I hope I'm understanding the topic correctly, and I apologize in advance if I misunderstood, but from the sounds of it, you're asking if there is a problem with finding yourself beautiful, or "hot", because you meet the standards of beauty that uphold for others, correct?
Well, if that is what you're asking I have one word for you: Balance. Most people don't have it, and because of that, most people find themselves in trouble. If you don't have enough self-esteem, self-love, self-respect or self-assurance, you will, either consciously or unconsciously, seek it out in others. You will become dependent on someone else to validate you in the ways that you do not validate yourself. This is problematic because oftentimes you will find yourself in a toxic relationship with someone who recognizes that insecurity within you and will exploit it to their own benefit. They will use and abuse you because they know that they can, and that all it will take for you to come running back to them is a half-assed apology and some flowers that they bought on clearance. Lying, cheating and manipulating will be a commonplace in your relationship because you lack the ability to see your own beauty and self-worth, which is why you latch on to these douchebag people for the simple fact that they will call you pretty from time to time.
On the flip side, having too much confidence, love and self-esteem can also be a problem because it is a breeding ground for narcissism and vanity. Let me be clear, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with seeing beauty in yourself. There is NOTHING wrong with seeing your own worth. It only becomes a problem when you lose too much of your grip on modesty and you start to believe that you are God's gift the world. At that point, your ego becomes hyperactive and you will start to experience an almost psychopathic sense of over-importence in yourself. Ironically, even in the case of narcissism (having too much confidence), you still have an excessive need for admiration from your peers. However, contrary to the case of insecurity (not having enough confidence), narcissists often have a total disregard for the feelings of others and will often verbally abuse those whom they perceive are inferior to them. Narcissists also struggle with criticism because they believe they are already " the best" and therefore have no room for improvement. Thus, any critical advice or opinion that is shared with them is often perceived as an insult or a personal attack. Lastly, narcissists often have an over-inflated sense of entitlement. Going back to the "God's gift to the world", they believe that this world is their personal playground and they are therefore entitled to everything and everyone they desire. These individuals will often overstep boundaries because they feel like boundaries don't apply to them and will quickly call someone "too sensitive" or "melodramatic" when they are called out for their bullshit. Narcissists are known for victim-blaming and turning a situation around on the other person as they try and convince said person that the real problem lies within them and not the other way around because in their warp perceptions of reality, they can do no wrong.
Just a little FYI: Narcissistic personality disorder is common mental illness amongst most social media influencers. YouTubers, TikTokers, Instagram models, etc. are all frequently found to develop over-inflated egos from having too much self-importance by literally having careers based around their looks and appearances.