ex. I fell asleep shortly after takeoff.

I woke up just before the fasten seatbelt sign came on. He was still pushed up against me tightly..

“Wake up Steven” I said. He stirred and sat up.

“Damn man. I was out” he laughed

He then realized he was gripping my thigh.

“Oh shit. I am Sorry” he said.

“Don’t be” I smiled and patted his hand as I stood and grabbed our bags and walked away.

“I’ll carry mine” he said.

“I got it” i smiled back at him over my shoulder. “You just take it easy.. I’ll deal out the stresses as much as I can”.

We deplaned and headed to the hotel.
Once at the hotel. We stood in line.

“Seriously. Anything you need this week.. just ask me. I’m here to help with anything.
We checked in. Or attempted to.

“All we have is a single king room” the lady said.

“I booked a double queen” Steve said already getting angry.

“I’m sorry sir. Someone overbooked.. I’ll refund your room but you can still use it if you would like” she said.

“It’s ok Steve… I’ll sleep on the floor if that makes you more comfortable” I said.

“Dude that’s bullshit” he said loudly. “You shouldn’t have to do that”.

Moving closer to him “Steve. It’s ok… if you’re ok. I am ok sharing a bed with you” I smiled and touched his bicep playfully and winked

“I’m sure you would!” He laughed and looked st me. And then the lady. “We are best friends!” He said loudly

“For now” I winked playfully

“It’s none of my business honey” she said

“We will take the room” he said

She finished and gave us 2 room keys. We took our bags to the room.

“Want to go get a drink?” I asked

“Jesus…. yes please” he replied.

We went to the bar in the hotel.

We sat for a few hours. I think we had 2-3 beers each. I had at least 3. He has 2-3 at most.

We went back to the room. It was late. We had to get up somewhat early. I came out of the bathroom in my tightie whities. He was in sweatpants and a tshirt his eyes wet. Easily seen due to them being opened wide in suprise.

“What?” I asked. Ignoring the fact he had been crying intentionally

“Do mind if I sleep in my underwear?” He asked.

“Why would I care? I’ve seen you naked it did nothing for me”I laughed.

“Fuck you!” He laughed but it was strained. He seemed on the verge of crying again. But he was good at fighting emotions in front of others. He undressed. He had blue boxer briefs on.

We laid down. It was kind of hot in the room so we were on top the sheet and covers.

“You can cry anytime you need Steve” I said softly.

“I know” he said. “Thanks for being here man”

“I will always be here for you” I said.

I rolled to my left away from him and fell asleep quickly.

However. At some point I rolled into my stomach. I woke slightly and felt warm skin in my grip. I barely opened my eyes. My hand was on Steve’s bare hip. Which confused me… I opened my eyes wider. I saw Steve had pulled his underwear down and was stroking his cock. His really big cock. I watched him quietly.

“Oh fuck yeah. Ooohhhh” he moaned almost too quiet to hear.

“Oh fuck”. He sighed again.

I slowly moved my hand away, as if I did so in my sleep. He stopped. I felt him look down at my hand and likely at me,, trying to figure out if I was awake. He couldn’t see my eyes at his angle. After 20-30 seconds ge began to stroke himself again.

I watched him, debating what to do…

Suddenly I broke the silence.

“You have a big dick” I said softly.

He sat up quickly “Jesus. You scared me to death..” he yelped. “What? What did you say?” He asked

“I said. You have a big dick” I repeated. “But please, Don’t stop”

“Dude. I can’t do that with you awake and watching” he said. His cock actually began to grow limp but bobbed up and down as blood would pump through it.

“Don’t stop” I said putting my hand on his hip again, his cock bobbed and then stood straight up again

“Dude. I… i… I mean it’s weird isn’t it?” he sighed.

“Then why are you so hard?” I asked.

“Honestly. I don’t know. I couldn’t sleep…. I was already horny as hell.. I always am when I’m overly stressed. I was so hot I pulled my pants off. At some point when you rolled near me. Your hand touched me and it was over” he said.

“My hand touching you made you hard?” I asked.

“Well… yes. But I was already horny.” He said.

“Then keep going Steve” I said firmly.

“Dude…” he said.

“Are we best friends?” I asked.

“Yes.. but man…” he said

“Are we best friends Steve? Will we always be best friends?” I asked.

“Yes Matt..” he replied softly.

My hand left his hip and grasped his warm heavy balls and began to rub them.

