What does the Boy Butter Logo represent ?


Experimental Member
Aug 12, 2021
Paris (Île-de-France, France)
60% Gay, 40% Straight
Hi guys, I discovered what is for me one of the best lub i ever bought: "Boy Butter" (the other best one would be "Astroglide Lub". But one day i was watching an episode of the Family Guy Season 10 ep. 7
Family guy.png

Boy Butter.jpeg
, i saw in the credits a joke they made on Boy Butter showing Chris the son using the same tool as on the Boy Butter logo in the Amlish Village shocking everyone around, so I was wondering is it a real tool and why can't I find anything on it ? ah ah yeah I know surprising link between a serie and a lubricant XD
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Churning butter has always been used as an sexual innuendo. I've used Boy Butter in the past. Does it still come in a tub? Nowadays I prefer using stuff with a locking flip top for cleanliness in the bed reasons.
It comes in a container similar to a small ketchup bottle with a flip top lid.
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Hi guys, I discovered what is for me one of the best lub i ever bought: "Boy Butter" (the other best one would be "Astroglide Lub". But one day i was watching an episode of the Family Guy Season 10 ep. 7
View attachment 121378631
View attachment 121378621, i saw in the credits a joke they made on Boy Butter showing Chris the son using the same tool as on the Boy Butter logo in the Amlish Village shocking everyone around, so I was wondering is it a real tool and why can't I find anything on it ? ah ah yeah I know surprising link between a serie and a lubricant XD
A butter churn is very much a real tool, and is how butter was made on a small scale (i.e. not in a factory). The internet is chock full of information about them, so I cannot comprehend why you couldn't find anything. They come in both rotary and plunger styles. The rotary types are still used by some cooks who prefer to make their own fresh butter. The plunger style is largely an artifact of a rural past, as it was easier to build than the rotary type, but takes more effort to operate. In either type, a part called a dasher churns the cream, which causes the butter to separate. The plunger style (as pictured on the Boy Butter label) is operated by working the dasher handle up and down, in and out of the hole in the cask, for a long time. The association with sex, or at least masturbation, is obvious, particularly given the cream. (Indeed, if you keep fucking hard after you have produced your own cream, you just might produce some butter in the hole, or at least whipped cream, in my experience.)

Butter churn - Wikipedia

BTW, If you chill a rotary-style butter churn, and fill it with a cream and flavoring mixture, you can make ice cream instead of butter.
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Hi guys, I discovered what is for me one of the best lub i ever bought: "Boy Butter" (the other best one would be "Astroglide Lub". But one day i was watching an episode of the Family Guy Season 10 ep. 7

A butter churn is very much a real tool, and is how butter was made on a small scale (i.e. not in a factory). The internet is chock full of information about them, so I cannot comprehend why you couldn't find anything. They come in both rotary and plunger styles. The rotary types are still used by some cooks who prefer to make their own fresh butter. The plunger style is largely an artifact of a rural past, as it was easier to build than the rotary type, but takes more effort to operate. In either type, a part called a dasher churns the cream, which causes the butter to separate. The plunger style (as pictured on the Boy Butter label) is operated by working the dasher handle up and down, in and out of the hole in the cask, for a long time. The association with sex, or at least masturbation, is obvious, particularly given the cream. (Indeed, if you keep fucking hard after you have produced your own cream, you just might produce some butter in the hole, or at least whipped cream, in my experience.)

Butter churn - Wikipedia

BTW, If you chill a rotary-style butter churn, and fill it with a cream and flavoring mixture, you can make ice cream instead of butter.
Thank you so much the thing is that i had no clue on how this tool was called. And even if i googled "what does Boy Butter logo represent" or "Boy butter logo description" i couldn't find anything. + I'm from europe (french) and even in history i never saw this tool XD my bad, it's not as if i really wanted to search or was lazy searching for it. Thank you for all the infos
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The plunger butter churn in the picture is associated with American pioneers and doesn’t look anything like the barrel churns usual in UK and I suppose in Europe.

I don’t think the image or the innuendo travels across the Atlantic. It‘s no surprise that @Wondering20 didn’t identify it. In UK butter churning was a female activity, and in an earlier age one that it was taboo for a man to do.
The plunger butter churn in the picture is associated with American pioneers and doesn’t look anything like the barrel churns usual in UK and I suppose in Europe.

I don’t think the image or the innuendo travels across the Atlantic. It‘s no surprise that @Wondering20 didn’t identify it. In UK butter churning was a female activity, and in an earlier age one that it was taboo for a man to do.
The plunger churn actually came across the Atlantic from Europe to America. You find illustrations of them in European medieval illuminated manuscripts, from a time before anyone really knew the Americas even existed. But, I suspect they remained in use on the primitive American frontier long after more civilized Europeans had switched to rotating churns, which are better, but more difficult to make DIY under rough conditions. So they are probably forgotten by most people in the old world, while are still associated with rural America.



However, you are correct that churning butter was considered the devil's work, which is why we see women and cats working the churn, and worse in these manuscripts from Sweden and Denmark:


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Interesting @ericbear and of course what you say makes good sense.

I imagine few people in UK or USA have much practical experience of butter churning. In UK, the few who know anything about it will associate it with a barrel churn, and I’m guessing the US association is with the plunger variety.

The broomstick a witch rides can be interpreted as a phallic symbol, so something a woman pleasures herself with. The plunger butter churn with surrounding devils (in one of the manuscript illustrations) looks similar, so I’m guessing an incubus (a devil that has sex with women). It’s a symbol of female masturbation. It is a leap to get from this to male masturbation, the Boy Butter logo.

I see the video clip has an Amish man churning butter with a plunger churner. I’m not clear whether this reflects real Amish practice or is part of the comedy of the video. In the British Isles and I imagine in Germany also the idea of butter churning as a female task was very strong.

Maybe in the Boy Butter logo the churn is a proxy for a cock.
couldn't find anything. + I'm from europe (french) and even in history i never saw this tool XD my bad, it's not as if i really wanted to search or was lazy searching for it. Thank you for all the infos
couldn't find anything. + I'm from europe (french) and even in history i never saw this tool XD my bad, it's not as if i really wanted to search or was lazy searching for it. Thank you for all the infos
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