What Girth are you at your Skinniest & Fattest? (Choose 2 options: 1 for Thinnest, 1 for Thickest)

  • At My Thinnest less than 4 inches

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • At My Thinnest between 4 and 4.5

    Votes: 15 11.6%
  • At My Thinnest between 4.6 and 5

    Votes: 21 16.3%
  • At My Thinnest between 5.1 and 5.5

    Votes: 24 18.6%
  • At My Thinnest between 5.6 and 6

    Votes: 15 11.6%
  • At My Thinnest over 6

    Votes: 10 7.8%
  • At My THICKEST less than 4.5 inches

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • At My THICKEST between 4.6 and 5

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • At My THICKEST between 5.1 and 5.5

    Votes: 27 20.9%
  • At My THICKEST between 5.6 and 6

    Votes: 23 17.8%
  • At My THICKEST between 6.1 and 6.5

    Votes: 37 28.7%
  • At My THICKEST between 6.6 and 7

    Votes: 14 10.9%
  • At My THICKEST over 7

    Votes: 13 10.1%

  • Total voters


Superior Member
Aug 26, 2012
I recently realized that my girth can range between 0.6 inches or so at my thinnest and at my thickest (thickest usually before or during sex and thinnest is usually recorded when masturbating) which sounds like a lot but even at my thickest it's not even close to 'thick'.

I'm assuming most generally list their girth at their thickest and/or at the average or mode (the girth they most commonly record) but what is the difference between you at either end of the girth spectrum (at your skinniest and fattest) AND do you list your girth at it's thickest/thinnest, or is it more 'mathematical' (median - girth on average ; mode - girth you record the most frequently)?

For example at my thinnest I've recorded at 4.5 (very few times) but on average and most frequently (mode) it's about 4.75/4.8. But during sex it usually can get up to 5.1/5.2 if i'm super turned on.
I don't have much a range, either. It's pretty much the same all along the shaft, except for a slight flare at the base of the head.

I usually quote a girth of 4" because that's what I first entered on a cock site (The Visualiser). I'd never measured girth before, only width. I wrapped a piece of paper around my dick, marked off where the paper met, at the 4" line, and went with that. Later, when I remeasured with a cloth tape measure, it came out a bit less: more like 3-7/8" or 3-15/16". But 4" is good enuf for government work. And not so ego killing.*

* By the same token, I usually quote 4" for length. That's legit. BPL. However, to achieve that I nearly suffered a penectomy pressing the ruler down so hard on my pubic mound. I'm sure I drew blood. A less optimistic and painful measurement comes up with the same discouraging 3-7/8" as my girth. Maybe even 3-3/4". Visually, or what they when I flip a boner, it's more like 3-1/2". But rules are rules.
I don't vary as much from time to time as @canadianwhiskey, but I do vary a lot in girth depending on where you measure. My thickest point is a little before my head, where I get up to about 6.5" when I'm fully engorged. Elsewhere on my shaft and less hard I'm under 6", but I don't think I've ever tried to measure that very accurately. On a site like LPSG, I feel compelled to record the more impressive numbers!
6.5" at the base and about 5.75" below the glans.
im new i joined to get answers from women or men who know about what women like or want. Im 6.5 at the head to 6.75 shaft somedays and ive found it impossible to receive BJs and sometimes it wont go in because im largest at the head and start of my penis as well as all the way down. Ive heard from loriamedical that 6.5 is optimal. I dont find it to be, i would think 5.5 to 6 based on my experiences. I do like shorter girls so thats part of it. Im 6ft so i might need to find a girl my height cause of my girth for oral and vaginal. I know a tall girl can be tight but at least they would probably have bigger mouths.