“Uh… oh fuck…” he moaned.

“You ok?” I asked in a whisper.

“Uh. Yeah. Yeah. At least I think so” he moaned.

I sat up and I moved my hand up his balls and wrapped it around his thick cock. I began to jerk him off slowly, matching his pace.

“Does that feel good?” I asked

“Fuck yeah” he moaned

“Good” I said continuing to stroke him as I moved around to his side. I was on my knees leaning over him.

“I said I would help with anything causing you stress, right?” i said softly

“Yes..” he sighed.

“Ok then…” I said as I lowered my head and licked the tip of his cock. Tasting his precum. My cock throbbed in my undies.

“Dude. You don’t have to do that” Steve moaned.

“I know.. I want to make you feel good” my mouth slid over his head. My lips were actually stretched more than I’d ever experienced with other men. I swirled my tongue around his head and I sucked

“Oh my God Matt” he groaned. I felt his head swell in my mouth. I pulled off

“You taste good” i looked over at him. I stroked him. I could feel his cock getting harder.

“Matt…” he sighed as he closed his eyes.

“I have kinda always wanted to do this to you” I said as I leaned farther and licked and sucked on his sweat covered balls. I continued to jerk him off as my mouth explored his balls.

“Ooohhh God” he groaned.

Slowly, I ran my tongue up his shaft and then again wrapped my lips around his head. Slowly I went down on him. His long thick shaft filling my throat. As I pressed my face against his bush, it tickled my nose.

“Jesus Christ Matt” he groaned.

I held him as deep as I could., unable to breath. I felt myself cum hard in my underwear. “Nggggg. Nnnnggg nnnnggg i grunted with a mouth full of cock. Then I came up gasping for air. Spit dripping from my mouth.

“Oh my fucking God dude” he groaned.
I went down again. I slid up and down his long thick cock. My hand played with his balls. I massaged and pulled on them.

“Fuck dude. This is the best head I’ve ever felt” he moaned. His hand lightly pushed my head down and he began to thrust upward, fucking my throat.

Mmmmmppphh. Mmmppphhh mmmmpphhh I grunted with each thrust into my throat.

“Oh god. Fuck man. Oh fuck. oh god. Oh God. Oh my God” he grunted.

I deep throated him again holding my head against his abdomen.
“Ok babe stop… stop. I can’t wait any longer. I’m close to cumming” he let go of my head. Grunting.

I came up for air one last time.

“I would never swallow for anyone… except you…” I said gasping for breath, I wasn’t used to sucking such a big dick.
I went went down on him again.

“Dude stop… I can’t take it. I can’t hold it. I’m going to cum, stop babe. You don’t have to swallow. Stop. Oh fuck” he groaned loudly. Thrusting upward. “Uuuuggggg nnggg uughhh. Uuuggghhhgg I’m cumming” he grunted loudly as I felt his balls begin to jerk and pull toward his body as he came hard. I wrapped my lips around his shaft tightly. I tugged roughly on his balls as cum flooded my throat into my stomach. He came and came. I held my mouth tightly around him as he filled me with his hot cum. I begin to rub his balls softly. Cum began to escape around my tired lips. I sucked on his head until I stopped swallowing salty cum.

“Fuck man” he panted.

I came up and kissed the head of his cock.

“Good night” I smiled at him

“Uhm.. do you want me to help you?” He asked.

“I… I’m not sure I….” He stammered

“It’s all good sexy… that was just for you” i kissed his cheek, laid down, rolled away from him and fell asleep.


Legendary Member
May 1, 2021
Weed (California, United States)

I looked over. In the seat next to me,, Steven was sound asleep leaning against me. I’m pretty sure he fell asleep crying to himself. I don’t know for sure. We were on a flight from NY to Texas. We both grew up in Austin. I had moved to Indiana. He got married in the military and had lived in Germany for the last 20 years. We have been best friends for decades from afar… we met a few times a year when he was in the states.

His mom had passed years ago. But his dad passed suddenly, 2 days ago. In Texas. He got the first flight from Germany. I took 2 weeks off and took a flight to NY to meet him and fly to Texas together. To add to his strsss, he was on the middle of a divorce. He was devastated by his dad passing, not so much with the divorce but he was stressed out from that. I could tell he was exhausted when we met on the terminal. He fell asleep quickly after we boarded. I turned, kissed the top of his head. Yes. I’m gay… he is not… regardless. He’s my best friend. I felt his left hand move to my thigh. But he was snoring. So it was just reflexive from my touch… He was likely thinking I was his ex. I fell asleep shortly after takeoff.

