What do you consider a big dick (girth / thickness)

What do you consider a big dick (girth / thickness)

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Worshipped Member
Jun 29, 2021
100% Gay, 0% Straight
From what number would you consider a penis thick? Just thick, not monster thick. Be realistic. Imagine yourself wrapping a measuring tape around a random guy's dick. At what number would you be confident telling him that he has a thick dick?
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I'm 6 1/2 x 6 1/4
Edit due to timeout: I'm 6 1/2 x 6 1/4 and had thought forever that I was 'average' in length. I knew I was thick, but never 'long.' My cock got damaged (bent) a few years ago so the doctors told me to get a "RestoreX" traction device (I'm using it now :yum ) to try and straighten the bends. Come to find out as we age our dicks shrink, so the RestoreX got me back to about 6 1/2 long. In my youth at the most I was a 7, but 6 1/2 is fine at my age.

So i thought "Great, I'm back to average!" then I saw the one report that tested 15,000 men's lengths from around the world and, man, was I surprised that 6 1/2 inches is considered 'long' (!) and 3% of the male population is longer. I don't know what to do with this information, other than share it with other guys that are long, but most of you are longer and I'm just a 'junior' member of Team Long.

Oh well it feels great to be long AND thick.
I think once you hit the 5.5" mark the volume increase is really noticable. Since you square the radius, girth is not like length when determining volume, ie V = pi x h x r(squared),
5.5", r=0.88", r squared=0.7662, h=7, V=16.85
5.6", r=0.89", r squared=0.7944, h=7, V=17.47
5.7", r=0.91", r squared=0.8230, h=7, V=18.10
5.8", r=0.92", r squared=0.8521, h=7, V=18.74
5.9", r=0.94", r squared=0.8817, h=7, V=19.39
6.0", r=0.95", r squared=0.9119, h=7, V=20.05
A 0.5" increase in girth (10%) results in a nearly 20% increase in volume, while a 10% increase in height only results in a 10% increase in size...
I think once you hit the 5.5" mark the volume increase is really noticable. Since you square the radius, girth is not like length when determining volume, ie V = pi x h x r(squared),
5.5", r=0.88", r squared=0.7662, h=7, V=16.85
5.6", r=0.89", r squared=0.7944, h=7, V=17.47
5.7", r=0.91", r squared=0.8230, h=7, V=18.10
5.8", r=0.92", r squared=0.8521, h=7, V=18.74
5.9", r=0.94", r squared=0.8817, h=7, V=19.39
6.0", r=0.95", r squared=0.9119, h=7, V=20.05
A 0.5" increase in girth (10%) results in a nearly 20% increase in volume, while a 10% increase in height only results in a 10% increase in size...
Although it's not often an exact "cilinder" . The base is usually wide but not a perfect circumference
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Although it's not often an exact "cylinder" . The base is usually wide but not a perfect circumference
Correct, but for all practical purposes it's easier to compute his way. My erection, for example, is 2.25 inches wide (W) and 1.5 inches thick (D), so the formula for circumference would be the diameter of the thickness plus twice the difference between thickness and width, so in my case this is

pi*D + 2*(W-D) = pi * 1.5 + 2*(2.25-1.5) = 6.2 inches (15.8 cm)
Correct, but for all practical purposes it's easier to compute his way. My erection, for example, is 2.25 inches wide (W) and 1.5 inches thick (D), so the formula for circumference would be the diameter of the thickness plus twice the difference between thickness and width, so in my case this is

pi*D + 2*(W-D) = pi * 1.5 + 2*(2.25-1.5) = 6.2 inches (15.8 cm)

Is it not just easier wrapping a measurement band around the thickest part of your dick? and voila you got the girth
Is it not just easier wrapping a measurement band around the thickest part of your dick? and voila you got the girth
yup. But I think the original intent was to show how girth goes up mostly as a function of pi * diameter for a pure cylinder but for an oval it's more like a combination of pi * smallest diameter plus 2 times the difference in smallest (vertical) diameter to larger (horizontal) diameter, so not quite a full factor of 3.14 * D.

But you're right, it's all academic so you can just measure it (if yo don't need to get a viagra to stay stiff enough to make the measurement, that is. :) )
I find for penile girth, pi (3.14) is not generally accurate due to penis geometry with thicker ones. I find just multiplying the top diameter across (width when looking down) by 3 is generally better. Not perfect of course, as some (very few) guys are thicker from the side. But generally it works well, and better than pi.

e.g. most cocks that are 2 inches across are 6" around.

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I think once you hit the 5.5" mark the volume increase is really noticable. Since you square the radius, girth is not like length when determining volume, ie V = pi x h x r(squared),
5.5", r=0.88", r squared=0.7662, h=7, V=16.85
5.6", r=0.89", r squared=0.7944, h=7, V=17.47
5.7", r=0.91", r squared=0.8230, h=7, V=18.10
5.8", r=0.92", r squared=0.8521, h=7, V=18.74
5.9", r=0.94", r squared=0.8817, h=7, V=19.39
6.0", r=0.95", r squared=0.9119, h=7, V=20.05
A 0.5" increase in girth (10%) results in a nearly 20% increase in volume, while a 10% increase in height only results in a 10% increase in size...
bless you math man.
I worked pretty hard at improving my girth via PE, and made adjustments to the standard jelq and V-jelq to make them more effective. Over time I dramatically increased the size of my spongiosum (runs along the bottom of your shaft up to your glans). So looking at my erect dick from above, I don't appear to be all that thick. However, looking at it from the side presents a totally different picture.
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