What the fuck is wrong with the grindr feed


Expert Member
Jul 11, 2023
Texas, USA
90% Gay, 10% Straight
I use my real face and a genuine bio and I get no bitches and a low tier feed. But when I use a fucking SpongeBob picture with a name"head please" with a bio basically insulting everyone so many guys come running. I don't get it I don't get gay men and I'm gay
At least you can actually get grindr to work without locking up your phone. Every time I tried to use it, it was painfully slow and locked my iPhone up, and I had to do a hard re-start to get it working. Then even when it worked those fucking stupid games kept popping up. I finally deleted the app for good. I can't believe anyone uses that shit anymore.
At least you can actually get grindr to work without locking up your phone. Every time I tried to use it, it was painfully slow and locked my iPhone up, and I had to do a hard re-start to get it working. Then even when it worked those fucking stupid games kept popping up. I finally deleted the app for good. I can't believe anyone uses that shit anymore.
Honestly yeah it used to run terribly but they changed the ui a lot so it is a bit simpler to use and I think it's better optimized now
they mostly don’t care about your personality or your face. they just want your dick and your seed bruv
I use my real face and a genuine bio and I get no bitches and a low tier feed. But when I use a fucking SpongeBob picture with a name"head please" with a bio basically insulting everyone so many guys come running. I don't get it I don't get gay men and I'm gay
I don't understand them either lol. There's one guy near me who just messages me "no" and then when i'm like "?" he'll be like "fuck you".

well my exp is there are so many game players.. picture collectors or ? they will sweet talk you till you send pics then they fall off the earth.. or block you. pretty much gave up.. oh and then theres the ones are you gen.. wtf get a job..
Curious, i'm sort of new to grindr... not met up with anyone or sent pictures. What do the picture collector ppl do? They just add it to their wank bank or use it to catfish or what?
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