I woke up just before the fasten seatbelt sign came on. He was still pushed up against me tightly..

“Wake up Steven” I said. He stirred and sat up.

“Damn man. I was out” he laughed

He then realized he was gripping my thigh.

“Oh shit. I am Sorry” he said.

“Don’t be” I smiled and patted his hand as I stood and grabbed our bags and walked away.

“I’ll carry mine” he said.

“I got it” i smiled back at him over my shoulder. “You just take it easy.. I’ll deal out the stresses as much as I can”.

We deplaned and headed to the hotel.
Once at the hotel. We stood in line.

“Seriously. Anything you need this week.. just ask me. I’m here to help with anything.
We checked in. Or attempted to.

“All we have is a single king room” the lady said.

“I booked a double queen” Steve said already getting angry.

“I’m sorry sir. Someone overbooked.. I’ll refund your room but you can still use it if you would like” she said.

“It’s ok Steve… I’ll sleep on the floor if that makes you more comfortable” I said.

“Dude that’s bullshit” he said loudly. “You shouldn’t have to do that”.

Moving closer to him “Steve. It’s ok… if you’re ok. I am ok sharing a bed with you” I smiled and touched his bicep playfully and winked

“I’m sure you would!” He laughed and looked st me. And then the lady. “We are best friends!” He said loudly

“For now” I winked playfully

“It’s none of my business honey” she said

“We will take the room” he said

She finished and gave us 2 room keys. We took our bags to the room.

“Want to go get a drink?” I asked

“Jesus…. yes please” he replied.

We went to the bar in the hotel.

We sat for a few hours. I think we had 2-3 beers each. I had at least 3. He has 2-3 at most.

We went back to the room. It was late. We had to get up somewhat early. I came out of the bathroom in my tightie whities. He was in sweatpants and a tshirt his eyes wet. Easily seen due to them being opened wide in suprise.

“What?” I asked. Ignoring the fact he had been crying intentionally

“Do mind if I sleep in my underwear?” He asked.

“Why would I care? I’ve seen you naked it did nothing for me”I laughed.

“Fuck you!” He laughed but it was strained. He seemed on the verge of crying again. But he was good at fighting emotions in front of others. He undressed. He had blue boxer briefs on.

We laid down. It was kind of hot in the room so we were on top the sheet and covers.

“You can cry anytime you need Steve” I said softly.

“I know” he said. “Thanks for being here man”

“I will always be here for you” I said.

I rolled to my left away from him and fell asleep quickly.

However. At some point I rolled into my stomach. I woke slightly and felt warm skin in my grip. I barely opened my eyes. My hand was on Steve’s bare hip. Which confused me… I opened my eyes wider. I saw Steve had pulled his underwear down and was stroking his cock. His really big cock. I watched him quietly.

“Oh fuck yeah. Ooohhhh” he moaned almost too quiet to hear.

“Oh fuck”. He sighed again.

I slowly moved my hand away, as if I did so in my sleep. He stopped. I felt him look down at my hand and likely at me,, trying to figure out if I was awake. He couldn’t see my eyes at his angle. After 20-30 seconds ge began to stroke himself again.

I watched him, debating what to do…

Suddenly I broke the silence.

“You have a big dick” I said softly.

He sat up quickly “Jesus. You scared me to death..” he yelped. “What? What did you say?” He asked

“I said. You have a big dick” I repeated. “But please, Don’t stop”

“Dude. I can’t do that with you awake and watching” he said. His cock actually began to grow limp but bobbed up and down as blood would pump through it.

“Don’t stop” I said putting my hand on his hip again, his cock bobbed and then stood straight up again

“Dude. I… i… I mean it’s weird isn’t it?” he sighed.

“Then why are you so hard?” I asked.

“Honestly. I don’t know. I couldn’t sleep…. I was already horny as hell.. I always am when I’m overly stressed. I was so hot I pulled my pants off. At some point when you rolled near me. Your hand touched me and it was over” he said.

“My hand touching you made you hard?” I asked.

“Well… yes. But I was already horny.” He said.

“Then keep going Steve” I said firmly.

“Dude…” he said.

“Are we best friends?” I asked.

