I’ve got this best friend and for long story short, I may have developed feeling for him. Now a bit of background we are both African (safe to say that our environment is not welcoming to gay stiff), I’m a bit on the spectrum and he knows and I know he is too (but he doesn’t know that I know) even less then I am (he likes chicks with dicks)REMEMBER THAT PART!!!. He has a gf and I am seeing someone but only now not during the duration of the story. Now although we have been best friends for a 10 years, everything was good until I found out he had a gf, I guess that’s where I was made more aware of my feelings towards him, crashed out in silence until I just decided to move on and move out (I was living with his family), during that time however he found out about my bicuriousity and kept teasing me sexually but taking a little too far under the guys of a joke but if I were to push things further he would kinda shut it down even though he would mostly always initiate it.
Now somewhere down the line he must of found out about my romantic feelings too since I would be cold or not interact with his gf due to crippling jealousy and and an indirect love confession (did not know he was listening). Ever since then he would continue to tease me (sexual touching, sexual talk and ect..) despite
bicuriousity or my romantic feelings and he would push it as far as asking me if I liked boys and girls more (despite never even telling him about my bicuriousity or anything) but the last straw was when while in the middle of talking dirty to me like always, he said that “I should stop with that gay shit cause if a mutual friend found out he would drop me”
That was my breaking point, I had decided to leave for good cause I had felt played and disrespected at that point especially since he was the one initiating this so to throw that back in my face especially since he was struggling with sexuality was the ultimate form of disrespect.
Now fast forward to know, I don’t trust or talk to him as much and I try to keep my distance so that I can move on and maybe we can go back to what we once were (but not trusting him as much especially not with this) but there have been times when he kept going with the sexual stuff if we linked up but I wouldnt react or play into it as much, every now and then though he would send me insta reels with people calling other people gay but pretty aggressively or kinda being homophobic( he would obviously lend that with other reels (which I don’t care, I mostly care about the motive of it). Sidenote about that is that he now knows I’ve been seeing other girls and tries to be slick in asking questions and digging for info about that, he would ask if I had fucked any of the girls yet since I had just moved out of his and into my own.( which I have)
I just want to know what his or was his angle?
I know he struggling with his sexuality too so why would he take all these courses of action even though he was the one mostly initiating the sexual stuff, is trying to play mind games, is he interested? Is he confused?
Have yall ever been in a similar predicament
Now somewhere down the line he must of found out about my romantic feelings too since I would be cold or not interact with his gf due to crippling jealousy and and an indirect love confession (did not know he was listening). Ever since then he would continue to tease me (sexual touching, sexual talk and ect..) despite
bicuriousity or my romantic feelings and he would push it as far as asking me if I liked boys and girls more (despite never even telling him about my bicuriousity or anything) but the last straw was when while in the middle of talking dirty to me like always, he said that “I should stop with that gay shit cause if a mutual friend found out he would drop me”
That was my breaking point, I had decided to leave for good cause I had felt played and disrespected at that point especially since he was the one initiating this so to throw that back in my face especially since he was struggling with sexuality was the ultimate form of disrespect.
Now fast forward to know, I don’t trust or talk to him as much and I try to keep my distance so that I can move on and maybe we can go back to what we once were (but not trusting him as much especially not with this) but there have been times when he kept going with the sexual stuff if we linked up but I wouldnt react or play into it as much, every now and then though he would send me insta reels with people calling other people gay but pretty aggressively or kinda being homophobic( he would obviously lend that with other reels (which I don’t care, I mostly care about the motive of it). Sidenote about that is that he now knows I’ve been seeing other girls and tries to be slick in asking questions and digging for info about that, he would ask if I had fucked any of the girls yet since I had just moved out of his and into my own.( which I have)
I just want to know what his or was his angle?
I know he struggling with his sexuality too so why would he take all these courses of action even though he was the one mostly initiating the sexual stuff, is trying to play mind games, is he interested? Is he confused?
Have yall ever been in a similar predicament