“Yes.. but man…” he said

“Are we best friends Steve? Will we always be best friends?” I asked.

“Yes Matt..” he replied softly.

My hand left his hip and grasped his warm heavy balls and began to rub them.

“Uh… oh fuck…” he moaned.

“You ok?” I asked in a whisper.

“Uh. Yeah. Yeah. At least I think so” he moaned.

I sat up and I moved my hand up his balls and wrapped it around his thick cock. I began to jerk him off slowly, matching his pace.

“Does that feel good?” I asked

“Fuck yeah” he moaned

“Good” I said continuing to stroke him as I moved around to his side. I was on my knees leaning over him.

“I said I would help with anything causing you stress, right?” i said softly

“Yes..” he sighed.

“Ok then…” I said as I lowered my head and licked the tip of his cock. Tasting his precum. My cock throbbed in my undies.

“Dude. You don’t have to do that” Steve moaned.

“I know.. I want to make you feel good” my mouth slid over his head. My lips were actually stretched more than I’d ever experienced with other men. I swirled my tongue around his head and I sucked

“Oh my God Matt” he groaned. I felt his head swell in my mouth. I pulled off

“You taste good” i looked over at him. I stroked him. I could feel his cock getting harder.

“Matt…” he sighed as he closed his eyes.

“I have kinda always wanted to do this to you” I said as I leaned farther and licked and sucked on his sweat covered balls. I continued to jerk him off as my mouth explored his balls.

“Ooohhh God” he groaned.

Slowly, I ran my tongue up his shaft and then again wrapped my lips around his head. Slowly I went down on him. His long thick shaft filling my throat. As I pressed my face against his bush, it tickled my nose.

“Jesus Christ Matt” he groaned.

I held him as deep as I could., unable to breath. I felt myself cum hard in my underwear. “Nggggg. Nnnnggg nnnnggg i grunted with a mouth full of cock. Then I came up gasping for air. Spit dripping from my mouth.

“Oh my fucking God dude” he groaned.
I went down again. I slid up and down his long thick cock. My hand played with his balls. I massaged and pulled on them.

“Fuck dude. This is the best head I’ve ever felt” he moaned. His hand lightly pushed my head down and he began to thrust upward, fucking my throat.

Mmmmmppphh. Mmmppphhh mmmmpphhh I grunted with each thrust into my throat.

“Oh god. Fuck man. Oh fuck. oh god. Oh God. Oh my God” he grunted.

I deep throated him again holding my head against his abdomen.
“Ok babe stop… stop. I can’t wait any longer. I’m close to cumming” he let go of my head. Grunting.

I came up for air one last time.

“I would never swallow for anyone… except you…” I said gasping for breath, I wasn’t used to sucking such a big dick.
I went went down on him again.

“Dude stop… I can’t take it. I can’t hold it. I’m going to cum, stop babe. You don’t have to swallow. Stop. Oh fuck” he groaned loudly. Thrusting upward. “Uuuuggggg nnggg uughhh. Uuuggghhhgg I’m cumming” he grunted loudly as I felt his balls begin to jerk and pull toward his body as he came hard. I wrapped my lips around his shaft tightly. I tugged roughly on his balls as cum flooded my throat into my stomach. He came and came. I held my mouth tightly around him as he filled me with his hot cum. I begin to rub his balls softly. Cum began to escape around my tired lips. I sucked on his head until I stopped swallowing salty cum.

“Fuck man” he panted.

I came up and kissed the head of his cock.

“Good night” I smiled at him

“Uhm.. do you want me to help you?” He asked.

“I… I’m not sure I….” He stammered

“It’s all good sexy… that was just for you” i kissed his cheek, laid down, rolled away from him and fell asleep.
That was Hot. I just got totally hard reading that. its been awile since i had a good bj..

str8 obsessed

1st Like
Apr 28, 2024
District 3, Tennessee, US
99% Gay, 1% Straight

I looked over. In the seat next to me,, Steven was sound asleep leaning against me. I’m pretty sure he fell asleep crying to himself. I don’t know for sure. We were on a flight from NY to Texas. We both grew up in Austin. I had moved to Indiana. He got married in the military and had lived in Germany for the last 20 years. We have been best friends for decades from afar… we met a few times a year when he was in the states.

His mom had passed years ago. But his dad passed suddenly, 2 days ago. In Texas. He got the first flight from Germany. I took 2 weeks off and took a flight to NY to meet him and fly to Texas together. To add to his strsss, he was on the middle of a divorce. He was devastated by his dad passing, not so much with the divorce but he was stressed out from that. I could tell he was exhausted when we met on the terminal. He fell asleep quickly after we boarded. I turned, kissed the top of his head. Yes. I’m gay… he is not… regardless. He’s my best friend. I felt his left hand move to my thigh. But he was snoring. So it was just reflexive from my touch… He was likely thinking I was his ex. I fell asleep shortly after takeoff.

I woke up just before the fasten seatbelt sign came on. He was still pushed up against me tightly..

“Wake up Steven” I said. He stirred and sat up.

“Damn man. I was out” he laughed

He then realized he was gripping my thigh.

“Oh shit. I am Sorry” he said.

“Don’t be” I smiled and patted his hand as I stood and grabbed our bags and walked away.

“I’ll carry mine” he said.

“I got it” i smiled back at him over my shoulder. “You just take it easy.. I’ll deal out the stresses as much as I can”.

We deplaned and headed to the hotel.
Once at the hotel. We stood in line.

“Seriously. Anything you need this week.. just ask me. I’m here to help with anything.
We checked in. Or attempted to.

“All we have is a single king room” the lady said.

“I booked a double queen” Steve said already getting angry.

“I’m sorry sir. Someone overbooked.. I’ll refund your room but you can still use it if you would like” she said.

“It’s ok Steve… I’ll sleep on the floor if that makes you more comfortable” I said.

“Dude that’s bullshit” he said loudly. “You shouldn’t have to do that”.

Moving closer to him “Steve. It’s ok… if you’re ok. I am ok sharing a bed with you” I smiled and touched his bicep playfully and winked

“I’m sure you would!” He laughed and looked st me. And then the lady. “We are best friends!” He said loudly

“For now” I winked playfully

“It’s none of my business honey” she said

“We will take the room” he said

She finished and gave us 2 room keys. We took our bags to the room.

“Want to go get a drink?” I asked

“Jesus…. yes please” he replied.

We went to the bar in the hotel.

We sat for a few hours. I think we had 2-3 beers each. I had at least 3. He has 2-3 at most.

We went back to the room. It was late. We had to get up somewhat early. I came out of the bathroom in my tightie whities. He was in sweatpants and a tshirt his eyes wet. Easily seen due to them being opened wide in suprise.

“What?” I asked. Ignoring the fact he had been crying intentionally

“Do mind if I sleep in my underwear?” He asked.

“Why would I care? I’ve seen you naked it did nothing for me”I laughed.

“Fuck you!” He laughed but it was strained. He seemed on the verge of crying again. But he was good at fighting emotions in front of others. He undressed. He had blue boxer briefs on.

We laid down. It was kind of hot in the room so we were on top the sheet and covers.

“You can cry anytime you need Steve” I said softly.

“I know” he said. “Thanks for being here man”

“I will always be here for you” I said.

I rolled to my left away from him and fell asleep quickly.

However. At some point I rolled into my stomach. I woke slightly and felt warm skin in my grip. I barely opened my eyes. My hand was on Steve’s bare hip. Which confused me… I opened my eyes wider. I saw Steve had pulled his underwear down and was stroking his cock. His really big cock. I watched him quietly.

“Oh fuck yeah. Ooohhhh” he moaned almost too quiet to hear.

“Oh fuck”. He sighed again.

I slowly moved my hand away, as if I did so in my sleep. He stopped. I felt him look down at my hand and likely at me,, trying to figure out if I was awake. He couldn’t see my eyes at his angle. After 20-30 seconds ge began to stroke himself again.

I watched him, debating what to do…

Suddenly I broke the silence.

“You have a big dick” I said softly.

He sat up quickly “Jesus. You scared me to death..” he yelped. “What? What did you say?” He asked

“I said. You have a big dick” I repeated. “But please, Don’t stop”

“Dude. I can’t do that with you awake and watching” he said. His cock actually began to grow limp but bobbed up and down as blood would pump through it.

“Don’t stop” I said putting my hand on his hip again, his cock bobbed and then stood straight up again

“Dude. I… i… I mean it’s weird isn’t it?” he sighed.

“Then why are you so hard?” I asked.

“Honestly. I don’t know. I couldn’t sleep…. I was already horny as hell.. I always am when I’m overly stressed. I was so hot I pulled my pants off. At some point when you rolled near me. Your hand touched me and it was over” he said.

“My hand touching you made you hard?” I asked.

“Well… yes. But I was already horny.” He said.

“Then keep going Steve” I said firmly.

“Dude…” he said.

“Are we best friends?” I asked.

“Yes.. but man…” he said

“Are we best friends Steve? Will we always be best friends?” I asked.

“Yes Matt..” he replied softly.

My hand left his hip and grasped his warm heavy balls and began to rub them.

“Uh… oh fuck…” he moaned.

“You ok?” I asked in a whisper.

“Uh. Yeah. Yeah. At least I think so” he moaned.

I sat up and I moved my hand up his balls and wrapped it around his thick cock. I began to jerk him off slowly, matching his pace.

“Does that feel good?” I asked

“Fuck yeah” he moaned

“Good” I said continuing to stroke him as I moved around to his side. I was on my knees leaning over him.

“I said I would help with anything causing you stress, right?” i said softly

“Yes..” he sighed.

“Ok then…” I said as I lowered my head and licked the tip of his cock. Tasting his precum. My cock throbbed in my undies.

“Dude. You don’t have to do that” Steve moaned.

“I know.. I want to make you feel good” my mouth slid over his head. My lips were actually stretched more than I’d ever experienced with other men. I swirled my tongue around his head and I sucked

“Oh my God Matt” he groaned. I felt his head swell in my mouth. I pulled off

“You taste good” i looked over at him. I stroked him. I could feel his cock getting harder.

“Matt…” he sighed as he closed his eyes.

“I have kinda always wanted to do this to you” I said as I leaned farther and licked and sucked on his sweat covered balls. I continued to jerk him off as my mouth explored his balls.

“Ooohhh God” he groaned.

Slowly, I ran my tongue up his shaft and then again wrapped my lips around his head. Slowly I went down on him. His long thick shaft filling my throat. As I pressed my face against his bush, it tickled my nose.

“Jesus Christ Matt” he groaned.

I held him as deep as I could., unable to breath. I felt myself cum hard in my underwear. “Nggggg. Nnnnggg nnnnggg i grunted with a mouth full of cock. Then I came up gasping for air. Spit dripping from my mouth.

“Oh my fucking God dude” he groaned.
I went down again. I slid up and down his long thick cock. My hand played with his balls. I massaged and pulled on them.

“Fuck dude. This is the best head I’ve ever felt” he moaned. His hand lightly pushed my head down and he began to thrust upward, fucking my throat.

Mmmmmppphh. Mmmppphhh mmmmpphhh I grunted with each thrust into my throat.

“Oh god. Fuck man. Oh fuck. oh god. Oh God. Oh my God” he grunted.

I deep throated him again holding my head against his abdomen.
“Ok babe stop… stop. I can’t wait any longer. I’m close to cumming” he let go of my head. Grunting.

I came up for air one last time.

“I would never swallow for anyone… except you…” I said gasping for breath, I wasn’t used to sucking such a big dick.
I went went down on him again.

“Dude stop… I can’t take it. I can’t hold it. I’m going to cum, stop babe. You don’t have to swallow. Stop. Oh fuck” he groaned loudly. Thrusting upward. “Uuuuggggg nnggg uughhh. Uuuggghhhgg I’m cumming” he grunted loudly as I felt his balls begin to jerk and pull toward his body as he came hard. I wrapped my lips around his shaft tightly. I tugged roughly on his balls as cum flooded my throat into my stomach. He came and came. I held my mouth tightly around him as he filled me with his hot cum. I begin to rub his balls softly. Cum began to escape around my tired lips. I sucked on his head until I stopped swallowing salty cum.

“Fuck man” he panted.

I came up and kissed the head of his cock.

“Good night” I smiled at him

“Uhm.. do you want me to help you?” He asked.

“I… I’m not sure I….” He stammered

“It’s all good sexy… that was just for you” i kissed his cheek, laid down, rolled away from him and fell asleep.

I looked over. In the seat next to me,, Steven was sound asleep leaning against me. I’m pretty sure he fell asleep crying to himself. I don’t know for sure. We were on a flight from NY to Texas. We both grew up in Austin. I had moved to Indiana. He got married in the military and had lived in Germany for the last 20 years. We have been best friends for decades from afar… we met a few times a year when he was in the states.

His mom had passed years ago. But his dad passed suddenly, 2 days ago. In Texas. He got the first flight from Germany. I took 2 weeks off and took a flight to NY to meet him and fly to Texas together. To add to his strsss, he was on the middle of a divorce. He was devastated by his dad passing, not so much with the divorce but he was stressed out from that. I could tell he was exhausted when we met on the terminal. He fell asleep quickly after we boarded. I turned, kissed the top of his head. Yes. I’m gay… he is not… regardless. He’s my best friend. I felt his left hand move to my thigh. But he was snoring. So it was just reflexive from my touch… He was likely thinking I was his ex. I fell asleep shortly after takeoff.

I woke up just before the fasten seatbelt sign came on. He was still pushed up against me tightly..

“Wake up Steven” I said. He stirred and sat up.

“Damn man. I was out” he laughed

He then realized he was gripping my thigh.

“Oh shit. I am Sorry” he said.

“Don’t be” I smiled and patted his hand as I stood and grabbed our bags and walked away.

“I’ll carry mine” he said.

“I got it” i smiled back at him over my shoulder. “You just take it easy.. I’ll deal out the stresses as much as I can”.

We deplaned and headed to the hotel.
Once at the hotel. We stood in line.

“Seriously. Anything you need this week.. just ask me. I’m here to help with anything.
We checked in. Or attempted to.

“All we have is a single king room” the lady said.

“I booked a double queen” Steve said already getting angry.

“I’m sorry sir. Someone overbooked.. I’ll refund your room but you can still use it if you would like” she said.

“It’s ok Steve… I’ll sleep on the floor if that makes you more comfortable” I said.

“Dude that’s bullshit” he said loudly. “You shouldn’t have to do that”.

Moving closer to him “Steve. It’s ok… if you’re ok. I am ok sharing a bed with you” I smiled and touched his bicep playfully and winked

“I’m sure you would!” He laughed and looked st me. And then the lady. “We are best friends!” He said loudly

“For now” I winked playfully

“It’s none of my business honey” she said

“We will take the room” he said

She finished and gave us 2 room keys. We took our bags to the room.

“Want to go get a drink?” I asked

“Jesus…. yes please” he replied.

We went to the bar in the hotel.

We sat for a few hours. I think we had 2-3 beers each. I had at least 3. He has 2-3 at most.

We went back to the room. It was late. We had to get up somewhat early. I came out of the bathroom in my tightie whities. He was in sweatpants and a tshirt his eyes wet. Easily seen due to them being opened wide in suprise.

“What?” I asked. Ignoring the fact he had been crying intentionally

“Do mind if I sleep in my underwear?” He asked.

“Why would I care? I’ve seen you naked it did nothing for me”I laughed.

“Fuck you!” He laughed but it was strained. He seemed on the verge of crying again. But he was good at fighting emotions in front of others. He undressed. He had blue boxer briefs on.

We laid down. It was kind of hot in the room so we were on top the sheet and covers.

“You can cry anytime you need Steve” I said softly.

“I know” he said. “Thanks for being here man”

“I will always be here for you” I said.

I rolled to my left away from him and fell asleep quickly.

However. At some point I rolled into my stomach. I woke slightly and felt warm skin in my grip. I barely opened my eyes. My hand was on Steve’s bare hip. Which confused me… I opened my eyes wider. I saw Steve had pulled his underwear down and was stroking his cock. His really big cock. I watched him quietly.

“Oh fuck yeah. Ooohhhh” he moaned almost too quiet to hear.

“Oh fuck”. He sighed again.

I slowly moved my hand away, as if I did so in my sleep. He stopped. I felt him look down at my hand and likely at me,, trying to figure out if I was awake. He couldn’t see my eyes at his angle. After 20-30 seconds ge began to stroke himself again.

I watched him, debating what to do…

Suddenly I broke the silence.

“You have a big dick” I said softly.

He sat up quickly “Jesus. You scared me to death..” he yelped. “What? What did you say?” He asked

“I said. You have a big dick” I repeated. “But please, Don’t stop”

“Dude. I can’t do that with you awake and watching” he said. His cock actually began to grow limp but bobbed up and down as blood would pump through it.

“Don’t stop” I said putting my hand on his hip again, his cock bobbed and then stood straight up again

“Dude. I… i… I mean it’s weird isn’t it?” he sighed.

“Then why are you so hard?” I asked.

“Honestly. I don’t know. I couldn’t sleep…. I was already horny as hell.. I always am when I’m overly stressed. I was so hot I pulled my pants off. At some point when you rolled near me. Your hand touched me and it was over” he said.

“My hand touching you made you hard?” I asked.

“Well… yes. But I was already horny.” He said.

“Then keep going Steve” I said firmly.

“Dude…” he said.

“Are we best friends?” I asked.

“Yes.. but man…” he said

“Are we best friends Steve? Will we always be best friends?” I asked.

“Yes Matt..” he replied softly.

My hand left his hip and grasped his warm heavy balls and began to rub them.

“Uh… oh fuck…” he moaned.

“You ok?” I asked in a whisper.

“Uh. Yeah. Yeah. At least I think so” he moaned.

I sat up and I moved my hand up his balls and wrapped it around his thick cock. I began to jerk him off slowly, matching his pace.

“Does that feel good?” I asked

“Fuck yeah” he moaned

“Good” I said continuing to stroke him as I moved around to his side. I was on my knees leaning over him.

“I said I would help with anything causing you stress, right?” i said softly

“Yes..” he sighed.

“Ok then…” I said as I lowered my head and licked the tip of his cock. Tasting his precum. My cock throbbed in my undies.

“Dude. You don’t have to do that” Steve moaned.

“I know.. I want to make you feel good” my mouth slid over his head. My lips were actually stretched more than I’d ever experienced with other men. I swirled my tongue around his head and I sucked

“Oh my God Matt” he groaned. I felt his head swell in my mouth. I pulled off

“You taste good” i looked over at him. I stroked him. I could feel his cock getting harder.

“Matt…” he sighed as he closed his eyes.

“I have kinda always wanted to do this to you” I said as I leaned farther and licked and sucked on his sweat covered balls. I continued to jerk him off as my mouth explored his balls.

“Ooohhh God” he groaned.

Slowly, I ran my tongue up his shaft and then again wrapped my lips around his head. Slowly I went down on him. His long thick shaft filling my throat. As I pressed my face against his bush, it tickled my nose.

“Jesus Christ Matt” he groaned.

I held him as deep as I could., unable to breath. I felt myself cum hard in my underwear. “Nggggg. Nnnnggg nnnnggg i grunted with a mouth full of cock. Then I came up gasping for air. Spit dripping from my mouth.

“Oh my fucking God dude” he groaned.
I went down again. I slid up and down his long thick cock. My hand played with his balls. I massaged and pulled on them.

“Fuck dude. This is the best head I’ve ever felt” he moaned. His hand lightly pushed my head down and he began to thrust upward, fucking my throat.

Mmmmmppphh. Mmmppphhh mmmmpphhh I grunted with each thrust into my throat.

“Oh god. Fuck man. Oh fuck. oh god. Oh God. Oh my God” he grunted.

I deep throated him again holding my head against his abdomen.
“Ok babe stop… stop. I can’t wait any longer. I’m close to cumming” he let go of my head. Grunting.

I came up for air one last time.

“I would never swallow for anyone… except you…” I said gasping for breath, I wasn’t used to sucking such a big dick.
I went went down on him again.

“Dude stop… I can’t take it. I can’t hold it. I’m going to cum, stop babe. You don’t have to swallow. Stop. Oh fuck” he groaned loudly. Thrusting upward. “Uuuuggggg nnggg uughhh. Uuuggghhhgg I’m cumming” he grunted loudly as I felt his balls begin to jerk and pull toward his body as he came hard. I wrapped my lips around his shaft tightly. I tugged roughly on his balls as cum flooded my throat into my stomach. He came and came. I held my mouth tightly around him as he filled me with his hot cum. I begin to rub his balls softly. Cum began to escape around my tired lips. I sucked on his head until I stopped swallowing salty cum.

“Fuck man” he panted.

I came up and kissed the head of his cock.

“Good night” I smiled at him

“Uhm.. do you want me to help you?” He asked.

“I… I’m not sure I….” He stammered

“It’s all good sexy… that was just for you” i kissed his cheek, laid down, rolled away from him and fell asleep.
The very first sentence drew me in to reading this. The reason is I had a friend named Steven and this wasn't a fantasy. Oh wow.. I am a new member and I am going to write a few true stories and share some photos also. Thanks for your hot story ..
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